/************************************************************************ filename: CEGUIWindow.h created: 21/2/2004 author: Paul D Turner purpose: Defines abstract base class for Window objects *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* Crazy Eddie's GUI System (http://www.cegui.org.uk) Copyright (C)2004 - 2005 Paul D Turner (paul@cegui.org.uk) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CEGUIWindow_h_ #define _CEGUIWindow_h_ #include "CEGUIBase.h" #include "CEGUIString.h" #include "CEGUIVector.h" #include "CEGUIRect.h" #include "CEGUISize.h" #include "CEGUIEventSet.h" #include "CEGUIPropertySet.h" #include "CEGUISystem.h" #include "CEGUIInputEvent.h" #include "CEGUIWindowProperties.h" #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4251) #endif // Start of CEGUI namespace section namespace CEGUI { /*! \brief Mode used for Window size and position metrics. Position information for a Window is always 'relative' to it's parent even in Absolute mode. In Relative mode, layout is maintained for different screen resolutions, and also offers the ability for child windows to properly adjust their layout as their parent is sized. */ enum MetricsMode { Relative, //!< Metrics are specified as a decimal fraction of parent Window size. Absolute, //!< Metrics are specified as whole pixels. Inherited //!< Metrics are inherited from parent. }; /*! \brief An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the required interface for derived classes. The Window base class is the only UI object class that the core of the system knows about, for this reason every other window, widget, or similar item within the system must be derived from Window. The base class provides the common functionality required by all UI objects, and specifies the minimal interface required to be implemented by derived classes. */ class CEGUIEXPORT Window : public PropertySet, public EventSet { public: static const String EventNamespace; //!< Namespace for global events /************************************************************************* Event name constants *************************************************************************/ // generated internally by Window static const String EventParentSized; //!< Parent of this Window has been re-sized. static const String EventSized; //!< Window size has changed static const String EventMoved; //!< Window position has changed static const String EventTextChanged; //!< Text string for the Window has changed static const String EventFontChanged; //!< Font object for the Window has been changed static const String EventAlphaChanged; //!< Alpha blend value for the Window has changed static const String EventIDChanged; //!< Client assigned ID code for the Window has changed static const String EventActivated; //!< Window has been activated (has input focus) static const String EventDeactivated; //!< Window has been deactivated (loses input focus) static const String EventShown; //!< Window has been made visible static const String EventHidden; //!< Window has been hidden from view static const String EventEnabled; //!< Window has been enabled (interaction is possible) static const String EventDisabled; //!< Window has been disabled (interaction is no longer possible) static const String EventMetricsModeChanged; //!< Active metrics mode has been modified static const String EventClippedByParentChanged; //!< Clipping by parent mode has been modified static const String EventDestroyedByParentChanged;//!< Destruction by parent mode has been modified static const String EventInheritsAlphaChanged; //!< Alpha inherited from parent mode has been modified. static const String EventAlwaysOnTopChanged; //!< Always on top mode has been modified static const String EventInputCaptureGained; //!< Window has captured all inputs static const String EventInputCaptureLost; //!< Window has lost it's capture on inputs static const String EventRenderingStarted; //!< Rendering of the Window has started static const String EventRenderingEnded; //!< Rendering for the Window has finished static const String EventChildAdded; //!< A child Window has been added static const String EventChildRemoved; //!< A child window has been removed static const String EventDestructionStarted; //!< Destruction of the Window is about to begin. static const String EventZOrderChanged; //!< The z-order of the window has changed static const String EventDragDropItemEnters; //!< A DragContainer has been dragged over this window. static const String EventDragDropItemLeaves; //!< A DragContainer has left this window. static const String EventDragDropItemDropped; //!< A DragContainer was dropped on this Window. // generated externally (inputs) static const String EventMouseEnters; //!< Mouse cursor has entered the Window. static const String EventMouseLeaves; //!< Mouse cursor has left the Window. static const String EventMouseMove; //!< Mouse cursor was moved within the area of the Window. static const String EventMouseWheel; //!< Mouse wheel was scrolled within the Window. static const String EventMouseButtonDown; //!< A mouse button was pressed down within the Window. static const String EventMouseButtonUp; //!< A mouse button was released within the Window. static const String EventMouseClick; //!< A mouse button was clicked (down then up) within the Window. static const String EventMouseDoubleClick; //!< A mouse button was double-clicked within the Window. static const String EventMouseTripleClick; //!< A mouse button was triple-clicked within the Window. static const String EventKeyDown; //!< A key on the keyboard was pressed. static const String EventKeyUp; //!< A key on the keyboard was released. static const String EventCharacterKey; //!< A text character was typed on the keyboard. /************************************************************************* Construction and Destruction *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Constructor for Window base class \param type String object holding Window type (usually provided by WindowFactory). \param name String object holding unique name for the Window. */ Window(const String& type, const String& name); /*! \brief Destructor for Window base class */ virtual ~Window(void); /************************************************************************* Accessor functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief return a String object holding the type name for this Window. \return String object holding the Window type. */ const String& getType(void) const {return d_type;} /*! \brief return a String object holding the name of this Window. \return String object holding the unique Window name. */ const String& getName(void) const {return d_name;} /*! \brief returns whether or not this Window is set to be destroyed when its parent is destroyed. \return true if the Window will be destroyed when its parent is destroyed, false if it will remain. */ bool isDestroyedByParent(void) const {return d_destroyedByParent;} /*! \brief returns whether or not this Window is an always on top (a.k.a 'topmost') Window. \return true if this Window is always show on top of other normal windows. false if the Window has normal z-order behaviour. */ bool isAlwaysOnTop(void) const {return d_alwaysOnTop;} /*! \brief return true if the Window is currently disabled \return true if the window is disabled, false if the window is enabled. */ bool isDisabled(void) const; /*! \brief return true if the Window is currently visible. A true return from this function does not mean that the window is not completely obscured by other windows, just that the window is processed when rendering and is not hidden. \return true if the window is drawn, false if the window is hidden and therefore ignored when rendering. */ bool isVisible(void) const; /*! \brief return true if this is the active Window (the window that receives inputs) Mouse events are always sent to the window containing the mouse cursor regardless of what this reports (unless the window has captured inputs). This mainly refers to where other (keyboard) inputs are sent. \return true if this window has input focus, or false if it does not. */ bool isActive(void) const; /*! \brief return true if this Window is clipped so that its rendering does not pass outside its parent windows area. \return true if the window will be clipped by its parent window, or false if this windows rendering may pass outside its parents area */ bool isClippedByParent(void) const {return d_clippedByParent;} /*! \brief return the ID code currently assigned to this Window by client code. \return uint value equal to the currently assigned ID code for this Window. */ uint getID(void) const {return d_ID;} /*! \brief return the number of child Window objects currently attached to this Window. \return uint value equal to the number of Window objects directly attached to this Window as children. */ uint getChildCount(void) const {return (uint)d_children.size();} /*! \brief returns whether a Window with the specified name is currently attached to this Window as a child. \param name String object containing the name of the Window to look for. \return true if a Window named \a name is currently attached to this Window as a child, else false. */ bool isChild(const String& name) const; /*! \brief returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached as a child. \note ID codes are client assigned and may or may not be unique, and as such, the return from this function will only have meaning to the client code. \param ID uint ID code to look for. \return true if a child window was found with the ID code \a ID, or false if no child window was found with the ID \a ID. */ bool isChild(uint ID) const; /*! \brief return true if the given Window is a child of this window. \param window Pointer to the Window object to look for. \return true if Window object \a window is attached to this window as a child. */ bool isChild(const Window* window) const; /*! \brief return a pointer to the child window with the specified name. This function will throw an exception if no child object with the given name is attached. This decision was made (over returning NULL if no window was found) so that client code can assume that if the call returns it has a valid window pointer. We provide the isChild() functions for checking if a given window is attached. \param name String object holding the name of the child window to return a pointer to. \return Pointer to the Window object attached to this window that has the name \a name. