[657] | 1 | /*
| 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | This source file is part of OGRE
| 4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
| 5 | For the latest info, see http://ogre.sourceforge.net/
| 6 |
| 7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
| 8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
| 9 |
| 10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
| 12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
| 13 | version.
| 14 |
| 15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| 17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 18 |
| 19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
| 20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
| 21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
| 22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
| 23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 24 | */
| 25 | #ifndef __Pass_H__
| 26 | #define __Pass_H__
| 27 |
| 28 | #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
| 29 | #include "OgreGpuProgram.h"
| 30 | #include "OgreColourValue.h"
| 31 | #include "OgreBlendMode.h"
| 32 | #include "OgreCommon.h"
| 33 | #include "OgreLight.h"
| 34 |
| 35 | namespace Ogre {
| 36 | /** Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), ie
| 37 | a single rendering call.
| 38 | @remarks
| 39 | Rendering can be repeated with many passes for more complex effects.
| 40 | Each pass is either a fixed-function pass (meaning it does not use
| 41 | a vertex or fragment program) or a programmable pass (meaning it does
| 42 | use either a vertex and fragment program, or both).
| 43 | @par
| 44 | Programmable passes are complex to define, because they require custom
| 45 | programs and you have to set all constant inputs to the programs (like
| 46 | the position of lights, any base material colours you wish to use etc), but
| 47 | they do give you much total flexibility over the algorithms used to render your
| 48 | pass, and you can create some effects which are impossible with a fixed-function pass.
| 49 | On the other hand, you can define a fixed-function pass in very little time, and
| 50 | you can use a range of fixed-function effects like environment mapping very
| 51 | easily, plus your pass will be more likely to be compatible with older hardware.
| 52 | There are pros and cons to both, just remember that if you use a programmable
| 53 | pass to create some great effects, allow more time for definition and testing.
| 54 | */
| 55 | class _OgreExport Pass
| 56 | {
| 57 | protected:
| 58 | Technique* mParent;
| 59 | unsigned short mIndex; // pass index
| 60 | unsigned long mHash; // pass hash
| 61 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 62 | // Colour properties, only applicable in fixed-function passes
| 63 | ColourValue mAmbient;
| 64 | ColourValue mDiffuse;
| 65 | ColourValue mSpecular;
| 66 | ColourValue mEmissive;
| 67 | Real mShininess;
| 68 | TrackVertexColourType mTracking;
| 69 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 70 |
| 71 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 72 | // Blending factors
| 73 | SceneBlendFactor mSourceBlendFactor;
| 74 | SceneBlendFactor mDestBlendFactor;
| 75 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 76 |
| 77 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 78 | // Depth buffer settings
| 79 | bool mDepthCheck;
| 80 | bool mDepthWrite;
| 81 | CompareFunction mDepthFunc;
| 82 | ushort mDepthBias;
| 83 |
| 84 | // Colour buffer settings
| 85 | bool mColourWrite;
| 86 |
| 87 | // Alpha reject settings
| 88 | CompareFunction mAlphaRejectFunc;
| 89 | unsigned char mAlphaRejectVal;
| 90 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 91 |
| 92 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 93 | // Culling mode
| 94 | CullingMode mCullMode;
| 95 | ManualCullingMode mManualCullMode;
| 96 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 97 |
| 98 | /// Lighting enabled?
| 99 | bool mLightingEnabled;
| 100 | /// Max simultaneous lights
| 101 | unsigned short mMaxSimultaneousLights;
| 102 | /// Run this pass once per light?
| 103 | bool mRunOncePerLight;
| 104 | // Should it only be run for a certain light type?
| 105 | bool mRunOnlyForOneLightType;
| 106 | Light::LightTypes mOnlyLightType;
| 107 |
| 108 | /// Shading options
| 109 | ShadeOptions mShadeOptions;
| 110 |
| 111 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 112 | // Fog
| 113 | bool mFogOverride;
| 114 | FogMode mFogMode;
| 115 | ColourValue mFogColour;
| 116 | Real mFogStart;
| 117 | Real mFogEnd;
| 118 | Real mFogDensity;
| 119 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 120 |
| 121 | /// Storage of texture unit states
| 122 | typedef std::vector<TextureUnitState*> TextureUnitStates;
| 123 | TextureUnitStates mTextureUnitStates;
| 124 |
| 125 | // Vertex program details
| 126 | GpuProgramUsage *mVertexProgramUsage;
| 127 | // Vertex program details
| 128 | GpuProgramUsage *mShadowCasterVertexProgramUsage;
| 129 | // Vertex program details
| 130 | GpuProgramUsage *mShadowReceiverVertexProgramUsage;
| 131 | // Fragment program details
| 132 | GpuProgramUsage *mFragmentProgramUsage;
| 133 | // Is this pass queued for deletion?
| 134 | bool mQueuedForDeletion;
| 135 | public:
| 136 | typedef std::set<Pass*> PassSet;
| 137 | protected:
| 138 | /// List of Passes whose hashes need recalculating
| 139 | static PassSet msDirtyHashList;
| 140 | /// The place where passes go to die
| 141 | static PassSet msPassGraveyard;
| 142 | public:
| 143 | /// Default constructor
| 144 | Pass(Technique* parent, unsigned short index);
| 145 | /// Copy constructor
| 146 | Pass(Technique* parent, unsigned short index, const Pass& oth );
| 147 | /// Operator = overload
| 148 | Pass& operator=(const Pass& oth);
| 149 | ~Pass();
| 150 |
| 151 | /// Returns true if this pass is programmable ie includes either a vertex or fragment program.
