FCDEffectParameterMatrix Class Reference

A COLLADA 4x4 matrix. More...

#include <FCDEffectParameter.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCDEffectParameterMatrix:

FCDEffectParameter FCDObject FUObject List of all members.

Public Types

enum  FloatType { FLOAT, HALF }
 The supported types of float-point values. More...

Public Member Functions

 FCDEffectParameterMatrix (FCDocument *document)
 Constructor: do not use directly.
virtual ~FCDEffectParameterMatrix ()
 Destructor: do not use directly.
virtual Type GetType () const
 Retrieves the type of effect parameter class.
FloatType GetFloatType () const
 Retrieves the type of floating-point value held by this effect parameter.
void SetFloatType (FloatType type)
 Sets the type of floating-point value held by this effect parameter.
FMMatrix44GetMatrix ()
 Retrieves the matrix contained within this effect parameter.
const FMMatrix44GetMatrix () const
 See above.
void SetMatrix (const FMMatrix44 &mx)
 Sets the matrix contained within this effect parameter.
virtual FCDEffectParameterClone ()
 Creates a full copy of the effect parameter.
virtual void Overwrite (FCDEffectParameter *target)
 [INTERNAL] Overwrites the target parameter with this parameter.
virtual FUStatus LoadFromXML (xmlNode *parameterNode)
 [INTERNAL] Reads in the effect parameter from a given COLLADA XML tree node.
virtual xmlNode * WriteToXML (xmlNode *parentNode) const
 [INTERNAL] Writes out the effect parameter to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

Detailed Description

A COLLADA 4x4 matrix.

Contains 16 floating-point values that represent a COLLADA column-major 4x4 matrix. The type of the floating-point values may be HALF or FLOAT.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum FCDEffectParameterMatrix::FloatType

The supported types of float-point values.

FLOAT  A single floating-pointer value effect parameter.
HALF  Probably implies a 16-bit floating-point value.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FCDEffectParameterMatrix::FCDEffectParameterMatrix FCDocument document  ) 

Constructor: do not use directly.

Instead, use the FCDEffectParameterList::AddParameter function.

document The COLLADA document that owns the effect parameter.

virtual FCDEffectParameterMatrix::~FCDEffectParameterMatrix  )  [virtual]

Destructor: do not use directly.

Instead, use the FCDEffectParameterList::ReleaseParameter function. When released, the effect parameter list will also release all its parameters, if it owns them.

Member Function Documentation

virtual FCDEffectParameter* FCDEffectParameterMatrix::Clone  )  [virtual]

Creates a full copy of the effect parameter.

The cloned effect parameter. You will need to delete this pointer.

Implements FCDEffectParameter.

FloatType FCDEffectParameterMatrix::GetFloatType  )  const [inline]

Retrieves the type of floating-point value held by this effect parameter.

The type of floating-point value.

FMMatrix44& FCDEffectParameterMatrix::GetMatrix  )  [inline]

Retrieves the matrix contained within this effect parameter.

The matrix.

virtual Type FCDEffectParameterMatrix::GetType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Retrieves the type of effect parameter class.

The parameter class type: MATRIX.

Implements FCDEffectParameter.

virtual FUStatus FCDEffectParameterMatrix::LoadFromXML xmlNode *  parameterNode  )  [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Reads in the effect parameter from a given COLLADA XML tree node.

parameterNode The COLLADA XML tree node.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the parameter.

Reimplemented from FCDEffectParameter.

virtual void FCDEffectParameterMatrix::Overwrite FCDEffectParameter target  )  [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Overwrites the target parameter with this parameter.

This function is used during the flattening of materials.

target The target parameter to overwrite.

Reimplemented from FCDEffectParameter.

void FCDEffectParameterMatrix::SetFloatType FloatType  type  )  [inline]

Sets the type of floating-point value held by this effect parameter.

type The type of floating-point value.

void FCDEffectParameterMatrix::SetMatrix const FMMatrix44 mx  )  [inline]

Sets the matrix contained within this effect parameter.

mx The matrix.

virtual xmlNode* FCDEffectParameterMatrix::WriteToXML xmlNode *  parentNode  )  const [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Writes out the effect parameter to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

parentNode The COLLADA XML parent node in which to insert the parameter.
The created element XML tree node.

Reimplemented from FCDEffectParameter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:41 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO