Usage: SAXCount [options] This program invokes the SAX Parser, and then prints the number of elements, attributes, spaces and characters found in each XML file, using SAX API. Options: -l Indicate the input file is a List File that has a list of xml files. Default to off (Input file is an XML file). -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off. -s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -locale=ll_CC specify the locale, default: en_US. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars) personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 29 attrs, 140 spaces, 128 chars) Usage: SAXPrint [options] This program invokes the SAX Parser, and then prints the data returned by the various SAX handlers for the specified XML file. Options: -u=xxx Handle unrepresentable chars [fail | rep | ref*]. -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n Enable namespace processing. -s Enable schema processing. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. -x=XXX Use a particular encoding for output (LATIN1*). -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. The parser has intrinsic support for the following encodings: UTF-8, USASCII, ISO8859-1, UTF-16[BL]E, UCS-4[BL]E, WINDOWS-1252, IBM1140, IBM037, IBM1047. Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Usage: SAX2Count [options] This program invokes the SAX2XMLReader, and then prints the number of elements, attributes, spaces and characters found in each XML file, using SAX2 API. Options: -l Indicate the input file is a List File that has a list of xml files. Default to off (Input file is an XML file). -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -f Enable full schema constraint checking processing. Defaults to off. -p Enable namespace-prefixes feature. Defaults to off. -n Disable namespace processing. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -s Disable schema processing. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -i Disable identity constraint checking. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -locale=ll_CC specify the locale, default: en_US. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars) personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 29 attrs, 140 spaces, 128 chars) Usage: SAX2Print [options] This program invokes the SAX2XMLReader, and then prints the data returned by the various SAX2 handlers for the specified XML file. Options: -u=xxx Handle unrepresentable chars [fail | rep | ref*]. -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -e Expand Namespace Alias with URI's. Defaults to off. -x=XXX Use a particular encoding for output (LATIN1*). -f Enable full schema constraint checking processing. Defaults to off. -p Enable namespace-prefixes feature. Defaults to off. -n Disable namespace processing. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -s Disable schema processing. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. The parser has intrinsic support for the following encodings: UTF-8, USASCII, ISO8859-1, UTF-16[BL]E, UCS-4[BL]E, WINDOWS-1252, IBM1140, IBM037, IBM1047. Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Finished parsing the memory buffer containing the following XML statements: ]> XML4C XML Parsing Tools IBM Center for Java Technology, Silicon Valley, Cupertino, CA Parsing took{timing removed}(4 elements, 1 attributes, 16 spaces, 95 characters). Finished parsing the memory buffer containing the following XML statements: ]> XML4C XML Parsing Tools IBM Center for Java Technology, Silicon Valley, Cupertino, CA Parsing took{timing removed}(4 elements, 1 attributes, 0 spaces, 111 characters). Usage: Redirect This program installs an entity resolver, traps the call to the external DTD file and redirects it to another application specific file which contains the actual dtd. The program then counts and reports the number of elements and attributes in the given XML file. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) Usage: DOMCount [options] This program invokes the DOMBuilder, builds the DOM tree, and then prints the number of elements found in each XML file. Options: -l Indicate the input file is a List File that has a list of xml files. Default to off (Input file is an XML file). -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off. -s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -locale=ll_CC specify the locale, default: en_US. -p Print out names of elements and attributes encountered. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems). personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems). personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems). Usage: DOMPrint [options] This program invokes the DOM parser, and builds the DOM tree. It then asks the DOMWriter to serialize the DOM tree. Options: -e create entity reference nodes. Default is no expansion. -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n Enable namespace processing. Default is off. -s Enable schema processing. Default is off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults is off. -wenc=XXX Use a particular encoding for output. Default is the same encoding as the input XML file. UTF-8 if input XML file has not XML declaration. -wfile=xxx Write to a file instead of stdout. -wscs=xxx Enable/Disable split-cdata-sections. Default on -wddc=xxx Enable/Disable discard-default-content. Default on -wflt=xxx Enable/Disable filtering. Default off -wfpp=xxx Enable/Disable format-pretty-print. Default off -wbom=xxx Enable/Disable write Byte-Order-Mark Default off -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. The parser has intrinsic support for the following encodings: UTF-8, USASCII, ISO8859-1, UTF-16[BL]E, UCS-4[BL]E, WINDOWS-1252, IBM1140, IBM037, IBM1047. Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five Boss Big Worker One Worker Two Worker Three Worker Four Worker Five stdin:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars) stdin:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) stdin:{timing removed}(37 elems, 29 attrs, 140 spaces, 128 chars) Usage: PParse [options] This program demonstrates the progressive parse capabilities of the parser system. It allows you to do a scanFirst() call followed by a loop which calls scanNext(). You can drop out when you've found what ever it is you want. In our little test, our event handler looks for 16 new elements then sets a flag to indicate its found what it wants. At that point, our progressive parse loop exits. Options: -v=xxx - Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n - Enable namespace processing [default is off]. -s - Enable schema processing [default is off]. -f - Enable full schema constraint checking [default is off]. -? - Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars) personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 29 attrs, 140 spaces, 128 chars) Usage: EnumVal This program parses the specified XML file, then shows how to enumerate the contents of the DTD Grammar. Essentially, shows how one can access the DTD information stored in internal data structures. ELEMENTS: ---------------------------- Name: personnel Content Model: (person)+ Name: person Content Model: (name,email*,url*,link?) Attributes: Name:id, Type: ID Name: name Content Model: (#PCDATA|family|given)* Name: email Content Model: (#PCDATA) Name: url Content Model: EMPTY Attributes: Name:href, Type: CDATA Name: link Content Model: EMPTY Attributes: Name:subordinates, Type: IDREF(S) Name:manager, Type: IDREF(S) Name: family Content Model: (#PCDATA) Name: given Content Model: (#PCDATA) Usage: SEnumVal This program parses a file, then shows how to enumerate the contents of the Schema Grammar. Essentially, shows how one can access the Schema information stored in internal data structures. Name: personnel Model Type: Children Create Reason: Declared ContentType: Content Model: (person,) ComplexType: TypeName: ,C0 ContentType: -------------------------------------------- Name: person Model Type: Children Create Reason: Declared ContentType: Content Model: ((name,email,url),link) ComplexType: TypeName: ,C1 ContentType: Attributes: Name: salary Type: CDATA Default Type: #IMPLIED Base Datatype: Decimal Facets: fractionDigits=0 pattern=[+\-]?[0-9]+ Name: id Type: ID Default Type: #REQUIRED Base Datatype: ID Name: contr Type: CDATA Default Type: #DEFAULT Value: false Base Datatype: string Enumeration: true false Name: note Type: CDATA Default Type: #IMPLIED Base Datatype: string -------------------------------------------- Name: name Model Type: Children Create Reason: Declared ContentType: All Content Model: All(family,given) ComplexType: TypeName: ,C2 ContentType: All -------------------------------------------- Name: family Model Type: Simple Create Reason: Declared ComplexType: TypeName: ,C3 Base Datatype: string -------------------------------------------- Name: given Model Type: Simple Create Reason: Declared ComplexType: TypeName: ,C4 Base Datatype: string -------------------------------------------- Name: email Model Type: Simple Create Reason: Declared Base Datatype: string -------------------------------------------- Name: url Model Type: Empty Create Reason: Declared Content Model: EMPTY ComplexType: TypeName: ,C5 Attributes: Name: href Type: CDATA Default Type: #DEFAULT Value: http:// Base Datatype: string -------------------------------------------- Name: link Model Type: Empty Create Reason: Declared Content Model: EMPTY ComplexType: TypeName: ,C6 Attributes: Name: subordinates Type: IDREFS Default Type: #IMPLIED Base Datatype: List Name: manager Type: IDREF Default Type: #IMPLIED Base Datatype: IDREF -------------------------------------------- The tree just created contains: 4 elements. DOMMemTest Test Run Successfully DOMTest Test Run Successfully RangeTest Test Run Successfully