source: OGRE/trunk/ogrenew/OgreMain/include/OgreCommon.h @ 690

Revision 690, 11.7 KB checked in by mattausch, 19 years ago (diff)

added ogre 1.07 main

3This source file is part of OGRE
4    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5For the latest info, see
7Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
10This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
15This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
25#ifndef __Common_H__
26#define __Common_H__
27// Common stuff
29#include <utility>
31namespace Ogre {
34    /** Comparison functions used for the depth/stencil buffer operations and
35                others. */
36    enum CompareFunction
37    {
40        CMPF_LESS,
41        CMPF_LESS_EQUAL,
42        CMPF_EQUAL,
43        CMPF_NOT_EQUAL,
45        CMPF_GREATER
46    };
48    /** High-level filtering options providing shortcuts to settings the
49        minification, magnification and mip filters. */
50    enum TextureFilterOptions
51    {
52        /// Equal to: min=FO_POINT, mag=FO_POINT, mip=FO_NONE
53        TFO_NONE,
54        /// Equal to: min=FO_LINEAR, mag=FO_LINEAR, mip=FO_POINT
55        TFO_BILINEAR,
56        /// Equal to: min=FO_LINEAR, mag=FO_LINEAR, mip=FO_LINEAR
57        TFO_TRILINEAR,
58        /// Equal to: min=FO_ANISOTROPIC, max=FO_ANISOTROPIC, mip=FO_LINEAR
59                TFO_ANISOTROPIC
60    };
62    enum FilterType
63    {
64        /// The filter used when shrinking a texture
65        FT_MIN,
66        /// The filter used when magnifiying a texture
67        FT_MAG,
68        /// The filter used when determining the mipmap
69        FT_MIP
70    };
71    /** Filtering options for textures / mipmaps. */
72    enum FilterOptions
73    {
74        /// No filtering, used for FILT_MIP to turn off mipmapping
75        FO_NONE,
76        /// Use the closest pixel
77        FO_POINT,
78        /// Average of a 2x2 pixel area, denotes bilinear for MIN and MAG, trilinear for MIP
79        FO_LINEAR,
80        /// Similar to FO_LINEAR, but compensates for the angle of the texture plane
82    };
84    /** Light shading modes. */
85    enum ShadeOptions
86    {
87        SO_FLAT,
88        SO_GOURAUD,
89        SO_PHONG
90    };
92    /** Fog modes. */
93    enum FogMode
94    {
95        /// No fog. Duh.
96        FOG_NONE,
97        /// Fog density increases  exponentially from the camera (fog = 1/e^(distance * density))
98        FOG_EXP,
99        /// Fog density increases at the square of FOG_EXP, i.e. even quicker (fog = 1/e^(distance * density)^2)
100        FOG_EXP2,
101        /// Fog density increases linearly between the start and end distances
102        FOG_LINEAR
103    };
105    /** Hardware culling modes based on vertex winding.
106        This setting applies to how the hardware API culls triangles it is sent. */
107    enum CullingMode
108    {
109        /// Hardware never culls triangles and renders everything it receives.
110        CULL_NONE = 1,
111        /// Hardware culls triangles whose vertices are listed clockwise in the view (default).
112        CULL_CLOCKWISE = 2,
113        /// Hardware culls triangles whose vertices are listed anticlockwise in the view.
115    };
117    /** Manual culling modes based on vertex normals.
118        This setting applies to how the software culls triangles before sending them to the
119                hardware API. This culling mode is used by scene managers which choose to implement it -
120                normally those which deal with large amounts of fixed world geometry which is often
121                planar (software culling movable variable geometry is expensive). */
122    enum ManualCullingMode
123    {
124        /// No culling so everything is sent to the hardware.
125        MANUAL_CULL_NONE = 1,
126        /// Cull triangles whose normal is pointing away from the camera (default).
127        MANUAL_CULL_BACK = 2,
128        /// Cull triangles whose normal is pointing towards the camera.
129        MANUAL_CULL_FRONT = 3
130    };
132    /** Enumerates the wave types usable with the Ogre engine. */
133    enum WaveformType
134    {
135        /// Standard sine wave which smoothly changes from low to high and back again.
136        WFT_SINE,
137        /// An angular wave with a constant increase / decrease speed with pointed peaks.
138        WFT_TRIANGLE,
139        /// Half of the time is spent at the min, half at the max with instant transition between.
140        WFT_SQUARE,
141        /// Gradual steady increase from min to max over the period with an instant return to min at the end.
142        WFT_SAWTOOTH,
143        /// Gradual steady decrease from max to min over the period, with an instant return to max at the end.
145    };
147    /** The broad type of detail for rendering. */
148    enum SceneDetailLevel
149    {
150                /// Only points are rendered.
151        SDL_POINTS = 1,
152                /// Wireframe models are rendered.
153        SDL_WIREFRAME = 2,
154                /// Solid polygons are rendered.
155        SDL_SOLID = 3
156    };
158    /** An enumeration of broad shadow techniques */
159    enum ShadowTechnique
160    {
161        /** No shadows */
163        /** Stencil shadow technique which renders all shadow volumes as
164            a modulation after all the non-transparent areas have been
165            rendered. This technique is considerably less fillrate intensive
166            than the additive stencil shadow approach when there are multiple
167            lights, but is not an accurate model.
168        */
170        /** Stencil shadow technique which renders each light as a separate
171            additive pass to the scene. This technique can be very fillrate
172            intensive because it requires at least 2 passes of the entire
