/* * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XSDDOMParser.hpp,v 1.12 2004/09/08 13:56:57 peiyongz Exp $ * */ #if !defined(XSDDOMPARSER_HPP) #define XSDDOMPARSER_HPP #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class DOMElement; class XMLValidator; /** * This class is used to parse schema documents into DOM trees */ class PARSERS_EXPORT XSDDOMParser : public XercesDOMParser { public : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors and Detructor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @name Constructors and Destructor */ //@{ /** Construct a XSDDOMParser, with an optional validator * * Constructor with an instance of validator class to use for * validation. If you don't provide a validator, a default one will * be created for you in the scanner. * * @param gramPool Pointer to the grammar pool instance from * external application. * The parser does NOT own it. * * @param valToAdopt Pointer to the validator instance to use. The * parser is responsible for freeing the memory. */ XSDDOMParser ( XMLValidator* const valToAdopt = 0 , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager , XMLGrammarPool* const gramPool = 0 ); /** * Destructor */ ~XSDDOMParser(); //@} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the XMLDocumentHandler interface. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @name Implementation of the XMLDocumentHandler interface. */ //@{ /** Handle a start element event * * This method is used to report the start of an element. It is * called at the end of the element, by which time all attributes * specified are also parsed. A new DOM Element node is created * along with as many attribute nodes as required. This new element * is added appended as a child of the current node in the tree, and * then replaces it as the current node (if the isEmpty flag is false.) * * @param elemDecl A const reference to the object containing element * declaration information. * @param urlId An id referring to the namespace prefix, if * namespaces setting is switched on. * @param elemPrefix A const pointer to a Unicode string containing * the namespace prefix for this element. Applicable * only when namespace processing is enabled. * @param attrList A const reference to the object containing the * list of attributes just scanned for this element. * @param attrCount A count of number of attributes in the list * specified by the parameter 'attrList'. * @param isEmpty A flag indicating whether this is an empty element * or not. If empty, then no endElement() call will * be made. * @param isRoot A flag indicating whether this element was the * root element. * @see DocumentHandler#startElement */ virtual void startElement ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const unsigned int urlId , const XMLCh* const elemPrefix , const RefVectorOf& attrList , const unsigned int attrCount , const bool isEmpty , const bool isRoot ); /** Handle and end of element event * * This method is used to indicate the end tag of an element. The * DOM parser pops the current element off the top of the element * stack, and make it the new current element. * * @param elemDecl A const reference to the object containing element * declaration information. * @param urlId An id referring to the namespace prefix, if * namespaces setting is switched on. * @param isRoot A flag indicating whether this element was the * root element. * @param elemPrefix A const pointer to a Unicode string containing * the namespace prefix for this element. Applicable * only when namespace processing is enabled. */ virtual void endElement ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const unsigned int urlId , const bool isRoot , const XMLCh* const elemPrefix ); /** Handle document character events * * This method is used to report all the characters scanned by the * parser. This DOM implementation stores this data in the appropriate * DOM node, creating one if necessary. * * @param chars A const pointer to a Unicode string representing the * character data. * @param length The length of the Unicode string returned in 'chars'. * @param cdataSection A flag indicating if the characters represent * content from the CDATA section. */ virtual void docCharacters ( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length , const bool cdataSection ); /** Handle a document comment event * * This method is used to report any comments scanned by the parser. * A new comment node is created which stores this data. * * @param comment A const pointer to a null terminated Unicode * string representing the comment text. */ virtual void docComment ( const XMLCh* const comment ); /** Handle a start entity reference event * * This method is used to indicate the start of an entity reference. * If the expand entity reference flag is true, then a new * DOM Entity reference node is created. * * @param entDecl A const reference to the object containing the * entity declaration information. */ virtual void startEntityReference ( const XMLEntityDecl& entDecl ); /** Handle and end of entity reference event * * This method is used to indicate that an end of an entity reference * was just scanned. * * @param entDecl A const reference to the object containing the * entity declaration information. */ virtual void endEntityReference ( const XMLEntityDecl& entDecl ); /** Handle an ignorable whitespace vent * * This method is used to report all the whitespace characters, which * are determined to be 'ignorable'. This distinction between characters * is only made, if validation is enabled. * * Any whitespace before content is ignored. If the current node is * already of type DOMNode::TEXT_NODE, then these whitespaces are * appended, otherwise a new Text node is created which stores this * data. Essentially all contiguous ignorable characters are collected * in one node. * * @param chars A const pointer to a Unicode string representing the * ignorable whitespace character data. * @param length The length of the Unicode string 'chars'. * @param cdataSection A flag indicating if the characters represent * content from the CDATA section. */ virtual void ignorableWhitespace ( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length , const bool cdataSection ); //@} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool getSawFatal() const; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void setUserErrorReporter(XMLErrorReporter* const errorReporter); void setUserEntityHandler(XMLEntityHandler* const entityHandler); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLErrorReporter interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void error ( const unsigned int errCode , const XMLCh* const errDomain , const ErrTypes type , const XMLCh* const errorText , const XMLCh* const systemId , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLSSize_t lineNum , const XMLSSize_t colNum ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLEntityHandler interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual InputSource* resolveEntity ( const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId , const XMLCh* const baseURI = 0 ); virtual InputSource* resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier* resourceIdentifier); protected : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual DOMElement* createElementNSNode(const XMLCh *fNamespaceURI, const XMLCh *qualifiedName); private: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unimplemented constructors and operators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XSDDOMParser(const XSDDOMParser&); XSDDOMParser& operator=(const XSDDOMParser&); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void startAnnotation ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const RefVectorOf& attrList , const unsigned int attrCount ); void startAnnotationElement ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const RefVectorOf& attrList , const unsigned int attrCount ); void endAnnotationElement ( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , bool complete ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private data members // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool fSawFatal; int fAnnotationDepth; int fInnerAnnotationDepth; int fDepth; XMLErrorReporter* fUserErrorReporter; XMLEntityHandler* fUserEntityHandler; ValueVectorOf* fURIs; XMLBuffer fAnnotationBuf; XSDErrorReporter fXSDErrorReporter; XSDLocator fXSLocator; }; inline bool XSDDOMParser::getSawFatal() const { return fSawFatal; } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END #endif