[657] | 1 | /*
| 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | This source file is part of OGRE
| 4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
| 5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
| 6 |
| 7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
| 8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
| 9 |
| 10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
| 12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
| 13 | version.
| 14 |
| 15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| 17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 18 |
| 19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
| 20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
| 21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
| 22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
| 23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 24 | */
| 25 | #ifndef __Common_H__
| 26 | #define __Common_H__
| 27 | // Common stuff
| 28 |
| 29 | #include <utility>
| 30 |
| 31 | namespace Ogre {
| 32 |
| 33 |
| 34 | /** Comparison functions used for the depth/stencil buffer operations and
| 35 | others. */
| 36 | enum CompareFunction
| 37 | {
| 40 | CMPF_LESS,
| 42 | CMPF_EQUAL,
| 46 | };
| 47 |
| 48 | /** High-level filtering options providing shortcuts to settings the
| 49 | minification, magnification and mip filters. */
| 50 | enum TextureFilterOptions
| 51 | {
| 52 | /// Equal to: min=FO_POINT, mag=FO_POINT, mip=FO_NONE
| 53 | TFO_NONE,
| 54 | /// Equal to: min=FO_LINEAR, mag=FO_LINEAR, mip=FO_POINT
| 56 | /// Equal to: min=FO_LINEAR, mag=FO_LINEAR, mip=FO_LINEAR
| 58 | /// Equal to: min=FO_ANISOTROPIC, max=FO_ANISOTROPIC, mip=FO_LINEAR
| 60 | };
| 61 |
| 62 | enum FilterType
| 63 | {
| 64 | /// The filter used when shrinking a texture
| 65 | FT_MIN,
| 66 | /// The filter used when magnifiying a texture
| 67 | FT_MAG,
| 68 | /// The filter used when determining the mipmap
| 69 | FT_MIP
| 70 | };
| 71 | /** Filtering options for textures / mipmaps. */
| 72 | enum FilterOptions
| 73 | {
| 74 | /// No filtering, used for FILT_MIP to turn off mipmapping
| 75 | FO_NONE,
| 76 | /// Use the closest pixel
| 77 | FO_POINT,
| 78 | /// Average of a 2x2 pixel area, denotes bilinear for MIN and MAG, trilinear for MIP
| 79 | FO_LINEAR,
| 80 | /// Similar to FO_LINEAR, but compensates for the angle of the texture plane
| 82 | };
| 83 |
| 84 | /** Light shading modes. */
| 85 | enum ShadeOptions
| 86 | {
| 87 | SO_FLAT,
| 88 | SO_GOURAUD,
| 89 | SO_PHONG
| 90 | };
| 91 |
| 92 | /** Fog modes. */
| 93 | enum FogMode
| 94 | {
| 95 | /// No fog. Duh.
| 96 | FOG_NONE,
| 97 | /// Fog density increases exponentially from the camera (fog = 1/e^(distance * density))
| 98 | FOG_EXP,
| 99 | /// Fog density increases at the square of FOG_EXP, i.e. even quicker (fog = 1/e^(distance * density)^2)
| 100 | FOG_EXP2,
| 101 | /// Fog density increases linearly between the start and end distances
| 102 | FOG_LINEAR
| 103 | };
| 104 |
| 105 | /** Hardware culling modes based on vertex winding.
| 106 | This setting applies to how the hardware API culls triangles it is sent. */
| 107 | enum CullingMode
| 108 | {
| 109 | /// Hardware never culls triangles and renders everything it receives.
| 110 | CULL_NONE = 1,
| 111 | /// Hardware culls triangles whose vertices are listed clockwise in the view (default).
| 112 | CULL_CLOCKWISE = 2,
| 113 | /// Hardware culls triangles whose vertices are listed anticlockwise in the view.
| 115 | };
| 116 |
| 117 | /** Manual culling modes based on vertex normals.