173            scene, more if there are multiple lights. However, it is a more
174            accurate model than the modulative stencil approach and this is
175            especially apparant when using coloured lights or bump mapping.
176        */
178        /** Texture-based shadow technique which involves a monochrome render-to-texture
179            of the shadow caster and a projection of that texture onto the
180            shadow receivers as a modulative pass.
181        */
183    };
185    /** An enumeration describing which material properties should track the vertex colours */
186    typedef int TrackVertexColourType;
187    enum TrackVertexColourEnum {
188        TVC_NONE        = 0x0,
189        TVC_AMBIENT     = 0x1,       
190        TVC_DIFFUSE     = 0x2,
191        TVC_SPECULAR    = 0x4,
192        TVC_EMISSIVE    = 0x8
193    };
195    typedef std::vector<Light*> LightList;
197    typedef std::map<String, bool> UnaryOptionList;
198    typedef std::map<String, String> BinaryOptionList;
200        /// Name / value parameter pair (first = name, second = value)
201        typedef std::map<String, String> NameValuePairList;
203        /** Structure used to define a rectangle in a 2-D integer space.
204        */
205        struct Rect
206        {
207            long left, top, right, bottom;
209            Rect()
210            {
211            }
212            Rect( long l, long t, long r, long b )
213            {
214                left = l;
215                top = t;   
216                right = r;
217                bottom = b;               
218            }
219            Rect& operator = ( const Rect& other )
220            {
221                left = other.left;
222                top =;
223                right = other.right;
224                bottom = other.bottom;       
226                return *this;
227            }
228        };
230        /** Structure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space.
231                Note that the left, top, and front edges are included but the right,
232                bottom and top ones are not.
233         */
234        struct Box
235        {
236            size_t left, top, right, bottom, front, back;
237                        /// Parameterless constructor for setting the members manually
238            Box()
239            {
240            }
241            /** Define a box from left, top, right and bottom coordinates
242                This box will have depth one (front=0 and back=1).
243                @param  l       x value of left edge
244                @param  t       y value of top edge
245                @param  r       x value of right edge
246                @param  b       y value of bottom edge
247                @note Note that the left, top, and front edges are included
248                                but the right, bottom and top ones are not.
249            */
250            Box( size_t l, size_t t, size_t r, size_t b ):
251                left(l),
252                top(t),   
253                right(r),
254                bottom(b),
255                front(0),
256                back(1)
257            {
258                        assert(right >= left && bottom >= top && back >= front);
259            }
260            /** Define a box from left, top, front, right, bottom and back
261                coordinates.
262                @param  l       x value of left edge
263                @param  t       y value of top edge
264                @param  ff  z value of front edge
265                @param  r       x value of right edge
266                @param  b       y value of bottom edge
267                @param  bb  z value of back edge
268                @note Note that the left, top, and front edges are included
269                                but the right, bottom and top ones are not.
270            */
271            Box( size_t l, size_t t, size_t ff, size_t r, size_t b, size_t bb ):
272                left(l),
273                top(t),   
274                right(r),
275                bottom(b),
276                front(ff),
277                back(bb)
278            {
279                        assert(right >= left && bottom >= top && back >= front);
280            }
282            /// Return true if the other box is a part of this one
283            bool contains(const Box &def) const
284            {
285                return (def.left >= left && >= top && def.front >= front &&
286                                        def.right <= right && def.bottom <= bottom && def.back <= back);
287            }
289            /// Get the width of this box
290            size_t getWidth() const { return right-left; }
291            /// Get the height of this box
292            size_t getHeight() const { return bottom-top; }
293            /// Get the depth of this box
294            size_t getDepth() const { return back-front; }
295        };
299        /** Locate command-line options of the unary form '-blah' and of the
300        binary form '-blah foo', passing back the index of the next non-option.
301    @param numargs, argv The standard parameters passed to the main method
302    @param unaryOptList Map of unary options (ie those that do not require a parameter).
303        Should be pre-populated with, for example '-e' in the key and false in the
304        value. Options which are found will be set to true on return.
305    @param binOptList Map of binnary options (ie those that require a parameter
306        e.g. '-e afile.txt').
307        Should be pre-populated with, for example '-e' and the default setting.
308        Options which are found will have the value updated.
309    */
310    int _OgreExport findCommandLineOpts(int numargs, char** argv, UnaryOptionList& unaryOptList,
311        BinaryOptionList& binOptList);
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