1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of OGRE
4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
9 |
10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13 | version.
14 |
15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | */
25 | #ifndef _LIGHT_H__
26 | #define _LIGHT_H__
27 |
28 | #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
29 |
30 | #include "OgreColourValue.h"
31 | #include "OgreVector3.h"
32 | #include "OgreVector4.h"
33 | #include "OgreString.h"
34 | #include "OgreMovableObject.h"
35 | #include "OgrePlaneBoundedVolume.h"
36 |
37 | namespace Ogre {
38 |
39 |
40 | /** Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene.
41 | @remarks
42 | Lights are added to the scene like any other object. They contain various
43 | parameters like type, position, attenuation (how light intensity fades with
44 | distance), colour etc.
45 | @par
46 | The defaults when a light is created is pure white diffues light, with no
47 | attenuation (does not decrease with distance) and a range of 1000 world units.
48 | @par
49 | Lights are created by using the SceneManager::createLight method. They can subsequently be
50 | added to a SceneNode if required to allow them to move relative to a node in the scene. A light attached
51 | to a SceneNode is assumed to havea base position of (0,0,0) and a direction of (0,0,1) before modification
52 | by the SceneNode's own orientation. If not attached to a SceneNode,
53 | the light's position and direction is as set using setPosition and setDirection.
54 | @par
55 | Remember also that dynamic lights rely on modifying the colour of vertices based on the position of
56 | the light compared to an object's vertex normals. Dynamic lighting will only look good if the
57 | object being lit has a fair level of tesselation and the normals are properly set. This is particularly
58 | true for the spotlight which will only look right on highly tesselated models. In the future OGRE may be
59 | extended for certain scene types so an alternative to the standard dynamic lighting may be used, such
60 | as dynamic lightmaps.
61 | */
62 | class _OgreExport Light : public MovableObject
63 | {
64 | public:
65 | /// Temp tag used for sorting
66 | Real tempSquareDist;
67 |
68 | /// Defines the type of light
69 | enum LightTypes
70 | {
71 | /// Point light sources give off light equally in all directions, so require only position not direction
72 | LT_POINT,
73 | /// Directional lights simulate parallel light beams from a distant source, hence have direction but no position
75 | /// Spotlights simulate a cone of light from a source so require position and direction, plus extra values for falloff
77 | };
78 |
79 | /** Default constructor (for Python mainly).
80 | */
81 | Light();
82 |
83 | /** Normal constructor. Should not be called directly, but rather the SceneManager::createLight method should be used.
84 | */
85 | Light(const String& name);
86 |
87 | /** Standard destructor.
88 | */
89 | ~Light();
90 |
91 | /** Returns the name of this light (cannot be modified).
92 | */
93 | const String& getName(void) const;
94 |
95 | /** Sets the type of light - see LightTypes for more info.
96 | */
97 | void setType(LightTypes type);
98 |
99 | /** Returns the light type.
100 | */
101 | LightTypes getType(void) const;
102 |
103 | /** Sets the colour of the diffuse light given off by this source.
104 | @remarks
105 | Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of
106 | light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light
107 | exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two.
108 | @par
109 | Diffuse light simulates the typical light emenating from light sources and affects the base colour
110 | of objects together with ambient light.
111 | */
112 | void setDiffuseColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue);
113 |
114 | /** Sets the colour of the diffuse light given off by this source.
115 | @remarks
116 | Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of
117 | light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light
118 | exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two.
119 | @par
120 | Diffuse light simulates the typical light emenating from light sources and affects the base colour
121 | of objects together with ambient light.
122 | */
123 | void setDiffuseColour(const ColourValue& colour);
124 |
125 | /** Returns the colour of the diffuse light given off by this light source (see setDiffuseColour for more info).
126 | */
127 | const ColourValue& getDiffuseColour(void) const;
128 |
129 | /** Sets the colour of the specular light given off by this source.
130 | @remarks
131 | Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of
132 | light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light
133 | exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two.
134 | @par
135 | Specular light affects the appearance of shiny highlights on objects, and is also dependent on the
136 | 'shininess' Material value.
