1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of OGRE
4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
9 |
10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13 | version.
14 |
15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | */
25 | #ifndef __ParticleSystemManager_H__
26 | #define __ParticleSystemManager_H__
27 |
28 |
29 | #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
30 | #include "OgreParticleSystem.h"
31 | #include "OgreFrameListener.h"
32 | #include "OgreSingleton.h"
33 | #include "OgreIteratorWrappers.h"
34 | #include "OgreScriptLoader.h"
35 | #include "OgreResourceGroupManager.h"
36 |
37 | namespace Ogre {
38 |
39 | // Forward decl
40 | class ParticleSystemFactory;
41 |
42 | /** Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the
43 | available emitter & affector factories.
44 | @remarks
45 | This singleton class is responsible for creating and managing particle
46 | systems. All particle systems must be created and destroyed using this
47 | object, although the user interface to creating them is via
48 | SceneManager. Remember that like all other MovableObject
49 | subclasses, ParticleSystems do not get rendered until they are
50 | attached to a SceneNode object.
51 | @par
52 | This class also manages factories for ParticleEmitter and
53 | ParticleAffector classes. To enable easy extensions to the types of
54 | emitters (particle sources) and affectors (particle modifiers), the
55 | ParticleSystemManager lets plugins or applications register factory
56 | classes which submit new subclasses to ParticleEmitter and
57 | ParticleAffector. Ogre comes with a number of them already provided,
58 | such as cone, sphere and box-shaped emitters, and simple affectors such
59 | as constant directional force and colour faders. However using this
60 | registration process, a plugin can create any behaviour required.
61 | @par
62 | This class also manages the loading and parsing of particle system
63 | scripts, which are text files describing named particle system
64 | templates. Instances of particle systems using these templates can
65 | then be created easily through the createParticleSystem method.
66 | */
67 | class _OgreExport ParticleSystemManager:
68 | public Singleton<ParticleSystemManager>, public ScriptLoader
69 | {
70 | friend class ParticleSystemFactory;
71 | public:
72 | typedef std::map<String, ParticleSystem*> ParticleTemplateMap;
73 | typedef std::map<String, ParticleAffectorFactory*> ParticleAffectorFactoryMap;
74 | typedef std::map<String, ParticleEmitterFactory*> ParticleEmitterFactoryMap;
75 | typedef std::map<String, ParticleSystemRendererFactory*> ParticleSystemRendererFactoryMap;
76 | protected:
77 | /// Templates based on scripts
78 | ParticleTemplateMap mSystemTemplates;
79 |
80 | /// Factories for named emitter types (can be extended using plugins)
81 | ParticleEmitterFactoryMap mEmitterFactories;
82 |
83 | /// Factories for named affector types (can be extended using plugins)
84 | ParticleAffectorFactoryMap mAffectorFactories;
85 |
86 | /// Map of renderer types to factories
87 | ParticleSystemRendererFactoryMap mRendererFactories;
88 |
89 | StringVector mScriptPatterns;
90 |
91 | // Factory instance
92 | ParticleSystemFactory* mFactory;
93 |
94 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
95 | void parseNewEmitter(const String& type, DataStreamPtr& chunk, ParticleSystem* sys);
96 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
97 | void parseNewAffector(const String& type, DataStreamPtr& chunk, ParticleSystem* sys);
98 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
99 | void parseAttrib(const String& line, ParticleSystem* sys);
100 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
101 | void parseEmitterAttrib(const String& line, ParticleEmitter* sys);
102 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
103 | void parseAffectorAttrib(const String& line, ParticleAffector* sys);
104 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
105 | void skipToNextCloseBrace(DataStreamPtr& chunk);
106 | /** Internal script parsing method. */
107 | void skipToNextOpenBrace(DataStreamPtr& chunk);
108 |
109 | /// Internal implementation of createSystem
110 | ParticleSystem* createSystemImpl(const String& name, size_t quota,
111 | const String& resourceGroup);
112 | /// Internal implementation of createSystem
113 | ParticleSystem* createSystemImpl(const String& name, const String& templateName);
114 | /// Internal implementation of destroySystem
115 | void destroySystemImpl(ParticleSystem* sys);
116 |
117 |
118 | public:
119 |
120 | ParticleSystemManager();
121 | virtual ~ParticleSystemManager();
122 |
123 | /** Adds a new 'factory' object for emitters to the list of available emitter types.
124 | @remarks
125 | This method allows plugins etc to add new particle emitter types to Ogre. Particle emitters
126 | are sources of particles, and generate new particles with their start positions, colours and
127 | momentums appropriately. Plugins would create new subclasses of ParticleEmitter which
128 | emit particles a certain way, and register a subclass of ParticleEmitterFactory to create them (since multiple
129 | emitters can be created for different particle systems).
130 | @par
131 | All particle emitter factories have an assigned name which is used to identify the emitter
132 | type. This must be unique.
133 | @par
134 | Note that the object passed to this function will not be destroyed by the ParticleSystemManager,
135 | since it may have been allocted on a different heap in the case of plugins. The caller must
136 | destroy the object later on, probably on plugin shutdown.
137 | @param
138 | factory Pointer to a ParticleEmitterFactory subclass created by the plugin or application code.
139 | */
140 | void addEmitterFactory(ParticleEmitterFactory* factory);
141 |
142 | /** Adds a new 'factory' object for affectors to the list of available affector types.
143 | @remarks
144 | This method allows plugins etc to add new particle affector types to Ogre. Particle
145 | affectors modify the particles in a system a certain way such as affecting their direction
146 | or changing their colour, lifespan etc. Plugins would
147 | create new subclasses of ParticleAffector which affect particles a certain way, and register
148 | a subclass of ParticleAffectorFactory to create them.
149 | @par
150 | All particle affector factories have an assigned name which is used to identify the affector
151 | type. This must be unique.
152 | @par
153 | Note that the object passed to this function will not be destroyed by the ParticleSystemManager,
154 | since it may have been allocted on a different heap in the case of plugins. The caller must
155 | destroy the object later on, probably on plugin shutdown.
156 | @param
157 | factory Pointer to a ParticleAffectorFactory subclass created by the plugin or application code.
158 | */
159 | void addAffectorFactory(ParticleAffectorFactory* factory);
160 |
161 | /** Registers a factory class for creating ParticleSystemRenderer instances.
162 | @par
163 | Note that the object passed to this function will not be destroyed by the ParticleSystemManager,
164 | since it may have been allocted on a different heap in the case of plugins. The caller must
165 | destroy the object later on, probably on plugin shutdown.
166 | @param
167 | factory Pointer to a ParticleSystemRendererFactory subclass created by the plugin or application code.
168 | */
169 | void addRendererFactory(ParticleSystemRendererFactory* factory);
170 |
171 | /** Adds a new particle system template to the list of available templates.
172 | @remarks
173 | Instances of particle systems in a scene are not normally unique - often you want to place the
174 | same effect in many places. This method allows you to register a ParticleSystem as a named template,
175 | which can subsequently be used to create instances using the createSystem method.
176 | @par
177 | Note that particle system templates can either be created programmatically by an application
178 | and registered using this method, or they can be defined in a script file (*.particle) which is
179 | loaded by the engine at startup, very much like Material scripts.
180 | @param
181 | name The name of the template. Must be unique across all templates.
182 | @param
183 | sysTemplate A pointer to a particle system to be used as a template. The manager
184 | will take over ownership of this pointer.
185 |
186 | */
187 | void addTemplate(const String& name, ParticleSystem* sysTemplate);
188 |
190 | /** Removes a specified template from the ParticleSystemManager. |
191 | @remarks |
192 | This method removes a given template from the particle system manager, optionally deleting |
193 | the template if the deleteTemplate method is called. Throws an exception if the template |
194 | could not be found. |
195 | @param |
196 | name The name of the template to remove. |
197 | @param |
198 | deleteTemplate Whether or not to delete the template before removing it. |
199 | */ |
200 | void removeTemplate(const String& name, bool deleteTemplate = true); |
201 | |
202 | /** Removes a specified template from the ParticleSystemManager. |
203 | @remarks |
204 | This method removes all templates from the ParticleSystemManager. |
205 | @param |
206 | deleteTemplate Whether or not to delete the templates before removing them. |
207 | */ |
208 | void removeAllTemplates(bool deleteTemplate = true);
209 | #endif
210 |
211 | /** Create a new particle system template.
212 | @remarks
213 | This method is similar to the addTemplate method, except this just creates a new template
214 | and returns a pointer to it to be populated. Use this when you don't already have a system
215 | to add as a template and just want to create a new template which you will build up in-place.
216 | @param
217 | name The name of the template. Must be unique across all templates.
218 | @param
219 | resourceGroup The name of the resource group which will be used to
220 | load any dependent resources.
221 |
222 | */
223 | ParticleSystem* createTemplate(const String& name, const String& resourceGroup);
224 |
225 | /** Retrieves a particle system template for possible modification.
226 | @remarks
227 | Modifying a template does not affect the settings on any ParticleSystems already created
228 | from this template.
229 | */
230 | ParticleSystem* getTemplate(const String& name);
231 |
232 | /** Internal method for creating a new emitter from a factory.
233 | @remarks
234 | Used internally by the engine to create new ParticleEmitter instances from named
235 | factories. Applications should use the ParticleSystem::addEmitter method instead,
236 | which calls this method to create an instance.
237 | @param
238 | emitterType String name of the emitter type to be created. A factory of this type must have been registered.
239 | @param
240 | psys The particle system this is being created for
241 | */
242 | ParticleEmitter* _createEmitter(const String& emitterType, ParticleSystem* psys);
243 |
244 | /** Internal method for destroying an emitter.
245 | @remarks
246 | Because emitters are created by factories which may allocate memory from separate heaps,
247 | the memory allocated must be freed from the same place. This method is used to ask the factory
248 | to destroy the instance passed in as a pointer.
249 | @param
250 | emitter Pointer to emitter to be destroyed. On return this pointer will point to invalid (freed) memory.
251 | */
252 | void _destroyEmitter(ParticleEmitter* emitter);
253 |
254 | /** Internal method for creating a new affector from a factory.
255 | @remarks
256 | Used internally by the engine to create new ParticleAffector instances from named
257 | factories. Applications should use the ParticleSystem::addAffector method instead,
258 | which calls this method to create an instance.
259 | @param
260 | effectorType String name of the affector type to be created. A factory of this type must have been registered.
261 | @param
262 | psys The particle system it is being created for
263 | */
264 | ParticleAffector* _createAffector(const String& affectorType, ParticleSystem* psys);
265 |
266 | /** Internal method for destroying an affector.
267 | @remarks
268 | Because affectors are created by factories which may allocate memory from separate heaps,
269 | the memory allocated must be freed from the same place. This method is used to ask the factory
270 | to destroy the instance passed in as a pointer.
271 | @param
272 | affector Pointer to affector to be destroyed. On return this pointer will point to invalid (freed) memory.
273 | */
274 | void _destroyAffector(ParticleAffector* affector);
275 |
276 | /** Internal method for creating a new renderer from a factory.
277 | @remarks
278 | Used internally by the engine to create new ParticleSystemRenderer instances from named
279 | factories. Applications should use the ParticleSystem::setRenderer method instead,
280 | which calls this method to create an instance.
281 | @param
282 | rendererType String name of the renderer type to be created. A factory of this type must have been registered.
283 | */
284 | ParticleSystemRenderer* _createRenderer(const String& rendererType);
285 |
286 | /** Internal method for destroying a renderer.
