//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ImageLib Sources // Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by Denton Woods // Last modified: 02/19/2002 <--Y2K Compliant! =] // // Filename: IL/devil_internal_exports.h // // Description: Internal stuff for DevIL (IL, ILU and ILUT) // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef IL_EXPORTS_H #define IL_EXPORTS_H #include "IL/il.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define IL_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define IL_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) // Basic Palette struct typedef struct ILpal { ILubyte* Palette; // the image palette (if any) ILuint PalSize; // size of the palette (in bytes) ILenum PalType; // the palette types below (0x0500 range) } ILpal; // The Fundamental Image struct typedef struct ILimage { ILuint Width; // the image's width ILuint Height; // the image's height ILuint Depth; // the image's depth ILubyte Bpp; // bytes per pixel (now number of channels) ILubyte Bpc; // bytes per channel ILuint Bps; // bytes per scanline (components for IL) ILubyte* Data; // the image data ILuint SizeOfData; // the total size of the data (in bytes) ILuint SizeOfPlane; // SizeOfData in a 2d image, size of each plane slice in a 3d image (in bytes) ILenum Format; // image format (in IL enum style) ILenum Type; // image type (in IL enum style) ILenum Origin; // origin of the image ILpal Pal; // palette details ILuint Duration; // length of the time to display this "frame" ILenum CubeFlags; // cube map flags for sides present in chain struct ILimage* Mipmaps; // mipmapped versions of this image terminated by a NULL - usu. NULL struct ILimage* Next; // next image in the chain - usu. NULL struct ILimage* Layers; // subsequent layers in the chain - usu. NULL ILuint NumNext; // number of images following this one (0 when not parent) ILuint NumMips; // number of mipmaps (0 when not parent) ILuint NumLayers; // number of layers (0 when not parent) ILuint* AnimList; // animation list ILuint AnimSize; // animation list size ILvoid* Profile; // colour profile ILuint ProfileSize; // colour profile size ILuint OffX, OffY; // offset of the image ILubyte* DxtcData; // compressed data ILenum DxtcFormat; // compressed data format ILuint DxtcSize; // compressed data size } ILimage; // Memory functions ILAPI ILvoid* ILAPIENTRY ialloc(ILuint Size); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ifree(ILvoid *Ptr); ILAPI ILvoid* ILAPIENTRY icalloc(ILuint Size, ILuint Num); #ifdef ALTIVEC_GCC ILAPI ILvoid* ILAPIENTRY ivec_align_buffer(ILvoid *buffer, ILuint size); #include "altivec.h" #endif // Internal library functions in IL ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilGetCurImage(ILvoid); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetCurImage(ILimage *Image); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetError(ILenum Error); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilSetPal(ILpal *Pal); // // Utility functions // ILAPI ILubyte ILAPIENTRY ilGetBppFormat(ILenum Format); ILAPI ILenum ILAPIENTRY ilGetFormatBpp(ILubyte Bpp); ILAPI ILubyte ILAPIENTRY ilGetBpcType(ILenum Type); ILAPI ILenum ILAPIENTRY ilGetTypeBpc(ILubyte Bpc); ILAPI ILubyte ILAPIENTRY ilGetBppPal(ILenum PalType); ILAPI ILenum ILAPIENTRY ilGetPalBaseType(ILenum PalType); ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilNextPower2(ILuint Num); ILAPI ILenum ILAPIENTRY ilTypeFromExt(const ILstring FileName); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilReplaceCurImage(ILimage *Image); // // Image functions // ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY iBindImageTemp (ILvoid); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilClearImage_ (ILimage *Image); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilCloseImage (ILimage *Image); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilClosePal (ILpal *Palette); ILAPI ILpal* ILAPIENTRY iCopyPal (ILvoid); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImageAttr (ILimage *Dest, ILimage *Src); ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilCopyImage_ (ILimage *Src); ILAPI ILvoid ILAPIENTRY ilGetClear (ILvoid *Colours, ILenum Format, ILenum Type); ILAPI ILuint ILAPIENTRY ilGetCurName (ILvoid); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilIsValidPal (ILpal *Palette); ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilNewImage (ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILubyte Bpc); ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY ilNewImageFull (ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilInitImage (ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilResizeImage (ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILubyte Bpc); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexImage_ (ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth, ILubyte Bpp, ILenum Format, ILenum Type, ILvoid *Data); ILAPI ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilTexSubImage_ (ILimage *Image, ILvoid *Data); ILAPI ILvoid* ILAPIENTRY ilConvertBuffer (ILuint SizeOfData, ILenum SrcFormat, ILenum DestFormat, ILenum SrcType, ILenum DestType, ILvoid *Buffer); ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY iConvertImage (ILimage *Image, ILenum DestFormat, ILenum DestType); ILAPI ILpal* ILAPIENTRY iConvertPal (ILpal *Pal, ILenum DestFormat); ILAPI ILubyte* ILAPIENTRY iGetFlipped (ILimage *Image); // Internal library functions in ILU ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY iluRotate_(ILimage *Image, ILfloat Angle); ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY iluRotate3D_(ILimage *Image, ILfloat x, ILfloat y, ILfloat z, ILfloat Angle); ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY iluScale_(ILimage *Image, ILuint Width, ILuint Height, ILuint Depth); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif//IL_EXPORTS_H