| 152 | bool isProgrammable(void) const { return mVertexProgramUsage || mFragmentProgramUsage; }
| 153 |
| 154 | /// Returns true if this pass uses a programmable vertex pipeline
| 155 | bool hasVertexProgram(void) const { return mVertexProgramUsage != NULL; }
| 156 |
| 157 | /// Returns true if this pass uses a programmable fragment pipeline
| 158 | bool hasFragmentProgram(void) const { return mFragmentProgramUsage != NULL; }
| 159 |
| 160 | /// Gets the index of this Pass in the parent Technique
| 161 | unsigned short getIndex(void) const { return mIndex; }
| 162 | /** Sets the ambient colour reflectance properties of this pass.
| 163 | @remarks
| 164 | The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects
| 165 | (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how
| 166 | much ambient light (directionless global light) is reflected. The default is full white, meaning
| 167 | objects are completely globally illuminated. Reduce this if you want to see diffuse or specular light
| 168 | effects, or change the blend of colours to make the object have a base colour other than white.
| 169 | @note
| 170 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 171 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 172 | */
| 173 | void setAmbient(Real red, Real green, Real blue);
| 174 |
| 175 | /** Sets the ambient colour reflectance properties of this pass.
| 176 | @remarks
| 177 | The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects
| 178 | (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how
| 179 | much ambient light (directionless global light) is reflected. The default is full white, meaning
| 180 | objects are completely globally illuminated. Reduce this if you want to see diffuse or specular light
| 181 | effects, or change the blend of colours to make the object have a base colour other than white.
| 182 | @note
| 183 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 184 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 185 | */
| 186 |
| 187 | void setAmbient(const ColourValue& ambient);
| 188 |
| 189 | /** Sets the diffuse colour reflectance properties of this pass.
| 190 | @remarks
| 191 | The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects
| 192 | (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how
| 193 | much diffuse light (light from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected. The default
| 194 | is full white, meaning objects reflect the maximum white light they can from Light objects.
| 195 | @note
| 196 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 197 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 198 | */
| 199 | void setDiffuse(Real red, Real green, Real blue, Real alpha);
| 200 |
| 201 | /** Sets the diffuse colour reflectance properties of this pass.
| 202 | @remarks
| 203 | The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects
| 204 | (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how
| 205 | much diffuse light (light from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected. The default
| 206 | is full white, meaning objects reflect the maximum white light they can from Light objects.
| 207 | @note
| 208 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 209 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 210 | */
| 211 | void setDiffuse(const ColourValue& diffuse);
| 212 |
| 213 | /** Sets the specular colour reflectance properties of this pass.
| 214 | @remarks
| 215 | The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects
| 216 | (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how
| 217 | much specular light (highlights from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected.
| 218 | The default is to reflect no specular light.
| 219 | @note
| 220 | The size of the specular highlights is determined by the separate 'shininess' property.
| 221 | @note
| 222 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 223 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 224 | */
| 225 | void setSpecular(Real red, Real green, Real blue, Real alpha);
| 226 |
| 227 | /** Sets the specular colour reflectance properties of this pass.
| 228 | @remarks
| 229 | The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects
| 230 | (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how
| 231 | much specular light (highlights from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected.
| 232 | The default is to reflect no specular light.
| 233 | @note
| 234 | The size of the specular highlights is determined by the separate 'shininess' property.
| 235 | @note
| 236 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 237 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 238 | */
| 239 | void setSpecular(const ColourValue& specular);
| 240 |
| 241 | /** Sets the shininess of the pass, affecting the size of specular highlights.
| 242 | @note
| 243 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 244 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 245 | */
| 246 | void setShininess(Real val);
| 247 |
| 248 | /** Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has.
| 249 | @remarks
| 250 | If an object is self-illuminating, it does not need external sources to light it, ambient or
| 251 | otherwise. It's like the object has it's own personal ambient light. This property is rarely useful since
| 252 | you can already specify per-pass ambient light, but is here for completeness.
| 253 | @note
| 254 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 255 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 256 | */
| 257 | void setSelfIllumination(Real red, Real green, Real blue);
| 258 |
| 259 | /** Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has.
| 260 | @remarks
| 261 | If an object is self-illuminating, it does not need external sources to light it, ambient or
| 262 | otherwise. It's like the object has it's own personal ambient light. This property is rarely useful since
| 263 | you can already specify per-pass ambient light, but is here for completeness.
| 264 | @note
| 265 | This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled),
| 266 | or if this is a programmable pass.
| 267 | */
| 268 | void setSelfIllumination(const ColourValue& selfIllum);
| 269 |
| 270 | /** Sets which material properties follow the vertex colour
| 271 | */
| 272 | void setVertexColourTracking(TrackVertexColourType tracking);
| 273 |
| 274 | /** Gets the ambient colour reflectance of the pass.
| 275 | */
| 276 | const ColourValue& getAmbient(void) const;
| 277 |
| 278 | /** Gets the diffuse colour reflectance of the pass.
| 279 | */
| 280 | const ColourValue& getDiffuse(void) const;
| 281 |
| 282 | /** Gets the specular colour reflectance of the pass.
