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Ogre::ArchiveManager Class Reference

This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins. More...

#include <OgreArchiveManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::ArchiveManager:

Ogre::Singleton< ArchiveManager > List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ArchiveManager ()
 Default constructor - should never get called by a client app.

virtual ~ArchiveManager ()
 Default destructor.

Archiveload (const String &filename, const String &archiveType)
 Opens an archive for file reading.

void unload (Archive *arch)
 Unloads an archive.

void unload (const String &filename)
 Unloads an archive by name.

void addArchiveFactory (ArchiveFactory *factory)
 Adds a new ArchiveFactory to the list of available factories.

Static Public Member Functions

ArchiveManagergetSingleton (void)
 Override standard Singleton retrieval.

ArchiveManagergetSingletonPtr (void)
 Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< String,
ArchiveFactory * > 
typedef std::map< String,
Archive * > 
 Currently loaded archives.

Protected Attributes

ArchiveFactoryMap mArchFactories
 Factories available to create archives, indexed by archive type (String identifier e.g. 'Zip').

ArchiveMap mArchives

Static Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins.

Definition at line 37 of file OgreArchiveManager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<String, ArchiveFactory*> Ogre::ArchiveManager::ArchiveFactoryMap [protected]

Definition at line 40 of file OgreArchiveManager.h.

typedef std::map<String, Archive*> Ogre::ArchiveManager::ArchiveMap [protected]

Currently loaded archives.

Definition at line 44 of file OgreArchiveManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::ArchiveManager::ArchiveManager  ) 

Default constructor - should never get called by a client app.

Definition at line 50 of file OgreArchiveManager.h.

virtual Ogre::ArchiveManager::~ArchiveManager  )  [virtual]

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::ArchiveManager::addArchiveFactory ArchiveFactory factory  ) 

Adds a new ArchiveFactory to the list of available factories.

Plugin developers who add new archive codecs need to call this after defining their ArchiveFactory subclass and Archive subclasses for their archive type.

ArchiveManager& Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingleton void   )  [static]

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Singleton< ArchiveManager >.

ArchiveManager* Ogre::ArchiveManager::getSingletonPtr void   )  [static]

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Singleton< ArchiveManager >.

Archive* Ogre::ArchiveManager::load const String filename,
const String archiveType

Opens an archive for file reading.

The archives are created using class factories within extension libraries.
filename The filename that will be opened
refLibrary The library that contains the data-handling code
If the function succeeds, a valid pointer to an Archive object is returened.
If the function fails, an exception is thrown.

void Ogre::ArchiveManager::unload const String filename  ) 

Unloads an archive by name.

You must ensure that this archive is not being used before removing it.

void Ogre::ArchiveManager::unload Archive arch  ) 

Unloads an archive.

You must ensure that this archive is not being used before removing it.

Member Data Documentation

ArchiveFactoryMap Ogre::ArchiveManager::mArchFactories [protected]

Factories available to create archives, indexed by archive type (String identifier e.g. 'Zip').

Definition at line 42 of file OgreArchiveManager.h.

ArchiveMap Ogre::ArchiveManager::mArchives [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file OgreArchiveManager.h.

ArchiveManager * Ogre::Singleton< ArchiveManager >::ms_Singleton [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 54 of file OgreSingleton.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:00:06 2006