[657] | 1 | /*
| 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | This source file is part of OGRE
| 4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
| 5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
| 6 |
| 7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
| 8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
| 9 |
| 10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
| 12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
| 13 | version.
| 14 |
| 15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| 17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 18 |
| 19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
| 20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
| 21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
| 22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
| 23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 24 | */
| 25 | #ifndef __ParticleSystem_H__
| 26 | #define __ParticleSystem_H__
| 27 |
| 28 | #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
| 29 |
| 30 | #include "OgreVector3.h"
| 31 | #include "OgreString.h"
| 32 | #include "OgreParticleIterator.h"
| 33 | #include "OgreStringInterface.h"
| 34 | #include "OgreMovableObject.h"
| 35 |
| 36 | namespace Ogre {
| 37 |
| 38 | /** Class defining particle system based special effects.
| 39 | @remarks
| 40 | Particle systems are special effects generators which are based on a
| 41 | number of moving points to create the impression of things like like
| 42 | sparkles, smoke, blood spurts, dust etc.
| 43 | @par
| 44 | This class simply manages a single collection of particles in world space
| 45 | with a shared local origin for emission. The visual aspect of the
| 46 | particles is handled by a ParticleSystemRenderer instance.
| 47 | @par
| 48 | Particle systems are created using the ParticleSystemManager methods, never directly.
| 49 | In addition, like all subclasses of MovableObject, the ParticleSystem will only be considered for
| 50 | rendering once it has been attached to a SceneNode.
| 51 | */
| 52 | class _OgreExport ParticleSystem : public StringInterface, public MovableObject
| 53 | {
| 54 | public:
| 55 |
| 56 | /** Command object for quota (see ParamCommand).*/
| 57 | class _OgrePrivate CmdQuota : public ParamCommand
| 58 | {
| 59 | public:
| 60 | String doGet(const void* target) const;
| 61 | void doSet(void* target, const String& val);
| 62 | };
| 63 | /** Command object for material (see ParamCommand).*/
| 64 | class _OgrePrivate CmdMaterial : public ParamCommand
| 65 | {
| 66 | public:
| 67 | String doGet(const void* target) const;
| 68 | void doSet(void* target, const String& val);
| 69 | };
| 70 | /** Command object for cull_each (see ParamCommand).*/
| 71 | class _OgrePrivate CmdCull : public ParamCommand
| 72 | {
| 73 | public:
| 74 | String doGet(const void* target) const;
| 75 | void doSet(void* target, const String& val);
| 76 | };
| 77 | /** Command object for particle_width (see ParamCommand).*/
| 78 | class _OgrePrivate CmdWidth : public ParamCommand
| 79 | {
| 80 | public:
| 81 | String doGet(const void* target) const;
| 82 | void doSet(void* target, const String& val);
| 83 | };
| 84 | /** Command object for particle_height (see ParamCommand).*/
| 85 | class _OgrePrivate CmdHeight : public ParamCommand
| 86 | {
| 87 | public:
| 88 | String doGet(const void* target) const;
| 89 | void doSet(void* target, const String& val);
| 90 | };
| 91 | /** Command object for renderer (see ParamCommand).*/
| 92 | class _OgrePrivate CmdRenderer : public ParamCommand
| 93 | {
| 94 | public:
| 95 | String doGet(const void* target) const;
| 96 | void doSet(void* target, const String& val);
| 97 | };
| 98 |
| 99 | /// Default constructor required for STL creation in manager
| 100 | ParticleSystem();
| 101 | /** Creates a particle system with no emitters or affectors.
| 102 | @remarks
| 103 | You should use the ParticleSystemManager to create particle systems rather than creating
| 104 | them directly.
| 105 | */
| 106 | ParticleSystem(const String& name, const String& resourceGroupName);
| 107 |
| 108 | virtual ~ParticleSystem();
| 109 |
| 110 | /** Sets the ParticleRenderer to be used to render this particle system.
| 111 | @remarks
| 112 | The main ParticleSystem just manages the creation and movement of
| 113 | particles; they are rendered using functions in ParticleRenderer
| 114 | and the ParticleVisual instances they create.
| 115 | @param typeName String identifying the type of renderer to use; a new
| 116 | instance of this type will be created; a factory must have been registered
| 117 | with ParticleSystemManager.