DOMTraversalTest Test Run Successfully Usage: DeprecatedDOMCount [options] This program invokes the DOM parser, builds the DOM tree, and then prints the number of elements found in each XML file. Options: -l Indicate the input file is a List File that has a list of xml files. Default to off (Input file is an XML file). -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off. -s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems). personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems). personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems). Usage: XSerializerTest [options] This program invokes the SAX2XMLReader, and then prints the number of elements, attributes, spaces and characters found in each XML file, using SAX2 API. Options: -l Indicate the input file is a List File that has a list of xml files. Default to off (Input file is an XML file). -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -f Enable full schema constraint checking processing. Defaults to off. -p Enable namespace-prefixes feature. Defaults to off. -n Disable namespace processing. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -s Disable schema processing. Defaults to on. NOTE: THIS IS OPPOSITE FROM OTHER SAMPLES. -locale=ll_CC specify the locale, default: en_US. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) personal.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 12 attrs, 134 spaces, 134 chars) personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 28 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 28 attrs, 140 spaces, 128 chars) personal-schema.xml:{timing removed}(37 elems, 28 attrs, 140 spaces, 128 chars) XSValueTest Pass Usage: InitTermTest [options] This program tests the XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()/Terminate() pair by calling it a number of times. Options: -n Enable namespace processing. Default is off. -s Enable schema processing. Default is off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -? Show this help. 1Test Run Successfully 2Test Run Successfully 3Test Run Successfully No input XML file specified on command line. usage: ThreadTest [-v] [-threads nnn] [-time nnn] [-quiet] [-verbose] xmlfile... -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto]. Default is AUTO. -n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off. -s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -parser=xxx Parser Type [dom | sax | sax2]. Default is SAX (SAX1). -p Enable namespace prefixes. Defaults to off. (Only used with -parser=sax2, ignored otherwise.) -quiet Suppress periodic status display. -verbose Display extra messages. -reuse Retain and reuse parser. Default creates new for each parse. -threads nnn Number of threads. Default is 2. -time nnn Total time to run, in seconds. Default is forever. -parses nnn Run for nnn parses instead of time. Default is to use time -dump Dump DOM tree on error. -mem Read files into memory once only, and parse them from there. -gc Enable grammar caching (i.e. grammar cached and used in subsequent parses). Defaults to off. -init Perform an initial parse of the file(s) before starting up the individual threads. 1Test Run Successfully 2Test Run Successfully 3Test Run Successfully 4Test Run Successfully 5Test Run Successfully 6Test Run Successfully 7Test Run Successfully 8Test Run Successfully 9Test Run Successfully 10Test Run Successfully 11Test Run Successfully 12Test Run Successfully 13Test Run Successfully 14Test Run Successfully 15Test Run Successfully Usage: MemHandlerTest [options] This program invokes the XercesDOMParser, DOMBuilder, SAXParser , and the SAX2XMLReader, and ensures that MemoryManagers set on these domBuilders are called to delete just as many bytes as they allocate. This is done for each XML file, and each file is processed as many times as indicated. Options: -l Indicate the input file is a List File that has a list of xml files. Default to off (Input file is an XML file). -v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*]. -n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off. -s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off. -f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off. -r=n Run file through domBuilders n times. -? Show this help. * = Default if not provided explicitly. At destruction, domBuilderMemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, sax2MemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, depDOMMemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, sax1MemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, staticMemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, domBuilderMemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, sax2MemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, depDOMMemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, sax1MemMonitor has 0 bytes. At destruction, staticMemMonitor has 0 bytes. Test Run Successfully