| 283 | */
| 284 | const ColourValue& getSpecular(void) const;
| 285 |
| 286 | /** Gets the self illumination colour of the pass.
| 287 | */
| 288 | const ColourValue& getSelfIllumination(void) const;
| 289 |
| 290 | /** Gets the 'shininess' property of the pass (affects specular highlights).
| 291 | */
| 292 | Real getShininess(void) const;
| 293 |
| 294 | /** Gets which material properties follow the vertex colour
| 295 | */
| 296 | TrackVertexColourType getVertexColourTracking(void) const;
| 297 |
| 298 | /** Inserts a new TextureUnitState object into the Pass.
| 299 | @remarks
| 300 | This unit is is added on top of all previous units.
| 301 | */
| 302 | TextureUnitState* createTextureUnitState(void);
| 303 | /** Inserts a new TextureUnitState object into the Pass.
| 304 | @remarks
| 305 | This unit is is added on top of all previous units.
| 306 | @param
| 307 | name The basic name of the texture e.g. brickwall.jpg, stonefloor.png
| 308 | @param
| 309 | texCoordSet The index of the texture coordinate set to use.
| 310 | @note
| 311 | Applies to both fixed-function and programmable passes.
| 312 | */
| 313 | TextureUnitState* createTextureUnitState( const String& textureName, unsigned short texCoordSet = 0);
| 314 | /** Adds the passed in TextureUnitState, to the existing Pass. */
| 315 | void addTextureUnitState(TextureUnitState* state);
| 316 | /** Retrieves a pointer to a texture unit state so it may be modified.
| 317 | */
| 318 | TextureUnitState* getTextureUnitState(unsigned short index);
| 319 |
| 320 | typedef VectorIterator<TextureUnitStates> TextureUnitStateIterator;
| 321 | /** Get an iterator over the TextureUnitStates contained in this Pass. */
| 322 | TextureUnitStateIterator getTextureUnitStateIterator(void);
| 323 |
| 324 | /** Removes the indexed texture unit state from this pass.
| 325 | @remarks
| 326 | Note that removing a texture which is not the topmost will have a larger performance impact.
| 327 | */
| 328 | void removeTextureUnitState(unsigned short index);
| 329 |
| 330 | /** Removes all texture unit settings.
| 331 | */
| 332 | void removeAllTextureUnitStates(void);
| 333 |
| 334 | /** Returns the number of texture unit settings.
| 335 | */
| 336 | size_t getNumTextureUnitStates(void) const
| 337 | {
| 338 | return mTextureUnitStates.size();
| 339 | }
| 340 |
| 341 | /** Sets the kind of blending this pass has with the existing contents of the scene.
| 342 | @remarks
| 343 | Wheras the texture blending operations seen in the TextureUnitState class are concerned with
| 344 | blending between texture layers, this blending is about combining the output of the Pass
| 345 | as a whole with the existing contents of the rendering target. This blending therefore allows
| 346 | object transparency and other special effects. If all passes in a technique have a scene
| 347 | blend, then the whole technique is considered to be transparent.
| 348 | @par
| 349 | This method allows you to select one of a number of predefined blending types. If you require more
| 350 | control than this, use the alternative version of this method which allows you to specify source and
| 351 | destination blend factors.
| 352 | @note
| 353 | This method is applicable for both the fixed-function and programmable pipelines.
| 354 | @param
| 355 | sbt One of the predefined SceneBlendType blending types
| 356 | */
| 357 | void setSceneBlending( const SceneBlendType sbt );
| 358 |
| 359 | /** Allows very fine control of blending this Pass with the existing contents of the scene.
| 360 | @remarks
| 361 | Wheras the texture blending operations seen in the TextureUnitState class are concerned with
| 362 | blending between texture layers, this blending is about combining the output of the material
| 363 | as a whole with the existing contents of the rendering target. This blending therefore allows
| 364 | object transparency and other special effects.
| 365 | @par
| 366 | This version of the method allows complete control over the blending operation, by specifying the
| 367 | source and destination blending factors. The result of the blending operation is:
| 368 | <span align="center">
| 369 | final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor)
| 370 | </span>
| 371 | @par
| 372 | Each of the factors is specified as one of a number of options, as specified in the SceneBlendFactor
| 373 | enumerated type.
| 374 | @param
| 375 | sourceFactor The source factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the texture colour components.
| 376 | @param
| 377 | destFactor The destination factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the pixel colour components.
| 378 | @note
| 379 | This method is applicable for both the fixed-function and programmable pipelines.
| 380 | */
| 381 | void setSceneBlending( const SceneBlendFactor sourceFactor, const SceneBlendFactor destFactor);
| 382 |
| 383 | /** Retrieves the source blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSceneBlending).
| 384 | */
| 385 | SceneBlendFactor getSourceBlendFactor() const;
| 386 |
| 387 | /** Retrieves the destination blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSceneBlending).
| 388 | */
| 389 | SceneBlendFactor getDestBlendFactor() const;
| 390 |
| 391 | /** Returns true if this pass has some element of transparency. */
| 392 | bool isTransparent(void) const;
| 393 |
| 394 | /** Sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not.
| 395 | @remarks
| 396 | If depth-buffer checking is on, whenever a pixel is about to be written to the frame buffer
| 397 | the depth buffer is checked to see if the pixel is in front of all other pixels written at that
| 398 | point. If not, the pixel is not written.
