FMMatrix44 Member List

This is the complete list of members for FMMatrix44, including all inherited members.

AxisRotationMatrix(const FMVector3 &axis, float angle)FMMatrix44 [static]
Decompose(FMVector3 &Scale, FMVector3 &Rotation, FMVector3 &Translation, float &inverted) const FMMatrix44
FMMatrix44(const float *_m)FMMatrix44
FMMatrix44()FMMatrix44 [inline]
GetTranslation() const FMMatrix44
IdentityFMMatrix44 [static]
Inverted() const FMMatrix44
operator const float *() const FMMatrix44 [inline]
operator float *()FMMatrix44 [inline]
operator=(const FMMatrix44 &copy)FMMatrix44
operator[](int a)FMMatrix44 [inline]
operator[](int a) const FMMatrix44 [inline]
TransformCoordinate(const FMVector3 &coordinate) const FMMatrix44
TransformVector(const FMVector3 &v) const FMMatrix44
TranslationMatrix(const FMVector3 &translation)FMMatrix44 [static]
Transposed() const FMMatrix44

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