[657] | 1 | /*
| 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | This source file is part of OGRE
| 4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
| 5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
| 6 |
| 7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
| 8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
| 9 |
| 10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
| 12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
| 13 | version.
| 14 |
| 15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| 17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 18 |
| 19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
| 20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
| 21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
| 22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
| 23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 24 | */
| 25 | #ifndef __ParticleEmitter_H__
| 26 | #define __ParticleEmitter_H__
| 27 |
| 28 | #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
| 29 | #include "OgreString.h"
| 30 | #include "OgreVector3.h"
| 31 | #include "OgreColourValue.h"
| 32 | #include "OgreStringInterface.h"
| 33 | #include "OgreParticleEmitterCommands.h"
| 34 | #include "OgreParticle.h"
| 35 |
| 36 |
| 37 | namespace Ogre {
| 38 |
| 39 |
| 40 | /** Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters.
| 41 | @remarks
| 42 | Particle emitters are the sources of particles in a particle system.
| 43 | This class defines the ParticleEmitter interface, and provides a basic implementation
| 44 | for tasks which most emitters will do (these are of course overridable).
| 45 | Particle emitters can be grouped into types, e.g. 'point' emitters, 'box' emitters etc; each type will
| 46 | create particles with a different starting point, direction and velocity (although
| 47 | within the types you can configure the ranges of these parameters).
| 48 | @par
| 49 | Because there are so many types of emitters you could use, OGRE chooses not to dictate
| 50 | the available types. It comes with some in-built, but allows plugins or applications to extend the emitter types available.
| 51 | This is done by subclassing ParticleEmitter to have the appropriate emission behaviour you want,
| 52 | and also creating a subclass of ParticleEmitterFactory which is responsible for creating instances
| 53 | of your new emitter type. You register this factory with the ParticleSystemManager using
| 54 | addEmitterFactory, and from then on emitters of this type can be created either from code or through
| 55 | text particle scripts by naming the type.
| 56 | @par
| 57 | This same approach is used for ParticleAffectors (which modify existing particles per frame).
| 58 | This means that OGRE is particularly flexible when it comes to creating particle system effects,
| 59 | with literally infinite combinations of emitter and affector types, and paramters within those
| 60 | types.
| 61 | */
| 62 | class _OgreExport ParticleEmitter : public StringInterface
| 63 | {
| 64 | protected:
| 65 |
| 66 | // Command object for setting / getting parameters
| 67 | static EmitterCommands::CmdAngle msAngleCmd;
| 68 | static EmitterCommands::CmdColour msColourCmd;
| 69 | static EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeStart msColourRangeStartCmd;
| 70 | static EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeEnd msColourRangeEndCmd;
| 71 | static EmitterCommands::CmdDirection msDirectionCmd;
| 72 | static EmitterCommands::CmdEmissionRate msEmissionRateCmd;
| 73 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMaxTTL msMaxTTLCmd;
| 74 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMaxVelocity msMaxVelocityCmd;
| 75 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMinTTL msMinTTLCmd;
| 76 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMinVelocity msMinVelocityCmd;
| 77 | static EmitterCommands::CmdPosition msPositionCmd;
| 78 | static EmitterCommands::CmdTTL msTTLCmd;
| 79 | static EmitterCommands::CmdVelocity msVelocityCmd;
| 80 | static EmitterCommands::CmdDuration msDurationCmd;
| 81 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMinDuration msMinDurationCmd;
| 82 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMaxDuration msMaxDurationCmd;
| 83 | static EmitterCommands::CmdRepeatDelay msRepeatDelayCmd;
| 84 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMinRepeatDelay msMinRepeatDelayCmd;
| 85 | static EmitterCommands::CmdMaxRepeatDelay msMaxRepeatDelayCmd;
| 86 |
| 87 |
| 88 | /// Parent particle system
| 89 | ParticleSystem* mParent;
| 90 | /// Position relative to the center of the ParticleSystem
| 91 | Vector3 mPosition;
| 92 | /// Rate in particles per second at which this emitter wishes to emit particles
| 93 | Real mEmissionRate;
| 94 | /// Name of the type of emitter, MUST be initialised by subclasses
| 95 | String mType;
