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NVIDIA makes no guarantee of its fitness for a particular purpose and is not liable under any circumstances for any damages or loss whatsoever arising from the use or inability to use this file or items derived from it. Comments: cgProgramManager - a class for loading various pixel & vertex shaders ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __NV_PROGRAM_MANAGER_H #define __NV_PROGRAM_MANAGER_H #if WIN32 #pragma warning (disable:4786) // identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information #include #include #include #include #include // to allow multiple streams and user specifed vertex type // D3DVSDT_FLOAT1 0x00 // 1D float expanded to (value, 0., 0., 1.) // D3DVSDT_FLOAT2 0x01 // 2D float expanded to (value, value, 0., 1.) // D3DVSDT_FLOAT3 0x02 // 3D float expanded to (value, value, value, 1.) // D3DVSDT_FLOAT4 0x03 // 4D float // D3DVSDT_D3DCOLOR 0x04 // 4D packed unsigned bytes mapped to 0. to 1. range // // Input is in D3DCOLOR format (ARGB) expanded to (R, G, B, A) // D3DVSDT_UBYTE4 0x05 // 4D unsigned byte // D3DVSDT_SHORT2 0x06 // 2D signed short expanded to (value, value, 0., 1.) // D3DVSDT_SHORT4 0x07 // 4D signed short // was cgVertexAttribute typedef struct cgVertexDefinition { int D3DVSDT_type; // one of D3DVSDT_* char * name; // name of the entry int stream; // stream to put the vertex in } cgVertexDefinition; #define CGVERTEXDEFINITIONEND {-1, 0, 0} // internal cgDirect3D data structure typedef struct cgiVertexAttribute { char name[64]; int D3DVSDT_type; int bind_location; cgBindIter * BindIter; } cgiVertexAttribute; typedef cg_vector cgiVertexAttributeList; typedef cg_list cgBindIterList; class cgProgramManager; class cgContextContainer; class cgProgramContainer { public: // get a text definition of what the runtime expects for the vertex const char * GetVertexDeclaration(); /* Example: returns string containing "struct stream0 { D3DXVECTOR3 position; D3DXVECTOR2 tex0; };" */ // convert D3DXMATRIX class to type specified in cg program // even if your cg program uses 3x3, you can use this to pass a matrix to it // upper left hand part of D3DXMATRIX is used to fill the cg matrix HRESULT SetShaderConstantD3DXMATRIX(cgBindIter * iter, const D3DXMATRIX *, int nArrayElements = 0, int ArrayOffset = 0); // All other data formats use this interface // The D3D runtime records the size of your data and puts that in the constant fields HRESULT SetShaderConstant(cgBindIter * iter, void * data, int nArrayElements = 0, int ArrayOffset = 0); // for arrays: // if nArrayElements is specified, write this number of elements rather than the whole array // if ArrayOffset is specified, start writing at this array element // otherwise nArrayElements and ArrayOffset are not specified // returns texture position 0-8 for the iterator // -1 is failure int GetTexturePosition(cgBindIter * BindIter); int GetTexturePosition(const char * name); // set the texture via name (needs to search bindings by name, so this is the slowest // not recommended HRESULT SetTexture(const char * name, LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE8 pTexture); // does a GetTexturePosition, then settexture(n, nTexture) HRESULT SetTexture(cgBindIter * BindIter, LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE8 pTexture); // does a GetTexturePosition, then SetTextureStageState(n, nTexture, Value) HRESULT SetTextureStageState(cgBindIter * BindIter, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE Type,DWORD Value); // Direct3D hardcodes wrap state, D3DRS_WRAP1, D3DWRAPCOORD_0 | D3DWRAPCOORD_1 // WrapCoords : 0, D3DWRAPCOORD_0, D3DWRAPCOORD_1 or'd together HRESULT SetTextureWrapMode(cgBindIter * BindIter, DWORD WrapCoords); // activate this shader (SetVertexShader or SetPixelShader) HRESULT SetShaderActive(); // locate a binding within a program by parameter name // it is recommended to do this once and use the cgBindIter to reference data cgBindIter *GetVertexBindByName(const char *vertex_attr_name); cgBindIter *GetTextureBindByName(const char *texture_name); cgBindIter *GetParameterBindByName(const char *parameter_name); void FreeBindIter(cgBindIter *); // Get the type for this bind iterator cgValueType GetBindValueType(const cgBindIter *BindIter, int *array_size) { return cgGetBindValueType(BindIter, array_size); } // locate and bindinf iterator by full name // e.g. appdata.texcoord0 cgBindIter *GetBindByFullName(const char *parameter_name); // from the iterator, get the name of the program const char *GetProgramName(); const char *GetProgramObjectCode(); cgProfileType GetProgramProfile() { return m_ProfileType;} // get the shader handle passed to Direct3D DWORD GetShaderHandle() {return m_dwShaderHandle;} private: cgBindIter *AllocBind(); void SaveBind(cgBindIter * BindIter); // for deleting cgBindIterList m_BindIterList; void GetParameterConstantPosition(cgBindIter * iter, int * pos, int *width, int * num4vectors, int *nArrayElements); void GetParameterConstantPosition(const char * name, int * pos, int *width, int * num4vectors, int *nArrayElements); HRESULT CreateProgramShader(); HRESULT CreateVertexShader(); HRESULT CreatePixelShader(); // take asm code, assembles it and create a handle HRESULT CreateShaderHandleFromFile( const cg_string & strFilePath, const cg_string & strSourceFile, const DWORD * pDeclaration, DWORD Usage); HRESULT CreateShaderHandleFromMemory( const char * pShaderText, const DWORD * pDeclaration, DWORD Usage); HRESULT Free(); // cgDX8VertexProfile or cgDX8PixelProfile (cg_profiles.h) // These types are defined with macros: // CG_PROFILE_MACRO(DX8Vertex,dx8vs,"dx8vs") // CG_PROFILE_MACRO(DX8Pixel,dx8ps,"dx8ps") friend cgProgramManager; friend cgContextContainer; DWORD m_dwShaderHandle; // DWORD handle returned by DX8 runtime cgProfileType m_ProfileType; // profile for this program HRESULT SetVertexDefinition(cgVertexDefinition * streams); cgProgramContainer(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDev, cgProgramIter *m_ProgramIter, cgProfileType ProfileType); ~cgProgramContainer(); HRESULT LoadShaderConstants(); cg_string m_ProgramSourceFile; // text file name cg_string m_ProgramObjectFile; // compiled shader object file (.vso, .pso) // for declaration of vertex positions cgiVertexAttributeList m_VertexAttributes[MAX_STREAMS]; cgProgramIter *m_ProgramIter; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 m_pd3dDevice; }; class cgProgramManager { private: cg_vector < cgProgramContainer * > m_ProgramContainers; // m_Shaders[0] is always = 0 cg_vector < DWORD > m_ProgramIndices; // indirection to m_Shaders // Programs hold an index to this array for // their shaders. The array int at that index // holds the index into the m_Shaders array. public: cgProgramManager(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDev); ~cgProgramManager(); HRESULT Free(); cgProgramContainer * CreateProgramContainer(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDev, cgProgramIter * ProgramIter, DWORD Usage, cgProfileType ProfileType, DWORD * outIndex ); DWORD GetShaderHandle( DWORD Index ); DWORD GetShaderHandle( cgProfileType ProfileType ); // cgProgramContainer * GetProgramIterator(DWORD index); private: // for creating programs LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 m_pd3dDevice; }; #endif // WIN32 #endif