/************************************************************************ filename: CEGUIImageset.h created: 21/2/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Defines the interface for the Imageset class *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* Crazy Eddie's GUI System (http://www.cegui.org.uk) Copyright (C)2004 - 2005 Paul D Turner (paul@cegui.org.uk) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIImageset_h_ #define _CEGUIImageset_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIString.h" #include "CEGUIRect.h" #include "CEGUIColourRect.h" #include "CEGUIImagesetManager.h" #include "CEGUIImage.h" #include "CEGUIIteratorBase.h" #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Offers functions to define, access, and draw, a set of image components on a single graphical surface or Texture. Imageset objects are a means by which a single graphical image (file, Texture, etc), can be split into a number of 'components' which can later be accessed via name. The components of an Imageset can queried for various details, and sent to the Renderer object for drawing. */ class CEGUIEXPORT Imageset { friend class Imageset_xmlHandler; private: typedef std::map ImageRegistry; /************************************************************************* Friends to allow access to constructors and destructors *************************************************************************/ friend Imageset* ImagesetManager::createImageset(const String& name, Texture* texture); friend Imageset* ImagesetManager::createImageset(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup); friend void ImagesetManager::destroyImageset(const String& name); /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction (private, only ImagesetManager can create and destroy Imageset objects). *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Construct a new Imageset object. Object will initially have no Images defined \param texture Texture object that holds the imagery for the Imageset being created. */ Imageset(const String& name, Texture* texture); /*! \brief Construct a new Imageset object using data contained in the specified file. \param filename String object that holds the name of the Imageset data file that is to be processed. \param resourceGroup Resource group identifier to be passed to the resource manager. NB: This affects the imageset xml file only, the texture loaded may have its own group specified in the XML file. \exception FileIOException thrown if something goes wrong while processing the file \a filename. */ Imageset(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup); public: // For luabind support /*! \brief Destroys Imageset objects */ ~Imageset(void); public: typedef ConstBaseIterator ImageIterator; //!< Iterator type for this collection /************************************************************************* Public interface *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief return Texture object for this Imageset \return Texture object that holds the imagery for this Imageset */ Texture* getTexture(void) const {return d_texture;} /*! \brief return String object holding the name of the Imageset \return String object that holds the name of the Imageset. */ const String& getName(void) const {return d_name;} /*! \brief return number of images defined for this Imageset \return uint value equal to the number of Image objects defined for the Imageset */ uint getImageCount(void) const {return (uint)d_images.size();} /*! \brief return true if an Image with the specified name exists. \param name String object holding the name of the Image to look for. \return true if an Image object named \a name is defined for this Imageset, else false. */ bool isImageDefined(const String& name) const {return d_images.find(name) != d_images.end();} /*! \brief return a copy of the Image object for the named image \param name String object holding the name of the Image object to be returned \return constant Image object that has the requested name. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ const Image& getImage(const String& name) const; /*! \brief remove the definition for the Image with the specified name. If no such Image exists, nothing happens. \param name String object holding the name of the Image object to be removed from the Imageset, \return Nothing. */ void undefineImage(const String& name); /*! \brief Removes the definitions for all Image objects currently defined in the Imageset \return Nothing */ void undefineAllImages(void); /*! \brief return a Size object describing the dimensions of the named image. \param name String object holding the name of the Image. \return Size object holding the dimensions of the requested Image. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ Size getImageSize(const String& name) const {return getImage(name).getSize();} /*! \brief return the width of the named image. \param name String object holding the name of the Image. \return float value equalling the width of the requested Image. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ float getImageWidth(const String& name) const {return getImage(name).getWidth();} /*! \brief return the height of the named image. \param name String object holding the name of the Image. \return float value equalling the height of the requested Image. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ float getImageHeight(const String& name) const {return getImage(name).getHeight();} /*! \brief return the rendering offsets applied to the named image. \param name String object holding the name of the Image. \return Point object that holds the rendering offsets for the requested Image. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ Point getImageOffset(const String& name) const {return getImage(name).getOffsets();} /*! \brief return the x rendering offset for the named image. \param name String object holding the name of the Image. \return float value equal to the x rendering offset applied when drawing the requested Image. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ float getImageOffsetX(const String& name) const {return getImage(name).getOffsetX();} /*! \brief return the y rendering offset for the named image. \param name String object holding the name of the Image. \return float value equal to the y rendering offset applied when drawing the requested Image. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Image named \a name is defined for the Imageset */ float getImageOffsetY(const String& name) const {return getImage(name).getOffsetY();} /*! \brief Define a new Image for this Imageset \param name String object holding the name that will be assigned to the new Image, which must be unique within the Imageset. \param position Point object describing the pixel location of the Image on the image file / texture associated with this Imageset. \param size Size object describing the dimensions of the Image, in pixels. \param render_offset Point object describing the offsets, in pixels, that are to be applied to the Image when it is drawn. \return Nothing \exception AlreadyExistsException thrown if an Image named \a name is already defined for this Imageset */ void defineImage(const String& name, const Point& position, const Size& size, const Point& render_offset) { defineImage(name, Rect(position.d_x, position.d_y, position.d_x + size.d_width, position.d_y + size.d_height), render_offset); } /*! \brief Define a new Image for this Imageset \param name String object holding the name that will be assigned to the new Image, which must be unique within the Imageset. \param image_rect Rect object describing the area on the image file / texture associated with this Imageset that will be used for the Image. \param render_offset Point object describing the offsets, in pixels, that are to be applied to the Image when it is drawn. \return Nothing \exception AlreadyExistsException thrown if an Image named \a name is already defined for this Imageset */ void defineImage(const String& name, const Rect& image_rect, const Point& render_offset); /*! \brief Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen. Low-level routine to be used carefully! \param source_rect Rect object describing the area of the image file / texture that is to be queued for drawing \param dest_rect Rect describing the area of the screen that will be filled with the imagery from \a source_rect. \param z float value specifying 'z' order. 0 is topmost with increasing values moving back into the screen. \param clip_rect Rect object describing a 'clipping rectangle' that will be applied when drawing the requested imagery \param colours ColourRect object holding the ARGB colours to be applied to the four corners of the rendered imagery. \param quad_split_mode One of the QuadSplitMode values specifying the way quads are split into triangles \return Nothing */ void draw(const Rect& source_rect, const Rect& dest_rect, float z, const Rect& clip_rect,const ColourRect& colours, QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode) const; /*! \brief Queues an area of the associated Texture the be drawn on the screen. Low-level routine to be used carefully! \param source_rect Rect object describing the area of the image file / texture that is to be queued for drawing \param dest_rect Rect describing the area of the screen that will be filled with the imagery from \a source_rect. \param z float value specifying 'z' order. 0 is topmost with increasing values moving back into the screen. \param clip_rect Rect object describing a 'clipping rectangle' that will be applied when drawing the requested imagery \param top_left_colour colour to be applied to the top left corner of the rendered imagery. \param top_right_colour colour to be applied to the top right corner of the rendered imagery. \param bottom_left_colour colour to be applied to the bottom left corner of the rendered imagery. \param bottom_right_colour colour to be applied to the bottom right corner of the rendered imagery. \param quad_split_mode One of the QuadSplitMode values specifying the way quads are split into triangles \return Nothing */ void draw(const Rect& source_rect, const Rect& dest_rect, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, const colour& top_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF, const colour& top_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF, const colour& bottom_left_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF, const colour& bottom_right_colour = 0xFFFFFFFF, QuadSplitMode quad_split_mode = TopLeftToBottomRight) const { draw(source_rect, dest_rect, z, clip_rect, ColourRect(top_left_colour, top_right_colour, bottom_left_colour, bottom_right_colour), quad_split_mode); } /*! \brief Return whether this Imageset is auto-scaled. \return true if Imageset is auto-scaled, false if not. */ bool isAutoScaled(void) const {return d_autoScale;} /*! \brief Return the native display size for this Imageset. This is only relevant if the Imageset is being auto-scaled. \return Size object describing the native display size for this Imageset. */ Size getNativeResolution(void) const {return Size(d_nativeHorzRes, d_nativeVertRes);} /*! \brief Enable or disable auto-scaling for this Imageset. \param setting true to enable auto-scaling, false to disable auto-scaling. \return Nothing. */ void setAutoScalingEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set the native resolution for this Imageset \param size Size object describing the new native screen resolution for this Imageset. \return Nothing */ void setNativeResolution(const Size& size); /*! \brief Notify the Imageset of the current (usually new) display resolution. \param size Size object describing the display resolution \return Nothing */ void notifyScreenResolution(const Size& size); /*! \brief Return an Imageset::ImageIterator object that can be used to iterate over the Image objects in the Imageset. */ ImageIterator getIterator(void) const; protected: /************************************************************************* Implementation Constants *************************************************************************/ static const char ImagesetSchemaName[]; //!< Filename of the XML schema used for validating Imageset files. /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Initialise the Imageset with information taken from the specified file. \param filename String object that holds the name of the Imageset data file that is to be processed. \param resourceGroup Resource group identifier to be passed to the resource manager. NB: This affects the imageset xml file only, the texture loaded may have its own group specified in the XML file. \return Nothing \exception FileIOException thrown if something goes wrong while processing the file \a filename. */ void load(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup); /*! \brief Unloads all loaded data and leaves the Imageset in a clean (but un-usable) state. This should be called for cleanup purposes only. */ void unload(void); /*! \brief set the Texture object to be used by this Imageset. Changing textures on an Imageset that is in use is not a good idea! \param texture Texture object to be used by the Imageset. The old texture is NOT disposed of, that is the clients responsibility. \return Nothing \exception NullObjectException thrown if \a texture is NULL */ void setTexture(Texture* texture); /*! \brief Sets the scaling factor for all Images that are a part of this Imageset. \return Nothing. */ void updateImageScalingFactors(void); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ String d_name; //!< Holds the name of this imageset. ImageRegistry d_images; //!< Registry of Image objects for the images defined for this Imageset Texture* d_texture; //!< Texture object that handles imagery for this Imageset // auto-scaling fields bool d_autoScale; //!< true when auto-scaling is enabled. float d_horzScaling; //!< current horizontal scaling factor. float d_vertScaling; //!< current vertical scaling factor. float d_nativeHorzRes; //!< native horizontal resolution for this Imageset. float d_nativeVertRes; //!< native vertical resolution for this Imageset. }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUIImageset_h_