| 96 | /// Base direction of the emitter, may not be used by some emitters
| 97 | Vector3 mDirection;
| 98 | // Notional up vector, just used to speed up generation of variant directions
| 99 | Vector3 mUp;
| 100 | /// Angle around direction which particles may be emitted, internally radians but angleunits for interface
| 101 | Radian mAngle;
| 102 | /// Min speed of particles
| 103 | Real mMinSpeed;
| 104 | /// Max speed of particles
| 105 | Real mMaxSpeed;
| 106 | /// Initial time-to-live of particles (min)
| 107 | Real mMinTTL;
| 108 | /// Initial time-to-live of particles (max)
| 109 | Real mMaxTTL;
| 110 | /// Initial colour of particles (range start)
| 111 | ColourValue mColourRangeStart;
| 112 | /// Initial colour of particles (range end)
| 113 | ColourValue mColourRangeEnd;
| 114 |
| 115 | /// Whether this emitter is currently enabled (defaults to true)
| 116 | bool mEnabled;
| 117 |
| 118 | /// Start time (in seconds from start of first call to ParticleSystem to update)
| 119 | Real mStartTime;
| 120 | /// Minimum length of time emitter will run for (0 = forever)
| 121 | Real mDurationMin;
| 122 | /// Maximum length of time the emitter will run for (0 = forever)
| 123 | Real mDurationMax;
| 124 | /// Current duration remainder
| 125 | Real mDurationRemain;
| 126 |
| 127 | /// Time between each repeat
| 128 | Real mRepeatDelayMin;
| 129 | Real mRepeatDelayMax;
| 130 | /// Repeat delay left
| 131 | Real mRepeatDelayRemain;
| 132 |
| 133 | // Fractions of particles wanted to be emitted last time
| 134 | Real mRemainder;
| 135 |
| 136 | // NB Method below here are to help out people implementing emitters by providing the
| 137 | // most commonly used approaches as piecemeal methods
| 138 |
| 139 | /** Internal utility method for generating particle exit direction
| 140 | @param destVector Reference to vector to complete with new direction (normalised)
| 141 | */
| 142 | virtual void genEmissionDirection(Vector3& destVector);
| 143 |
| 144 | /** Internal utility method to apply velocity to a particle direction.
| 145 | @param destVector The vector to scale by a randomly generated scale between min and max speed.
| 146 | Assumed normalised already, and likely already oriented in the right direction.
| 147 | */
| 148 | virtual void genEmissionVelocity(Vector3& destVector);
| 149 |
| 150 | /** Internal utility method for generating a time-to-live for a particle. */
| 151 | virtual Real genEmissionTTL(void);
| 152 |
| 153 | /** Internal utility method for generating a colour for a particle. */
| 154 | virtual void genEmissionColour(ColourValue& destColour);
| 155 |
| 156 | /** Internal utility method for generating an emission count based on a constant emission rate. */
| 157 | virtual unsigned short genConstantEmissionCount(Real timeElapsed);
| 158 |
| 159 | /** Internal method for setting up the basic parameter definitions for a subclass.
| 160 | @remarks
| 161 | Because StringInterface holds a dictionary of parameters per class, subclasses need to
| 162 | call this to ask the base class to add it's parameters to their dictionary as well.
| 163 | Can't do this in the constructor because that runs in a non-virtual context.
| 164 | @par
| 165 | The subclass must have called it's own createParamDictionary before calling this method.
| 166 | */
| 167 | void addBaseParameters(void);
| 168 |
| 169 | /** Internal method for initialising the duration & repeat of an emitter. */
| 170 | void initDurationRepeat(void);
| 171 |
| 172 |
| 173 | public:
| 174 | ParticleEmitter(ParticleSystem* psys);
| 175 | /** Virtual destructor essential. */
| 176 | virtual ~ParticleEmitter();
| 177 |
| 178 | /** Sets the position of this emitter relative to the particle system center. */
| 179 | virtual void setPosition(const Vector3& pos);
| 180 |
| 181 | /** Returns the position of this emitter relative to thte center of the particle system. */
| 182 | virtual const Vector3& getPosition(void) const;
| 183 |
| 184 | /** Sets the direction of the emitter.
| 185 | @remarks
| 186 | Most emitters will have a base direction in which they emit particles (those which
| 187 | emit in all directions will ignore this parameter). They may not emit exactly along this
| 188 | vector for every particle, many will introduce a random scatter around this vector using
| 189 | the angle property.
| 190 | @param direction
| 191 | The base direction for particles emitted.
| 192 | */
| 193 | virtual void setDirection(const Vector3& direction);
| 194 |
| 195 | /** Returns the base direction of the emitter. */
| 196 | virtual const Vector3& getDirection(void) const;
| 197 |
| 198 | /** Sets the maximum angle away from the emitter direction which particle will be emitted.
| 199 | @remarks
| 200 | Whilst the direction property defines the general direction of emission for particles,
| 201 | this property defines how far the emission angle can deviate away from this base direction.