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no window named \a name is attached to this Window. */ Window* getChild(const String& name) const; /*! \brief return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified ID. This function will throw an exception if no child object with the given ID is attached. This decision was made (over returning NULL if no window was found) so that client code can assume that if the call returns it has a valid window pointer. We provide the isChild() functions for checking if a given window is attached. \param ID uint value specifying the ID code of the window to return a pointer to. \return Pointer to the (first) Window object attached to this window that has the ID code \a ID. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no window with the ID code \a ID is attached to this Window. */ Window* getChild(uint ID) const; /*! \brief return a pointer to the child window that is attached to 'this' at the given index. \note Window indeces are of limited value to client code, since any time a window is added, removed, or it's z-order is changed the indeces all change. \param idx Index of the child window whos pointer should be returned. This value is not bounds checked, client code should ensure that this is less than the value returned by getChildCount(). \return Pointer to the child window currently attached at index position \a idx */ Window* getChildAtIdx(uint idx) const {return d_children[idx];} /*! \brief return a pointer to the Window that currently has input focus starting with this Window. \return Pointer to the window that is active (has input focus) starting at 'this. Will return 'this' if this Window is active and either no children are attached or if none of the attached children are active. Returns NULL if this Window (and therefore all children) are not active. */ Window* getActiveChild(void); const Window* getActiveChild(void) const; /*! \brief return true if the specified Window is some ancestor of this Window \param name String object holding the name of the Window to check for. \return true if a Window named \a name is an ancestor (parent, or parent of parent, etc) of this Window, or false if not. */ bool isAncestor(const String& name) const; /*! \brief return true if any Window with the given ID is some ancestor of this Window. \param ID uint value specifying the ID to look for. \return true if an ancestor (parent, or parent of parent, etc) was found with the ID code \a ID, else false. */ bool isAncestor(uint ID) const; /*! \brief return true if the specified Window is some ancestor of this Window. \param window Pointer to the Window object to look for. \return true if \a window was found to be an ancestor (parent, or parent of parent, etc) of this Window, otherwise false. */ bool isAncestor(const Window* window) const; /*! \brief return the Font object active for the Window. \return Pointer to the Font being used by this Window. If the window has no assigned font, the default font is returned. */ const Font* getFont(void) const; /*! \brief return the current text for the Window \return A String object that holds the current text for this Window. */ const String& getText(void) const {return d_text;} /*! \brief return true if the Window inherits alpha from its parent(s). \return true if the Window inherits alpha from its parent(s), false if the alpha for this Window is independant. */ bool inheritsAlpha(void) const {return d_inheritsAlpha;} /*! \brief return the current alpha value set for this Window \note The alpha value set for any given window may or may not be the final alpha value that is used when rendering. All window objects, by default, inherit alpha from thier parent window(s) - this will blend child windows, relatively, down the line of inheritance. This behaviour can be overridden via the setInheritsAlpha() method. To return the true alpha value that will be applied when rendering, use the getEffectiveAlpha() method. \return the currently set alpha value for this Window. Will be between 0.0f and 1.0f. */ float getAlpha(void) const {return d_alpha;} /*! \brief return the effective alpha value that will be used when rendering this window, taking into account inheritance of parent window(s) alpha. \return the effective alpha that will be applied to this Window when rendering. Will be between 0.0f and 1.0f. */ float getEffectiveAlpha(void) const; /*! \brief return a Rect object that describes the Window area. \return Rect object that describes the area covered by the Window. The values in the returned Rect are in whatever form is set as the current metric type. The returned Rect is unclipped and relative to the Window objects parent. */ Rect getRect(void) const; /*! \brief return a Rect object describing the Window area in screen space. \return Rect object that describes the area covered by the Window. The values in the returned Rect are in screen pixels. The returned Rect is clipped as appropriate and depending upon the 'ClippedByParent' setting. \note This has now been made virtual to ease some customisations that require more specialised clipping requirements. */ virtual Rect getPixelRect(void) const; /*! \brief return a Rect object describing the clipped inner area for this window. \return Rect object that describes, in appropriately clipped screen pixel co-ordinates, the window object's inner rect area. */ Rect getInnerRect(void) const; /*! \brief return a Rect object describing the Window area unclipped, in screen space. \return Rect object that describes the area covered by the Window. The values in the returned Rect are in screen pixels. The returned rect is fully unclipped. */ Rect getUnclippedPixelRect(void) const; /*! \brief Return a Rect object that describes, unclipped, the inner rectangle for this window. The inner rectangle is typically an area that excludes some frame or other rendering that should not be touched by subsequent rendering. \return Rect object that describes, in unclipped screen pixel co-ordinates, the window object's inner rect area. */ virtual Rect getUnclippedInnerRect(void) const; /*! \brief return the Window that currently has inputs captured. \return Pointer to the Window object that currently has inputs captured, or NULL if no Window has captured input. */ static Window* getCaptureWindow(void) {return d_captureWindow;} /*! \brief return true if this Window has input captured. \return true if this Window has captured inputs, or false if some other Window, or no Window, has captured inputs. */ bool isCapturedByThis(void) const {return getCaptureWindow() == this;} /*! \brief return true if a child window has captured inputs. \return true if inputs are captured by a Window that is attached as a child of this Window, else false. */ bool isCapturedByAncestor(void) const {return isAncestor(getCaptureWindow());} /*! \brief return true if an ancestor window has captured inputs. \return true if inputs are captured by a Window that is some ancestor (parent, parent of parent, etc) of this Window, else false. */ bool isCapturedByChild(void) const {return isChild(getCaptureWindow());} /*! \brief check if the given position would hit this window. \param position Point object describing the position to check in screen pixels \return true if \a position 'hits' this Window, else false. */ virtual bool isHit(const Point& position) const; /*! \brief return the child Window that is 'hit' by the given position \param position Point object that describes the position to check in screen pixels \return Pointer to the child Window that was hit according to the Point \a position, or NULL if no child window was hit. */ Window* getChildAtPosition(const Point& position) const; /*! \brief return the current metrics mode employed by the Window \return One of the values of the MectricsMode enumerated type, that describes the current metrics in use by the Window. */ MetricsMode getMetricsMode(void) const; /*! \brief return the x position of the window. Interpretation of return value depends upon the metric type in use by this window. \return float value that specifies the x position of the Window relative to it's parent, depending on the metrics system in use for this Window, this value will specify either pixels or a decimal fraction of the width of the parent Window. */ float getXPosition(void) const; /*! \brief return the y position of the window. Interpretation of return value depends upon the metric type in use by this window. \return float value that specifies the y position of the Window relative to it's parent, depending on the metrics system in use for this Window, this value will specify either pixels or a decimal fraction of the height of the parent Window. */ float getYPosition(void) const; /*! \brief return the position of the window. Interpretation of return value depends upon the metric type in use by this window. \return Point object that describes the position of the Window relative to it's parent, depending on the metrics system in use for this Window, the values in the Point will specify either pixels or decimal fractions of the total width and height of the parent. */ Point getPosition(void) const; /*! \brief return the width of the Window. Interpretation of return value depends upon the metric type in use by this window. \return float value that specifies the width of the Window. Depending upon the metrics system in use for this window, the return value will either be in