| 118 | This setting applies to how the software culls triangles before sending them to the
| 119 | hardware API. This culling mode is used by scene managers which choose to implement it -
| 120 | normally those which deal with large amounts of fixed world geometry which is often
| 121 | planar (software culling movable variable geometry is expensive). */
| 122 | enum ManualCullingMode
| 123 | {
| 124 | /// No culling so everything is sent to the hardware.
| 125 | MANUAL_CULL_NONE = 1,
| 126 | /// Cull triangles whose normal is pointing away from the camera (default).
| 127 | MANUAL_CULL_BACK = 2,
| 128 | /// Cull triangles whose normal is pointing towards the camera.
| 130 | };
| 131 |
| 132 | /** Enumerates the wave types usable with the Ogre engine. */
| 133 | enum WaveformType
| 134 | {
| 135 | /// Standard sine wave which smoothly changes from low to high and back again.
| 136 | WFT_SINE,
| 137 | /// An angular wave with a constant increase / decrease speed with pointed peaks.
| 139 | /// Half of the time is spent at the min, half at the max with instant transition between.
| 140 | WFT_SQUARE,
| 141 | /// Gradual steady increase from min to max over the period with an instant return to min at the end.
| 143 | /// Gradual steady decrease from max to min over the period, with an instant return to max at the end.
| 145 | };
| 146 |
| 147 | /** The broad type of detail for rendering. */
| 148 | enum SceneDetailLevel
| 149 | {
| 150 | /// Only points are rendered.
| 151 | SDL_POINTS = 1,
| 152 | /// Wireframe models are rendered.
| 153 | SDL_WIREFRAME = 2,
| 154 | /// Solid polygons are rendered.
| 155 | SDL_SOLID = 3
| 156 | };
| 157 |
| 158 | /** An enumeration of broad shadow techniques */
| 159 | enum ShadowTechnique
| 160 | {
| 161 | /** No shadows */
| 163 | /** Stencil shadow technique which renders all shadow volumes as
| 164 | a modulation after all the non-transparent areas have been
| 165 | rendered. This technique is considerably less fillrate intensive
| 166 | than the additive stencil shadow approach when there are multiple
| 167 | lights, but is not an accurate model.
| 168 | */
| 170 | /** Stencil shadow technique which renders each light as a separate
| 171 | additive pass to the scene. This technique can be very fillrate
| 172 | intensive because it requires at least 2 passes of the entire
| 173 | scene, more if there are multiple lights. However, it is a more
| 174 | accurate model than the modulative stencil approach and this is
| 175 | especially apparant when using coloured lights or bump mapping.
| 176 | */
| 178 | /** Texture-based shadow technique which involves a monochrome render-to-texture
| 179 | of the shadow caster and a projection of that texture onto the
| 180 | shadow receivers as a modulative pass.
| 181 | */
| 183 | };
| 184 |
| 185 | /** An enumeration describing which material properties should track the vertex colours */
| 186 | typedef int TrackVertexColourType;
| 187 | enum TrackVertexColourEnum {
| 188 | TVC_NONE = 0x0,
| 189 | TVC_AMBIENT = 0x1,
| 190 | TVC_DIFFUSE = 0x2,
| 191 | TVC_SPECULAR = 0x4,
| 192 | TVC_EMISSIVE = 0x8
| 193 | };
| 194 |
| 195 | typedef std::vector<Light*> LightList;
| 196 |
| 197 | typedef std::map<String, bool> UnaryOptionList;
| 198 | typedef std::map<String, String> BinaryOptionList;
| 199 |
| 200 | /// Name / value parameter pair (first = name, second = value)
| 201 | typedef std::map<String, String> NameValuePairList;
| 202 |
| 203 | /** Structure used to define a rectangle in a 2-D integer space.