| 202 | This allows you to create a scatter effect - if set to 0, all particles will be emitted
| 203 | exactly along the emitters direction vector, wheras if you set it to 180 degrees or more,
| 204 | particles will be emitted in a sphere, i.e. in all directions.
| 205 | @param degrees
| 206 | Maximum angle which initial particle direction can deviate from the emitter base direction vector.
| 207 | */
| 208 | virtual void setAngle(const Radian& angle);
| 209 | #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES
| 210 | inline void setAngle(Real angle) {
| 211 | setAngle ( Angle(angle) );
| 212 | }
| 213 | #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES
| 214 |
| 215 | /** Returns the maximum angle which the initial particle direction can deviate from the emitters base direction. */
| 216 | virtual const Radian& getAngle(void) const;
| 217 |
| 218 | /** Sets the initial velocity of particles emitted.
| 219 | @remarks
| 220 | This method sets a constant speed for emitted particles. See the alternate version
| 221 | of this method which takes 2 parameters if you want a variable speed.
| 222 | @param
| 223 | speed The initial speed in world units per second which every particle emitted starts with.
| 224 | */
| 225 | virtual void setParticleVelocity(Real speed);
| 226 |
| 227 |
| 228 | /** Sets the initial velocity range of particles emitted.
| 229 | @remarks
| 230 | This method sets the range of starting speeds for emitted particles.
| 231 | See the alternate version of this method which takes 1 parameter if you want a
| 232 | constant speed. This emitter will randomly choose a speed between the minimum and
| 233 | maximum for each particle.
| 234 | @param max The maximum speed in world units per second for the initial particle speed on emission.
| 235 | @param min The minimum speed in world units per second for the initial particle speed on emission.
| 236 | */
| 237 | virtual void setParticleVelocity(Real min, Real max);
| 238 | /** Returns the minimum particle velocity. */
| 239 | virtual void setMinParticleVelocity(Real min);
| 240 | /** Returns the maximum particle velocity. */
| 241 | virtual void setMaxParticleVelocity(Real max);
| 242 |
| 243 | /** Returns the initial velocity of particles emitted. */
| 244 | virtual Real getParticleVelocity(void) const;
| 245 |
| 246 | /** Returns the minimum particle velocity. */
| 247 | virtual Real getMinParticleVelocity(void) const;
| 248 |
| 249 | /** Returns the maximum particle velocity. */
| 250 | virtual Real getMaxParticleVelocity(void) const;
| 251 |
| 252 | /** Sets the emission rate for this emitter.
| 253 | @remarks
| 254 | This method tells the emitter how many particles per second should be emitted. The emitter
| 255 | subclass does not have to emit these in a continuous burst - this is a relative parameter
| 256 | and the emitter may choose to emit all of the second's worth of particles every half-second
| 257 | for example. This is controlled by the emitter's getEmissionCount method.
| 258 | @par
| 259 | Also, if the ParticleSystem's particle quota is exceeded, not all the particles requested
| 260 | may be actually emitted.
| 261 | @param
| 262 | particlesPerSecond The number of particles to be emitted every second.
| 263 | */
| 264 | virtual void setEmissionRate(Real particlesPerSecond);
| 265 |
| 266 | /** Returns the emission rate set for this emitter. */
| 267 | virtual Real getEmissionRate(void) const;
| 268 |
| 269 | /** Sets the lifetime of all particles emitted.
| 270 | @remarks
| 271 | The emitter initialises particles with a time-to-live (TTL), the number of seconds a particle
| 272 | will exist before being destroyed. This method sets a constant TTL for all particles emitted.
| 273 | Note that affectors are able to modify the TTL of particles later.
| 274 | @par
| 275 | Also see the alternate version of this method which takes a min and max TTL in order to
| 276 | have the TTL vary per particle.
| 277 | @param ttl The number of seconds each particle will live for.
| 278 | */
| 279 | virtual void setTimeToLive(Real ttl);
| 280 | /** Sets the range of lifetime for particles emitted.
| 281 | @remarks
| 282 | The emitter initialises particles with a time-to-live (TTL), the number of seconds a particle
| 283 | will exist before being destroyed. This method sets a range for the TTL for all particles emitted;
| 284 | the ttl may be randomised between these 2 extremes or will vary some other way depending on the
| 285 | emitter.
| 286 | Note that affectors are able to modify the TTL of particles later.
| 287 | @par
| 288 | Also see the alternate version of this method which takes a single TTL in order to
| 289 | set a constant TTL for all particles.
| 290 | @param minTtl The minimum number of seconds each particle will live for.
| 291 | @param maxTtl The maximum number of seconds each particle will live for.
