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| 17 | <h1><a class="anchor" name="deprecated">Deprecated List</a></h1><a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000001"></a> <dl> |
| 18 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_parameter.html#b621789fd1af2279c712b83efb35f807">FCDEffectParameter::GetBindSymbol</a> () const </dt> |
| 19 | <dd>Retrieves the program bind symbol for this parameter. This information should be available per-shader, in the <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass_shader.html">FCDEffectPassShader</a> class. </dd> |
| 20 | </dl> |
| 21 | <p> |
| 22 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000003"></a> <dl> |
| 23 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_parameter.html#15272d55d87c60f603049caa2b96c4f4">FCDEffectParameter::IsFragment</a> () const </dt> |
| 24 | <dd>Retrieves whether the program bind symbol attached to this parameter belongs to a fragment/pixel shader. This information is available per-shader, in the <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass_shader.html">FCDEffectPassShader</a> class. </dd> |
| 25 | </dl> |
| 26 | <p> |
| 27 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000002"></a> <dl> |
| 28 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_parameter.html#ad32aa763bceb364a6bb7bf9dba8292f">FCDEffectParameter::SetBindSymbol</a> (const string &_bindSymbol) </dt> |
| 29 | <dd>Sets the program bind symbol for this parameter. This information is available per-shader, in the <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass_shader.html">FCDEffectPassShader</a> class. </dd> |
| 30 | </dl> |
| 31 | <p> |
| 32 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000004"></a> <dl> |
| 33 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_parameter.html#61f99760b80147aabb65d01051509347">FCDEffectParameter::SetFragment</a> (bool _isFragment) </dt> |
| 34 | <dd>Sets whether the program bind symbol attached to this parameter belongs to a fragment/pixel shader. This information is available per-shader, in the <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass_shader.html">FCDEffectPassShader</a> class. </dd> |
| 35 | </dl> |
| 36 | <p> |
| 37 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000006"></a> <dl> |
| 38 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass.html#7acde4f46ea3c836b918931c693be2ae">FCDEffectPass::GetMeshData</a> () const </dt> |
| 39 | <dd>Retrieves the list of mesh data bindings. This patches bad export data in ColladaMaya and will be removed soon. </dd> |
| 40 | </dl> |
| 41 | <p> |
| 42 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000007"></a> <dl> |
| 43 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass.html#4fb009379a088fc79d147363f4bdcf32">FCDEffectPass::LoadFromXML</a> (xmlNode *passNode, xmlNode *techniqueNode, xmlNode *profileNode) </dt> |
| 44 | <dd>bad interface : this dependency must be taken out[3] </dd> |
| 45 | </dl> |
| 46 | <p> |
| 47 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000007"></a> <dl> |
| 48 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_pass.html#4fb009379a088fc79d147363f4bdcf32">FCDEffectPass::LoadFromXML</a> (xmlNode *passNode, xmlNode *techniqueNode, xmlNode *profileNode) </dt> |
| 49 | <dd>bad interface : this dependency must be taken out[2] </dd> |
| 50 | </dl> |
| 51 | <p> |
| 52 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000009"></a> <dl> |
| 53 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_profile_f_x.html#db48f79f4679a717b4034213127f3911">FCDEffectProfileFX::GetIncludeFilename</a> () const </dt> |
| 54 | <dd>Retrieves the filename of the file that contains the code for this effect profile. Instead, look through the <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_code.html">FCDEffectCode</a> object, using the GetCodeList function and retrieve the correct object and its filename string. </dd> |
| 55 | </dl> |
| 56 | <p> |
| 57 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000010"></a> <dl> |
| 58 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_effect_technique.html#79e7d6386b19550560df0adc2364224e">FCDEffectTechnique::LoadFromXML</a> (xmlNode *techniqueNode, xmlNode *profileNode) </dt> |
| 59 | <dd>bad interface : this dependency must be taken out. </dd> |
| 60 | </dl> |
| 61 | <p> |
| 62 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000011"></a> <dl> |
| 63 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_entity.html#4865b5a1ea13ba0a7aa786bc969e6ea7">FCDEntity::GetPostProcessCmds</a> () </dt> |
| 64 | <dd>Retrieves the like of post-processing commands. Used only in ColladaMaya and should be taken out. </dd> |
| 65 | </dl> |
| 66 | <p> |
| 67 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000012"></a> <dl> |
| 68 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_geometry.html#4e3a2616799ec7f94a81a358d2ec1eeb">FCDGeometry::Clone</a> (FloatList &newPositions, uint32 newPositionsStride, FloatList &newNormals, uint32 newNormalsStride) </dt> |
| 69 | <dd>[INTERNAL] Clones the geometry entity. Works only on mesh geometry. Creates a full copy of the geometry, with the vertices overwritten by the given data: this is used when importing COLLADA 1.3 skin controllers. You will need to release the cloned entity. </dd> |
| 70 | </dl> |
| 71 | <p> |
| 72 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000013"></a> <dl> |
| 73 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_geometry_polygons.html#69a1525164cea2971228fab331a91e2e">FCDGeometryPolygons::FindIndicesForIdx</a> (uint32 idx) </dt> |