pixels, or as a decimal fraction of the width of the parent Window. */ float getWidth(void) const; /*! \brief return the height of the Window. Interpretation of return value depends upon the metric type in use by this window. \return float value that specifies the height of the Window. Depending upon the metrics system in use for this window, the return value will either be in pixels, or as a decimal fraction of the height of the parent Window. */ float getHeight(void) const; /*! \brief return the size of the Window. Interpretation of return value depends upon the metric type in use by this window. \return Size object that describes the dimensions of the Window. Depending upon the metrics system in use for this window, the values will either be in pixels, or as decimal fractions of the width and height of the parent Window. */ Size getSize(void) const; /*! \brief return the parent of this Window. \return Pointer to the Window object that is the parent of this Window. This value can be NULL, in which case the Window is a GUI Sheet / Root. */ Window* getParent(void) const {return d_parent;} /*! \brief Return the current maximum size for this window. \return Size object describing the maximum size for this window. If using absolute co-ordinates the returned object has it's values expressed as screen pixels. If using relative co-ordinates the returned object has it's values expressed as fractions of the current display size. */ Size getMaximumSize(void) const; /*! \brief Return the current minimum size for this window. \return Size object describing the minimum size for this window. If using absolute co-ordinates the returned object has it's values expressed as screen pixels. If using relative co-ordinates the returned object has it's values expressed as fractions of the current display size. */ Size getMinimumSize(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the mouse cursor image to use when the mouse is within this window. \return Pointer to the mouse cursor image that will be used when the mouse enters this window. May return NULL indicating no cursor. */ const Image* getMouseCursor(void) const; /*! \brief Return the window area rect in relative metrics. \return Rect object describing this windows area, relative to the parent window, in parent relative metrics. */ Rect getRelativeRect(void) const {return d_rel_area;} /*! \brief Return the window position in relative metrics. \return Point object describing this windows position, relative to the parent window, in parent relative metrics. */ Point getRelativePosition(void) const {return d_rel_area.getPosition();} /*! \brief Return the window X position in relative metrics. \return float value describing this windows X position, relative to the parent window, in parent relative metrics. */ float getRelativeXPosition(void) const {return d_rel_area.d_left;} /*! \brief Return the window Y position in relative metrics. \return float value describing this windows Y position, relative to the parent window, in parent relative metrics. */ float getRelativeYPosition(void) const {return d_rel_area.d_top;} /*! \brief Return the window size in relative metrics. \return Size object describing this windows size in parent relative metrics. */ Size getRelativeSize(void) const {return d_rel_area.getSize();} /*! \brief Return the window width in relative metrics. \return float value describing this windows width in parent relative metrics. */ float getRelativeWidth(void) const {return d_rel_area.getWidth();} /*! \brief Return the window height in relative metrics. \return float value describing this windows height in parent relative metrics. */ float getRelativeHeight(void) const {return d_rel_area.getHeight();} /*! \brief Return the window area rect in absolute metrics. \return Rect object describing this windows area, relative to the parent window, in absolute metrics */ Rect getAbsoluteRect(void) const {return d_abs_area;} /*! \brief Return the window position in absolute metrics. \return Point object describing this windows position, relative to the parent window, in absolute metrics. */ Point getAbsolutePosition(void) const {return d_abs_area.getPosition();} /*! \brief Return the window X position in absolute metrics. \return float value describing this windows X position, relative to the parent window, in absolute metrics. */ float getAbsoluteXPosition(void) const {return d_abs_area.d_left;} /*! \brief Return the window Y position in absolute metrics. \return float value describing this windows Y position, relative to the parent window, in absolute metrics. */ float getAbsoluteYPosition(void) const {return d_abs_area.d_top;} /*! \brief Return the window size in absolute metrics. \return Size object describing this windows size in absolute metrics. */ Size getAbsoluteSize(void) const {return d_abs_area.getSize();} /*! \brief Return the window width in absolute metrics. \return float value describing this windows width in absolute metrics. */ float getAbsoluteWidth(void) const {return d_abs_area.getWidth();} /*! \brief Return the window height in absolute metrics. \return float value describing this windows height in absolute metrics. */ float getAbsoluteHeight(void) const {return d_abs_area.getHeight();} /*! \brief Return the user data set for this Window. Each Window can have some client assigned data attached to it, this data is not used by the GUI system in any way. Interpretation of the data is entirely application specific. \return pointer to the user data that is currently set for this window. */ void* getUserData(void) const {return d_userData;} /*! \brief return the x position of the window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return float value that specifies the x position of the Window relative to it's parent, using the specified MetricsMode. */ float getXPosition(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief return the y position of the window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return float value that specifies the y position of the Window relative to it's parent, using the specified MetricsMode. */ float getYPosition(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief return the position of the window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return Point object that describes the position of the Window relative to it's parent, using the specified MetricsMode. */ Point getPosition(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief return the width of the Window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return float value that specifies the width of the Window using the specified MetricsMode. */ float getWidth(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief return the height of the Window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return float value that specifies the height of the Window using the specified MetricsMode. */ float getHeight(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief return the size of the Window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return Size object that describes the dimensions of the Window using the specified MetricsMode. */ Size getSize(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief return a Rect object that describes the Window area using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \return Rect object that describes the area covered by the Window using the specified MetricsMode. */ Rect getRect(MetricsMode mode) const; /*! \brief Return whether this window is set to restore old input capture when it loses input capture. This is only really useful for certain sub-components for widget writers. \return - true if the window will restore the previous capture window when it loses input capture. - false if the window will set the capture window to NULL when it loses input capture (this is the default behaviour). */ bool restoresOldCapture(void) const {return d_restoreOldCapture;} /*! \brief Return whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window. \return - true if z-order changes are enabled for this window. moveToFront/moveToBack work normally as expected. - false: z-order changes are disabled for this window. moveToFront/moveToBack are ignored for this window. */ bool isZOrderingEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead. \return - true if the Window will receive double-click and triple-click events. - false if the Window will receive multiple mouse button down events instead of double/triple click events. */ bool wantsMultiClickEvents(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window. \return - true if autorepeat of mouse button down events is enabled for this window. - false if autorepeat of mouse button down events is not enabled for this window. */ bool isMouseAutoRepeatEnabled(void) const; /*! \brief Return the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window. \return float value indicating the delay, in seconds, defore the first repeat mouse button down event will be triggered when autorepeat is enabled. */ float getAutoRepeatDelay(void) const; /*! \brief Return the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window. \return float value indicating the rate, in seconds, at which repeat mouse button down events will be generated after the initial delay has expired. */ float getAutoRepeatRate(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached child windows when the window has inputs captured. \return - true if System should pass captured input events to child windows. - false if System should pass captured input events to this window only. */ bool distributesCapturedInputs(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether this Window is using the system default Tooltip for its Tooltip window. \return - true if the Window will use the system default tooltip. - false if the window has a custom Tooltip object. */ bool isUsingDefaultTooltip(void) const; /*! \brief Return a pointer to the Tooltip object used by this Window. The