| 118 | */
| 119 | void setRenderer(const String& typeName);
| 120 |
| 121 | /** Gets the ParticleRenderer to be used to render this particle system. */
| 122 | ParticleSystemRenderer* getRenderer(void) const;
| 123 | /** Gets the name of the ParticleRenderer to be used to render this particle system. */
| 124 | const String& getRendererName(void) const;
| 125 |
| 126 | /** Adds an emitter to this particle system.
| 127 | @remarks
| 128 | Particles are created in a particle system by emitters - see the ParticleEmitter
| 129 | class for more details.
| 130 | @param
| 131 | emitterType String identifying the emitter type to create. Emitter types are defined
| 132 | by registering new factories with the manager - see ParticleEmitterFactory for more details.
| 133 | Emitter types can be extended by OGRE, plugin authors or application developers.
| 134 | */
| 135 | ParticleEmitter* addEmitter(const String& emitterType);
| 136 |
| 137 | /** Retrieves an emitter by it's index (zero-based).
| 138 | @remarks
| 139 | Used to retrieve a pointer to an emitter for a particle system to procedurally change
| 140 | emission parameters etc.
| 141 | You should check how many emitters are registered against this system before calling
| 142 | this method with an arbitrary index using getNumEmitters.
| 143 | @param
| 144 | index Zero-based index of the emitter to retrieve.
| 145 | */
| 146 | ParticleEmitter* getEmitter(unsigned short index) const;
| 147 |
| 148 | /** Returns the number of emitters for this particle system. */
| 149 | unsigned short getNumEmitters(void) const;
| 150 |
| 151 | /** Removes an emitter from the system.
| 152 | @remarks
| 153 | Drops the emitter with the index specified from this system.
| 154 | You should check how many emitters are registered against this system before calling
| 155 | this method with an arbitrary index using getNumEmitters.
| 156 | @param
| 157 | index Zero-based index of the emitter to retrieve.
| 158 | */
| 159 | void removeEmitter(unsigned short index);
| 160 |
| 161 | /** Removes all the emitters from this system. */
| 162 | void removeAllEmitters(void);
| 163 |
| 164 |
| 165 | /** Adds an affector to this particle system.
| 166 | @remarks
| 167 | Particles are modified over time in a particle system by affectors - see the ParticleAffector
| 168 | class for more details.
| 169 | @param
| 170 | affectorType String identifying the affector type to create. Affector types are defined
| 171 | by registering new factories with the manager - see ParticleAffectorFactory for more details.
| 172 | Affector types can be extended by OGRE, plugin authors or application developers.
| 173 | */
| 174 | ParticleAffector* addAffector(const String& affectorType);
| 175 |
| 176 | /** Retrieves an affector by it's index (zero-based).
| 177 | @remarks
| 178 | Used to retrieve a pointer to an affector for a particle system to procedurally change
| 179 | affector parameters etc.
| 180 | You should check how many affectors are registered against this system before calling
| 181 | this method with an arbitrary index using getNumAffectors.
| 182 | @param
| 183 | index Zero-based index of the affector to retrieve.
| 184 | */
| 185 | ParticleAffector* getAffector(unsigned short index) const;
| 186 |
| 187 | /** Returns the number of affectors for this particle system. */
| 188 | unsigned short getNumAffectors(void) const;
| 189 |
| 190 | /** Removes an affector from the system.
| 191 | @remarks
| 192 | Drops the affector with the index specified from this system.
| 193 | You should check how many affectors are registered against this system before calling
| 194 | this method with an arbitrary index using getNumAffectors.
| 195 | @param
| 196 | index Zero-based index of the affector to retrieve.
| 197 | */
| 198 | void removeAffector(unsigned short index);
| 199 |
| 200 | /** Removes all the affectors from this system. */
| 201 | void removeAllAffectors(void);
| 202 |
| 203 | /** Empties this set of all particles.
| 204 | */
| 205 | void clear();
| 206 |
| 207 | /** Gets the number of individual particles in the system right now.
| 208 | @remarks
| 209 | The number of particles active in a system at a point in time depends on
| 210 | the number of emitters, their emission rates, the time-to-live (TTL) each particle is
| 211 | given on emission (and whether any affectors modify that TTL) and the maximum
| 212 | number of particles allowed in this system at once (particle quota).
