/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.stevestreeting.com/ogre/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __CompositorScriptScompiler_H__ #define __CompositorScriptScompiler_H__ #include "OgrePrerequisites.h" #include "OgreCompiler2Pass.h" #include "OgreCompositor.h" #include "OgreRenderSystem.h" namespace Ogre { /** Compiler for parsing & lexing .compositor scripts */ class _OgreExport CompositorScriptCompiler : public Compiler2Pass { public: CompositorScriptCompiler(void); ~CompositorScriptCompiler(void); /** gets BNF Grammer for Compositor script. */ virtual const String& getClientBNFGrammer(void) { return compositorScript_BNF; } /** get the name of the Compositor script BNF grammer. */ virtual const String& getClientGrammerName(void) { static const String grammerName("Compositor Script"); return grammerName; } protected: // Token ID enumeration enum TokenID { // Terminal Tokens section ID_UNKOWN = 0, ID_OPENBRACE, ID_CLOSEBRACE, // Top level ID_COMPOSITOR, // Techniques ID_TECHNIQUE, ID_TEXTURE, ID_TARGET_WIDTH, ID_TARGET_HEIGHT, ID_PF_A8R8G8B8, ID_PF_R8G8B8A8, ID_PF_R8G8B8, ID_PF_FLOAT16_R, ID_PF_FLOAT16_RGB, ID_PF_FLOAT16_RGBA, ID_PF_FLOAT32_R, ID_PF_FLOAT32_RGB, ID_PF_FLOAT32_RGBA, // Targets ID_TARGET, ID_INPUT, ID_TARGET_OUTPUT, ID_ONLY_INITIAL, ID_VISIBILITY_MASK, ID_LOD_BIAS, ID_MATERIAL_SCHEME, ID_PREVIOUS, ID_NONE, // Passes ID_PASS, ID_MATERIAL, ID_RENDER_QUAD, ID_CLEAR, ID_STENCIL, ID_RENDER_SCENE, ID_FIRST_RQ, ID_LAST_RQ, // clear ID_CLR_BUFF, ID_CLR_COLOUR, ID_CLR_DEPTH, ID_CLR_COLOUR_VAL, ID_CLR_DEPTH_VAL, ID_CLR_STENCIL_VAL, // stencil ID_ST_CHECK, ID_ST_FUNC, ID_ST_REF_VAL, ID_ST_MASK, ID_ST_FAILOP, ID_ST_DEPTH_FAILOP, ID_ST_PASSOP, ID_ST_TWOSIDED, // compare functions ID_ST_ALWAYS_FAIL, ID_ST_ALWAYS_PASS, ID_ST_LESS, ID_ST_LESS_EQUAL, ID_ST_EQUAL, ID_ST_NOT_EQUAL, ID_ST_GREATER_EQUAL, ID_ST_GREATER, // stencil operations ID_ST_KEEP, ID_ST_ZERO, ID_ST_REPLACE, ID_ST_INCREMENT, ID_ST_DECREMENT, ID_ST_INCREMENT_WRAP, ID_ST_DECREMENT_WRAP, ID_ST_INVERT, // general ID_ON, ID_OFF, ID_TRUE, ID_FALSE }; /** Enum to identify compositor sections. */ enum CompositorScriptSection { CSS_NONE, CSS_COMPOSITOR, CSS_TECHNIQUE, CSS_TARGET, CSS_PASS }; /** Struct for holding the script context while parsing. */ struct CompositorScriptContext { CompositorScriptSection section; CompositorPtr compositor; CompositionTechnique* technique; CompositionTargetPass* target; CompositionPass* pass; }; CompositorScriptContext mScriptContext; // static library database for tokens and BNF rules static TokenRule compositorScript_RulePath[]; // simplified Backus - Naur Form (BNF) grammer for compositor scripts static String compositorScript_BNF; typedef void (CompositorScriptCompiler::* CSC_Action)(void); typedef std::map TokenActionMap; typedef TokenActionMap::iterator TokenActionIterator; /** Map of Token value as key to an Action. An Action converts tokens into the final format. All instances use the same Token Action Map. */ static TokenActionMap mTokenActionMap; /** Execute an Action associated with a token. Gets called when the compiler finishes tokenizing a section of the source that has been parsed. **/ virtual void executeTokenAction(const size_t tokenID); /** Associate all the lexemes used in a material script with their corresponding tokens and actions. **/ virtual void setupTokenDefinitions(void); void addLexemeTokenAction(const String& lexeme, const size_t token, const CSC_Action action = 0); void logParseError(const String& error); // Token Actions which get called when tokens are created during parsing. void parseOpenBrace(void); void parseCloseBrace(void); void parseCompositor(void); void parseTechnique(void); void parseTexture(void); void parseTarget(void); void parseInput(void); void parseTargetOutput(void); void parseOnlyInitial(void); void parseVisibilityMask(void); void parseLodBias(void); void parseMaterialScheme(void); void parsePass(void); void parseMaterial(void); void parseFirstRenderQueue(void); void parseLastRenderQueue(void); void parseClearBuffers(void); void parseClearColourValue(void); void parseClearDepthValue(void); void parseClearStencilValue(void); void parseStencilCheck(void); void parseStencilFunc(void); void parseStencilRefVal(void); void parseStencilMask(void); void parseStencilFailOp(void); void parseStencilDepthFailOp(void); void parseStencilPassOp(void); void parseStencilTwoSided(void); StencilOperation extractStencilOp(void); CompareFunction extractCompareFunc(void); }; } #endif