137 | */
138 | void setSpecularColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue);
139 |
140 | /** Sets the colour of the specular light given off by this source.
141 | @remarks
142 | Material objects have ambient, diffuse and specular values which indicate how much of each type of
143 | light an object reflects. This value denotes the amount and colour of this type of light the light
144 | exudes into the scene. The actual appearance of objects is a combination of the two.
145 | @par
146 | Specular light affects the appearance of shiny highlights on objects, and is also dependent on the
147 | 'shininess' Material value.
148 | */
149 | void setSpecularColour(const ColourValue& colour);
150 |
151 | /** Returns the colour of specular light given off by this light source.
152 | */
153 | const ColourValue& getSpecularColour(void) const;
154 |
155 | /** Sets the attenuation parameters of the light source ie how it diminishes with distance.
156 | @remarks
157 | Lights normally get fainter the further they are away. Also, each light is given a maximum range
158 | beyond which it cannot affect any objects.
159 | @par
160 | Light attentuation is not applicable to directional lights since they have an infinite range and
161 | constant intensity.
162 | @par
163 | This follows a standard attenuation approach - see any good 3D text for the details of what they mean
164 | since i don't have room here!
165 | @param
166 | range The absolute upper range of the light in world units
167 | @param
168 | constant The constant factor in the attenuation formula: 1.0 means never attenuate, 0.0 is complete attenuation
169 | @param
170 | linear The linear factor in the attenuation formula: 1 means attenuate evenly over the distance
171 | @param
172 | quadratic The quadratic factor in the attenuation formula: adds a curvature to the attenuation formula.
173 | */
174 | void setAttenuation(Real range, Real constant, Real linear, Real quadratic);
175 |
176 | /** Returns the absolute upper range of the light.
177 | */
178 | Real getAttenuationRange(void) const;
179 |
180 | /** Returns the constant factor in the attenuation formula.
181 | */
182 | Real getAttenuationConstant(void) const;
183 |
184 | /** Returns the linear factor in the attenuation formula.
185 | */
186 | Real getAttenuationLinear(void) const;
187 |
188 | /** Returns the quadric factor in the attenuation formula.
189 | */
190 | Real getAttenuationQuadric(void) const;
191 |
192 | /** Sets the position of the light.
193 | @remarks
194 | Applicable to point lights and spotlights only.
195 | @note
196 | This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode.
197 | */
198 | void setPosition(Real x, Real y, Real z);
199 |
200 | /** Sets the position of the light.
201 | @remarks
202 | Applicable to point lights and spotlights only.
203 | @note
204 | This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode.
205 | */
206 | void setPosition(const Vector3& vec);
207 |
208 | /** Returns the position of the light.
209 | @note
210 | Applicable to point lights and spotlights only.
211 | */
212 | const Vector3& getPosition(void) const;
213 |
214 | /** Sets the direction in which a light points.
215 | @remarks
216 | Applicable only to the spotlight and directional light types.
217 | @note
218 | This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode.
219 | */
220 | void setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z);
221 |
222 | /** Sets the direction in which a light points.
223 | @remarks
224 | Applicable only to the spotlight and directional light types.
225 | @note
226 | This will be overridden if the light is attached to a SceneNode.
227 | */
228 | void setDirection(const Vector3& vec);
229 |
230 | /** Returns the light's direction.
231 | @remarks
232 | Applicable only to the spotlight and directional light types.
233 | */
234 | const Vector3& getDirection(void) const;
235 |
236 | /** Sets the range of a spotlight, i.e. the angle of the inner and outer cones and the rate of falloff between them.
237 | @param
238 | innerAngle Angle covered by the bright inner cone
239 | @node
240 | The inner cone applicable only to Direct3D, it'll always treat as zero in OpenGL.
241 | @param
242 | outerAngle Angle covered by the outer cone
243 | @param
244 | falloff The rate of falloff between the inner and outer cones. 1.0 means a linear falloff, less means slower falloff, higher means faster falloff.
