source: OGRE/trunk/ogrenew/OgreMain/include/OgreCompositorInstance.h @ 692

Revision 692, 9.8 KB checked in by mattausch, 19 years ago (diff)

adding ogre 1.2 and dependencies

3This source file is part of OGRE
4    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5For the latest info, see
7Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
10This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
15This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
25#ifndef __CompositorInstance_H__
26#define __CompositorInstance_H__
28#include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
29#include "OgreMaterial.h"
30#include "OgreTexture.h"
31#include "OgreRenderQueue.h"
32namespace Ogre {
33    const size_t RENDER_QUEUE_COUNT = RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY+1;       
35    /** An instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport. It is part of the CompositorChain
36                for a Viewport.
37     */
38    class _OgreExport CompositorInstance
39    {
40    public:
41        CompositorInstance(Compositor *filter, CompositionTechnique *technique, CompositorChain *chain);
42        virtual ~CompositorInstance();
43                /** Provides an interface to "listen in" to to render system operations executed by this
44                        CompositorInstance.
45                */
46                class _OgreExport Listener
47                {
48                public:
49                        virtual ~Listener();
51                        /** Notification of when a render target operation involving a material (like
52                                rendering a quad) is compiled, so that miscelleneous parameters that are different
53                                per Compositor instance can be set up.
54                                @param pass_id  Pass identifier within Compositor instance, this is speficied
55                                                                by the user by CompositionPass::setIdentifier().
56                                @param mat              Material, this may be changed at will and will only affect
57                                                                the current instance of the Compositor, not the global material
58                                                                it was cloned from.
59                         */
60                        virtual void notifyMaterialSetup(uint32 pass_id, MaterialPtr &mat);
62                        /** Notification before a render target operation involving a material (like
63                                rendering a quad), so that material parameters can be varied.
64                                @param pass_id  Pass identifier within Compositor instance, this is speficied
65                                                                by the user by CompositionPass::setIdentifier().
66                                @param mat              Material, this may be changed at will and will only affect
67                                                                the current instance of the Compositor, not the global material
68                                                                it was cloned from.
69                         */
70                        virtual void notifyMaterialRender(uint32 pass_id, MaterialPtr &mat);
71                };
72        /** Specific render system operation. A render target operation does special operations
73                    between render queues like rendering a quad, clearing the frame buffer or
74                        setting stencil state.
75                */
76                class RenderSystemOperation
77                {
78                public:
79                        virtual ~RenderSystemOperation();
80                        /// Set state to SceneManager and RenderSystem
81                        virtual void execute(SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rs) = 0;
82                };
83                typedef std::map<int, MaterialPtr> QuadMaterialMap;
84                typedef std::pair<int, RenderSystemOperation*> RenderSystemOpPair;
85                typedef std::vector<RenderSystemOpPair> RenderSystemOpPairs;
86        /** Operation setup for a RenderTarget (collected).
87        */
88        class TargetOperation
89        {
90        public:
91            TargetOperation()
92            {
93            }
94            TargetOperation(RenderTarget *target):
95                target(target), currentQueueGroupID(0), visibilityMask(0xFFFFFFFF),
96                lodBias(1.0f),
97                onlyInitial(false), hasBeenRendered(false), findVisibleObjects(false)
98            {
99            }
100            /// Target
101            RenderTarget *target;
103                        /// Current group ID
104                        int currentQueueGroupID;
106                        /// RenderSystem operations to queue into the scene manager, by
107                        /// uint8
108                        RenderSystemOpPairs renderSystemOperations;
110                        /// Scene visibility mask
111            /// If this is 0, the scene is not rendered at all
112            uint32 visibilityMask;
114            /// LOD offset. This is multiplied with the camera LOD offset
115            /// 1.0 is default, lower means lower detail, higher means higher detail
116            float lodBias;
118            /** A set of render queues to either include or exclude certain render queues.
119                        */
120            typedef std::bitset<RENDER_QUEUE_COUNT> RenderQueueBitSet;
122                        /// Which renderqueues to render from scene