value returned may point to the system default Tooltip, a custom Window specific Tooltip, or be NULL. \return Pointer to a Tooltip based object, or NULL. */ Tooltip* getTooltip(void) const; /*! \brief Return the custom tooltip type. \return String object holding the current custom tooltip window type, or an empty string if no custom tooltip is set. */ String getTooltipType(void) const; /*! \brief Return the current tooltip text set for this Window. \return String object holding the current tooltip text set for this window. */ const String& getTooltipText(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set. \return - true if the window inherits tooltip text from its parent when its own text is not set. - false if the window does not inherit tooltip text from its parent (and shows no tooltip when no text is set). */ bool inheritsTooltipText(void) const; /*! \brief Return whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button. \return - true if the window will come to the top of other windows when the left mouse button is pushed within its area. - false if the window does not change z-order position when the left mouse button is pushed within its area. */ bool isRiseOnClickEnabled(void) const { return d_riseOnClick; } /*! \brief Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance heirarchy. \param class_name The class name that is to be checked. \return true if this window was inherited from \a class_name. false if not. */ bool testClassName(const String& class_name) const {return testClassName_impl(class_name);} /************************************************************************* Manipulator functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Initialises the Window based object ready for use. \note This must be called for every window created. Normally this is handled automatically by the WindowFactory for each Window type. \return Nothing */ virtual void initialise(void) {} /*! \brief Set whether or not this Window will automatically be destroyed when its parent Window is destroyed. \param setting set to true to have the Window auto-destroyed when its parent is destroyed (default), or false to have the Window remain after its parent is destroyed. \return Nothing */ void setDestroyedByParent(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether this window is always on top, or not. \param setting true to have the Window appear on top of all other non always on top windows, or false to allow the window to be covered by other windows. \return Nothing */ void setAlwaysOnTop(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether this window is enabled or disabled. A disabled window normally can not be interacted with, and may have different rendering. \param setting true to enable the Window, and false to disable the Window. \return Nothing */ void setEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief enable the Window to allow interaction. \return Nothing */ void enable(void) {setEnabled(true);} /*! \brief disable the Window to prevent interaction. \return Nothing */ void disable(void) {setEnabled(false);} /*! \brief Set whether the Window is visible or hidden. \param setting true to make the Window visible, or false to make the Window hidden \return Nothing */ void setVisible(bool setting); /*! \brief show the Window \return Nothing */ void show(void) {setVisible(true);} /*! \brief hide the Window. \return Nothing */ void hide(void) {setVisible(false);} /*! \brief Activate the Window giving it input focus and bringing it to the top of all non always-on-top Windows. \return Nothing */ void activate(void); /*! \brief Deactivate the window. No further inputs will be received by the window until it is re-activated either programmatically or by the user interacting with the gui. \return Nothing. */ void deactivate(void); /*! \brief Set whether this Window will be clipped by its parent window(s). \param setting true to have the Window clipped so that rendering is constrained to within the area of its parent(s), or false to have rendering constrained to the screen only. \return Nothing */ void setClippedByParent(bool setting); /*! \brief Set the current ID for the Window. \param ID Client assigned ID code for this Window. The GUI system assigns no meaning to any IDs, they are a device purely for client code usage. \return Nothing */ void setID(uint ID); /*! \brief Set the current text string for the Window. \param text String object containing the text that is to be set as the Window text. \return Nothing */ void setText(const String& text); /*! \brief Set the current width of the Window. Interpretation of the input value \a width is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param width float value that specifies the new width for the window, in units consistent with whatever metrics mode is in operation. \return Nothing */ void setWidth(float width); /*! \brief Set the current height of the Window. Interpretation of the input value \a height is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param height float value that specifies the new height for the window, in units consistent with whatever metrics mode is in operation. \return Nothing */ void setHeight(float height); /*! \brief Set the current size of the Window. Interpretation of the input value \a size is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param size Size object that describes the new dimensions for the window, in units consistent with whatever metrics mode is in operation. \return Nothing */ void setSize(const Size& size); /*! \brief Set the current 'x' position of the Window. Interpretation of the input value \a x is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param x float value that specifies the new x postion of the Window, in units consistent with the current metrics mode. \return Nothing */ void setXPosition(float x); /*! \brief Set the current 'y' position of the Window. Interpretation of the input value \a y is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param y float value that specifies the new y postion of the Window, in units consistent with the current metrics mode. \return Nothing */ void setYPosition(float y); /*! \brief Set the current position of the Window. Interpretation of the input value \a position is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param position Point object that describes the new postion of the Window, in units consistent with the current metrics mode. \return Nothing */ void setPosition(const Point& position); /*! \brief Set the current area for the Window, this allows for setting of position and size at the same time. Interpretation of the input value \a area is dependant upon the current metrics system set for the Window. \param area Rect object that describes the new area for Window, in units consistent with the current metrics mode. \return Nothing */ void setAreaRect(const Rect& area); /*! \brief Set the font used by this Window. \param font Pointer to the Font object to be used by this Window. If \a font is NULL, the default font will be used. \return Nothing */ void setFont(const Font* font); /*! \brief Set the font used by this Window. \param name String object holding the name of the Font object to be used by this Window. If \a name == "", the default font will be used. \return Nothing \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if the specified Font is unknown within the system. */ void setFont(const String& name); /*! \brief Add the named Window as a child of this Window. If the Window \a name is already attached to a Window, it is detached before being added to this Window. \param name String object holding the name of the Window to be added. \return Nothing. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if no Window named \a name exists. \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if Window \a name is an ancestor of this Window, to prevent cyclic Window structures. */ void addChildWindow(const String& name); /*! \brief Add the specified Window as a child of this Window. If the Window \a window is already attached to a Window, it is detached before being added to this Window. \param window Pointer to the Window object to be added. \return Nothing \exception InvalidRequestException thrown if Window \a window is an ancestor of this Window, to prevent cyclic Window structures. */ void addChildWindow(Window* window); /*! \brief Remove the named Window from this windows child list. \param name String object holding the name of the Window to be removed. If the Window specified is not attached to this Window, nothing happens. \return Nothing. */ void removeChildWindow(const String& name); /*! \brief Remove the specified Window form this windows child list. \param window Pointer to the Window object to be removed. If the \a window is not attached to this Window, then nothing happens. \return Nothing. */ void removeChildWindow(Window* window); /*! \brief Remove the first child Window with the specified ID. If there is more than one attached Window objects with the specified ID, only the fist one encountered will be removed. \param ID ID number assigned to the Window to be removed. If no Window with ID code \a ID is attached, nothing happens. \return Nothing. */ void removeChildWindow(uint ID); /*! \brief Move the Window to the top of the z order. - If the Window is a non always-on-top window it is moved the the top of all other non always-on-top sibling windows, and the process repeated for all ancestors. - If the Window is an always-on-top window it is moved to the of of all sibling Windows, and the process repeated for all ancestors. \return Nothing */ void moveToFront(); /*! \brief Move the Window to the bottom of the Z order. - If the window is non always-on-top the Window is sent to the very bottom of its sibling windows and the process repeated for all ancestors. - If the window is always-on-top, the Window is sent to the bottom of all sibling always-on-top windows and the process