FCDAnimation Class Reference
[COLLADA Document Object Model.]

A COLLADA animation entity. More...

#include <FCDAnimation.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCDAnimation:

FCDEntity FCDObjectWithId FCDObject FUObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FCDAnimation (FCDocument *document)
 Constructor: do not use directly.
virtual ~FCDAnimation ()
 Destructor: do not use directly.
virtual Type GetType () const
 Retrieves the entity class type.
virtual FCDEntityFindDaeId (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the entity with the given COLLADA id.
size_t GetChildCount () const
 Retrieves the number of animation entity sub-trees contained by this animation entity tree.
FCDAnimationGetChild (size_t index)
 Retrieves an animation entity sub-tree contained by this animation entity tree.
const FCDAnimationGetChild (size_t index) const
 See above.
FCDAnimationAddChild ()
 Creates a new animation entity sub-tree contained within this animation entity tree.
void ReleaseChild (FCDAnimation *animation)
 Releases an animation entity sub-tree contained by this animation entity tree.
void FindAnimationChannels (const string &pointer, FCDAnimationChannelList &targetChannels)
 Retrieves the animation channels that target the given COLLADA target pointer.
size_t GetChannelCount () const
 Retrieves the number of animation channels at this level within the animation tree.
FCDAnimationChannelGetChannel (size_t index)
 Retrieves an animation channel contained by this animation entity.
const FCDAnimationChannelGetChannel (size_t index) const
 See above.
FCDAnimationChannelAddChannel ()
 Adds a new animation channel to this animation entity.
void ReleaseChannel (FCDAnimationChannel *channel)
 Releases an animation channel contained within this animation entity.
void GetCurves (FCDAnimationCurveList &curves)
 Retrieves all the curves created in the subtree of this animation element.
FUStatus Link ()
 [INTERNAL] Links the animation sub-tree with the other entities within the document.
virtual FUStatus LoadFromXML (xmlNode *animationNode)
 [INTERNAL] Reads in the animation entity from a given COLLADA XML tree node.
virtual xmlNode * WriteToXML (xmlNode *parentNode) const
 [INTERNAL] Writes out the <animation> element to the given COLLADA XML tree node.
xmlNode * FindChildById (const string &id)
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves the child source or sampler.
bool LinkDriver (FCDAnimated *animated)
 [INTERNAL] Links a possible driver with the animation curves contained within the subtree of this animation element.

Detailed Description

A COLLADA animation entity.

An animation entity contains a list of child animation entities, in order to form a tree of animation entities. It also hold a list of animation channels, which hold the information to generate animation curves.

In other words, the animation entity is a structural class used to group animation channels hierarchically.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FCDAnimation::FCDAnimation FCDocument document  ) 

Constructor: do not use directly.

Instead, use the FCDLibrary::AddEntity function or the AddChild function, depending on the hierarchical level of the animation entity.

document The COLLADA document that owns the animation entity.

virtual FCDAnimation::~FCDAnimation  )  [virtual]

Destructor: do not use directly.

Instead, use the FCDLibrary::ReleaseEntity function or the ReleaseChild function, depending on the hierarchical level of the animation entity.

Member Function Documentation

FCDAnimationChannel* FCDAnimation::AddChannel  ) 

Adds a new animation channel to this animation entity.

The new animation channel.

FCDAnimation* FCDAnimation::AddChild  )  [inline]

Creates a new animation entity sub-tree contained within this animation entity tree.

The new animation sub-tree.

void FCDAnimation::FindAnimationChannels const string &  pointer,
FCDAnimationChannelList targetChannels

Retrieves the animation channels that target the given COLLADA target pointer.

pointer A COLLADA target pointer.
targetChannels A list of animation channels to fill in. This list is not cleared.

xmlNode* FCDAnimation::FindChildById const string &  id  ) 

[INTERNAL] Retrieves the child source or sampler.

This function should only be used by the FCDAnimationChannel class during the import of a COLLADA document.

id The COLLADA id of a sampler or a source.
The XML node tree for the sampler or the source. This pointer will be NULL if there are no child nodes for the given id.

virtual FCDEntity* FCDAnimation::FindDaeId const string &  daeId  )  [virtual]

Retrieves the entity with the given COLLADA id.

This function will look through the local sub-tree of animations for the given COLLADA id.

daeId A COLLADA id.
The animation entity that matches the COLLADA id. This pointer will be NULL if there are no animation entities that matches the COLLADA id.

Reimplemented from FCDEntity.

FCDAnimationChannel* FCDAnimation::GetChannel size_t  index  )  [inline]

Retrieves an animation channel contained by this animation entity.

index The index of the channel.
The channel at the given index. This pointer will be NULL if the index is out-of-bounds.

size_t FCDAnimation::GetChannelCount  )  const [inline]

Retrieves the number of animation channels at this level within the animation tree.

The number of animation channels.

FCDAnimation* FCDAnimation::GetChild size_t  index  )  [inline]

Retrieves an animation entity sub-tree contained by this animation entity tree.

index The index of the sub-tree.
The animation entity sub-tree at the given index. This pointer will be NULL if the index is out-of-bounds.

size_t FCDAnimation::GetChildCount  )  const [inline]

Retrieves the number of animation entity sub-trees contained by this animation entity tree.

The number of animation entity sub-trees.

void FCDAnimation::GetCurves FCDAnimationCurveList curves  ) 

Retrieves all the curves created in the subtree of this animation element.

curves A list of animation curves to fill in. This list is not cleared.

virtual Type FCDAnimation::GetType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Retrieves the entity class type.

This function is a part of the FCDEntity interface.

The entity class type: ANIMATION.

Reimplemented from FCDEntity.

FUStatus FCDAnimation::Link  ) 

[INTERNAL] Links the animation sub-tree with the other entities within the document.

This function is used at the end of the import of a document to verify that all the necessary drivers were found.

The status of the linkage.

bool FCDAnimation::LinkDriver FCDAnimated animated  ) 

[INTERNAL] Links a possible driver with the animation curves contained within the subtree of this animation element.

This function is used during the import of a COLLADA document.

animated The driver animated value.
Whether any linkage was done.

virtual FUStatus FCDAnimation::LoadFromXML xmlNode *  animationNode  )  [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Reads in the animation entity from a given COLLADA XML tree node.

animationNode The COLLADA XML tree node.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the animation.

Reimplemented from FCDEntity.

void FCDAnimation::ReleaseChannel FCDAnimationChannel channel  ) 

Releases an animation channel contained within this animation entity.

channel The animation channel to release.

void FCDAnimation::ReleaseChild FCDAnimation animation  )  [inline]

Releases an animation entity sub-tree contained by this animation entity tree.

animation The animation entity the release.

virtual xmlNode* FCDAnimation::WriteToXML xmlNode *  parentNode  )  const [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Writes out the <animation> element to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

parentNode The COLLADA XML parent node in which to insert the animation tree.
The created element XML tree node.

Reimplemented from FCDEntity.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:41 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO