[61] | 1 | /*
| 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | This source file is part of OGRE
| 4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
| 5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
| 6 |
| 7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
| 8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
| 9 |
| 10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
| 12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
| 13 | version.
| 14 |
| 15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| 17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 18 |
| 19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
| 20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
| 21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
| 22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
| 23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 24 | */
| 25 | #ifndef __Frustum_H__
| 26 | #define __Frustum_H__
| 27 |
| 28 | #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
| 29 | #include "OgreMovableObject.h"
| 30 | #include "OgreRenderable.h"
| 31 | #include "OgreAxisAlignedBox.h"
| 32 | #include "OgreVertexIndexData.h"
| 33 | #include "OgreMovablePlane.h"
| 34 |
| 35 | namespace Ogre
| 36 | {
| 37 | /** Specifies perspective (realistic) or orthographic (architectural) projection.
| 38 | */
| 39 | enum ProjectionType
| 40 | {
| 43 | };
| 44 |
| 45 | /** Worldspace clipping planes.
| 46 | */
| 47 | enum FrustumPlane
| 48 | {
| 55 | };
| 56 |
| 57 | /** A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is
| 58 | used to represent either a visible area or a projection area. Can be used
| 59 | for a number of applications.
| 60 | */
| 61 | class _OgreExport Frustum : public MovableObject, public Renderable
| 62 | {
| 63 | protected:
| 64 | /// Orthographic or perspective?
| 65 | ProjectionType mProjType;
| 66 |
| 67 | /// y-direction field-of-view (default 45)
| 68 | Radian mFOVy;
| 69 | /// Far clip distance - default 10000
| 70 | Real mFarDist;
| 71 | /// Near clip distance - default 100
| 72 | Real mNearDist;
| 73 | /// x/y viewport ratio - default 1.3333
| 74 | Real mAspect;
| 75 |
| 76 | /// The 6 main clipping planes
| 77 | mutable Plane mFrustumPlanes[6];
| 78 |
| 79 | /// Stored versions of parent orientation / position
| 80 | mutable Quaternion mLastParentOrientation;
| 81 | mutable Vector3 mLastParentPosition;
| 82 |
| 83 | /// Pre-calced projection matrix
| 84 | mutable Matrix4 mProjMatrix;
| 85 | /// Pre-calced standard projection matrix
| 86 | mutable Matrix4 mStandardProjMatrix;
| 87 | /// Pre-calced view matrix
| 88 | mutable Matrix4 mViewMatrix;
| 89 | /// Something's changed in the frustrum shape?
| 90 | mutable bool mRecalcFrustum;
| 91 | /// Something re the view pos has changed
| 92 | mutable bool mRecalcView;
| 93 |
| 94 |
| 95 | /** Temp coefficient values calculated from a frustum change,
| 96 | used when establishing the frustum planes when the view changes
| 97 | */
| 98 | mutable Real mCoeffL[2], mCoeffR[2], mCoeffB[2], mCoeffT[2];
| 99 |
| 100 |
| 101 |
| 102 |
| 103 | // Internal functions for calcs
| 104 | virtual void updateFrustum(void) const;
| 105 | virtual void updateView(void) const;
| 106 | virtual bool isViewOutOfDate(void) const;
| 107 | virtual bool isFrustumOutOfDate(void) const;
| 108 | /// Signal to update frustum information.
| 109 | virtual void invalidateFrustum(void) const;
| 110 | /// Signal to update view information.
| 111 | virtual void invalidateView(void) const;
| 112 |
| 113 | /// Shared class-level name for Movable type
| 114 | static String msMovableType;
| 115 |
| 116 | mutable AxisAlignedBox mBoundingBox;
| 117 | mutable VertexData mVertexData;
| 118 |
| 119 | MaterialPtr mMaterial;
| 120 | mutable Vector3 mWorldSpaceCorners[8];
| 121 |
| 122 | /// Is this frustum to act as a reflection of itself?
| 123 | bool mReflect;
| 124 | /// Derived reflection matrix
| 125 | mutable Matrix4 mReflectMatrix;
| 126 | /// Fixed reflection plane
| 127 | mutable Plane mReflectPlane;
| 128 | /// Pointer to a reflection plane (automatically updated)
| 129 | const MovablePlane* mLinkedReflectPlane;
| 130 | /// Record of the last world-space reflection plane info used
| 131 | mutable Plane mLastLinkedReflectionPlane;
| 132 |
| 133 | /// Is this frustum using an oblique depth projection?
| 134 | bool mObliqueDepthProjection;
| 135 | /// Fixed oblique projection plane
| 136 | mutable Plane mObliqueProjPlane;
| 137 | /// Pointer to oblique projection plane (automatically updated)
| 138 | const MovablePlane* mLinkedObliqueProjPlane;
| 139 | /// Record of the last world-space oblique depth projection plane info used
| 140 | mutable Plane mLastLinkedObliqueProjPlane;
| 141 |
| 142 |
| 143 | /** Get the derived position of this frustum. */
| 144 | virtual const Vector3& getPositionForViewUpdate(void) const;
| 145 | /** Get the derived orientation of this frustum. */
| 146 | virtual const Quaternion& getOrientationForViewUpdate(void) const;
| 147 |
| 148 |
| 149 | public:
| 150 |
| 151 | Frustum();
| 152 | virtual ~Frustum();
| 153 | /** Sets the Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV) of the frustum.
| 154 | @remarks
| 155 | Field Of View (FOV) is the angle made between the frustum's position, and the edges
| 156 | of the 'screen' onto which the scene is projected. High values (90+ degrees) result in a wide-angle,
| 157 | fish-eye kind of view, low values (30- degrees) in a stretched, telescopic kind of view. Typical values
| 158 | are between 45 and 60 degrees.
| 159 | @par
| 160 | This value represents the VERTICAL field-of-view. The horizontal field of view is calculated from
| 161 | this depending on the dimensions of the viewport (they will only be the same if the viewport is square).
| 162 | @note
| 163 | Setting the FOV overrides the value supplied for frustum::setNearClipPlane.
| 164 | */
| 165 | virtual void setFOVy(const Radian& fovy);
| 166 | #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES
| 167 | inline void setFOVy(Real fovy) {
| 168 | setFOVy ( Angle(fovy) );
| 169 | }
| 170 | #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES
| 171 |
| 172 | /** Retrieves the frustums Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV).
| 173 | */
| 174 | virtual const Radian& getFOVy(void) const;
| 175 |
| 176 | /** Sets the position of the near clipping plane.
| 177 | @remarks
| 178 | The position of the near clipping plane is the distance from the frustums position to the screen
| 179 | on which the world is projected. The near plane distance, combined with the field-of-view and the
| 180 | aspect ratio, determines the size of the viewport through which the world is viewed (in world
| 181 | co-ordinates). Note that this world viewport is different to a screen viewport, which has it's
| 182 | dimensions expressed in pixels. The frustums viewport should have the same aspect ratio as the
| 183 | screen viewport it renders into to avoid distortion.
| 184 | @param
| 185 | near The distance to the near clipping plane from the frustum in world coordinates.
| 186 | */
| 187 | virtual void setNearClipDistance(Real nearDist);
| 188 |
| 189 | /** Sets the position of the near clipping plane.
| 190 | */
| 191 | virtual Real getNearClipDistance(void) const;
| 192 |
| 193 | /** Sets the distance to the far clipping plane.
| 194 | @remarks
| 195 | The view frustrum is a pyramid created from the frustum position and the edges of the viewport.
| 196 | This method sets the distance for the far end of that pyramid.
| 197 | Different applications need different values: e.g. a flight sim
| 198 | needs a much further far clipping plane than a first-person
| 199 | shooter. An important point here is that the larger the ratio
| 200 | between near and far clipping planes, the lower the accuracy of
| 201 | the Z-buffer used to depth-cue pixels. This is because the
| 202 | Z-range is limited to the size of the Z buffer (16 or 32-bit)
| 203 | and the max values must be spread over the gap between near and
| 204 | far clip planes. As it happens, you can affect the accuracy far
| 205 | more by altering the near distance rather than the far distance,
| 206 | but keep this in mind.
| 207 | @param
| 208 | far The distance to the far clipping plane from the frustum in
| 209 | world coordinates.If you specify 0, this means an infinite view
| 210 | distance which is useful especially when projecting shadows; but
| 211 | be careful not to use a near distance too close.
| 212 | */
| 213 | virtual void setFarClipDistance(Real farDist);
| 214 |
| 215 | /** Retrieves the distance from the frustum to the far clipping plane.
| 216 | */
| 217 | virtual Real getFarClipDistance(void) const;
| 218 |
| 219 | /** Sets the aspect ratio for the frustum viewport.
| 220 | @remarks
| 221 | The ratio between the x and y dimensions of the rectangular area visible through the frustum
| 222 | is known as aspect ratio: aspect = width / height .
| 223 | @par
| 224 | The default for most fullscreen windows is 1.3333 - this is also assumed by Ogre unless you
| 225 | use this method to state otherwise.
| 226 | */
| 227 | virtual void setAspectRatio(Real ratio);
| 228 |
| 229 | /** Retreives the current aspect ratio.
| 230 | */
| 231 | virtual Real getAspectRatio(void) const;
| 232 |
| 233 | /** Gets the projection matrix for this frustum. Mainly for use by OGRE internally.
| 234 | @remarks
| 235 | This method retrieves the rendering-API dependent version of the projection
| 236 | matrix. If you want a 'typical' projection matrix then use
| 237 | getStandardProjectionMatrix.
| 238 |
| 239 | */
| 240 | virtual const Matrix4& getProjectionMatrix(void) const;
| 241 | /** Gets the 'standard' projection matrix for this frustum, ie the
| 242 | projection matrix which conforms to standard right-handed rules.
| 243 | @remarks
| 244 | This differs from the rendering-API dependent getProjectionMatrix
| 245 | in that it always returns a right-handed projection matrix result
| 246 | no matter what rendering API is being used - this is required for
| 247 | vertex and fragment programs for example. However, the resulting depth
| 248 | range may still vary between render systems since D3D uses [0,1] and
| 249 | GL uses [-1,1], and the range must be kept the same between programmable
| 250 | and fixed-function pipelines.
| 251 | */
| 252 | virtual const Matrix4& getStandardProjectionMatrix(void) const;
| 253 |
| 254 | /** Gets the view matrix for this frustum. Mainly for use by OGRE internally.
| 255 | */
| 256 | virtual const Matrix4& getViewMatrix(void) const;
| 257 |
| 258 | /** Retrieves a specified plane of the frustum.
| 259 | @remarks
| 260 | Gets a reference to one of the planes which make up the frustum frustum, e.g. for clipping purposes.
| 261 | */
| 262 | virtual const Plane& getFrustumPlane( unsigned short plane ) const;
| 263 |
| 264 | /** Tests whether the given container is visible in the Frustum.
| 265 | @param
| 266 | bound Bounding box to be checked
| 267 | @param
| 268 | culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled
| 269 | the box if the result was false;
| 270 | @returns
| 271 | If the box was visible, true is returned.
| 272 | @par
| 273 | Otherwise, false is returned.
| 274 | */
| 275 | virtual bool isVisible(const AxisAlignedBox& bound, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0) const;
| 276 |
| 277 | /** Tests whether the given container is visible in the Frustum.
| 278 | @param
| 279 | bound Bounding sphere to be checked
| 280 | @param
| 281 | culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled
| 282 | the box if the result was false;
| 283 | @returns
| 284 | If the sphere was visible, true is returned.
| 285 | @par
| 286 | Otherwise, false is returned.
| 287 | */
| 288 | virtual bool isVisible(const Sphere& bound, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0) const;
| 289 |
| 290 | /** Tests whether the given vertex is visible in the Frustum.
| 291 | @param
| 292 | vert Vertex to be checked
| 293 | @param
| 294 | culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled
| 295 | the box if the result was false;
| 296 | @returns
| 297 | If the box was visible, true is returned.
| 298 | @par
| 299 | Otherwise, false is returned.
| 300 | */
| 301 | virtual bool isVisible(const Vector3& vert, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0) const;
| 302 |
| 303 |
| 304 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 305 | const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const;
| 306 |
| 307 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 308 | Real getBoundingRadius(void) const;
| 309 |
| 310 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 311 | void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue);
| 312 |
| 313 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 314 | const String& getMovableType(void) const;
| 315 |
| 316 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 317 | const String& getName(void) const;
| 318 |
| 319 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 320 | void _notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam);
| 321 |
| 322 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 323 | const MaterialPtr& getMaterial(void) const;
| 324 |
| 325 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 326 | void getRenderOperation(RenderOperation& op);
| 327 |
| 328 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 329 | void getWorldTransforms(Matrix4* xform) const;
| 330 |
| 331 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 332 | const Quaternion& getWorldOrientation(void) const;
| 333 |
| 334 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 335 | const Vector3& getWorldPosition(void) const;
| 336 |
| 337 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 338 | Real getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* cam) const;
| 339 |
| 340 | /** Overridden from Renderable */
| 341 | const LightList& getLights(void) const;
| 342 |
| 343 | /** Gets the world space corners of the frustum.
| 344 | @remarks
| 345 | The corners are ordered as follows: top-right near,
| 346 | top-left near, bottom-left near, bottom-right near,
| 347 | top-right far, top-left far, bottom-left far, bottom-right far.
| 348 | */
| 349 | virtual const Vector3* getWorldSpaceCorners(void) const;
| 350 |
| 351 | /** Sets the type of projection to use (orthographic or perspective). Default is perspective.
| 352 | */
| 353 | virtual void setProjectionType(ProjectionType pt);
| 354 |
| 355 | /** Retrieves info on the type of projection used (orthographic or perspective).
| 356 | */
| 357 | virtual ProjectionType getProjectionType(void) const;
| 358 |
| 359 | /** Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the
| 360 | plane specified.
| 361 | @remarks
| 362 | This is obviously useful for performing planar reflections.
| 363 | */
| 364 | virtual void enableReflection(const Plane& p);
| 365 | /** Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the
| 366 | plane specified. Note that this version of the method links to a plane
| 367 | so that changes to it are picked up automatically. It is important that
| 368 | this plane continues to exist whilst this object does; do not destroy
| 369 | the plane before the frustum.
| 370 | @remarks
| 371 | This is obviously useful for performing planar reflections.
| 372 | */
| 373 | virtual void enableReflection(const MovablePlane* p);
| 374 |
| 375 | /** Disables reflection modification previously turned on with enableReflection */
| 376 | virtual void disableReflection(void);
| 377 |
| 378 | /// Returns whether this frustum is being reflected
| 379 | virtual bool isReflected(void) const { return mReflect; }
| 380 | /// Returns the reflection matrix of the frustum if appropriate
| 381 | virtual const Matrix4& getReflectionMatrix(void) const { return mReflectMatrix; }
| 382 | /// Returns the reflection plane of the frustum if appropriate
| 383 | virtual const Plane& getReflectionPlane(void) const { return mReflectPlane; }
| 384 |
| 385 | /** Project a sphere onto the near plane and get the bounding rectangle.
| 386 | @param sphere The world-space sphere to project
| 387 | @param radius Radius of the sphere
| 388 | @param left, top, right, bottom Pointers to destination values, these
| 389 | will be completed with the normalised device coordinates (in the
| 390 | range {-1,1})
| 391 | @returns true if the sphere was projected to a subset of the near plane,
| 392 | false if the entire near plane was contained
| 393 | */
| 394 | virtual bool projectSphere(const Sphere& sphere,
| 395 | Real* left, Real* top, Real* right, Real* bottom) const;
| 396 |
| 397 |
| 398 | /** Links the frustum to a custom near clip plane, which can be used
| 399 | to clip geometry in a custom manner without using user clip planes.