| 292 | */
| 293 | virtual void setTimeToLive(Real minTtl, Real maxTtl);
| 294 |
| 295 | /** Sets the minimum time each particle will live for. */
| 296 | virtual void setMinTimeToLive(Real min);
| 297 | /** Sets the maximum time each particle will live for. */
| 298 | virtual void setMaxTimeToLive(Real max);
| 299 |
| 300 | /** Gets the time each particle will live for. */
| 301 | virtual Real getTimeToLive(void) const;
| 302 |
| 303 | /** Gets the minimum time each particle will live for. */
| 304 | virtual Real getMinTimeToLive(void) const;
| 305 | /** Gets the maximum time each particle will live for. */
| 306 | virtual Real getMaxTimeToLive(void) const;
| 307 |
| 308 | /** Sets the initial colour of particles emitted.
| 309 | @remarks
| 310 | Particles have an initial colour on emission which the emitter sets. This method sets
| 311 | this colour. See the alternate version of this method which takes 2 colours in order to establish
| 312 | a range of colours to be assigned to particles.
| 313 | @param colour The colour which all particles will be given on emission.
| 314 | */
| 315 | virtual void setColour(const ColourValue& colour);
| 316 | /** Sets the range of colours for emitted particles.
| 317 | @remarks
| 318 | Particles have an initial colour on emission which the emitter sets. This method sets
| 319 | the range of this colour. See the alternate version of this method which takes a single colour
| 320 | in order to set a constant colour for all particles. Emitters may choose to randomly assign
| 321 | a colour in this range, or may use some other method to vary the colour.
| 322 | @param colourStart The start of the colour range
| 323 | @param colourEnd The end of the colour range
| 324 | */
| 325 | virtual void setColour(const ColourValue& colourStart, const ColourValue& colourEnd);
| 326 | /** Sets the minimum colour of particles to be emitted. */
| 327 | virtual void setColourRangeStart(const ColourValue& colour);
| 328 | /** Sets the maximum colour of particles to be emitted. */
| 329 | virtual void setColourRangeEnd(const ColourValue& colour);
| 330 | /** Gets the colour of particles to be emitted. */
| 331 | virtual const ColourValue& getColour(void) const;
| 332 | /** Gets the minimum colour of particles to be emitted. */
| 333 | virtual const ColourValue& getColourRangeStart(void) const;
| 334 | /** Gets the maximum colour of particles to be emitted. */
| 335 | virtual const ColourValue& getColourRangeEnd(void) const;
| 336 |
| 337 | /** Gets the number of particles which this emitter would like to emit based on the time elapsed.
| 338 | @remarks
| 339 | For efficiency the emitter does not actually create new Particle instances (these are reused
| 340 | by the ParticleSystem as existing particles 'die'). The implementation for this method must
| 341 | return the number of particles the emitter would like to emit given the number of seconds which
| 342 | have elapsed (passed in as a parameter).
| 343 | @par
| 344 | Based on the return value from this method, the ParticleSystem class will call
| 345 | _initParticle once for each particle it chooses to allow to be emitted by this emitter.
| 346 | The emitter should not track these _initParticle calls, it should assume all emissions
| 347 | requested were made (even if they could not be because of particle quotas).
| 348 | */
| 349 | virtual unsigned short _getEmissionCount(Real timeElapsed) = 0;
| 350 |
| 351 | /** Initialises a particle based on the emitter's approach and parameters.
| 352 | @remarks
| 353 | See the _getEmissionCount method for details of why there is a separation between
| 354 | 'requested' emissions and actual initialised particles.
| 355 | @param
| 356 | pParticle Pointer to a particle which must be initialised based on how this emitter
| 357 | starts particles. This is passed as a pointer rather than being created by the emitter so the
| 358 | ParticleSystem can reuse Particle instances, and can also set defaults itself.
| 359 | */
| 360 | virtual void _initParticle(Particle* pParticle) {
| 361 | // Initialise size incase it's been altered
| 362 | pParticle->resetDimensions();
| 363 | }
| 364 |
| 365 |
| 366 | /** Returns the name of the type of emitter.
| 367 | @remarks
| 368 | This property is useful for determining the type of emitter procedurally so another
| 369 | can be created.
| 370 | */
| 371 | const String &getType(void) const { return mType; }
| 372 |
| 373 | /** Sets whether or not the emitter is enabled.
| 374 | @remarks
| 375 | You can turn an emitter off completely by setting this parameter to false.
| 376 | */
| 377 | virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled);
| 378 |
| 379 | /** Gets the flag indicating if this emitter is enabled or not. */
| 380 | virtual bool getEnabled(void) const;
| 381 |
| 382 | /** Sets the 'start time' of this emitter.