repeated for all ancestors. \return Nothing */ void moveToBack(); /*! \brief Captures input to this window \return - true if input was successfully captured to this window. - false if input could not be captured to this window (maybe because the window is not active). */ bool captureInput(void); /*! \brief Releases input capture from this Window. If this Window does not have inputs captured, nothing happens. \return Nothing */ void releaseInput(void); /*! \brief Set whether this window will remember and restore the previous window that had inputs captured. \param setting - true: The window will remember and restore the previous capture window. The CaptureLost event is not fired on the previous window when this window steals input capture. When this window releases capture, the old capture window is silently restored. - false: Input capture works as normal, each window losing capture is signalled via CaptureLost, and upon the final release of capture, no previous setting is restored (this is the default 'normal' behaviour). \return Nothing */ void setRestoreCapture(bool setting); /*! \brief Set the current alpha value for this window. \note The alpha value set for any given window may or may not be the final alpha value that is used when rendering. All window objects, by default, inherit alpha from thier parent window(s) - this will blend child windows, relatively, down the line of inheritance. This behaviour can be overridden via the setInheritsAlpha() method. To return the true alpha value that will be applied when rendering, use the getEffectiveAlpha() method. \param alpha The new alpha value for the window. Value should be between 0.0f and 1.0f. \return Nothing */ void setAlpha(float alpha); /*! \brief Sets whether this Window will inherit alpha from its parent windows. \param setting true if the Window should use inherited alpha, or false if the Window should have an independant alpha value. \return Nothing */ void setInheritsAlpha(bool setting); /*! \brief Signal the System object to redraw (at least) this Window on the next render cycle. \return Nothing */ void requestRedraw(void) const; /*! \brief set the current metrics mode employed by the Window \param mode One of the values of the MectricsMode enumerated type, that describes the metrics mode to be used by the Window. \return Nothing */ void setMetricsMode(MetricsMode mode); /*! \brief Set the minimum size for this window. \param sz Size object describing the minimum size for the window. For absolute metrics, the Size values are in screen pixels, for relative metrics the Size values are relative to the display size. */ void setMinimumSize(const Size& sz); /*! \brief Set the maximum size for this window. \param sz Size object describing the maximum size for the window. For absolute metrics, the Size values are in screen pixels, for relative metrics the Size values are relative to the display size. */ void setMaximumSize(const Size& sz); /*! \brief Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. \param image Pointer to the Image object to use as the mouse cursor image when the mouse enters the area for this Window. \return Nothing. */ void setMouseCursor(const Image* image) {d_mouseCursor = image;} /*! \brief Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. \param image One of the MouseCursorImage enumerated values. \return Nothing. */ void setMouseCursor(MouseCursorImage image) {d_mouseCursor = (const Image*)image;} /*! \brief Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window. \param imageset String object that contains the name of the Imageset that contains the image to be used. \param image_name String object that contains the name of the Image on \a imageset that is to be used. \return Nothing. \exception UnknownObjectException thrown if \a imageset is not known, or if \a imageset contains no Image named \a image_name. */ void setMouseCursor(const String& imageset, const String& image_name); /*! \brief Set the user data set for this Window. Each Window can have some client assigned data attached to it, this data is not used by the GUI system in any way. Interpretation of the data is entirely application specific. \param user_data pointer to the user data that is to be set for this window. \return Nothing. */ void setUserData(void* user_data) {d_userData = user_data;} /*! \brief set the x position of the window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param x float value that specifies the x position of the Window relative to it's parent, using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing. */ void setXPosition(MetricsMode mode, float x); /*! \brief set the y position of the window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param y float value that specifies the y position of the Window relative to it's parent, using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing. */ void setYPosition(MetricsMode mode, float y); /*! \brief set the position of the window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param position Point object that describes the position of the Window relative to it's parent, using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing */ void setPosition(MetricsMode mode, const Point& position); /*! \brief set the width of the Window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param width float value that specifies the width of the Window using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing. */ void setWidth(MetricsMode mode, float width); /*! \brief set the height of the Window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param height float value that specifies the height of the Window using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing. */ void setHeight(MetricsMode mode, float height); /*! \brief set the size of the Window using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param size Size object that describes the dimensions of the Window using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing. */ void setSize(MetricsMode mode, const Size& size); /*! \brief set the Rect that describes the Window area using the specified metrics system. \param mode One of the MetricsMode enumerated values specifying the metrics system to be used for the return value. \param area Rect object that describes the area to be covered by the Window using the specified MetricsMode. \return Nothing. */ void setRect(MetricsMode mode, const Rect& area); /*! \brief Set whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window. \param setting - true if z-order changes are enabled for this window. moveToFront/moveToBack work normally as expected. - false: z-order changes are disabled for this window. moveToFront/moveToBack are ignored for this window. \return Nothing. */ void setZOrderingEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple 'down' events instead. \param setting - true if the Window will receive double-click and triple-click events. - false if the Window will receive multiple mouse button down events instead of double/triple click events. \return Nothing. */ void setWantsMultiClickEvents(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this window. \param setting - true to enable autorepeat of mouse button down events. - false to disable autorepeat of mouse button down events. \return Nothing. */ void setMouseAutoRepeatEnabled(bool setting); /*! \brief Set the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window. \param delay float value indicating the delay, in seconds, defore the first repeat mouse button down event should be triggered when autorepeat is enabled. \return Nothing. */ void setAutoRepeatDelay(float delay); /*! \brief Set the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window. \param rate float value indicating the rate, in seconds, at which repeat mouse button down events should be generated after the initial delay has expired. \return Nothing. */ void setAutoRepeatRate(float rate); /*! \brief Set whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached child windows when the window has inputs captured. \param setting - true if System should pass captured input events to child windows. - false if System should pass captured input events to this window only. */ void setDistributesCapturedInputs(bool setting); /*! \brief Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class. */ void notifyDragDropItemEnters(DragContainer* item); /*! \brief Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class. */ void notifyDragDropItemLeaves(DragContainer* item); /*! \brief Internal support method for drag & drop. You do not normally call this directly from client code. See the DragContainer class. */ void notifyDragDropItemDropped(DragContainer* item); /*! \brief Internal destroy method which actually just adds the window and any parent destructed child windows to the dead pool. This is virtual to allow for specialised cleanup which may be required in some advanced cases. If you override this for the above reason, you MUST call this base class version. \note You never have to call this method yourself, use WindowManager to destroy your Window objects (which will call this for you). */ virtual void destroy(void); /*! \brief Set the custom Tooltip object for this Window. This value may be NULL to indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object. \param tooltip Pointer to a valid Tooltip based object which should be used as the tooltip for this Window, or NULL to indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object. Note that when passing a pointer to a Tooltip object, ownership of the Tooltip does not pass to this Window object. \return Nothing. */ void setTooltip(Tooltip* tooltip); /*! \brief Set the custom Tooltip to be used by this Window by specifying a Window type. The Window will internally attempt to create an instance of the specified window type (which must be derived from the base Tooltip class). If the Tooltip creation fails, the error is logged and the Window