| 400 | @remarks
| 401 | There are several applications for clipping a scene arbitrarily by
| 402 | a single plane; the most common is when rendering a reflection to
| 403 | a texture, and you only want to render geometry that is above the
| 404 | water plane (to do otherwise results in artefacts). Whilst it is
| 405 | possible to use user clip planes, they are not supported on all
| 406 | cards, and sometimes are not hardware accelerated when they are
| 407 | available. Instead, where a single clip plane is involved, this
| 408 | technique uses a 'fudging' of the near clip plane, which is
| 409 | available and fast on all hardware, to perform as the arbitrary
| 410 | clip plane. This does change the shape of the frustum, leading
| 411 | to some depth buffer loss of precision, but for many of the uses of
| 412 | this technique that is not an issue.
| 413 | @par
| 414 | This version of the method links to a plane, rather than requiring
| 415 | a by-value plane definition, and therefore you can
| 416 | make changes to the plane (e.g. by moving / rotating the node it is
| 417 | attached to) and they will automatically affect this object.
| 418 | @note This technique only works for perspective projection.
| 419 | @param plane The plane to link to to perform the clipping. This plane
| 420 | must continue to exist while the camera is linked to it; do not
| 421 | destroy it before the frustum.
| 422 | */
| 423 | virtual void enableCustomNearClipPlane(const MovablePlane* plane);
| 424 | /** Links the frustum to a custom near clip plane, which can be used
| 425 | to clip geometry in a custom manner without using user clip planes.
| 426 | @remarks
| 427 | There are several applications for clipping a scene arbitrarily by
| 428 | a single plane; the most common is when rendering a reflection to
| 429 | a texture, and you only want to render geometry that is above the
| 430 | water plane (to do otherwise results in artefacts). Whilst it is
| 431 | possible to use user clip planes, they are not supported on all
| 432 | cards, and sometimes are not hardware accelerated when they are
| 433 | available. Instead, where a single clip plane is involved, this
| 434 | technique uses a 'fudging' of the near clip plane, which is
| 435 | available and fast on all hardware, to perform as the arbitrary
| 436 | clip plane. This does change the shape of the frustum, leading
| 437 | to some depth buffer loss of precision, but for many of the uses of
| 438 | this technique that is not an issue.
| 439 | @note This technique only works for perspective projection.
| 440 | @param plane The plane to link to to perform the clipping. This plane
| 441 | must continue to exist while the camera is linked to it; do not
| 442 | destroy it before the frustum.
| 443 | */
| 444 | virtual void enableCustomNearClipPlane(const Plane& plane);
| 445 | /** Disables any custom near clip plane. */
| 446 | virtual void disableCustomNearClipPlane(void);
[657] | 447 | /** Is a custom near clip plane in use? */
| 448 | virtual bool isCustomNearClipPlaneEnabled(void) const
| 449 | { return mObliqueDepthProjection; }
[61] | 450 |
| 451 |
| 452 | /// Small constant used to reduce far plane projection to avoid inaccuracies
| 453 | static const Real INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST;
| 454 |
| 456 | //added by matt: 050405
| 457 | /** Tests whether the given container is visible in the Frustum.
| 458 | @param
| 459 | bound Bounding box to be checked
| 460 | @param
| 461 | culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled
| 462 | the box if the result was false;
| 463 | @param
| 464 | intersects returns the information if the box intersects the near plane.
| 465 | @returns
| 466 | If the box was visible, true is returned.
| 467 | @par
| 468 | Otherwise, false is returned.
| 469 | */
| 470 | virtual bool isVisible(const AxisAlignedBox& bound, bool &intersects, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0) const;
| 472 | };
| 473 |
| 474 |
| 475 | }
| 476 |
| 477 | #endif