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82 | communicate my ideas to the Xerces team?
83 | </B></FONT></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" height="1" width="492"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="492"></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD width="10"> </TD><TD width="484"><FONT color="#000000" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
84 | <P>To maximize the probability that your ideas will grab the
85 | attention of one of the Xerces developers who knows about the
86 | area of the parser you're concerned with, you should follow
87 | these steps:
88 | </P>
89 | <OL>
90 | <LI>Check out and build the most recent Xerces code. For
91 | instructions on how to do this, see <A href="http://xml.apache.org/cvs.html">Apache XML Project CVS
92 | Information</A>. If you do this, you can confirm that your
93 | bug still exists and has not been fixed since the last
94 | release.
95 | </LI>
96 | <LI>
97 | Write up your bug report as per the instructions described in
98 | the <A href="bug-report.html">Bug-Reporting</A> page.
99 | </LI>
100 | <LI>
101 | Describe why your solution works.
102 | </LI>
103 | <LI>
104 | Prepare a patch to fix Xerces code. To do this, when you
105 | have applied your changes to a local copy of the most
106 | recent xerces source code, do <CODE><FONT face="courier, monospaced">cvs diff -u
107 | file</FONT></CODE> for each file you've changed.
108 | Keep in mind the coding quidelines for Xerces-C++ as
109 | described below.
110 | </LI>
111 | <LI>
112 | Zip (or tar) up your patches. If you send them in the
113 | body of a message or bug report they are very difficult to
114 | apply.
115 | </LI>
116 | <LI>
117 | Submit a bug report on <A href="http://nagoya.apache.org/jira">Jira</A>,
118 | the Apache bug database. Pick the product "Xerces-C++"
119 | (remembering to attach your patches and test code)
120 | or, if you think your patch might need some discussion,
121 | post it to the xerces-c-dev list.
122 | </LI>
123 | </OL>
124 | </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><A name="faq-2"><!--anchor--></A><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="494"><TR><TD bgcolor="ffffff" colspan="2" width="494"><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="494"><TR><TD bgcolor="#039acc" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#039acc" height="1" width="492"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="492"></TD><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor="#039acc" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" width="492"><FONT color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1"><IMG border="0" height="2" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="2"><B>What are the release policies for Xerces-C++?
125 | </B></FONT></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" height="1" width="492"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="492"></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD width="10"> </TD><TD width="484"><FONT color="#000000" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
126 | <P>The informal release policies for Xerces-C++ are (using a versioning of version.release.modification):</P>
127 | <UL>
128 | <LI>We don't try to enforce binary compatibility between new versions and releases.</LI>
129 | <LI>New versions and releases will be delivered when a certain number of bug fixes/new features have been added
130 | (as decided by the committers) or when a dependent product, such as XALAN, wants to ship a new release that uses new Xerces features.</LI>
131 | <LI>New modification levels will almost never be issued, the only exception is a showstopper bug encountered within
132 | a release. if no commit has been made on the trunk which would result in binary incompatibility, and no commit has been made that is not thought to
133 | be release-quality, then the modification release can be created by tagging the trunk; otherwise, a branch (new release) will need to be created and the show stopper
134 | fixed there.</LI>
135 | <LI>Any normal bug is fixed only in the HEAD branch (latest development code).</LI>
136 | </UL>
137 |
138 | <P>The specific source and binary compatibility objectives for these release policies and the corresponding allowed source changes are:</P>
139 | <UL>
140 | <LI>x.x.x to x.x.y: the API is the same to ensure binary compatibility.</LI>
141 | <UL>
142 | <LI>To maintain binary compatibility the allowed source code changes are:</LI>
143 | <UL>
144 | <LI>Add new non-virtual functions.</LI>
145 | <LI>Add new classes.</LI>
146 | <LI>Add new STATIC data members.</LI>
147 | </UL>
148 | <LI>To maintain binary compatibility you cannot:</LI>
149 | <UL>
150 | <LI>Add new virtual functions as this will change the layout of the virtual function table.</LI>
151 | <LI>Change the order of virtual functions in the class declaration.</LI>
152 | <LI>Change the signature of a function (including adding additional parameters with defaults).</LI>
153 | <LI>Change the access specifier (private/public/protected) on functions or data members as this may be part of the signature with some compilers.</LI>
154 | <LI>Add new data members to a class (other than STATIC members).</LI>