245 | */
246 | void setSpotlightRange(const Radian& innerAngle, const Radian& outerAngle, Real falloff = 1.0);
248 | inline void setSpotlightRange(Real innerAngle, Real outerAngle, Real falloff = 1.0) {
249 | setSpotlightRange ( Angle(innerAngle), Angle(outerAngle), falloff );
250 | }
252 |
253 | /** Returns the angle covered by the spotlights inner cone.
254 | */
255 | const Radian& getSpotlightInnerAngle(void) const;
256 |
257 | /** Returns the angle covered by the spotlights outer cone.
258 | */
259 | const Radian& getSpotlightOuterAngle(void) const;
260 |
261 | /** Returns the falloff between the inner and outer cones of the spotlight.
262 | */
263 | Real getSpotlightFalloff(void) const;
264 |
265 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
266 | void _notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam);
267 |
268 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
269 | const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const;
270 |
271 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
272 | void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue);
273 |
274 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
275 | const String& getMovableType(void) const;
276 |
277 | /** Retrieves the position of the light including any transform from nodes it is attached to. */
278 | const Vector3& getDerivedPosition(void) const;
279 |
280 | /** Retrieves the direction of the light including any transform from nodes it is attached to. */
281 | const Vector3& getDerivedDirection(void) const;
282 |
283 | /** Overridden from MovableObject.
284 | @remarks
285 | Although lights themselves are not 'visible', setting a light to invisible
286 | means it no longer affects the scene.
287 | */
288 | void setVisible(bool visible);
289 |
290 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
291 | Real getBoundingRadius(void) const { return 0; /* not visible */ }
292 |
293 | /** Gets the details of this light as a 4D vector.
294 | @remarks
295 | Getting details of a light as a 4D vector can be useful for
296 | doing general calculations between different light types; for
297 | example the vector can represent both position lights (w=1.0f)
298 | and directional lights (w=0.0f) and be used in the same
299 | calculations.
300 | */
301 | Vector4 getAs4DVector(void) const;
302 |
303 | /** Internal method for calculating the 'near clip volume', which is
304 | the volume formed between the near clip rectangle of the
305 | camera and the light.
306 | @remarks This volume is a pyramid for a point/spot light and
307 | a cuboid for a directional light. It can used to detect whether
308 | an object could be casting a shadow on the viewport. Note that
309 | the reference returned is to a shared volume which will be
310 | reused across calls to this method.
311 | */
312 | const PlaneBoundedVolume& _getNearClipVolume(const Camera* const cam) const;
313 |
314 | /** Internal method for calculating the clip volumes outside of the
315 | frustum which can be used to determine which objects are casting
316 | shadow on the frustum as a whole.
317 | @remarks Each of the volumes is a pyramid for a point/spot light and
318 | a cuboid for a directional light.
319 | */
320 | const PlaneBoundedVolumeList& _getFrustumClipVolumes(const Camera* const cam) const;
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 | private:
325 | /// internal method for synchronising with parent node (if any)
326 | void update(void) const;
327 | String mName;
328 |
329 | LightTypes mLightType;
330 | Vector3 mPosition;
331 | ColourValue mDiffuse;
332 | ColourValue mSpecular;
333 |
334 | Vector3 mDirection;
335 |
336 | Radian mSpotOuter;
337 | Radian mSpotInner;
338 | Real mSpotFalloff;
339 | Real mRange;
340 | Real mAttenuationConst;
341 | Real mAttenuationLinear;
342 | Real mAttenuationQuad;
343 |
344 | mutable Vector3 mDerivedPosition;
345 | mutable Vector3 mDerivedDirection;
346 | /// Stored versions of parent orientation / position
347 | mutable Quaternion mLastParentOrientation;
348 | mutable Vector3 mLastParentPosition;
349 |
350 | /// Shared class-level name for Movable type
351 | static String msMovableType;
352 |
353 | mutable PlaneBoundedVolume mNearClipVolume;
354 | mutable PlaneBoundedVolumeList mFrustumClipVolumes;
355 | /// Is the local transform dirty?
356 | mutable bool mLocalTransformDirty;
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 | };
361 | } // Namespace
362 | #endif