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Ogre::Overlay Class Reference

Represents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents. More...

#include <OgreOverlay.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::list< OverlayContainer * > OverlayContainerList
typedef VectorIterator< OverlayContainerListOverlay2DElementsIterator
 Returns an iterator over all 2D elements in this manager.

Public Member Functions

 Overlay (const String &name)
 Constructor: do not call direct, use OverlayManager::create.

virtual ~Overlay ()
OverlayContainergetChild (const String &name)
const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets the name of this overlay.

void setZOrder (ushort zorder)
 Alters the ZOrder of this overlay.

ushort getZOrder (void) const
 Gets the ZOrder of this overlay.

bool isVisible (void) const
 Gets whether the overlay is displayed or not.

bool isInitialised (void) const
 Gets whether the overlay is initialised or not.

void show (void)
 Shows the overlay if it was hidden.

void hide (void)
 Hides the overlay if it was visible.

void add2D (OverlayContainer *cont)
 Adds a 2D 'container' to the overlay.

void remove2D (OverlayContainer *cont)
 Removes a 2D container from the overlay.

void add3D (SceneNode *node)
 Adds a node capable of holding 3D objects to the overlay.

void remove3D (SceneNode *node)
 Removes a 3D element from the overlay.

void clear ()
 Clears the overlay of all attached items.

void setScroll (Real x, Real y)
 Sets the scrolling factor of this overlay.

Real getScrollX (void) const
 Gets the current X scroll value.

Real getScrollY (void) const
 Gets the current Y scroll value.

void scroll (Real xoff, Real yoff)
 Scrolls the overlay by the offsets provided.

void setRotate (const Radian &angle)
 Sets the rotation applied to this overlay.

const RadiangetRotate (void) const
 Gets the rotation applied to this overlay, in degrees.

void rotate (const Radian &angle)
 Adds the passed in angle to the rotation applied to this overlay.

void setScale (Real x, Real y)
 Sets the scaling factor of this overlay.

Real getScaleX (void) const
 Gets the current X scale value.

Real getScaleY (void) const
 Gets the current Y scale value.

void _getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const
 Used to transform the overlay when scrolling, scaling etc.

const QuaterniongetWorldOrientation (void) const

const Vector3getWorldPosition (void) const

void _findVisibleObjects (Camera *cam, RenderQueue *queue)
 Internal method to put the overlay contents onto the render queue.

virtual OverlayElementfindElementAt (Real x, Real y)
 This returns a OverlayElement at position x,y.

Overlay2DElementsIterator get2DElementsIterator ()
const StringgetOrigin (void) const
 Get the origin of this overlay, e.g.

void _notifyOrigin (const String &origin)
 Notify this overlay of it's origin.

Protected Member Functions

void updateTransform (void) const
 Internal lazy update method.

void initialise (void)
 Internal method for initialising an overlay.

Protected Attributes

String mName
 Internal root node, used as parent for 3D objects.

OverlayContainerList m2DElements
Radian mRotate
Real mScrollX
Real mScrollY
Real mScaleX
Real mScaleY
Matrix4 mTransform
bool mTransformOutOfDate
bool mTransformUpdated
ulong mZOrder
bool mVisible
bool mInitialised
String mOrigin

Detailed Description

Represents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents.

An overlay is a container for visual components (2D and 3D) which will be rendered after the main scene in order to composite heads-up-displays, menus or other layers on top of the contents of the scene.
An overlay always takes up the entire size of the viewport, although the components attached to it do not have to. An overlay has no visual element in itself, it it merely a container for visual elements.
Overlays are created by calling OverlayManager::create, or by defining them in special text scripts (.overlay files). As many overlays as you like can be defined; after creation an overlay is hidden i.e. not visible until you specifically enable it by calling 'show'. This allows you to have multiple overlays predefined (menus etc) which you make visible only when you want. It is possible to have multiple overlays enabled at once; in this case the relative 'zorder' parameter of the overlays determine which one is displayed on top.
By default overlays are rendered into all viewports. This is fine when you only have fullscreen viewports, but if you have picture-in-picture views, you probably don't want the overlay displayed in the smaller viewports. You turn this off for a specific viewport by calling the Viewport::setDisplayOverlays method.