155 | <LI>Change the order of data members in the class declaration (other than STATIC members).</LI>
156 | <LI>Change the class hierarchy (other than adding new classes).</LI>
157 | </UL>
158 | <LI>Methods that are deprecated should be marked with the JavaDoc tag @deprecated in the header file.</LI>
159 | </UL>
160 | <LI>x.x.x to x.y.z: the API is source code compatible but not binary compatible (a recompilation of an application that uses the public headers of Xerces-C++ should work).</LI>
161 | <UL>
162 | <LI>This means that to maintain release to release source code compatibility the signature of public methods can only be
163 | changed by adding default parameters.</LI>
164 | <LI>Signatures of private and protected methods can be changed and/or removed.</LI>
165 | <LI>Methods that are deprecated should be marked with the JavaDoc tag @deprecated in the header file.</LI>
166 | </UL>
167 | <LI>x.x.x to a.b.c: the API may not be source code compatible and is not binary compatible (a recompilation of an application using Xerces-C++ may fail).</LI>
168 | <UL>
169 | <LI>In this situation, a separate branch of the code will be created so that bug fixes may be applied to the last version.</LI>
170 | <LI>Deprecated methods may be removed. Deprecated methods that are removed should be documented in the migration information (migration.xml).</LI>
171 | </UL>
172 | </UL>
173 | </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><A name="faq-3"><!--anchor--></A><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="494"><TR><TD bgcolor="ffffff" colspan="2" width="494"><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="494"><TR><TD bgcolor="#039acc" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#039acc" height="1" width="492"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="492"></TD><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor="#039acc" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" width="492"><FONT color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1"><IMG border="0" height="2" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="2"><B>What are the coding conventions for Xerces-C++?
174 | </B></FONT></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR><TR><TD bgcolor="#0086b2" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" height="1" width="492"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="492"></TD><TD bgcolor="#017299" height="1" width="1"><IMG border="0" height="1" hspace="0" src="resources/void.gif" vspace="0" width="1"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD width="10"> </TD><TD width="484"><FONT color="#000000" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
175 | <P>As with any coding effort, there are always arguments over what coding conventions to use. Everyone thinks
176 | that they have the best style which leads to the entire source tree looking different. This causes consternation
177 | as well as eye fatigue on subsequent developers that need to maintain the code. Therefore, we are going to
178 | make an attempt at defining some basic coding conventions for Xerces-C++. When committing files or providing
179 | patches please keep them in mind:</P>
180 | <OL>
181 | <LI>All classes should have a constructor, destructor, assignment operator and copy constructor to
182 | avoid compiler generated default versions of these.</LI>
183 | <UL>
184 | <LI>If a class contains only static methods, only a private constructor is required.</LI>
185 | <LI>If a class contains any virtual methods, the destructor should be virtual.</LI>
186 | <LI>If a class has a public or protected constructor, it should declare private assignment operator
187 | and copy constructor which are not implemented (unless of course you need either of these).</LI>
188 | </UL>
189 |
190 | <LI>If you add a catch(...) block be sure to add the following block
191 | <CODE><FONT face="courier, monospaced">
192 | catch(const OutOfMemoryException&)
193 | {
194 | throw;
195 | }
196 | </FONT></CODE> so the OutOfMemory condition does not get absorbed.</LI>
197 |
198 | <LI>If you change the serialization format (by adding something to be serialized or removing something that
199 | was serialized) increment the XERCES_GRAMMAR_SERIALIZATION_LEVEL constant in XercesVersion.hpp.</LI>
200 |
201 | <LI>If a class allocates memory or is instantiated with new then it should inherit from XMemory.</LI>
202 |
203 | <LI>Use a tab size of 4 and insert them as spaces instead of keeping tabs.</LI>
204 |
205 | <LI>The code is written to be platform independent. Platform specific code should only be in the
206 | util/Platforms, util/Transcoders, util/MsgLoaders, and util/NetAccessors directories.</LI>
207 |
208 | <LI>The header file name and the source file name should both be named corresponding to the primary
209 | class they contain. For example class StringPool should be in the header file StringPool.hpp and in
210 | the source file StringPool.cpp.</LI>
211 |
212 | <LI>In general, code should be documented with comments. Use JavaDoc tags to describe methods.</LI>
213 | </OL>
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216 | All Rights Reserved.
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