| 74 | <dd>Instead, use the FindIndices function. </dd> |
| 75 | </dl> |
| 76 | <p> |
| 77 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000014"></a> <dl> |
| 78 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_geometry_source.html#fd948c1ce1f36c3e983788bd3b9cd757">FCDGeometrySource::GetSourceId</a> () const </dt> |
| 79 | <dd>Retrieves the COLLADA id for the source. Use the class parent's GetDaeId function instead. </dd> |
| 80 | </dl> |
| 81 | <p> |
| 82 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000015"></a> <dl> |
| 83 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_geometry_source.html#cd53803c06d2d58962eb2ca5bd37c9ae">FCDGeometrySource::GetSourceNode</a> () </dt> |
| 84 | <dd>[INTERNAL] Retrieves the XML tree node that represent this source. This is used when computing the list of animated values. </dd> |
| 85 | </dl> |
| 86 | <p> |
| 87 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000016"></a> <dl> |
| 88 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_library.html#6c0c8f49e36eb99b82f838231e013461">FCDLibrary::GetPostProcessCmds</a> () const </dt> |
| 89 | <dd>[INTERNAL] Retrieves the list of post-processing commands for the entities of this library. </dd> |
| 90 | </dl> |
| 91 | <p> |
| 92 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000021"></a> <dl> |
| 93 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#f94f05136f0aa6fced115e238fbeeacf">FCDocument::FindNamedAnimated</a> (const string &shader, const string &attribute) const </dt> |
| 94 | <dd>Retrieves an animated value associated with a shader attribute, given the id of the material. Do not use this function. Instead, find the material/effect within its library, find the parameter and use the FindAnimatedValue function on its animatable value(s). </dd> |
| 95 | </dl> |
| 96 | <p> |
| 97 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000020"></a> <dl> |
| 98 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#2845539e77a01b0d8f3a0c760b249f26">FCDocument::FindTexture</a> (const string &daeId) </dt> |
| 99 | <dd>Retrieves the texture that matches the given COLLADA id. </dd> |
| 100 | </dl> |
| 101 | <p> |
| 102 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000023"></a> <dl> |
| 103 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#0c3e5133a6faeab3d07ddfd2c6836230">FCDocument::getAnimatedValues</a> () </dt> |
| 104 | <dd>Retrieves the list of the animated values defined within the document. Do not use this function: use FindAnimatedValue() instead. </dd> |
| 105 | </dl> |
| 106 | <p> |
| 107 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000019"></a> <dl> |
| 108 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#b70beb0c8df6e2c7c2b96df3fcf02fcd">FCDocument::GetLengthUnit</a> () const </dt> |
| 109 | <dd>Retrieves the length of 1 distance unit for this document, in meters. The default is 1.0, which means that the 1 unit in the document is equal to 1 meter. This information is now contained within the asset structure. Please use GetAsset()->GetLengthUnit(). </dd> |
| 110 | </dl> |
| 111 | <p> |
| 112 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000017"></a> <dl> |
| 113 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#824ad1f661b346007f90a161f76fa023">FCDocument::GetMaterialList</a> () </dt> |
| 114 | <dd>Retrieves a list of all the visual materials contained by the document. </dd> |
| 115 | </dl> |
| 116 | <p> |
| 117 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000022"></a> <dl> |
| 118 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#5b2fc38a9f4b95947ecdad2facbbf8bf">FCDocument::GetPostProcessCmds</a> () const </dt> |
| 119 | <dd>Retrieves a list of post-processing commands. </dd> |
| 120 | </dl> |
| 121 | <p> |
| 122 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000018"></a> <dl> |
| 123 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_document.html#865aa24aa7dbc3032b0efa30645e61ae">FCDocument::GetUpAxis</a> () const </dt> |
| 124 | <dd>Retrieves the vector pre-determined by the document as the up-axis. This information is now contained within the asset structure. Please use GetAsset()->GetUpAxis(). </dd> |
| 125 | </dl> |
| 126 | <p> |
| 127 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000024"></a> <dl> |
| 128 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_skin_controller.html#67ae45a2c46fdfcad1030c591debb50f">FCDSkinController::GetWeightedMatches</a> () </dt> |
| 129 | <dd>Will be replaces by GetVertexInfluences. </dd> |
| 130 | </dl> |
| 131 | <p> |
| 132 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000025"></a> <dl> |
| 133 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_texture.html#67bd0f6a0d6cc60a3cbbb3e8fa8e7eda">FCDTexture::GetSubId</a> () const </dt> |
| 134 | <dd>Retrieves the sub-id of the texture. </dd> |
| 135 | </dl> |
| 136 | <p> |
| 137 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000026"></a> <dl> |
| 138 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="class_f_c_d_texture.html#86ee543fa08c56aca9c13cd8cf9087e0">FCDTexture::SetSubId</a> (const string &_subId) </dt> |
| 139 | <dd>Sets the sub-id of the texture. </dd> |
| 140 | </dl> |
| 141 | <p> |
| 142 | <a class="anchor" name="_deprecated000005"></a> <dl> |
| 143 | <dt>Member <a class="el" href="_f_c_d_effect_pass_8h.html#ba58caa9d37840ed344feb4aa03e24f8">MeshDataList</a> </dt> |
| 144 | <dd>A dynamically-sized array of mesh bindings. These should be bound using the <bind> element, at the instantiation level! </dd> |
| 145 | </dl> |
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