FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube Class Reference

A cube-map surface initialization method. More...

#include <FCDEffectParameterSurface.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube:

FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInit List of all members.

Public Types

enum  CubeType { ALL, PRIMARY, FACE }
 The types of cube-map initializations. More...

Public Member Functions

 FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube ()
 Constructor: builds a new cube-map initialization method.
virtual ~FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube ()
virtual FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitFactory::InitType GetInitType () const
 Retrieves the initialization type.
virtual FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitClone ()
 Creates a full copy of the surface initialization parameter.

Public Attributes

CubeType cubeType
 The type of cube-map initialization.
UInt16List order
 The list of image indices.

Detailed Description

A cube-map surface initialization method.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube::CubeType

The types of cube-map initializations.

PRIMARY  Load all the mip-levels of all the cube-map faces from one image file.
FACE  Load all the cube-map faces from separate image files.

Member Function Documentation

virtual FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInit* FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube::Clone  )  [virtual]

Creates a full copy of the surface initialization parameter.

The surface initialization parameter. You will need to delete this pointer.

Implements FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInit.

virtual FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitFactory::InitType FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube::GetInitType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Retrieves the initialization type.

You cannot modify this value. To change the initialization type of a surface parameter, create a new surface initialization structure of the correct type.

The initialization type.

Implements FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInit.

Member Data Documentation

UInt16List FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCube::order

The list of image indices.

The images are contained within the surface effect parameter. This is used only for the FACE cube-map initialization type and indicates how to match the faces of faces of the cube-map with the images in the surface effect parameter.

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