FUtils/FUObjectType.h File Reference

This file contains the FUObjectType class. More...

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class  FUObjectType
 An object type. More...


#define DeclareObjectType
 Declares the object type for an object class.
#define ImplementObjectType(ClassName, ParentClassName)   FUObjectType ClassName::__classType(ParentClassName::GetClassType(), #ClassName) \
 Implements the object type for an object class.

Detailed Description

This file contains the FUObjectType class.

Define Documentation

#define DeclareObjectType


private: \
    static class FUObjectType __classType; \
public: \
    static const FUObjectType& GetClassType() { return __classType; } \
    virtual const FUObjectType& GetObjectType() const { return __classType; } \
Declares the object type for an object class.

Use this macro inside the class declarations of up-classes of the FUObject class to easily implement RTTI.

#define ImplementObjectType ClassName,
ParentClassName   )     FUObjectType ClassName::__classType(ParentClassName::GetClassType(), #ClassName) \

Implements the object type for an object class.

Use this macro inside your code files only to create the objects necessary to support RTTI in your up-classes of the FUObject class.

ClassName The name of the class.
ParentClassName The name of the down-class of the given class.

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:40 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO