source: OGRE/trunk/ogre_changes/Ogre1.2/RenderSystems/Direct3D9/include/OgreD3D9Mappings.h @ 1053

Revision 1053, 5.4 KB checked in by szirmay, 18 years ago (diff)
3This source file is part of OGRE
4    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5For the latest info, see
7Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
10This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
15This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
25#ifndef __D3D9MAPPINGS_H__
26#define __D3D9MAPPINGS_H__
28#include "OgreD3D9Prerequisites.h"
29#include "OgreCommon.h"
30#include "OgreLight.h"
31#include "OgreMaterial.h"
32#include "OgreRenderSystem.h"
33#include "OgreHardwareBuffer.h"
34#include "OgreHardwareIndexBuffer.h"
36#include "OgreNoMemoryMacros.h"
37#include <d3d9.h>
38#include <d3dx9.h>
39#include <dxerr9.h>
40#include "OgreMemoryMacros.h"
42namespace Ogre
44        class D3D9Mappings
45        {
46        public:
47                /// enum identifying D3D9 tex. types
48                enum eD3DTexType
49                {
50                        /// standard texture
51                        D3D_TEX_TYPE_NORMAL,
52                        /// cube texture
53                        D3D_TEX_TYPE_CUBE,
54                        /// volume texture
55                        D3D_TEX_TYPE_VOLUME,
56                        /// just to have it...
57                        D3D_TEX_TYPE_NONE
58                };
60                /// enum identifying D3D9 filter usage type
61                enum eD3DFilterUsage
62                {
63                        /// min filter
64                        D3D_FUSAGE_MIN,
65                        /// mag filter
66                        D3D_FUSAGE_MAG,
67                        /// mip filter
68                        D3D_FUSAGE_MIP
69                };
71                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre ShadeOptions value
72                static DWORD get(ShadeOptions so);
73                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LightTypes value
74                static D3DLIGHTTYPE get(Ogre::Light::LightTypes lightType);
75                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre TexCoordCalsMethod value
76                static DWORD get(TexCoordCalcMethod m, const D3DCAPS9& caps);
77                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre TextureAddressingMode value
78                static D3DTEXTUREADDRESS get(TextureUnitState::TextureAddressingMode tam);
79                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendType value
80                static D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE get(LayerBlendType lbt);
81                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendOperationEx value
82                static DWORD get(LayerBlendOperationEx lbo, const D3DCAPS9& devCaps);
83                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendSource value
84                static DWORD get(LayerBlendSource lbs);
85                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre SceneBlendFactor value
86                static D3DBLEND get(SceneBlendFactor sbf);
88                static D3DBLENDOP get(SceneBlendOperation op)
89                        {
90                                switch( op )
91                                {
92                                case SBOP_ADD:
93                                        return D3DBLENDOP_ADD;
94                                case SBOP_SUBTRACT:
95                                        return D3DBLENDOP_SUBTRACT;
96                                case SBOP_REVSUBTRACT:
97                                        return D3DBLENDOP_REVSUBTRACT;
98                                case SBOP_MIN:
99                                        return D3DBLENDOP_MIN;
100                                case SBOP_MAX:
101                                        return D3DBLENDOP_MAX;                         
102                                }                               
103                        }
105                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre CompareFunction value
106                static DWORD get(CompareFunction cf);
107                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre CillingMode value
108                static DWORD get(CullingMode cm, bool flip);
109                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre FogMode value
110                static D3DFOGMODE get(FogMode fm);
111                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre PolygonMode value
112                static D3DFILLMODE get(PolygonMode level);
113                /// return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre StencilOperation value
114                static DWORD get(StencilOperation op, bool invert = false);
115                /// return a D3D9 state type for Ogre FilterType value
116                static D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE get(FilterType ft);
117                /// return a D3D9 filter option for Ogre FilterType & FilterOption value
118                static DWORD get(FilterType ft, FilterOptions fo, const D3DCAPS9& devCaps, eD3DTexType texType);
119                /// return the D3DtexType equivalent of a Ogre tex. type
120                static eD3DTexType get(TextureType ogreTexType);
121        /// return the combination of D3DUSAGE values for Ogre buffer usage
122        static DWORD get(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage);
123        /// Get lock options
124        static DWORD get(HardwareBuffer::LockOptions options, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage);
125        /// Get index type
126        static D3DFORMAT get(HardwareIndexBuffer::IndexType itype);
127                /// Get vertex data type
128                static D3DDECLTYPE get(VertexElementType vType);
129                /// Get vertex semantic
130                static D3DDECLUSAGE get(VertexElementSemantic sem);
131        // Convert matrix to D3D style
132        static  D3DXMATRIX makeD3DXMatrix( const Matrix4& mat );
133        // Convert matrix from D3D style
134        static Matrix4 D3D9Mappings::convertD3DXMatrix( const D3DXMATRIX& mat );
136                /// utility method, convert D3D9 pixel format to Ogre pixel format
137                static PixelFormat _getPF(D3DFORMAT d3dPF);
138                /// utility method, convert Ogre pixel format to D3D9 pixel format
139                static D3DFORMAT _getPF(PixelFormat ogrePF);
140                /// utility method, find closest Ogre pixel format that D3D9 can support
141                static PixelFormat _getClosestSupportedPF(PixelFormat ogrePF);
142        };
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