Definition at line 61 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef VectorIterator<OverlayContainerList> Ogre::Overlay::Overlay2DElementsIterator

Returns an iterator over all 2D elements in this manager.

VectorIterator is actually a too generic name, since it also works for lists.

Definition at line 259 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Referenced by get2DElementsIterator().

typedef std::list<OverlayContainer*> Ogre::Overlay::OverlayContainerList

Definition at line 65 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::Overlay::Overlay const String name  ) 

Constructor: do not call direct, use OverlayManager::create.

virtual Ogre::Overlay::~Overlay  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::Overlay::_findVisibleObjects Camera cam,
RenderQueue queue

Internal method to put the overlay contents onto the render queue.

void Ogre::Overlay::_getWorldTransforms Matrix4 xform  )  const

Used to transform the overlay when scrolling, scaling etc.

void Ogre::Overlay::_notifyOrigin const String origin  ) 

Notify this overlay of it's origin.

Definition at line 272 of file OgreOverlay.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::Overlay::add2D OverlayContainer cont  ) 

Adds a 2D 'container' to the overlay.

Containers are created and managed using the OverlayManager. A container could be as simple as a square panel, or something more complex like a grid or tree view. Containers group collections of other elements, giving them a relative coordinate space and a common z-order. If you want to attach a gui widget to an overlay, you have to do it via a container.
cont Pointer to a container to add, created using OverlayManager.

void Ogre::Overlay::add3D SceneNode node  ) 

Adds a node capable of holding 3D objects to the overlay.

Although overlays are traditionally associated with 2D elements, there are reasons why you might want to attach 3D elements to the overlay too. For example, if you wanted to have a 3D cockpit, which was overlaid with a HUD, then you would create 2 overlays, one with a 3D object attached for the cockpit, and one with the HUD elements attached (the zorder of the HUD overlay would be higher than the cockpit to ensure it was always on top).
A SceneNode can have nay number of 3D objects attached to it. SceneNodes are usually created using SceneManager::createSceneNode, but in this case you should create a standard SceneNode instance manually; this is because these scene nodes are not managed by the SceneManager and some custom SceneManager plugins will rely on specialist behaviour the overlay does not support. By attaching a SceneNode to an overlay, you indicate that:
  1. You want the contents of this node to only appear when the overlay is active
  2. You want the node to inherit a coordinate space relative to the camera, rather than relative to the root scene node
  3. You want these objects to be rendered after the contents of the main scene to ensure they are rendered on top
One major consideration when using 3D objects in overlays is the behaviour of the depth buffer. Overlays should use materials with depth checking off, to ensure that their contents are always displayed on top of the main scene (to do otherwise would result in objects 'poking through' the overlay). The problem with using 3D objects is that if they are concave, or self-overlap, then you can get artefacts because of the lack of depth buffer checking. So you should ensure that any 3D objects you us in the overlay are convex, and don't overlap each other. If they must overlap, split them up and put them in 2 overlays. Alternatively, use a 2D element underneath them which will clear the depth buffer values underneath ready for the 3D element to be rendered correctly.

void Ogre::Overlay::clear  ) 

Clears the overlay of all attached items.

virtual OverlayElement* Ogre::Overlay::findElementAt Real  x,
Real  y

This returns a OverlayElement at position x,y.

Overlay2DElementsIterator Ogre::Overlay::get2DElementsIterator  ) 

Definition at line 260 of file OgreOverlay.h.

References Overlay2DElementsIterator.

OverlayContainer* Ogre::Overlay::getChild const String name  ) 

const String& Ogre::Overlay::getName void   )  const

Gets the name of this overlay.

const String& Ogre::Overlay::getOrigin void   )  const

Get the origin of this overlay, e.g.

a script file name.

This property will only contain something if the creator of this overlay chose to populate it. Script loaders are advised to populate it.

Definition at line 270 of file OgreOverlay.h.

References Ogre::String.

const Radian& Ogre::Overlay::getRotate void   )  const

Gets the rotation applied to this overlay, in degrees.

