for the entire
// DOM API, or xercesc/dom/DOM*.hpp for individual DOM classes, where the class
// name is substituded for the *.
* ParentNode provides the capability of having child
* nodes. Not every node in the DOM can have children, so only nodes that can
* should include this class and pay the price for it.
* While we have a direct reference to the first child, the last child is
* stored as the previous sibling of the first child. First child nodes are
* marked as being so, and getNextSibling hides this fact.
#include "DOMNodeListImpl.hpp"
class DOMChildNode;
class DOMDocument;
class DOMNode;
class DOMNodeList;
class CDOM_EXPORT DOMParentNode {
DOMDocument *fOwnerDocument; // Document this node belongs to
DOMNode *fFirstChild;
DOMNodeListImpl fChildNodeList; // for GetChildNodes()
DOMParentNode(DOMDocument *ownerDocument);
DOMParentNode(const DOMParentNode &other);
DOMDocument * getOwnerDocument() const;
void setOwnerDocument(DOMDocument* doc);
// Track changes to the node tree structure under this node. An optimization
// for NodeLists.
int changes() const;
void changed();
DOMNode* appendChild(DOMNode *newChild);
DOMNodeList* getChildNodes() const;
DOMNode* getFirstChild() const;
DOMNode* getLastChild() const;
XMLSize_t getLength() const;
bool hasChildNodes() const;
DOMNode* insertBefore(DOMNode *newChild, DOMNode *refChild);
DOMNode* item(XMLSize_t index) const;
DOMNode* removeChild(DOMNode *oldChild);
DOMNode* replaceChild(DOMNode *newChild, DOMNode *oldChild);
//Introduced in DOM Level 2
void normalize();
//Introduced in DOM Level 3
bool isEqualNode(const DOMNode* arg) const;
// unlike getOwnerDocument this never returns null, even for Document nodes
DOMDocument * getDocument() const;
void release();
void cloneChildren(const DOMNode *other);
DOMNode * lastChild() const;
void lastChild(DOMNode *);
// unimplemented
DOMParentNode& operator= (const DOMParentNode& other);