FMath/FMVector3.h File Reference

The file containing the class and global functions for 3 dimensional vectors. More...

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class  FMVector3
 A 3 dimensional vector. More...


typedef vector< FMVector3FMVector3List
 A dynamically-sized array of 3D vectors or points.


FMVector3 operator+ (const FMVector3 &a, const FMVector3 &b)
 Vector addition with two FMVector3.
FMVector3 operator- (const FMVector3 &a, const FMVector3 &b)
 Vector subtraction with two FMVector3.
FMVector3 operator+ (const FMVector3 &a)
 Positive operator of the given FMVector3.
FMVector3 operator- (const FMVector3 &a)
 Negates the given FMVector3.
float operator * (const FMVector3 &a, const FMVector3 &b)
 Dot product of two FMVector3.
FMVector3 operator * (const FMVector3 &a, float b)
 Scalar multiplication with a FMVector3.
FMVector3 operator * (float a, const FMVector3 &b)
 Scalar multiplication with a FMVector3.
FMVector3 operator^ (const FMVector3 &a, const FMVector3 &b)
 Cross product of two FMVector3.
FMVector3operator+= (FMVector3 &b, const FMVector3 &a)
 Assignment of the addition of two FMVector3.
FMVector3operator-= (FMVector3 &b, const FMVector3 &a)
 Assignment of the subtraction of two FMVector3.
FMVector3operator *= (FMVector3 &b, float a)
 Assignment of the scalar multiplication of a FMVector3.
FMVector3operator/= (FMVector3 &b, float a)
 Assignment of the scalar division of a FMVector3.
bool IsEquivalent (const FMVector3 &p, const FMVector3 &q)
 Returns whether two 3D vectors or points are equivalent.
bool operator== (const FMVector3 &a, const FMVector3 &b)
 Check if two FMVector3 are equivalent (they have relatively the same component values).

Detailed Description

The file containing the class and global functions for 3 dimensional vectors.

Function Documentation

bool IsEquivalent const FMVector3 p,
const FMVector3 q

Returns whether two 3D vectors or points are equivalent.

p A first vector.
q A second vector.
Whether the vectors are equivalent.

FMVector3 operator * float  a,
const FMVector3 b

Scalar multiplication with a FMVector3.

a The scalar.
b The vector.
The FMVector3 representing the resulting vector.

FMVector3 operator * const FMVector3 a,
float  b

Scalar multiplication with a FMVector3.

a The vector.
b The scalar.
The FMVector3 representing the resulting vector.

float operator * const FMVector3 a,
const FMVector3 b

Dot product of two FMVector3.

a The first vector.
b The second vector.
The result of the dot product.

FMVector3& operator *= FMVector3 b,
float  a

Assignment of the scalar multiplication of a FMVector3.

b The vector, which will also be assigned to the result.
a The scalar.
The vector, after it has been assigned new values.

FMVector3 operator+ const FMVector3 a  )  [inline]

Positive operator of the given FMVector3.

It applies the positive operator to each of the components of the FMVector3.

a The vector to apply the positive operator to.
The FMVector3 representation of the resulting vector.

FMVector3 operator+ const FMVector3 a,
const FMVector3 b

Vector addition with two FMVector3.

a The first vector.
b The second vector.
The FMVector3 representation of the resulting vector.

FMVector3& operator+= FMVector3 b,
const FMVector3 a

Assignment of the addition of two FMVector3.

b The first vector, which will also be assigned to the result.
a The second vector.
The first vector, after it has been assigned new values.

FMVector3 operator- const FMVector3 a  )  [inline]

Negates the given FMVector3.

It negates each of the components of the FMVector3.

a The vector to negate.
The FMVector3 representation of the resulting vector.

FMVector3 operator- const FMVector3 a,
const FMVector3 b

Vector subtraction with two FMVector3.

a The first vector.
b The second vector.
The FMVector3 representation of the resulting vector.

FMVector3& operator-= FMVector3 b,
const FMVector3 a

Assignment of the subtraction of two FMVector3.

b The first vector, which will also be assigned to the result.
a The second vector.
The first vector, after it has been assigned new values.

FMVector3& operator/= FMVector3 b,
float  a

Assignment of the scalar division of a FMVector3.

b The vector, which will also be assigned to the result.
a The scalar.
The vector, after it has been assigned new values.

bool operator== const FMVector3 a,
const FMVector3 b

Check if two FMVector3 are equivalent (they have relatively the same component values).

a The first vector.
b The second vector.
Whether the vectors are equivalent.

FMVector3 operator^ const FMVector3 a,
const FMVector3 b

Cross product of two FMVector3.

a The first vector.
b The second vector.
The result of the dot product.

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