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3 | <title>Ogre::MeshLodUsage struct Reference - OGRE Documentation</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> |
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10 | <h1>Ogre::MeshLodUsage Struct Reference</h1>A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this <a class="el" href="classOgre_1_1Mesh.html">Mesh</a>. |
11 | <a href="#_details">More...</a> |
12 | <p> |
13 | <code>#include <<a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a>></code> |
14 | <p> |
15 | <a href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> |
16 | <tr><td></td></tr> |
17 | <tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Attributes</h2></td></tr> |
18 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="namespaceOgre.html#a465">Real</a> </td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo0">fromDepthSquared</a></td></tr> |
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20 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">squared Z value from which this LOD will apply <a href="#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo0"></a><br><br></td></tr> |
21 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="namespaceOgre.html#a471">String</a> </td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo1">manualName</a></td></tr> |
22 | |
23 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Only relevant if mIsLodManual is true, the name of the alternative mesh to use. <a href="#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo1"></a><br><br></td></tr> |
24 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classOgre_1_1MeshPtr.html">MeshPtr</a> </td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo2">manualMesh</a></td></tr> |
25 | |
26 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Hard link to mesh to avoid looking up each time. <a href="#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo2"></a><br><br></td></tr> |
27 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align=right valign=top><a class="el" href="classOgre_1_1EdgeData.html">EdgeData</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign=bottom><a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo3">edgeData</a></td></tr> |
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29 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Edge list for this LOD level (may be derived from manual mesh). <a href="#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo3"></a><br><br></td></tr> |
30 | </table> |
31 | <hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> |
32 | A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this <a class="el" href="classOgre_1_1Mesh.html">Mesh</a>. |
33 | <p> |
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35 | <p> |
36 | Definition at line <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html#l00822">822</a> of file <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a>.<hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2> |
37 | <a class="anchor" name="Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo3" doxytag="Ogre::MeshLodUsage::edgeData" ></a><p> |
38 | <table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> |
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41 | <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> |
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43 | <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classOgre_1_1EdgeData.html">EdgeData</a>* <a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo3">Ogre::MeshLodUsage::edgeData</a><code> [mutable]</code> |
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55 | <p> |
56 | Edge list for this LOD level (may be derived from manual mesh). |
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59 | <p> |
60 | Definition at line <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html#l00831">831</a> of file <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a>. </td> |
61 | </tr> |
62 | </table> |
63 | <a class="anchor" name="Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo0" doxytag="Ogre::MeshLodUsage::fromDepthSquared" ></a><p> |
64 | <table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> |
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69 | <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="namespaceOgre.html#a465">Real</a> <a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo0">Ogre::MeshLodUsage::fromDepthSquared</a> |
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82 | squared Z value from which this LOD will apply |
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85 | <p> |
86 | Definition at line <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html#l00825">825</a> of file <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a>. </td> |
87 | </tr> |
88 | </table> |
89 | <a class="anchor" name="Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo2" doxytag="Ogre::MeshLodUsage::manualMesh" ></a><p> |
90 | <table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> |
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93 | <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> |
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95 | <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="classOgre_1_1MeshPtr.html">MeshPtr</a> <a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo2">Ogre::MeshLodUsage::manualMesh</a><code> [mutable]</code> |
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107 | <p> |
108 | Hard link to mesh to avoid looking up each time. |
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111 | <p> |
112 | Definition at line <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html#l00829">829</a> of file <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a>. </td> |
113 | </tr> |
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115 | <a class="anchor" name="Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo1" doxytag="Ogre::MeshLodUsage::manualName" ></a><p> |
116 | <table class="mdTable" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> |
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119 | <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> |
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121 | <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> <a class="el" href="namespaceOgre.html#a471">String</a> <a class="el" href="structOgre_1_1MeshLodUsage.html#Ogre_1_1MeshLodUsageo1">Ogre::MeshLodUsage::manualName</a> |
122 | </table> |
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134 | Only relevant if mIsLodManual is true, the name of the alternative mesh to use. |
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137 | <p> |
138 | Definition at line <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html#l00827">827</a> of file <a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a>. </td> |
139 | </tr> |
140 | </table> |
141 | <hr>The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:<ul> |
142 | <li><a class="el" href="OgreMesh_8h-source.html">OgreMesh.h</a></ul> |
143 | <hr> |
144 | <p> |
145 | Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team<br /> |
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147 | This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License</a>.<br/> |
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155 | Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:40:09 2006 |
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