| 383 | @remarks
| 384 | By default an emitter starts straight away as soon as a ParticleSystem is first created,
| 385 | or also just after it is re-enabled. This parameter allows you to set a time delay so
| 386 | that the emitter does not 'kick in' until later.
| 387 | @param startTime The time in seconds from the creation or enabling of the emitter.
| 388 | */
| 389 | virtual void setStartTime(Real startTime);
| 390 | /** Gets the start time of the emitter. */
| 391 | virtual Real getStartTime(void) const;
| 392 |
| 393 | /** Sets the duration of the emitter.
| 394 | @remarks
| 395 | By default emitters run indefinitely (unless you manually disable them). By setting this
| 396 | parameter, you can make an emitter turn off on it's own after a set number of seconds. It
| 397 | will then remain disabled until either setEnabled(true) is called, or if the 'repeatAfter' parameter
| 398 | has been set it will also repeat after a number of seconds.
| 399 | @par
| 400 | Also see the alternative version of this method which allows you to set a min and max duration for
| 401 | a random variable duration.
| 402 | @param duration The duration in seconds.
| 403 | */
| 404 | virtual void setDuration(Real duration);
| 405 |
| 406 | /** Gets the duration of the emitter from when it is created or re-enabled. */
| 407 | virtual Real getDuration(void) const;
| 408 |
| 409 | /** Sets the range of random duration for this emitter.
| 410 | @remarks
| 411 | By default emitters run indefinitely (unless you manually disable them). By setting this
| 412 | parameter, you can make an emitter turn off on it's own after a random number of seconds. It
| 413 | will then remain disabled until either setEnabled(true) is called, or if the 'repeatAfter' parameter
| 414 | has been set it will also repeat after a number of seconds.
| 415 | @par
| 416 | Also see the alternative version of this method which allows you to set a constant duration.
| 417 | @param min The minimum duration in seconds.
| 418 | @param max The minimum duration in seconds.
| 419 | */
| 420 | virtual void setDuration(Real min, Real max);
| 421 | /** Sets the minimum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setDuration for more details) */
| 422 | virtual void setMinDuration(Real min);
| 423 | /** Sets the maximum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setDuration for more details) */
| 424 | virtual void setMaxDuration(Real max);
| 425 | /** Gets the minimum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setDuration for more details) */
| 426 | virtual Real getMinDuration(void) const;
| 427 | /** Gets the maximum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setDuration for more details) */
| 428 | virtual Real getMaxDuration(void) const;
| 429 |
| 430 | /** Sets the time between repeats of the emitter.
| 431 | @remarks
| 432 | By default emitters run indefinitely (unless you manually disable them). However, if you manually
| 433 | disable the emitter (by calling setEnabled(false), or it's duration runs out, it will cease to emit
| 434 | @par
| 435 | Also see the alternative version of this method which allows you to set a min and max duration for
| 436 | a random variable duration.
| 437 | @param duration The duration in seconds.
| 438 | */
| 439 | virtual void setRepeatDelay(Real duration);
| 440 |
| 441 | /** Gets the duration of the emitter from when it is created or re-enabled. */
| 442 | virtual Real getRepeatDelay(void) const;
| 443 |
| 444 | /** Sets the range of random duration for this emitter.
| 445 | @remarks
| 446 | By default emitters run indefinitely (unless you manually disable them). By setting this
| 447 | parameter, you can make an emitter turn off on it's own after a random number of seconds. It
| 448 | will then remain disabled until either setEnabled(true) is called, or if the 'repeatAfter' parameter
| 449 | has been set it will also repeat after a number of seconds.
| 450 | @par
| 451 | Also see the alternative version of this method which allows you to set a constant duration.
| 452 | @param min The minimum duration in seconds.
| 453 | @param max The minimum duration in seconds.
| 454 | */
| 455 | virtual void setRepeatDelay(Real min, Real max);
| 456 | /** Sets the minimum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setRepeatDelay for more details) */
| 457 | virtual void setMinRepeatDelay(Real min);
| 458 | /** Sets the maximum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setRepeatDelay for more details) */
| 459 | virtual void setMaxRepeatDelay(Real max);
| 460 | /** Gets the minimum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setRepeatDelay for more details) */
| 461 | virtual Real getMinRepeatDelay(void) const;
| 462 | /** Gets the maximum duration of this emitter in seconds (see setRepeatDelay for more details) */
| 463 | virtual Real getMaxRepeatDelay(void) const;
| 464 |
| 465 |
| 466 |
| 467 | };
| 468 |
| 469 | }
| 470 |
| 471 |
| 472 | #endif
| 473 |