287 | @remarks
288 | Because renderer are created by factories which may allocate memory from separate heaps,
289 | the memory allocated must be freed from the same place. This method is used to ask the factory
290 | to destroy the instance passed in as a pointer.
291 | @param
292 | renderer Pointer to renderer to be destroyed. On return this pointer will point to invalid (freed) memory.
293 | */
294 | void _destroyRenderer(ParticleSystemRenderer* renderer);
295 |
296 | /** Frame event */
297 | bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt);
298 |
299 | /** Frame event */
300 | bool frameEnded(const FrameEvent &evt);
301 |
302 | /** Init method to be called by OGRE system.
303 | @remarks
304 | Due to dependencies between various objects certain initialisation tasks cannot be done
305 | on construction. OGRE will call this method when the rendering subsystem is initialised.
306 | */
307 | void _initialise(void);
308 |
309 | /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::getScriptPatterns
310 | const StringVector& getScriptPatterns(void) const;
311 | /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::parseScript
312 | void parseScript(DataStreamPtr& stream, const String& groupName);
313 | /// @copydoc ScriptLoader::getLoadingOrder
314 | Real getLoadingOrder(void) const;
315 |
316 | typedef MapIterator<ParticleAffectorFactoryMap> ParticleAffectorFactoryIterator;
317 | typedef MapIterator<ParticleEmitterFactoryMap> ParticleEmitterFactoryIterator;
318 | typedef MapIterator<ParticleSystemRendererFactoryMap> ParticleRendererFactoryIterator;
319 | /** Return an iterator over the affector factories currently registered */
320 | ParticleAffectorFactoryIterator getAffectorFactoryIterator(void);
321 | /** Return an iterator over the emitter factories currently registered */
322 | ParticleEmitterFactoryIterator getEmitterFactoryIterator(void);
323 | /** Return an iterator over the renderer factories currently registered */
324 | ParticleRendererFactoryIterator getRendererFactoryIterator(void);
325 |
326 |
327 | typedef MapIterator<ParticleTemplateMap> ParticleSystemTemplateIterator;
328 | /** Gets an iterator over the list of particle system templates. */
329 | ParticleSystemTemplateIterator getTemplateIterator(void)
330 | {
331 | return ParticleSystemTemplateIterator(
332 | mSystemTemplates.begin(), mSystemTemplates.end());
333 | }
334 |
335 | /** Get an instance of ParticleSystemFactory (internal use). */
336 | ParticleSystemFactory* _getFactory(void) { return mFactory; }
337 |
338 | /** Override standard Singleton retrieval.
339 | @remarks
340 | Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton
341 | implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled
342 | into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the
343 | Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it
344 | compiled into the implementation of the class based on the
345 | Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get
346 | link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from
347 | an outside dll.
348 | @par
349 | This method just delegates to the template version anyway,
350 | but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit,
351 | preventing link errors.
352 | */
353 | static ParticleSystemManager& getSingleton(void);
354 | /** Override standard Singleton retrieval.
355 | @remarks
356 | Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton
357 | implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled
358 | into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the
359 | Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it
360 | compiled into the implementation of the class based on the
361 | Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get
362 | link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from
363 | an outside dll.
364 | @par
365 | This method just delegates to the template version anyway,
366 | but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit,
367 | preventing link errors.
368 | */
369 | static ParticleSystemManager* getSingletonPtr(void);
370 |
371 | };
372 |
373 | /** Factory object for creating ParticleSystem instances */
374 | class _OgreExport ParticleSystemFactory : public MovableObjectFactory
375 | {
376 | protected:
377 | MovableObject* createInstanceImpl(const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params);
378 | public:
379 | ParticleSystemFactory() {}
380 | ~ParticleSystemFactory() {}
381 |
382 | static String FACTORY_TYPE_NAME;
383 |
384 | const String& getType(void) const;
385 | void destroyInstance( MovableObject* obj);
386 |
387 | };
388 |
389 | }
390 |
391 | #endif
392 |