will revert to using either the existing custom Tooltip or the system default Tooltip. \param tooltipType String object holding the name of the Tooltip based Window type which should be used as the Tooltip for this Window. \return Nothing. */ void setTooltipType(const String& tooltipType); /*! \brief Set the tooltip text for this window. \param tip String object holding the text to be displayed in the tooltip for this Window. \return Nothing. */ void setTooltipText(const String& tip); /*! \brief Set whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its own tooltip text is not set. \param setting - true if the window should inherit tooltip text from its parent when its own text is not set. - false if the window should not inherit tooltip text from its parent (and so show no tooltip when no text is set). \return Nothing. */ void setInheritsTooltipText(bool setting); /*! \brief Set whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked with the left mouse button. \param setting - true if the window should come to the top of other windows when the left mouse button is pushed within its area. - false if the window should not change z-order position when the left mouse button is pushed within its area. \return Nothing. */ void setRiseOnClickEnabled(bool setting) { d_riseOnClick = setting; } /************************************************************************* Co-ordinate and Size Conversion Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Convert the given X co-ordinate from absolute to relative metrics. \param val X co-ordinate specified in pixels relative to this Window (so 0 is this windows left edge). \return A relative metric value that is equivalent to \a val, given the Window objects current width. */ float absoluteToRelativeX(float val) const; /*! \brief Convert the given Y co-ordinate from absolute to relative metrics. \param val Y co-ordinate specified in pixels relative to this Window (so 0 is this windows top edge). \return A relative metric value that is equivalent to \a val, given the Window objects current height. */ float absoluteToRelativeY(float val) const; /*! \brief Convert the given position from absolute to relative metrics. \param pt Point object that describes a position specified in pixels relative to this Window (so 0,0 is this windows top-left corner). \return A Point object describing a relative metric position that is equivalent to \a pt, given the Window objects current size. */ Point absoluteToRelative(const Point& pt) const; /*! \brief Convert the given size from absolute to relative metrics. \param sze Size object that describes a size specified in pixels. \return A Size object describing a relative metric size that is equivalent to \a sze, given the Window objects current size. */ Size absoluteToRelative(const Size& sze) const; /*! \brief Convert the given area from absolute to relative metrics. \param rect Rect object describing the area specified in pixels relative to this Window. \return A Rect object describing a relative metric area that is equivalent to \a rect, given the Window objects current size. */ Rect absoluteToRelative(const Rect& rect) const; /*! \brief Convert the given X co-ordinate from relative to absolute metrics. \param val X co-ordinate specified in relative metrics for this Window (so 0 is this windows left edge). \return An absolute metric value that is equivalent to \a val, given the Window objects current width. */ float relativeToAbsoluteX(float val) const; /*! \brief Convert the given Y co-ordinate from relative to absolute metrics. \param val Y co-ordinate specified in relative metrics for this Window (so 0 is this windows top edge). \return An absolute metric value that is equivalent to \a val, given the Window objects current height. */ float relativeToAbsoluteY(float val) const; /*! \brief Convert the given position from relative to absolute metrics. \param pt Point object describing a position specified in relative metrics for this Window (so 0,0 is this windows top-left corner). \return A Point object describing a position in absolute metric values that is equivalent to \a pt, given the Window objects current size. */ Point relativeToAbsolute(const Point& pt) const; /*! \brief Convert the given size from relative to absolute metrics. \param sze Size object describing a size specified in relative metrics for this Window. \return A Size object that describes a size in absolute metric values that is equivalent to \a sze, given the Window objects current size. */ Size relativeToAbsolute(const Size& sze) const; /*! \brief Convert the given area from relative to absolute metrics. \param rect Rect object describing the area specified in relative metrics for this Window. \return A Rect object that describes an area in absolute metric values that is equivalent to \a rect, given the Window objects current size. */ Rect relativeToAbsolute(const Rect& rect) const; /*! \brief Convert a window co-ordinate value, specified in whichever metrics mode is active, to a screen relative pixel co-ordinate. \param x x co-ordinate value to be converted \return float value describing a pixel screen co-ordinate that is equivalent to window co-ordinate \a x. */ float windowToScreenX(float x) const; /*! \brief Convert a window co-ordinate value, specified in whichever metrics mode is active, to a screen relative pixel co-ordinate. \param y y co-ordinate value to be converted \return float value describing a screen co-ordinate that is equivalent to window co-ordinate \a y. */ float windowToScreenY(float y) const; /*! \brief Convert a window co-ordinate position, specified in whichever metrics mode is active, to a screen relative pixel co-ordinate position. \param pt Point object describing the position to be converted \return Point object describing a screen co-ordinate position that is equivalent to window co-ordinate position \a pt. */ Point windowToScreen(const Point& pt) const; /*! \brief Convert a window size value, specified in whichever metrics mode is active, to a size in pixels. \param sze Size object describing the size to be converted \return Size object describing describing a size in pixels that is equivalent to the window based size \a sze. */ Size windowToScreen(const Size& sze) const; /*! \brief Convert a window area, specified in whichever metrics mode is active, to a screen area. \param rect Rect object describing the area to be converted \return Rect object describing a screen area that is equivalent to window area \a rect. */ Rect windowToScreen(const Rect& rect) const; /*! \brief Convert a screen relative pixel co-ordinate value to a window co-ordinate value, specified in whichever metrics mode is active. \param x x co-ordinate value to be converted \return float value describing a window co-ordinate value that is equivalent to screen co-ordinate \a x. */ float screenToWindowX(float x) const; /*! \brief Convert a screen relative pixel co-ordinate value to a window co-ordinate value, specified in whichever metrics mode is active. \param y y co-ordinate value to be converted \return float value describing a window co-ordinate value that is equivalent to screen co-ordinate \a y. */ float screenToWindowY(float y) const; /*! \brief Convert a screen relative pixel position to a window co-ordinate position, specified in whichever metrics mode is active. \param pt Point object describing the position to be converted \return Point object describing a window co-ordinate position that is equivalent to screen co-ordinate \a x. */ Point screenToWindow(const Point& pt) const; /*! \brief Convert a pixel screen size to a window based size, specified in whichever metrics mode is active. \param sze Size object describing the size to be converted \return Size object describing a window based size that is equivalent to screen based size \a sze. */ Size screenToWindow(const Size& sze) const; /*! \brief Convert a screen area to a window area, specified in whichever metrics mode is active. \param rect Rect object describing the area to be converted \return Rect object describing a window area that is equivalent to screen area \a rect. */ Rect screenToWindow(const Rect& rect) const; /************************************************************************* Main render function. *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Causes the Window object to render itself and all of it's attached children \return Nothing */ void render(void); /*! \brief Cause window to update itself and any attached children. Client code does not need to call this method; to ensure full, and proper updates, call the injectTimePulse methodname method provided by the System class. \note The update order is such that 'this' window is updated prior to any child windows, this is so that child windows that access the parent in their update code get the correct updated state. \param elapsed float value indicating the number of seconds passed since the last update. \return Nothing. */ void update(float elapsed); protected: /************************************************************************* System object can trigger events directly *************************************************************************/ friend class System; /************************************************************************* Event trigger methods *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Handler called when the window's size changes. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onSized(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's position changes. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onMoved(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's text is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onTextChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's font is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onFontChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's alpha blend value is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onAlphaChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's client assigned ID is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onIDChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window is shown (made visible). \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onShown(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window is hidden. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onHidden(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window is enabled. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onEnabled(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window is disabled. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onDisabled(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's active metrics system is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onMetricsChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's setting for being clipped by it's parent is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onClippingChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's setting for being destroyed automatically be it's parent is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onParentDestroyChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's setting for inheriting alpha-blending is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onInheritsAlphaChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the window's always-on-top setting is changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onAlwaysOnTopChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when this window gains capture of mouse inputs. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onCaptureGained(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when this window loses capture of mouse inputs. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onCaptureLost(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when rendering for this window has started. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onRenderingStarted(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when rendering for this window has ended. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onRenderingEnded(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the z-order position of this window has changed. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onZChanged(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when this window's destruction sequence has begun. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that triggered the event. For this event the trigger window is always 'this'. */ virtual void onDestructionStarted(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when this window has become the active window. \param e ActivationEventArgs class whose 'otherWindow' field is set to the window that previously was active, or NULL for none. */ virtual void onActivated(ActivationEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when this window has lost input focus and has been deactivated. \param e ActivationEventArgs object whose 'otherWindow' field is set to the window that has now become active, or NULL for none. */ virtual void onDeactivated(ActivationEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when this window's parent window has been resized. If this window is the root / GUI Sheet window, this call will be made when the screen size changes. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set the the window that caused the event; this is typically either this window's parent window, or NULL to indicate the screen size has changed. */ virtual void onParentSized(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a child window is added to this window. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window that has been added. */ virtual void onChildAdded(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a child window is removed from this window. \param e WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set the window that has been removed. */ virtual void onChildRemoved(WindowEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseEnters(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the mouse cursor has left this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseLeaves(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the mouse cursor has been moved within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseMove(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when the mouse wheel (z-axis) position changes within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a mouse button has been depressed within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseButtonDown(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a mouse button has been released within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseButtonUp(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a mouse button has been clicked (that is depressed and then released, within a specified time) within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseClicked(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a mouse button has been double-clicked within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseDoubleClicked(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a mouse button has been triple-clicked within this window's area. \param e MouseEventArgs object. All fields are valid. */ virtual void onMouseTripleClicked(MouseEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a key as been depressed while this window has input focus. \param e KeyEventArgs object whose 'scancode' field is set to the Key::Scan value representing the key that was pressed, and whose 'sysKeys' field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event was generated. */ virtual void onKeyDown(KeyEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a key as been released while this window has input focus. \param e KeyEventArgs object whose 'scancode' field is set to the Key::Scan value representing the key that was released, and whose 'sysKeys' field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event was generated. All other fields should be considered as 'junk'. */ virtual void onKeyUp(KeyEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a character-key has been pressed while this window has input focus. \param e KeyEventArgs object whose 'codepoint' field is set to the Unicode code point (encoded as utf32) for the character typed, and whose 'sysKeys' field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event was generated. All other fields should be considered as 'junk'. */ virtual void onCharacter(KeyEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. \param e DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows: - window field is normaly set to point to 'this' window. - dragDropItem is a pointer to a DragContainer window that triggered the event. */ virtual void onDragDropItemEnters(DragDropEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. \param e DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows: - window field is normaly set to point to 'this' window. - dragDropItem is a pointer to a DragContainer window that triggered the event. */ virtual void onDragDropItemLeaves(DragDropEventArgs& e); /*! \brief Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window. \param e DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows: - window field is normaly set to point to 'this' window. - dragDropItem is a pointer to a DragContainer window that triggered the event. */ virtual void onDragDropItemDropped(DragDropEventArgs& e); /************************************************************************* Implementation Functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Perform actual update processing for this Window. \param elapsed float value indicating the number of seconds elapsed since the last update call. \return Nothing. */ virtual void updateSelf(float elapsed); /*! \brief Perform the actual rendering for this Window. \param z float value specifying the base Z co-ordinate that should be used when rendering \return Nothing */ virtual void drawSelf(float z) = 0; /*! \brief Return whether this window was inherited from the given class name at some point in the inheritance heirarchy. \param class_name The class name that is to be checked. \return true if this window was inherited from \a class_name. false if not. */ virtual bool testClassName_impl(const String& class_name) const { if (class_name==(const utf8*)"Window") return true; return false; } /*! \brief Set the parent window for this window object. \param parent Pointer to a Window object that is to be assigned as the parent to this Window. \return Nothing */ void setParent(Window* parent); /*! \brief Return the pixel Width of the parent element. This always returns a valid number. \return float value that is equal to the pixel width of this Window objects parent */ float getParentWidth(void) const; /*! \brief Return the pixel Height of the parent element. This always returns a valid number. \return float value that is equal to the pixel height of this Window objects parent */ float getParentHeight(void) const; /*! \brief Return the pixel size of the parent element. This always returns a valid object. \return Size object that describes the pixel dimensions of this Window objects parent */ Size getParentSize(void) const; /*! \brief Return a Rect object that describes, in values relative to \a window, the absolute area described by \a rect. \param window Pointer to a window object that is to be used as the base for the conversion. If this is NULL then the size of the display, as returned by the renderer object, is used. \param rect Rect object describing the area, in absolute values, that is to be returned as relative values. \return Rect object that describes in values relative to \a window, the same area described as absolute values in \a rect. */ Rect absoluteToRelative_impl(const Window* window, const Rect& rect) const; Size