| 204 | */
| 205 | struct Rect
| 206 | {
| 207 | long left, top, right, bottom;
| 208 |
| 209 | Rect()
| 210 | {
| 211 | }
| 212 | Rect( long l, long t, long r, long b )
| 213 | {
| 214 | left = l;
| 215 | top = t;
| 216 | right = r;
| 217 | bottom = b;
| 218 | }
| 219 | Rect& operator = ( const Rect& other )
| 220 | {
| 221 | left = other.left;
| 222 | top = other.top;
| 223 | right = other.right;
| 224 | bottom = other.bottom;
| 225 |
| 226 | return *this;
| 227 | }
| 228 | };
| 229 |
| 230 | /** Structure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space.
| 231 | Note that the left, top, and front edges are included but the right,
| 232 | bottom and top ones are not.
| 233 | */
| 234 | struct Box
| 235 | {
| 236 | size_t left, top, right, bottom, front, back;
| 237 | /// Parameterless constructor for setting the members manually
| 238 | Box()
| 239 | {
| 240 | }
| 241 | /** Define a box from left, top, right and bottom coordinates
| 242 | This box will have depth one (front=0 and back=1).
| 243 | @param l x value of left edge
| 244 | @param t y value of top edge
| 245 | @param r x value of right edge
| 246 | @param b y value of bottom edge
| 247 | @note Note that the left, top, and front edges are included
| 248 | but the right, bottom and top ones are not.
| 249 | */
| 250 | Box( size_t l, size_t t, size_t r, size_t b ):
| 251 | left(l),
| 252 | top(t),
| 253 | right(r),
| 254 | bottom(b),
| 255 | front(0),
| 256 | back(1)
| 257 | {
| 258 | assert(right >= left && bottom >= top && back >= front);
| 259 | }
| 260 | /** Define a box from left, top, front, right, bottom and back
| 261 | coordinates.
| 262 | @param l x value of left edge
| 263 | @param t y value of top edge
| 264 | @param ff z value of front edge
| 265 | @param r x value of right edge
| 266 | @param b y value of bottom edge
| 267 | @param bb z value of back edge
| 268 | @note Note that the left, top, and front edges are included
| 269 | but the right, bottom and top ones are not.
| 270 | */
| 271 | Box( size_t l, size_t t, size_t ff, size_t r, size_t b, size_t bb ):
| 272 | left(l),
| 273 | top(t),
| 274 | right(r),
| 275 | bottom(b),
| 276 | front(ff),
| 277 | back(bb)
| 278 | {
| 279 | assert(right >= left && bottom >= top && back >= front);
| 280 | }
| 281 |
| 282 | /// Return true if the other box is a part of this one
| 283 | bool contains(const Box &def) const
| 284 | {
| 285 | return (def.left >= left && def.top >= top && def.front >= front &&
| 286 | def.right <= right && def.bottom <= bottom && def.back <= back);
| 287 | }
| 288 |
| 289 | /// Get the width of this box
| 290 | size_t getWidth() const { return right-left; }
| 291 | /// Get the height of this box
| 292 | size_t getHeight() const { return bottom-top; }
| 293 | /// Get the depth of this box
| 294 | size_t getDepth() const { return back-front; }
| 295 | };
| 296 |
| 297 |
| 298 |
| 299 | /** Locate command-line options of the unary form '-blah' and of the
| 300 | binary form '-blah foo', passing back the index of the next non-option.
| 301 | @param numargs, argv The standard parameters passed to the main method
| 302 | @param unaryOptList Map of unary options (ie those that do not require a parameter).
| 303 | Should be pre-populated with, for example '-e' in the key and false in the
| 304 | value. Options which are found will be set to true on return.
| 305 | @param binOptList Map of binnary options (ie those that require a parameter
| 306 | e.g. '-e afile.txt').
| 307 | Should be pre-populated with, for example '-e' and the default setting.
| 308 | Options which are found will have the value updated.
| 309 | */
| 310 | int _OgreExport findCommandLineOpts(int numargs, char** argv, UnaryOptionList& unaryOptList,
| 311 | BinaryOptionList& binOptList);
| 312 |
| 313 | }
| 314 |
| 315 | #endif