| 213 | */
| 214 | size_t getNumParticles(void) const;
| 215 |
| 216 | /** Manually add a particle to the system.
| 217 | @remarks
| 218 | Instead of using an emitter, you can manually add a particle to the system.
| 219 | You must initialise the returned particle instance immediately with the
| 220 | 'emission' state.
| 221 | @note
| 222 | There is no corresponding 'destroyParticle' method - if you want to dispose of a
| 223 | particle manually (say, if you've used setSpeedFactor(0) to make particles live forever)
| 224 | you should use getParticle() and modify it's timeToLive to zero, meaning that it will
| 225 | get cleaned up in the next update.
| 226 | */
| 227 | Particle* createParticle(void);
| 228 |
| 229 | /** Retrieve a particle from the system for manual tweaking.
| 230 | @remarks
| 231 | Normally you use an affector to alter particles in flight, but
| 232 | for small manually controlled particle systems you might want to use
| 233 | this method.
| 234 | */
| 235 | Particle* getParticle(size_t index);
| 236 |
| 237 | /** Returns the maximum number of particles this system is allowed to have active at once.
| 238 | @remarks
| 239 | See ParticleSystem::setParticleQuota for more info.
| 240 | */
| 241 | size_t getParticleQuota(void) const;
| 242 |
| 243 | /** Sets the maximum number of particles this system is allowed to have active at once.
| 244 | @remarks
| 245 | Particle systems all have a particle quota, i.e. a maximum number of particles they are
| 246 | allowed to have active at a time. This allows the application to set a keep particle systems
| 247 | under control should they be affected by complex parameters which alter their emission rates
| 248 | etc. If a particle system reaches it's particle quota, none of the emitters will be able to
| 249 | emit any more particles. As existing particles die, the spare capacity will be allocated
| 250 | equally across all emitters to be as consistent to the origina particle system style as possible.
| 251 | @param quota The maximum number of particles this system is allowed to have.
| 252 | */
| 253 | void setParticleQuota(size_t quota);
| 254 |
| 255 |
| 256 | /** Assignment operator for copying.
| 257 | @remarks
| 258 | This operator deep copies all particle emitters and effectors, but not particles. The
| 259 | system's name is also not copied.
| 260 | */
| 261 | ParticleSystem& operator=(const ParticleSystem& rhs);
| 262 |
| 263 | /** Updates the particles in the system based on time elapsed.
| 264 | @remarks
| 265 | This is called automatically every frame by OGRE.
| 266 | @param
| 267 | timeElapsed The amount of time, in seconds, since the last frame.
| 268 | */
| 269 | void _update(Real timeElapsed);
| 270 |
| 271 | /** Returns an iterator for stepping through all particles in this system.
| 272 | @remarks
| 273 | This method is designed to be used by people providing new ParticleAffector subclasses,
| 274 | this is the easiest way to step through all the particles in a system and apply the
| 275 | changes the affector wants to make.
| 276 | */
| 277 | ParticleIterator _getIterator(void);
| 278 |
| 279 | /** Sets the name of the material to be used for this billboard set.
| 280 | @param
| 281 | name The new name of the material to use for this set.
| 282 | */
| 283 | virtual void setMaterialName(const String& name);
| 284 |
| 285 | /** Sets the name of the material to be used for this billboard set.
| 286 | @returns The name of the material that is used for this set.
| 287 | */
| 288 | virtual const String& getMaterialName(void) const;
| 289 |
| 290 | /** Overridden from MovableObject
| 291 | @see
| 292 | MovableObject
| 293 | */
| 294 | virtual void _notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam);
| 295 |
| 296 | /** Overridden from MovableObject
| 297 | @see
| 298 | MovableObject
| 299 | */
| 300 | void _notifyAttached(Node* parent, bool isTagPoint = false);
| 301 |
| 302 | /** Overridden from MovableObject
| 303 | @see
| 304 | MovableObject
| 305 | */
| 306 | virtual const AxisAlignedBox& getBoundingBox(void) const { return mAABB; }
| 307 |
| 308 | /** Overridden from MovableObject
| 309 | @see
| 310 | MovableObject
| 311 | */
| 312 | virtual Real getBoundingRadius(void) const { return mBoundingRadius; }
| 313 |
| 314 | /** Overridden from MovableObject
| 315 | @see
| 316 | MovableObject
| 317 | */
| 318 | virtual void _updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue);
| 319 |
| 320 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 321 | const String& getName(void) const { return mName; }
| 322 |
| 323 | /** Fast-forwards this system by the required number of seconds.
| 324 | @remarks
| 325 | This method allows you to fast-forward a system so that it effectively looks like
| 326 | it has already been running for the time you specify. This is useful to avoid the
| 327 | 'startup sequence' of a system, when you want the system to be fully populated right
| 328 | from the start.
| 329 | @param
| 330 | time The number of seconds to fast-forward by.
| 331 | @param
| 332 | interval The sampling interval used to generate particles, apply affectors etc. The lower this
| 333 | is the more realistic the fast-forward, but it takes more iterations to do it.
| 334 | */
| 335 | void fastForward(Real time, Real interval = 0.1);
| 336 |
| 337 | /** Sets a 'speed factor' on this particle system, which means it scales the elapsed
| 338 | real time which has passed by this factor before passing it to the emitters, affectors,
| 339 | and the particle life calculation.
| 340 | @remarks
| 341 | An interesting side effect - if you want to create a completely manual particle system
| 342 | where you control the emission and life of particles yourself, you can set the speed
| 343 | factor to 0.0f, thus disabling normal particle emission, alteration, and death.
| 344 | */
| 345 | void setSpeedFactor(Real speedFactor) { mSpeedFactor = speedFactor; }
| 346 |
| 347 | /** Gets the 'speed factor' on this particle system.
| 348 | */
| 349 | Real getSpeedFactor(void) const { return mSpeedFactor; }
| 350 |
| 351 |
| 352 | /** Overridden from MovableObject */
| 353 | const String& getMovableType(void) const;
| 354 |
| 355 | /** Internal callback used by Particles to notify their parent that they have been resized.
| 356 | */
| 357 | virtual void _notifyParticleResized(void);
| 358 |
| 359 | /** Internal callback used by Particles to notify their parent that they have been rotated.
| 360 | */
| 361 | virtual void _notifyParticleRotated(void);
| 362 |
| 363 | /** Sets the default dimensions of the particles in this set.
| 364 | @remarks
| 365 | All particles in a set are created with these default dimensions. The set will render most efficiently if
| 366 | all the particles in the set are the default size. It is possible to alter the size of individual
| 367 | particles at the expense of extra calculation. See the Particle class for more info.
| 368 | @param width
| 369 | The new default width for the particles in this set.
| 370 | @param height
| 371 | The new default height for the particles in this set.
| 372 | */
| 373 | virtual void setDefaultDimensions(Real width, Real height);
| 374 |
| 375 | /** See setDefaultDimensions - this sets 1 component individually. */
| 376 | virtual void setDefaultWidth(Real width);
| 377 | /** See setDefaultDimensions - this gets 1 component individually. */
| 378 | virtual Real getDefaultWidth(void) const;
| 379 | /** See setDefaultDimensions - this sets 1 component individually. */
| 380 | virtual void setDefaultHeight(Real height);
| 381 | /** See setDefaultDimensions - this gets 1 component individually. */
| 382 | virtual Real getDefaultHeight(void) const;
| 383 | /** Returns whether or not particles in this are tested individually for culling. */
| 384 | virtual bool getCullIndividually(void) const;
| 385 | /** Sets whether culling tests particles in this individually as well as in a group.
| 386 | @remarks
| 387 | Particle sets are always culled as a whole group, based on a bounding box which
| 388 | encloses all particles in the set. For fairly localised sets, this is enough. However, you
| 389 | can optionally tell the set to also cull individual particles in the set, i.e. to test
| 390 | each individual particle before rendering. The default is not to do this.
| 391 | @par
| 392 | This is useful when you have a large, fairly distributed set of particles, like maybe
| 393 | trees on a landscape. You probably still want to group them into more than one
| 394 | set (maybe one set per section of landscape), which will be culled coarsely, but you also
| 395 | want to cull the particles individually because they are spread out. Whilst you could have
| 396 | lots of single-tree sets which are culled separately, this would be inefficient to render
| 397 | because each tree would be issued as it's own rendering operation.
| 398 | @par
| 399 | By calling this method with a parameter of true, you can have large particle sets which
| 400 | are spaced out and so get the benefit of batch rendering and coarse culling, but also have
| 401 | fine-grained culling so unnecessary rendering is avoided.
| 402 | @param cullIndividual If true, each particle is tested before being sent to the pipeline as well
| 403 | as the whole set having to pass the coarse group bounding test.
| 404 | */
| 405 | virtual void setCullIndividually(bool cullIndividual);
| 406 | /// Return the resource group to be used to load dependent resources
| 407 | virtual const String& getResourceGroupName(void) const { return mResourceGroupName; }
| 408 | /** Get the origin of this particle system, e.g. a script file name.
| 409 | @remarks
| 410 | This property will only contain something if the creator of
| 411 | this particle system chose to populate it. Script loaders are advised
| 412 | to populate it.
| 413 | */
| 414 | const String& getOrigin(void) const { return mOrigin; }
| 415 | /// Notify this particle system of it's origin
| 416 | void _notifyOrigin(const String& origin) { mOrigin = origin; }
| 417 |
| 418 | /** @copydoc MovableObject::setRenderQueueGroup */
| 419 | void setRenderQueueGroup(RenderQueueGroupID queueID);
| 420 |
| 421 | /** Set the (initial) bounds of the particle system manually.
| 422 | @remarks
| 423 | If you can, set the bounds of a particle system up-front and
| 424 | call setBoundsUpdatePeriod(0); this is the most efficient way to
| 425 | organise it. Otherwise, set an initial bounds and let the bounds increase
| 426 | for a little while (the default is 5 seconds), after which time the
| 427 | AABB is fixed to save time.
| 428 | @param aabb Bounds in local space.
| 429 | */
| 430 | void setBounds(const AxisAlignedBox& aabb);
| 431 |
| 432 | /** Sets whether the bounds will be automatically updated
| 433 | for the life of the particle system
| 434 | @remarks
| 435 | If you have a stationary particle system, it would be a good idea to
| 436 | call this method and set the value to 'false', since the maximum
| 437 | bounds of the particle system will eventually be static. If you do
| 438 | this, you can either set the bounds manually using the setBounds()
| 439 | method, or set the second parameter of this method to a positive
| 440 | number of seconds, so that the bounds are calculated for a few
| 441 | seconds and then frozen.
| 442 | @param autoUpdate If true (the default), the particle system will
| 443 | update it's bounds every frame. If false, the bounds update will
| 444 | cease after the 'stopIn' number of seconds have passed.
| 445 | @param stopIn Only applicable if the first parameter is true, this is the
| 446 | number of seconds after which the automatic update will cease.
| 447 | */
| 448 | void setBoundsAutoUpdated(bool autoUpdate, Real stopIn = 0.0f);
| 449 |
| 450 | /** Internal method for updating the bounds of the particle system.
| 451 | @remarks
| 452 | This is called automatically for a period of time after the system's
| 453 | creation (5 seconds by default, settable by setBoundsUpdatePeriod)
| 454 | to increase (and only increase) the bounds of the system according
| 455 | to the emitted and affected particles. After this period, the
| 456 | system is assumed to achieved its maximum size, and the bounds are
| 457 | no longer computed for efficiency. You can tweak the behaviour by
| 458 | either setting the bounds manually (setBounds, preferred), or
| 459 | changing the time over which the bounds are updated (performance cost).
| 460 | You can also call this method manually if you need to update the
| 461 | bounds on an ad-hoc basis.
| 462 | */
| 463 | void _updateBounds(void);
| 464 |
| 465 | protected:
| 466 |
| 467 | /// Command objects
| 468 | static CmdCull msCullCmd;
| 469 | static CmdHeight msHeightCmd;
| 470 | static CmdMaterial msMaterialCmd;
| 471 | static CmdQuota msQuotaCmd;
| 472 | static CmdWidth msWidthCmd;
| 473 | static CmdRenderer msRendererCmd;
| 474 |
| 475 |
| 476 | AxisAlignedBox mAABB;
| 477 | Real mBoundingRadius;
| 478 | bool mBoundsAutoUpdate;
| 479 | Real mBoundsUpdateTime;
| 480 |
| 481 | /// World AABB, only used to compare world-space positions to calc bounds
| 482 | AxisAlignedBox mWorldAABB;
| 483 |
| 484 | /// Name of the system; used for location in the scene.