absoluteToRelative_impl(const Window* window, const Size& sz) const; Point absoluteToRelative_impl(const Window* window, const Point& pt) const; float absoluteToRelativeX_impl(const Window* window, float x) const; float absoluteToRelativeY_impl(const Window* window, float y) const; /*! \brief Return a Rect object that describes, in absolute values offset from \a window, the relative area described by \a rect. \param window Pointer to a window object that is to be used as the base for the conversion. If this is NULL then the size of the display, as returned by the renderer object, is used. \param rect Rect object describing the area, in relative values, that is to be returned as absolute values. \return Rect object that describes in absolute values offset from \a window, the same area described as relative values in \a rect. */ Rect relativeToAbsolute_impl(const Window* window, const Rect& rect) const; Size relativeToAbsolute_impl(const Window* window, const Size& sz) const; Point relativeToAbsolute_impl(const Window* window, const Point& pt) const; float relativeToAbsoluteX_impl(const Window* window, float x) const; float relativeToAbsoluteY_impl(const Window* window, float y) const; Size getWindowSize_impl(const Window* window) const; /*! \brief Return the inherited metrics mode. This is either the metrics mode of our parent, or Relative if we have no parent. */ MetricsMode getInheritedMetricsMode(void) const; /*! \brief Fires off a repeated mouse button down event for this window. */ void generateAutoRepeatEvent(MouseButton button); /************************************************************************* Implementation Data *************************************************************************/ // child stuff typedef std::vector ChildList; ChildList d_children; //!< The list of child Window objects attached to this. // general data MetricsMode d_metricsMode; //!< Holds the active metrics mode for this window static Window* d_captureWindow; //!< Window that has captured inputs Window* d_oldCapture; //!< The Window that previously had capture (used for restoreOldCapture mode) Window* d_parent; //!< Holds pointer to the parent window. const Font* d_font; //!< Holds pointer to the Window objects current Font. String d_text; //!< Holds the text / label / caption for this Window. uint d_ID; //!< User ID assigned to this Window float d_alpha; //!< Alpha transparency setting for the Window Rect d_abs_area; //!< This Window objects area (pixels relative to parent) Rect d_rel_area; //!< This Window objects area (decimal fractions relative to parent) const Image* d_mouseCursor; //!< Holds pointer to the Window objects current mouse cursor image. void* d_userData; //!< Holds pointer to some user assigned data. // maximum and minimum sizes Size d_minSize; //!< current minimum size for the window (this is always stored in pixels). Size d_maxSize; //!< current maximum size for the window (this is always stored in pixels). // settings bool d_enabled; //!< true when Window is enabled bool d_visible; //!< true when Window is visible (that is it will be rendered, but may be obscured so no necesarily really visible) bool d_active; //!< true when Window is the active Window (receiving inputs). bool d_clippedByParent; //!< true when Window will be clipped by parent Window area Rect. bool d_destroyedByParent; //!< true when Window will be auto-destroyed by parent. bool d_alwaysOnTop; //!< true if Window will be drawn on top of all other Windows bool d_inheritsAlpha; //!< true if the Window inherits alpha from the parent Window bool d_restoreOldCapture; //!< true if the Window restores capture to the previous window when it releases capture. bool d_zOrderingEnabled; //!< true if the Window responds to z-order change requests. bool d_wantsMultiClicks; //!< true if the Window wishes to hear about multi-click mouse events. bool d_distCapturedInputs; //!< true if unhandled captured inputs should be distributed to child windows. bool d_riseOnClick; //!< True if the window should come to the front of the z order in respose to a left mouse button down event. // mouse button autorepeat data bool d_autoRepeat; //!< true if button will auto-repeat mouse button down events while mouse button is held down, float d_repeatDelay; //!< seconds before first repeat event is fired float d_repeatRate; //!< secons between further repeats after delay has expired. bool d_repeating; //!< implements repeating - is true after delay has elapsed, float d_repeatElapsed; //!< implements repeating - tracks time elapsed. MouseButton d_repeatButton; //!< Button we're tracking (implication of this is that we only support one button at a time). // Tooltip stuff String d_tooltipText; //!< Text string used as tip for this window. Tooltip* d_customTip; //!< Possible custom Tooltip for this window. bool d_weOwnTip; //!< true if this Window created the custom Tooltip. bool d_inheritsTipText; //!< true if the Window inherits tooltip text from its parent (when none set for itself). protected: /************************************************************************* Properties for Window base class *************************************************************************/ static WindowProperties::AbsoluteHeight d_absHeightProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteMaxSize d_absMaxSizeProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteMinSize d_absMinSizeProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsolutePosition d_absPositionProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteRect d_absRectProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteSize d_absSizeProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteWidth d_absWidthProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteXPosition d_absXPosProperty; static WindowProperties::AbsoluteYPosition d_absYPosProperty; static WindowProperties::Alpha d_alphaProperty; static WindowProperties::AlwaysOnTop d_alwaysOnTopProperty; static WindowProperties::ClippedByParent d_clippedByParentProperty; static WindowProperties::DestroyedByParent d_destroyedByParentProperty; static WindowProperties::Disabled d_disabledProperty; static WindowProperties::Font d_fontProperty; static WindowProperties::Height d_heightProperty; static WindowProperties::ID d_IDProperty; static WindowProperties::InheritsAlpha d_inheritsAlphaProperty; static WindowProperties::MetricsMode d_metricsModeProperty; static WindowProperties::MouseCursorImage d_mouseCursorProperty; static WindowProperties::Position d_positionProperty; static WindowProperties::Rect d_rectProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeHeight d_relHeightProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeMaxSize d_relMaxSizeProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeMinSize d_relMinSizeProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativePosition d_relPositionProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeRect d_relRectProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeSize d_relSizeProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeWidth d_relWidthProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeXPosition d_relXPosProperty; static WindowProperties::RelativeYPosition d_relYPosProperty; static WindowProperties::RestoreOldCapture d_restoreOldCaptureProperty; static WindowProperties::Size d_sizeProperty; static WindowProperties::Text d_textProperty; static WindowProperties::Visible d_visibleProperty; static WindowProperties::Width d_widthProperty; static WindowProperties::XPosition d_xPosProperty; static WindowProperties::YPosition d_yPosProperty; static WindowProperties::ZOrderChangeEnabled d_zOrderChangeProperty; static WindowProperties::WantsMultiClickEvents d_wantsMultiClicksProperty; static WindowProperties::MouseButtonDownAutoRepeat d_autoRepeatProperty; static WindowProperties::AutoRepeatDelay d_autoRepeatDelayProperty; static WindowProperties::AutoRepeatRate d_autoRepeatRateProperty; static WindowProperties::DistributeCapturedInputs d_distInputsProperty; static WindowProperties::CustomTooltipType d_tooltipTypeProperty; static WindowProperties::Tooltip d_tooltipProperty; static WindowProperties::InheritsTooltipText d_inheritsTooltipProperty; static WindowProperties::RiseOnClick d_riseOnClickProperty; /************************************************************************* Private implementation functions *************************************************************************/ /*! \brief Add standard CEGUI::Window events */ void addStandardEvents(void); /*! \brief Cleanup child windows */ virtual void cleanupChildren(void); /*! \brief Add given window to child list at an appropriate position */ virtual void addChild_impl(Window* wnd); /*! \brief Remove given window from child list */ virtual void removeChild_impl(Window* wnd); /*! \brief Notify 'this' and all siblings of a ZOrder change event */ virtual void onZChange_impl(void); /*! \brief Add standard CEGUI::Window properties. */ void addStandardProperties(void); /*! \brief Implements move to fron behavior. */ virtual void moveToFront_impl(bool wasClicked); /*! \brief Implementation of rise on click functionality. */ void doRiseOnClick(void); /************************************************************************* May not copy or assign Window objects *************************************************************************/ Window(const Window& wnd) {} Window& operator=(const Window& wnd) {return *this;} /************************************************************************* Private implementation Data *************************************************************************/ const String d_type; //!< String holding the type name for the Window (is also the name of the WindowFactory that created us) const String d_name; //!< The name of the window (GUI system unique). }; } // End of CEGUI namespace section #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // end of guard _CEGUIWindow_h_