| 399 | @par
| 400 | If depth checking is off, pixels are written no matter what has been rendered before.
| 401 | Also see setDepthFunction for more advanced depth check configuration.
| 402 | @see
| 403 | setDepthFunction
| 404 | */
| 405 | void setDepthCheckEnabled(bool enabled);
| 406 |
| 407 | /** Returns whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not.
| 408 | @see
| 409 | setDepthCheckEnabled
| 410 | */
| 411 | bool getDepthCheckEnabled(void) const;
| 412 |
| 413 | /** Sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not.
| 414 | @remarks
| 415 | If depth-buffer writing is on, whenever a pixel is written to the frame buffer
| 416 | the depth buffer is updated with the depth value of that new pixel, thus affecting future
| 417 | rendering operations if future pixels are behind this one.
| 418 | @par
| 419 | If depth writing is off, pixels are written without updating the depth buffer Depth writing should
| 420 | normally be on but can be turned off when rendering static backgrounds or when rendering a collection
| 421 | of transparent objects at the end of a scene so that they overlap each other correctly.
| 422 | */
| 423 | void setDepthWriteEnabled(bool enabled);
| 424 |
| 425 | /** Returns whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not.
| 426 | @see
| 427 | setDepthWriteEnabled
| 428 | */
| 429 | bool getDepthWriteEnabled(void) const;
| 430 |
| 431 | /** Sets the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on.
| 432 | @remarks
| 433 | If depth checking is enabled (see setDepthCheckEnabled) a comparison occurs between the depth
| 434 | value of the pixel to be written and the current contents of the buffer. This comparison is
| 435 | normally CMPF_LESS_EQUAL, i.e. the pixel is written if it is closer (or at the same distance)
| 436 | than the current contents. If you wish you can change this comparison using this method.
| 437 | */
| 438 | void setDepthFunction( CompareFunction func );
| 439 | /** Returns the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on.
| 440 | @see
| 441 | setDepthFunction
| 442 | */
| 443 | CompareFunction getDepthFunction(void) const;
| 444 |
| 445 | /** Sets whether or not colour buffer writing is enabled for this Pass.
| 446 | @remarks
| 447 | For some effects, you might wish to turn off the colour write operation
| 448 | when rendering geometry; this means that only the depth buffer will be
| 449 | updated (provided you have depth buffer writing enabled, which you
| 450 | probably will do, although you may wish to only update the stencil
| 451 | buffer for example - stencil buffer state is managed at the RenderSystem
| 452 | level only, not the Material since you are likely to want to manage it
| 453 | at a higher level).
| 454 | */
| 455 | void setColourWriteEnabled(bool enabled);
| 456 | /** Determines if colour buffer writing is enabled for this pass. */
| 457 | bool getColourWriteEnabled(void) const;
| 458 |
| 459 | /** Sets the culling mode for this pass based on the 'vertex winding'.
| 460 | @remarks
| 461 | A typical way for the rendering engine to cull triangles is based on the 'vertex winding' of
| 462 | triangles. Vertex winding refers to the direction in which the vertices are passed or indexed
| 463 | to in the rendering operation as viewed from the camera, and will wither be clockwise or
| 464 | anticlockwise (that's 'counterclockwise' for you Americans out there ;) The default is
| 465 | CULL_CLOCKWISE i.e. that only triangles whose vertices are passed/indexed in anticlockwise order
| 466 | are rendered - this is a common approach and is used in 3D studio models for example. You can
| 467 | alter this culling mode if you wish but it is not advised unless you know what you are doing.
| 468 | @par
| 469 | You may wish to use the CULL_NONE option for mesh data that you cull yourself where the vertex
| 470 | winding is uncertain.
| 471 | */
| 472 | void setCullingMode( CullingMode mode );
| 473 |
| 474 | /** Returns the culling mode for geometry rendered with this pass. See setCullingMode for more information.
| 475 | */
| 476 | CullingMode getCullingMode(void) const;
| 477 |
| 478 | /** Sets the manual culling mode, performed by CPU rather than hardware.
| 479 | @pemarks
| 480 | In some situations you want to use manual culling of triangles rather than sending the
| 481 | triangles to the hardware and letting it cull them. This setting only takes effect on SceneManager's
| 482 | that use it (since it is best used on large groups of planar world geometry rather than on movable
| 483 | geometry since this would be expensive), but if used can cull geometry before it is sent to the
| 484 | hardware.
| 485 | @note
| 486 | The default for this setting is MANUAL_CULL_BACK.
| 487 | @param
| 488 | mode The mode to use - see enum ManualCullingMode for details
| 489 |
| 490 | */
| 491 | void setManualCullingMode( ManualCullingMode mode );
| 492 |
| 493 | /** Retrieves the manual culling mode for this pass
| 494 | @see
| 495 | setManualCullingMode
| 496 | */
| 497 | ManualCullingMode getManualCullingMode(void) const;
| 498 |
| 499 | /** Sets whether or not dynamic lighting is enabled.
| 500 | @param
| 501 | enabled
| 502 | If true, dynamic lighting is performed on geometry with normals supplied, geometry without
| 503 | normals will not be displayed.
| 504 | @par
| 505 | If false, no lighting is applied and all geometry will be full brightness.
| 506 | */
| 507 | void setLightingEnabled(bool enabled);
| 508 |
| 509 | /** Returns whether or not dynamic lighting is enabled.
| 510 | */
| 511 | bool getLightingEnabled(void) const;
| 512 |
| 513 | /** Sets the maximum number of lights to be used by this pass.
| 514 | @remarks
| 515 | During rendering, if lighting is enabled (or if the pass uses an automatic
| 516 | program parameter based on a light) the engine will request the nearest lights
| 517 | to the object being rendered in order to work out which ones to use. This
| 518 | parameter sets the limit on the number of lights which should apply to objects
| 519 | rendered with this pass.
| 520 | */
| 521 | void setMaxSimultaneousLights(unsigned short maxLights);
| 522 | /** Gets the maximum number of lights to be used by this pass. */
| 523 | unsigned short getMaxSimultaneousLights(void) const;
| 524 |
| 525 | /** Sets the type of light shading required
| 526 | @note
| 527 | The default shading method is Gouraud shading.
| 528 | */
| 529 | void setShadingMode( ShadeOptions mode );
| 530 |
| 531 | /** Returns the type of light shading to be used.
| 532 | */
| 533 | ShadeOptions getShadingMode(void) const;
| 534 |
| 535 |
| 536 | /** Sets the fogging mode applied to this pass.
| 537 | @remarks
| 538 | Fogging is an effect that is applied as polys are rendered. Sometimes, you want
| 539 | fog to be applied to an entire scene. Other times, you want it to be applied to a few
| 540 | polygons only. This pass-level specification of fog parameters lets you easily manage
| 541 | both.
| 542 | @par
| 543 | The SceneManager class also has a setFog method which applies scene-level fog. This method
| 544 | lets you change the fog behaviour for this pass compared to the standard scene-level fog.
| 545 | @param
| 546 | overrideScene If true, you authorise this pass to override the scene's fog params with it's own settings.
| 547 | If you specify false, so other parameters are necessary, and this is the default behaviour for passs.
| 548 | @param
| 549 | mode Only applicable if overrideScene is true. You can disable fog which is turned on for the
| 550 | rest of the scene by specifying FOG_NONE. Otherwise, set a pass-specific fog mode as
| 551 | defined in the enum FogMode.
| 552 | @param
| 553 | colour The colour of the fog. Either set this to the same as your viewport background colour,
| 554 | or to blend in with a skydome or skybox.
| 555 | @param
| 556 | expDensity The density of the fog in FOG_EXP or FOG_EXP2 mode, as a value between 0 and 1.
| 557 | The default is 0.001.
| 558 | @param
| 559 | linearStart Distance in world units at which linear fog starts to encroach.
| 560 | Only applicable if mode is FOG_LINEAR.
| 561 | @param
| 562 | linearEnd Distance in world units at which linear fog becomes completely opaque.
| 563 | Only applicable if mode is FOG_LINEAR.
| 564 | */
| 565 | void setFog(
| 566 | bool overrideScene,
| 567 | FogMode mode = FOG_NONE,
| 568 | const ColourValue& colour = ColourValue::White,
| 569 | Real expDensity = 0.001, Real linearStart = 0.0, Real linearEnd = 1.0 );
| 570 |
| 571 | /** Returns true if this pass is to override the scene fog settings.
| 572 | */
| 573 | bool getFogOverride(void) const;
| 574 |
| 575 | /** Returns the fog mode for this pass.
| 576 | @note
| 577 | Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
| 578 | */
| 579 | FogMode getFogMode(void) const;
| 580 |
| 581 | /** Returns the fog colour for the scene.
| 582 | */
| 583 | const ColourValue& getFogColour(void) const;
| 584 |
| 585 | /** Returns the fog start distance for this pass.
| 586 | @note
| 587 | Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
| 588 | */
| 589 | Real getFogStart(void) const;
| 590 |
| 591 | /** Returns the fog end distance for this pass.
| 592 | @note
| 593 | Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
| 594 | */
| 595 | Real getFogEnd(void) const;
| 596 |
| 597 | /** Returns the fog density for this pass.
| 598 | @note
| 599 | Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
| 600 | */
| 601 | Real getFogDensity(void) const;
| 602 |
| 603 | /** Sets the depth bias to be used for this material.
| 604 | @remarks
| 605 | When polygons are coplanar, you can get problems with 'depth fighting' where
| 606 | the pixels from the two polys compete for the same screen pixel. This is particularly
| 607 | a problem for decals (polys attached to another surface to represent details such as
| 608 | bulletholes etc.).
| 609 | @par
| 610 | A way to combat this problem is to use a depth bias to adjust the depth buffer value
| 611 | used for the decal such that it is slightly higher than the true value, ensuring that
| 612 | the decal appears on top.
| 613 | @param bias The bias value, should be between 0 and 16.
| 614 | */
| 615 | void setDepthBias(ushort bias);
| 616 |
| 617 | /** Retrieves the depth bias value as set by setDepthValue. */
| 618 | ushort getDepthBias(void) const;
| 619 |
| 620 | /** Sets the way the pass will have use alpha to totally reject pixels from the pipeline.
| 621 | @remarks
| 622 | The default is CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS i.e. alpha is not used to reject pixels.
| 623 | @param func The comparison which must pass for the pixel to be written.
| 624 | @param value 1 byte value against which alpha values will be tested(0-255)
| 625 | @note
| 626 | This option applies in both the fixed function and the programmable pipeline.
| 627 | */
| 628 | void setAlphaRejectSettings(CompareFunction func, unsigned char value);
| 629 |
| 630 | /** Sets the alpha reject function. See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.
| 631 | */
| 632 | void setAlphaRejectFunction(CompareFunction func);
| 633 |
| 634 | /** Gets the alpha reject value. See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.
| 635 | */
| 636 | void setAlphaRejectValue(unsigned char val);
| 637 |
| 638 | /** Gets the alpha reject function. See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.
| 639 | */
| 640 | CompareFunction getAlphaRejectFunction(void) const { return mAlphaRejectFunc; }
| 641 |
| 642 | /** Gets the alpha reject value. See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.
| 643 | */
| 644 | unsigned char getAlphaRejectValue(void) const { return mAlphaRejectVal; }
| 645 | /** Sets whether or not this pass should be run once per light which
| 646 | can affect the object being rendered.
| 647 | @remarks
| 648 | The default behaviour for a pass (when this option is 'false'), is
| 649 | for a pass to be rendered only once, with all the lights which could
| 650 | affect this object set at the same time (up to the maximum lights
| 651 | allowed in the render system, which is typically 8).
| 652 | @par
| 653 | Setting this option to 'true' changes this behaviour, such that
| 654 | instead of trying to issue render this pass once per object, it
| 655 | is run once <b>per light</b> which can affect this object. In
| 656 | this case, only light index 0 is ever used, and is a different light
| 657 | every time the pass is issued, up to the total number of lights
| 658 | which is affecting this object. This has 2 advantages:
| 659 | <ul><li>There is no limit on the number of lights which can be
| 660 | supported</li>
| 661 | <li>It's easier to write vertex / fragment programs for this because
| 662 | a single program can be used for any number of lights</li>
| 663 | </ul>
| 664 | However, this technique is a lot more expensive, and typically you
| 665 | will want an additional ambient pass, because if no lights are
| 666 | affecting the object it will not be rendered at all, which will look
| 667 | odd even if ambient light is zero (imagine if there are lit objects
| 668 | behind it - the objects silhouette would not show up). Therefore,
| 669 | use this option with care, and you would be well advised to provide
| 670 | a less expensive fallback technique for use in the distance.
| 671 | @note
| 672 | The number of times this pass runs is still limited by the maximum
| 673 | number of lights allowed as set in setMaxSimultaneousLights, so
| 674 | you will never get more passes than this.
| 675 | @param enabled Whether this feature is enabled
| 676 | @param onlyForOneLightType If true, the pass will only be run for a single type
| 677 | of light, other light types will be ignored.
| 678 | @param lightType The single light type which will be considered for this pass
| 679 | */
| 680 | void setRunOncePerLight(bool enabled,
| 681 | bool onlyForOneLightType = true, Light::LightTypes lightType = Light::LT_POINT);
| 682 |
| 683 | /** Does this pass run once for every light in range? */
| 684 | bool getRunOncePerLight(void) const { return mRunOncePerLight; }
| 685 | /** Does this pass run only for a single light type (if getRunOncePerLight is true). */
| 686 | bool getRunOnlyForOneLightType(void) const { return mRunOnlyForOneLightType; }
| 687 | /** Gets the single light type this pass runs for if getRunOncePerLight and
| 688 | getRunOnlyForOneLightType are both true. */
| 689 | Light::LightTypes getOnlyLightType() const { return mOnlyLightType; }
| 690 |
| 691 | /// Gets the parent Technique
| 692 | Technique* getParent(void) { return mParent; }
| 693 |
| 694 | /// Gets the resource group of the ultimate parent Material
| 695 | const String& getResourceGroup(void) const;
| 696 |
| 697 | /** Sets the details of the vertex program to use.
| 698 | @remarks
| 699 | Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of
| 700 | the vertex program to use in this pass. The program will not be
| 701 | loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
| 702 | @param name The name of the program - this must have been
| 703 | created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass
| 704 | is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any vertex program in this pass is disabled.
| 705 | @param resetParams
| 706 | If true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the
| 707 | new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters
| 708 | you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must
| 709 | be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the
| 710 | case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them,
| 711 | not just the names.
| 712 | */
| 713 | void setVertexProgram(const String& name, bool resetParams = true);
| 714 | /** Sets the vertex program parameters.
| 715 | @remarks
| 716 | Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is
| 717 | designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods
| 718 | for setting high-level program parameters.
| 719 | */
| 720 | void setVertexProgramParameters(GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params);
| 721 | /** Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass. */
| 722 | const String& getVertexProgramName(void) const;
| 723 | /** Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass. */
| 724 | GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getVertexProgramParameters(void);
| 725 | /** Gets the vertex program used by this pass, only available after _load(). */
| 726 | const GpuProgramPtr& getVertexProgram(void);
| 727 |
| 728 |
| 729 | /** Sets the details of the vertex program to use when rendering as a
| 730 | shadow caster.
| 731 | @remarks
| 732 | Texture-based shadows require that the caster is rendered to a texture
| 733 | in a solid colour (the shadow colour in the case of modulative texture
| 734 | shadows). Whilst Ogre can arrange this for the fixed function
| 735 | pipeline, passes which use vertex programs might need the vertex
| 736 | programs still to run in order to preserve any deformation etc
| 737 | that it does. However, lighting calculations must be a lot simpler,
| 738 | with only the ambient colour being used (which the engine will ensure
| 739 | is bound to the shadow colour).
