/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the LGPL like the rest of the engine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: ExampleApplication.h Description: Base class for all the OGRE examples ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __ExampleApplication_H__ #define __ExampleApplication_H__ #include "Ogre.h" #include "OgreConfigFile.h" #include "ExampleFrameListener.h" using namespace Ogre; std::string bundlePath() { char path[1024]; CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); assert( mainBundle ); CFURLRef mainBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( mainBundle); assert( mainBundleURL); CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( mainBundleURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); assert( cfStringRef); CFStringGetCString( cfStringRef, path, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII); CFRelease( mainBundleURL); CFRelease( cfStringRef); return std::string( path); } /** Base class which manages the standard startup of an Ogre application. Designed to be subclassed for specific examples if required. */ class ExampleApplication { public: /// Standard constructor ExampleApplication() { mFrameListener = 0; mRoot = 0; } /// Standard destructor virtual ~ExampleApplication() { if (mFrameListener) delete mFrameListener; if (mRoot) delete mRoot; } /// Start the example virtual void go(void) { if (!setup()) return; mRoot->startRendering(); // clean up destroyScene(); } protected: Root *mRoot; Camera* mCamera; SceneManager* mSceneMgr; ExampleFrameListener* mFrameListener; RenderWindow* mWindow; std::string mResourcePath; // These internal methods package up the stages in the startup process /** Sets up the application - returns false if the user chooses to abandon configuration. */ virtual bool setup(void) { mResourcePath = bundlePath() + "/Contents/Resources/"; mRoot = new Root(mResourcePath + "plugins.cfg", mResourcePath + "ogre.cfg", mResourcePath + "Ogre.log"); setupResources(); bool carryOn = configure(); if (!carryOn) return false; chooseSceneManager(); createCamera(); createViewports(); // Set default mipmap level (NB some APIs ignore this) TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(5); // Create any resource listeners (for loading screens) createResourceListener(); // Load resources loadResources(); // Create the scene createScene(); createFrameListener(); return true; } /** Configures the application - returns false if the user chooses to abandon configuration. */ virtual bool configure(void) { // Show the configuration dialog and initialise the system // You can skip this and use root.restoreConfig() to load configuration // settings if you were sure there are valid ones saved in ogre.cfg if(mRoot->showConfigDialog()) { // If returned true, user clicked OK so initialise // Here we choose to let the system create a default rendering window by passing 'true' mWindow = mRoot->initialise(true); return true; } else { return false; } } virtual void chooseSceneManager(void) { // Get the SceneManager, in this case a generic one mSceneMgr = mRoot->getSceneManager(ST_GENERIC); } virtual void createCamera(void) { // Create the camera mCamera = mSceneMgr->createCamera("PlayerCam"); // Position it at 500 in Z direction mCamera->setPosition(Vector3(0,0,500)); // Look back along -Z mCamera->lookAt(Vector3(0,0,-300)); mCamera->setNearClipDistance(5); } virtual void createFrameListener(void) { mFrameListener= new ExampleFrameListener(mWindow, mCamera); mFrameListener->showDebugOverlay(true); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener); } virtual void createScene(void) = 0; // pure virtual - this has to be overridden virtual void destroyScene(void){} // Optional to override this virtual void createViewports(void) { // Create one viewport, entire window Viewport* vp = mWindow->addViewport(mCamera); vp->setBackgroundColour(ColourValue(0,0,0)); // Alter the camera aspect ratio to match the viewport mCamera->setAspectRatio( Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Real(vp->getActualHeight())); } /// Method which will define the source of resources (other than current folder) virtual void setupResources(void) { // Load resource paths from config file ConfigFile cf; cf.load(mResourcePath + "resources.cfg"); // Go through all sections & settings in the file ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator(); String secName, typeName, archName; while (seci.hasMoreElements()) { secName = seci.peekNextKey(); ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext(); ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i; for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i) { typeName = i->first; archName = i->second; ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( archName, typeName, secName); } } } /// Optional override method where you can create resource listeners (e.g. for loading screens) virtual void createResourceListener(void) { } /// Optional override method where you can perform resource group loading /// Must at least do ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups(); virtual void loadResources(void) { // Initialise, parse scripts etc ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups(); } }; #endif