| 485 | String mName;
| 486 | /// Name of the resource group to use to load materials
| 487 | String mResourceGroupName;
| 488 | /// Name of the material to use
| 489 | String mMaterialName;
| 490 | /// Have we set the material etc on the renderer?
| 491 | bool mIsRendererConfigured;
| 492 | /// Pointer to the material to use
| 493 | MaterialPtr mpMaterial;
| 494 | /// Default width of each particle
| 495 | Real mDefaultWidth;
| 496 | /// Default height of each particle
| 497 | Real mDefaultHeight;
| 498 | /// Speed factor
| 499 | Real mSpeedFactor;
| 500 |
| 501 | typedef std::list<Particle*> ActiveParticleList;
| 502 | typedef std::deque<Particle*> FreeParticleQueue;
| 503 | typedef std::vector<Particle*> ParticlePool;
| 504 |
| 505 | /** Active particle list.
| 506 | @remarks
| 507 | This is a linked list of pointers to particles in the particle pool.
| 508 | @par
| 509 | This allows very fast instertions and deletions from anywhere in
| 510 | the list to activate / deactivate particles as well as resuse of
| 511 | Particle instances in the pool without construction & destruction
| 512 | which avoids memory thrashing.
| 513 | */
| 514 | ActiveParticleList mActiveParticles;
| 515 |
| 516 | /** Free particle queue.
| 517 | @remarks
| 518 | This contains a list of the particles free for use as new instances
| 519 | as required by the set. Particle instances are preconstructed up
| 520 | to the estimated size in the mParticlePool vector and are
| 521 | referenced on this deque at startup. As they get used this deque
| 522 | reduces, as they get released back to to the set they get added back to the deque.
| 523 | */
| 524 | FreeParticleQueue mFreeParticles;
| 525 |
| 526 | /** Pool of particle instances for use and reuse in the active particle list.
| 527 | @remarks
| 528 | This vector will be preallocated with the estimated size of the set,and will extend as required.
| 529 | */
| 530 | ParticlePool mParticlePool;
| 531 |
| 532 | typedef std::vector<ParticleEmitter*> ParticleEmitterList;
| 533 | typedef std::vector<ParticleAffector*> ParticleAffectorList;
| 534 |
| 535 | /// List of particle emitters, ie sources of particles
| 536 | ParticleEmitterList mEmitters;
| 537 | /// List of particle affectors, ie modifiers of particles
| 538 | ParticleAffectorList mAffectors;
| 539 |
| 540 | /// The renderer used to render this particle system
| 541 | ParticleSystemRenderer* mRenderer;
| 542 |
| 543 | /// Do we cull each particle individually?
| 544 | bool mCullIndividual;
| 545 |
| 546 | /// The name of the type of renderer used to render this system
| 547 | String mRendererType;
| 548 |
| 549 | /// The number of particles in the pool.
| 550 | size_t mPoolSize;
| 551 |
| 552 | /// Optional origin of this particle system (eg script name)
| 553 | String mOrigin;
| 554 |
| 555 |
| 556 | /** Internal method used to expire dead particles. */
| 557 | void _expire(Real timeElapsed);
| 558 |
| 559 | /** Spawn new particles based on free quota and emitter requirements. */
| 560 | void _triggerEmitters(Real timeElapsed);
| 561 |
| 562 | /** Updates existing particle based on their momentum. */
| 563 | void _applyMotion(Real timeElapsed);
| 564 |
| 565 | /** Applies the effects of affectors. */
| 566 | void _triggerAffectors(Real timeElapsed);
| 567 |
| 568 | /** Resize the internal pool of particles. */
| 569 | void increasePool(size_t size);
| 570 |
| 571 | /** Internal method for initialising string interface. */
| 572 | void initParameters(void);
| 573 |
| 574 | /** Internal method to configure the renderer. */
| 575 | void configureRenderer(void);
| 576 |
| 577 | /// Internal method for creating ParticleVisualData instances for the pool
| 578 | void createVisualParticles(size_t poolstart, size_t poolend);
| 579 | /// Internal method for destroying ParticleVisualData instances for the pool
| 580 | void destroyVisualParticles(size_t poolstart, size_t poolend);
| 581 |
| 582 |
| 583 | };
| 584 |
| 585 | }
| 586 |
| 587 | #endif