| 740 | @par
| 741 | Therefore, it is up to implemetors of vertex programs to provide an
| 742 | alternative vertex program which can be used to render the object
| 743 | to a shadow texture. Do all the same vertex transforms, but set the
| 744 | colour of the vertex to the ambient colour, as bound using the
| 745 | standard auto parameter binding mechanism.
| 746 | @note
| 747 | Some vertex programs will work without doing this, because Ogre ensures
| 748 | that all lights except for ambient are set black. However, the chances
| 749 | are that your vertex program is doing a lot of unnecessary work in this
| 750 | case, since the other lights are having no effect, and it is good practice
| 751 | to supply an alternative.
| 752 | @note
| 753 | This is only applicable to programmable passes.
| 754 | @par
| 755 | The default behaviour is for Ogre to switch to fixed-function
| 756 | rendering if an explict vertex program alternative is not set.
| 757 | */
| 758 | void setShadowCasterVertexProgram(const String& name);
| 759 | /** Sets the vertex program parameters for rendering as a shadow caster.
| 760 | @remarks
| 761 | Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is
| 762 | designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods
| 763 | for setting high-level program parameters.
| 764 | */
| 765 | void setShadowCasterVertexProgramParameters(GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params);
| 766 | /** Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters. */
| 767 | const String& getShadowCasterVertexProgramName(void) const;
| 768 | /** Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow casters. */
| 769 | GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getShadowCasterVertexProgramParameters(void);
| 770 | /** Gets the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters,
| 771 | only available after _load(). */
| 772 | const GpuProgramPtr& getShadowCasterVertexProgram(void);
| 773 |
| 774 | /** Sets the details of the vertex program to use when rendering as a
| 775 | shadow receiver.
| 776 | @remarks
| 777 | Texture-based shadows require that the shadow receiver is rendered using
| 778 | a projective texture. Whilst Ogre can arrange this for the fixed function
| 779 | pipeline, passes which use vertex programs might need the vertex
| 780 | programs still to run in order to preserve any deformation etc
| 781 | that it does. So in this case, we need a vertex program which does the
| 782 | appropriate vertex transformation, but generates projective texture
| 783 | coordinates.
| 784 | @par
| 785 | Therefore, it is up to implemetors of vertex programs to provide an
| 786 | alternative vertex program which can be used to render the object
| 787 | as a shadow receiver. Do all the same vertex transforms, but generate
| 788 | <strong>2 sets</strong> of texture coordinates using the auto parameter
| 789 | ACT_TEXTURE_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX, which Ogre will bind to the parameter name /
| 790 | index you supply as the second parameter to this method. 2 texture
| 791 | sets are needed because Ogre needs to use 2 texture units for some
| 792 | shadow effects.
| 793 | @note
| 794 | This is only applicable to programmable passes.
| 795 | @par
| 796 | The default behaviour is for Ogre to switch to fixed-function
| 797 | rendering if an explict vertex program alternative is not set.
| 798 | */
| 799 | void setShadowReceiverVertexProgram(const String& name);
| 800 | /** Sets the vertex program parameters for rendering as a shadow receiver.
| 801 | @remarks
| 802 | Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is
| 803 | designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods
| 804 | for setting high-level program parameters.
| 805 | */
| 806 | void setShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters(GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params);
| 807 | /** Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers. */
| 808 | const String& getShadowReceiverVertexProgramName(void) const;
| 809 | /** Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers. */
| 810 | GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters(void);
| 811 | /** Gets the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers,
| 812 | only available after _load(). */
| 813 | const GpuProgramPtr& getShadowReceiverVertexProgram(void);
| 814 |
| 815 |
| 816 | /** Sets the details of the fragment program to use.
| 817 | @remarks
| 818 | Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of
| 819 | the fragment program to use in this pass. The program will not be
| 820 | loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
| 821 | @param name The name of the program - this must have been
| 822 | created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass
| 823 | is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any fragment program in this pass is disabled.
| 824 | @param resetParams
| 825 | If true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the
| 826 | new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters
| 827 | you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must
| 828 | be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the
| 829 | case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them,
| 830 | not just the names.
| 831 | */
| 832 | void setFragmentProgram(const String& name, bool resetParams = true);
| 833 | /** Sets the vertex program parameters.
| 834 | @remarks
| 835 | Only applicable to programmable passes.
| 836 | */
| 837 | void setFragmentProgramParameters(GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params);
| 838 | /** Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass. */
| 839 | const String& getFragmentProgramName(void) const;
| 840 | /** Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass. */
| 841 | GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getFragmentProgramParameters(void);
| 842 | /** Gets the vertex program used by this pass, only available after _load(). */
| 843 | const GpuProgramPtr& getFragmentProgram(void);
| 844 |
| 845 | /** Splits this Pass to one which can be handled in the number of
| 846 | texture units specified.
| 847 | @remarks
| 848 | Only works on non-programmable passes, programmable passes cannot be
| 849 | split, it's up to the author to ensure that there is a fallback Technique
| 850 | for less capable cards.
| 851 | @param numUnits The target number of texture units
| 852 | @returns A new Pass which contains the remaining units, and a scene_blend
| 853 | setting appropriate to approximate the multitexture. This Pass will be
| 854 | attached to the parent Technique of this Pass.