Definition at line 217 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Real Ogre::Overlay::getScaleX void   )  const

Gets the current X scale value.

Real Ogre::Overlay::getScaleY void   )  const

Gets the current Y scale value.

Real Ogre::Overlay::getScrollX void   )  const

Gets the current X scroll value.

Real Ogre::Overlay::getScrollY void   )  const

Gets the current Y scroll value.

const Quaternion& Ogre::Overlay::getWorldOrientation void   )  const

const Vector3& Ogre::Overlay::getWorldPosition void   )  const

ushort Ogre::Overlay::getZOrder void   )  const

Gets the ZOrder of this overlay.

void Ogre::Overlay::hide void   ) 

Hides the overlay if it was visible.

void Ogre::Overlay::initialise void   )  [protected]

Internal method for initialising an overlay.

bool Ogre::Overlay::isInitialised void   )  const

Gets whether the overlay is initialised or not.

Definition at line 116 of file OgreOverlay.h.

bool Ogre::Overlay::isVisible void   )  const

Gets whether the overlay is displayed or not.

void Ogre::Overlay::remove2D OverlayContainer cont  ) 

Removes a 2D container from the overlay.

NOT FAST. Consider OverlayElement::hide.

void Ogre::Overlay::remove3D SceneNode node  ) 

Removes a 3D element from the overlay.

void Ogre::Overlay::rotate const Radian angle  ) 

Adds the passed in angle to the rotation applied to this overlay.

void Ogre::Overlay::scroll Real  xoff,
Real  yoff

Scrolls the overlay by the offsets provided.

This method moves the overlay by the amounts provided. As with other methods on this object, a full screen width / height is represented by the value 1.0.

void Ogre::Overlay::setRotate const Radian angle  ) 

Sets the rotation applied to this overlay.

void Ogre::Overlay::setScale Real  x,
Real  y

Sets the scaling factor of this overlay.

You can use this to set an scale factor to be used to zoom an overlay.
x Horizontal scale value, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half size etc
y Vertical scale value, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half size etc

void Ogre::Overlay::setScroll Real  x,
Real  y

Sets the scrolling factor of this overlay.

You can use this to set an offset to be used to scroll an overlay around the screen.
x Horizontal scroll value, where 0 = normal, -0.5 = scroll so that only the right half the screen is visible etc
y Vertical scroll value, where 0 = normal, 0.5 = scroll down by half a screen etc.

void Ogre::Overlay::setZOrder ushort  zorder  ) 

Alters the ZOrder of this overlay.

Values between 0 and 650 are valid here.

void Ogre::Overlay::show void   ) 

Shows the overlay if it was hidden.

void Ogre::Overlay::updateTransform void   )  const [protected]

Internal lazy update method.

Member Data Documentation

OverlayContainerList Ogre::Overlay::m2DElements [protected]

Definition at line 73 of file OgreOverlay.h.

bool Ogre::Overlay::mInitialised [protected]

Definition at line 87 of file OgreOverlay.h.

String Ogre::Overlay::mName [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file OgreOverlay.h.

String Ogre::Overlay::mOrigin [protected]

Definition at line 88 of file OgreOverlay.h.

SceneNode* Ogre::Overlay::mRootNode [protected]

Internal root node, used as parent for 3D objects.

Definition at line 69 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Radian Ogre::Overlay::mRotate [protected]

Definition at line 76 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Real Ogre::Overlay::mScaleX [protected]

Definition at line 80 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Real Ogre::Overlay::mScaleY [protected]

Definition at line 80 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Real Ogre::Overlay::mScrollX [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Real Ogre::Overlay::mScrollY [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file OgreOverlay.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::Overlay::mTransform [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 82 of file OgreOverlay.h.

bool Ogre::Overlay::mTransformOutOfDate [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 83 of file OgreOverlay.h.

bool Ogre::Overlay::mTransformUpdated [protected]

Definition at line 84 of file OgreOverlay.h.

bool Ogre::Overlay::mVisible [protected]

Definition at line 86 of file OgreOverlay.h.

ulong Ogre::Overlay::mZOrder [protected]

Definition at line 85 of file OgreOverlay.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:40:41 2006