FUUniqueStringMapT< STRING_BUILDER > Class Template Reference
[Utility Classes.]

A set of unique strings. More...

#include <FUUniqueStringMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for FUUniqueStringMapT< STRING_BUILDER >:

map< STRING_BUILDER::String, void * > List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void AddUniqueString (typename STRING_BUILDER::String &wantedStr)
 Adds a string to the map.
bool Exists (const typename STRING_BUILDER::String &str) const
 Retrieves whether a given string is contained within the map.
void Erase (const typename STRING_BUILDER::String &str)
 Erases a string from the map.

Detailed Description

template<typename STRING_BUILDER>
class FUUniqueStringMapT< STRING_BUILDER >

A set of unique strings.

This class adds three functions to the STL map in order to keep the strings inside unique: AddUniqueString, Exists and Erase.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Builder>
void FUUniqueStringMapT< Builder >::AddUniqueString typename STRING_BUILDER::String &  wantedStr  ) 

Adds a string to the map.

If the string isn't unique, it will be modified in order to make it unique.

wantedStr The string to add. This reference will be directly modified to hold the actual unique string added to the map.

template<typename Builder>
void FUUniqueStringMapT< Builder >::Erase const typename STRING_BUILDER::String &  str  ) 

Erases a string from the map.

str A string contained within the map.

template<typename Builder>
bool FUUniqueStringMapT< Builder >::Exists const typename STRING_BUILDER::String &  str  )  const

Retrieves whether a given string is contained within the map.

str The string.

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