| 855 | */
| 856 | Pass* _split(unsigned short numUnits);
| 857 |
| 858 | /** Internal method to adjust pass index. */
| 859 | void _notifyIndex(unsigned short index);
| 860 |
| 861 | /** Internal method for loading this pass. */
| 862 | void _load(void);
| 863 | /** Internal method for unloading this pass. */
| 864 | void _unload(void);
| 865 | // Is this loaded?
| 866 | bool isLoaded(void) const;
| 867 |
| 868 | /** Gets the 'hash' of this pass, ie a precomputed number to use for sorting
| 869 | @remarks
| 870 | This hash is used to sort passes, and for this reason the pass is hashed
| 871 | using firstly its index (so that all passes are rendered in order), then
| 872 | by the textures which it's TextureUnitState instances are using.
| 873 | */
| 874 | unsigned long getHash(void) const;
| 875 | /// Mark the hash as dirty
| 876 | void _dirtyHash(void);
| 877 | /** Internal method for recalculating the hash.
| 878 | @remarks
| 879 | Do not call this unless you are sure the old hash is not still being
| 880 | used by anything. If in doubt, call _dirtyHash if you want to force
| 881 | recalculation of the has next time.
| 882 | */
| 883 | void _recalculateHash(void);
| 884 | /** Tells the pass that it needs recompilation. */
| 885 | void _notifyNeedsRecompile(void);
| 886 |
| 887 | /** Update any automatic parameters (except lights) on this pass */
| 888 | void _updateAutoParamsNoLights(const AutoParamDataSource& source);
| 889 | /** Update any automatic light parameters on this pass */
| 890 | void _updateAutoParamsLightsOnly(const AutoParamDataSource& source);
| 891 |
| 892 | /** Set texture filtering for every texture unit
| 893 | @note
| 894 | This property actually exists on the TextureUnitState class
| 895 | For simplicity, this method allows you to set these properties for
| 896 | every current TeextureUnitState, If you need more precision, retrieve the
| 897 | TextureUnitState instance and set the property there.
| 898 | @see TextureUnitState::setTextureFiltering
| 899 | */
| 900 | void setTextureFiltering(TextureFilterOptions filterType);
| 901 | /** Sets the anisotropy level to be used for all textures.
| 902 | @note
| 903 | This property has been moved to the TextureUnitState class, which is accessible via the
| 904 | Technique and Pass. For simplicity, this method allows you to set these properties for
| 905 | every current TeextureUnitState, If you need more precision, retrieve the Technique,
| 906 | Pass and TextureUnitState instances and set the property there.
| 907 | @see TextureUnitState::setTextureAnisotropy
| 908 | */
| 909 | void setTextureAnisotropy(unsigned int maxAniso);
| 910 | /** Static method to retrieve all the Passes which need their
| 911 | hash values recalculated.
| 912 | */
| 913 | static const PassSet& getDirtyHashList(void)
| 914 | { return msDirtyHashList; }
| 915 | /** Static method to retrieve all the Passes which are pending deletion.
| 916 | */
| 917 | static const PassSet& getPassGraveyard(void)
| 918 | { return msPassGraveyard; }
| 919 | /** Static method to reset the list of passes which need their hash
| 920 | values recalculated.
| 921 | @remarks
| 922 | For performance, the dirty list is not updated progressively as
| 923 | the hashes are recalculated, instead we expect the processor of the
| 924 | dirty hash list to clear the list when they are done.
| 925 | */
| 926 | static void clearDirtyHashList(void) { msDirtyHashList.clear(); }
| 927 |
| 928 | /** Process all dirty and pending deletion passes. */
| 929 | static void processPendingPassUpdates(void);
| 930 |
| 931 | /** Queue this pass for deletion when appropriate. */
| 932 | void queueForDeletion(void);
| 933 |
| 934 | /** Returns whether this pass is ambient only.
| 935 | */
| 936 | bool isAmbientOnly(void) const;
| 937 |
| 938 |
| 939 | };
| 940 |
| 941 | enum IlluminationStage
| 942 | {
| 943 | /// Part of the rendering which occurs without any kind of direct lighting
| 944 | IS_AMBIENT,
| 945 | /// Part of the rendering which occurs per light
| 946 | IS_PER_LIGHT,
| 947 | /// Post-lighting rendering
| 948 | IS_DECAL
| 949 | };
| 950 | /** Struct recording a pass which can be used for a specific illumination stage.
| 951 | @remarks
| 952 | This structure is used to record categorised passes which fit into a
| 953 | number of distinct illumination phases - ambient, diffuse / specular
| 954 | (per-light) and decal (post-lighting texturing).
| 955 | An original pass may fit into one of these categories already, or it
| 956 | may require splitting into its component parts in order to be categorised
| 957 | properly.
| 958 | */
| 959 | struct IlluminationPass
| 960 | {
| 961 | IlluminationStage stage;
| 962 | /// The pass to use in this stage
| 963 | Pass* pass;
| 964 | /// Whether this pass is one which should be deleted itself
| 965 | bool destroyOnShutdown;
| 966 | /// The original pass which spawned this one
| 967 | Pass* originalPass;
| 968 | };
| 969 |
| 970 | typedef std::vector<IlluminationPass*> IlluminationPassList;
| 971 |
| 972 |
| 973 | }
| 974 |
| 975 | #endif