123                        RenderQueueBitSet renderQueues;
125            /** @see CompositionTargetPass::mOnlyInitial
126            */
127            bool onlyInitial;
128            /** "Has been rendered" flag; used in combination with
129                onlyInitial to determine whether to skip this target operation.
130            */
131            bool hasBeenRendered;
132            /** Whether this op needs to find visible scene objects or not
133            */
134            bool findVisibleObjects;
135                        /** Which material scheme this op will use */
136                        String materialScheme;
137        };
138        typedef std::vector<TargetOperation> CompiledState;
140        /** Set enabled flag. The compositor instance will only render if it is
141            enabled, otherwise it is pass-through.
142        */
143        void setEnabled(bool value);
145        /** Get enabled flag.
146        */
147        bool getEnabled();
149                /** Prepare this instance for re-compilation. Clear all state that has been
150                        set by the last compile.
151        */
152        virtual void _prepareForCompilation();
154        /** Recursively collect target states (except for final Pass).
155            @param compiledState    This vector will contain a list of TargetOperation objects
156        */
157        virtual void _compileTargetOperations(CompiledState &compiledState);
159        /** Compile the final (output) operation. This is done seperately because this
160            is combined with the input in chained filters.
161        */
162        virtual void _compileOutputOperation(TargetOperation &finalState);
164        /** Get Compositor of which this is an instance
165        */
166        Compositor *getCompositor();
168        /** Get CompositionTechnique used by this instance
169        */
170        CompositionTechnique *getTechnique();
172                /** Get Chain that this instance is part of
173        */
174        CompositorChain *getChain();
176                /** Add a listener. Listeners provide an interface to "listen in" to to render system
177                        operations executed by this CompositorInstance so that materials can be
178                        programmatically set up.
179                        @see CompositorInstance::Listener
180                */
181                void addListener(Listener *l);
183                /** Remove a listener.
184                        @see CompositorInstance::Listener
185                */
186                void removeListener(Listener *l);
188                /** Notify listeners of a material compilation.
189                */
190                void _fireNotifyMaterialSetup(uint32 pass_id, MaterialPtr &mat);
192                /** Notify listeners of a material render.
193                */
194                void _fireNotifyMaterialRender(uint32 pass_id, MaterialPtr &mat);
195        private:
196        /// Compositor of which this is an instance
197        Compositor *mCompositor;
198        /// Composition technique used by this instance
199        CompositionTechnique *mTechnique;
200        /// Composition chain of which this instance is part
201        CompositorChain *mChain;
202        /// Is this instance enabled?
203        bool mEnabled;
204        /// Map from name->local texture
205        typedef std::map<String,TexturePtr> LocalTextureMap;
206        LocalTextureMap mLocalTextures;
208                /// Render System operations queued by last compile, these are created by this
209                /// instance thus managed and deleted by it. The list is cleared with
210                /// clearCompilationState()
211                typedef std::vector<RenderSystemOperation*> RenderSystemOperations;
212                RenderSystemOperations mRenderSystemOperations;
214                /// Vector of listeners
215                typedef std::vector<Listener*> Listeners;
216                Listeners mListeners;
218        /// Previous instance (set by chain)
219        CompositorInstance *mPreviousInstance;
221                /** Collect rendering passes. Here, passes are converted into render target operations
222                        and queued with queueRenderSystemOp.
223        */
224        virtual void collectPasses(TargetOperation &finalState, CompositionTargetPass *target);
226        /** Create a local dummy material with one technique but no passes.
227            The material is detached from the Material Manager to make sure it is destroyed
228                        when going out of scope.
229        */
230        MaterialPtr createLocalMaterial();
232        /** Create local rendertextures and other resources. Builds mLocalTextures.
233        */
234        void createResources();
236        /** Destroy local rendertextures and other resources.
237        */
238        void freeResources();
240                /** Destroy locally queued RenderTarget operations
241                */
242                void clearCompilationState();
244        /** Get RenderTarget for a named local texture.
245        */
246        RenderTarget *getTargetForTex(const String &name);
248        /** Get source texture name for a named local texture.
249        */
250        const String &getSourceForTex(const String &name);
252                /** Queue a render system operation.
253                        @returns destination pass
254                 */
255                void queueRenderSystemOp(TargetOperation &finalState, RenderSystemOperation *op);
257        friend class CompositorChain;
258    };
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