/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreBillboardSet.h" #include "OgreBillboard.h" #include "OgreMaterialManager.h" #include "OgreHardwareBufferManager.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreSphere.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include namespace Ogre { // Init statics RadixSort BillboardSet::mRadixSorter; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BillboardSet::BillboardSet() : mOriginType( BBO_CENTER ), mRotationType( BBR_TEXCOORD ), mAllDefaultSize( true ), mAutoExtendPool( true ), mSortingEnabled(false), mAccurateFacing(false), mAllDefaultRotation(true), mWorldSpace(false), mVertexData(0), mIndexData(0), mCullIndividual( false ), mBillboardType(BBT_POINT), mCommonDirection(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z), mCommonUpVector(Vector3::UNIT_Y), mPointRendering(false), mBuffersCreated(false), mPoolSize(0), mExternalData(false) { setDefaultDimensions( 100, 100 ); setMaterialName( "BaseWhite" ); mCastShadows = false; setTextureStacksAndSlices( 1, 1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BillboardSet::BillboardSet( const String& name, unsigned int poolSize, bool externalData) : MovableObject(name), mOriginType( BBO_CENTER ), mRotationType( BBR_TEXCOORD ), mAllDefaultSize( true ), mAutoExtendPool( true ), mSortingEnabled(false), mAccurateFacing(false), mAllDefaultRotation(true), mWorldSpace(false), mVertexData(0), mIndexData(0), mCullIndividual( false ), mBillboardType(BBT_POINT), mCommonDirection(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z), mCommonUpVector(Vector3::UNIT_Y), mPointRendering(false), mBuffersCreated(false), mPoolSize(poolSize), mExternalData(externalData) { setDefaultDimensions( 100, 100 ); setMaterialName( "BaseWhite" ); setPoolSize( poolSize ); mCastShadows = false; setTextureStacksAndSlices( 1, 1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BillboardSet::~BillboardSet() { // Free pool items BillboardPool::iterator i; for (i = mBillboardPool.begin(); i != mBillboardPool.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } // Delete shared buffers _destroyBuffers(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Billboard* BillboardSet::createBillboard( const Vector3& position, const ColourValue& colour ) { if( mFreeBillboards.empty() ) { if( mAutoExtendPool ) { setPoolSize( getPoolSize() * 2 ); } else { return 0; } } // Get a new billboard Billboard* newBill = mFreeBillboards.front(); mActiveBillboards.splice( mActiveBillboards.end(), mFreeBillboards, mFreeBillboards.begin()); newBill->setPosition(position); newBill->setColour(colour); newBill->mDirection = Vector3::ZERO; newBill->setRotation(Radian(0)); newBill->setTexcoordIndex(0); newBill->resetDimensions(); newBill->_notifyOwner(this); // Merge into bounds Real adjust = std::max(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight); Vector3 vecAdjust(adjust, adjust, adjust); Vector3 newMin = position - vecAdjust; Vector3 newMax = position + vecAdjust; mAABB.merge(newMin); mAABB.merge(newMax); Real sqlen = std::max(newMin.squaredLength(), newMax.squaredLength()); mBoundingRadius = std::max(mBoundingRadius, Math::Sqrt(sqlen)); return newBill; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Billboard* BillboardSet::createBillboard( Real x, Real y, Real z, const ColourValue& colour ) { return createBillboard( Vector3( x, y, z ), colour ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int BillboardSet::getNumBillboards(void) const { return static_cast< int >( mActiveBillboards.size() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::clear() { // Insert actives into free list mFreeBillboards.insert(mFreeBillboards.end(), mActiveBillboards.begin(), mActiveBillboards.end()); // Remove all active instances mActiveBillboards.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Billboard* BillboardSet::getBillboard( unsigned int index ) const { assert( index < mActiveBillboards.size() && "Billboard index out of bounds." ); /* We can't access it directly, so we check wether it's in the first or the second half, then we start either from the beginning or the end of the list */ ActiveBillboardList::const_iterator it; if( index >= ( mActiveBillboards.size() >> 1 ) ) { index = static_cast(mActiveBillboards.size()) - index; for( it = mActiveBillboards.end(); index; --index, --it ); } else { for( it = mActiveBillboards.begin(); index; --index, ++it ); } return *it; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::removeBillboard(unsigned int index) { assert( index < mActiveBillboards.size() && "Billboard index out of bounds." ); /* We can't access it directly, so we check wether it's in the first or the second half, then we start either from the beginning or the end of the list. We then remove the billboard form the 'used' list and add it to the 'free' list. */ ActiveBillboardList::iterator it; if( index >= ( mActiveBillboards.size() >> 1 ) ) { index = static_cast(mActiveBillboards.size()) - index; for( it = mActiveBillboards.end(); index; --index, --it ); } else { for( it = mActiveBillboards.begin(); index; --index, ++it ); } mFreeBillboards.push_back( *it ); mActiveBillboards.erase( it ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::removeBillboard( Billboard* pBill ) { mActiveBillboards.remove( pBill ); mFreeBillboards.push_back( pBill ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setBillboardOrigin( BillboardOrigin origin ) { mOriginType = origin; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BillboardOrigin BillboardSet::getBillboardOrigin(void) const { return mOriginType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setBillboardRotationType(BillboardRotationType rotationType) { mRotationType = rotationType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BillboardRotationType BillboardSet::getBillboardRotationType(void) const { return mRotationType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setDefaultDimensions( Real width, Real height ) { mDefaultWidth = width; mDefaultHeight = height; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setDefaultWidth(Real width) { mDefaultWidth = width; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BillboardSet::getDefaultWidth(void) const { return mDefaultWidth; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setDefaultHeight(Real height) { mDefaultHeight = height; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BillboardSet::getDefaultHeight(void) const { return mDefaultHeight; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setMaterialName( const String& name ) { mMaterialName = name; mpMaterial = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(name); if (mpMaterial.isNull()) OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find material " + name, "BillboardSet::setMaterialName" ); /* Ensure that the new material was loaded (will not load again if already loaded anyway) */ mpMaterial->load(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& BillboardSet::getMaterialName(void) const { return mMaterialName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_sortBillboards( Camera* cam) { switch (_getSortMode()) { case SM_DIRECTION: mRadixSorter.sort(mActiveBillboards, SortByDirectionFunctor(-mCamDir)); break; case SM_DISTANCE: mRadixSorter.sort(mActiveBillboards, SortByDistanceFunctor(mCamPos)); break; } } BillboardSet::SortByDirectionFunctor::SortByDirectionFunctor(const Vector3& dir) : sortDir(dir) { } float BillboardSet::SortByDirectionFunctor::operator()(Billboard* bill) const { return sortDir.dotProduct(bill->getPosition()); } BillboardSet::SortByDistanceFunctor::SortByDistanceFunctor(const Vector3& pos) : sortPos(pos) { } float BillboardSet::SortByDistanceFunctor::operator()(Billboard* bill) const { // Sort descending by squared distance return - (sortPos - bill->getPosition()).squaredLength(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SortMode BillboardSet::_getSortMode(void) const { // Need to sort by distance if we're using accurate facing, or perpendicular billboard type. if (mAccurateFacing || mBillboardType == BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF || mBillboardType == BBT_PERPENDICULAR_COMMON) { return SM_DISTANCE; } else { return SM_DIRECTION; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_notifyCurrentCamera( Camera* cam ) { MovableObject::_notifyCurrentCamera(cam); mCurrentCamera = cam; // Calculate camera orientation and position mCamQ = mCurrentCamera->getDerivedOrientation(); mCamPos = mCurrentCamera->getDerivedPosition(); if (!mWorldSpace) { // Default behaviour is that billboards are in local node space // so orientation of camera (in world space) must be reverse-transformed // into node space mCamQ = mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation().UnitInverse() * mCamQ; mCamPos = mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation().UnitInverse() * (mCamPos - mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition()) / mParentNode->_getDerivedScale(); } // Camera direction points down -Z mCamDir = mCamQ * Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::beginBillboards(void) { /* Generate the vertices for all the billboards relative to the camera Also take the opportunity to update the vertex colours May as well do it here to save on loops elsewhere */ /* NOTE: most engines generate world coordinates for the billboards directly, taking the world axes of the camera as offsets to the center points. I take a different approach, reverse-transforming the camera world axes into local billboard space. Why? Well, it's actually more efficient this way, because I only have to reverse-transform using the billboardset world matrix (inverse) once, from then on it's simple additions (assuming identically sized billboards). If I transformed every billboard center by it's world transform, that's a matrix multiplication per billboard instead. I leave the final transform to the render pipeline since that can use hardware TnL if it is available. */ // create vertex and index buffers if they haven't already been if(!mBuffersCreated) _createBuffers(); // Only calculate vertex offets et al if we're not point rendering if (!mPointRendering) { // Get offsets for origin type getParametricOffsets(mLeftOff, mRightOff, mTopOff, mBottomOff); // Generate axes etc up-front if not oriented per-billboard if (mBillboardType != BBT_ORIENTED_SELF && mBillboardType != BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF && !mAccurateFacing) { genBillboardAxes(&mCamX, &mCamY); /* If all billboards are the same size we can precalculate the offsets and just use '+' instead of '*' for each billboard, and it should be faster. */ genVertOffsets(mLeftOff, mRightOff, mTopOff, mBottomOff, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight, mCamX, mCamY, mVOffset); } } // Init num visible mNumVisibleBillboards = 0; // Lock the buffer mLockPtr = static_cast( mMainBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::injectBillboard(const Billboard& bb) { // Skip if not visible (NB always true if not bounds checking individual billboards) if (!billboardVisible(mCurrentCamera, bb)) return; if (!mPointRendering && (mBillboardType == BBT_ORIENTED_SELF || mBillboardType == BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF || mAccurateFacing)) { // Have to generate axes & offsets per billboard genBillboardAxes(&mCamX, &mCamY, &bb); } // If they're all the same size or we're point rendering if( mAllDefaultSize || mPointRendering) { /* No per-billboard checking, just blast through. Saves us an if clause every billboard which may make a difference. */ if (!mPointRendering && (mBillboardType == BBT_ORIENTED_SELF || mBillboardType == BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF || mAccurateFacing)) { genVertOffsets(mLeftOff, mRightOff, mTopOff, mBottomOff, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight, mCamX, mCamY, mVOffset); } genVertices(mVOffset, bb); } else // not all default size and not point rendering { Vector3 vOwnOffset[4]; // If it has own dimensions, or self-oriented, gen offsets if (mBillboardType == BBT_ORIENTED_SELF || mBillboardType == BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF || bb.mOwnDimensions || mAccurateFacing) { // Generate using own dimensions genVertOffsets(mLeftOff, mRightOff, mTopOff, mBottomOff, bb.mWidth, bb.mHeight, mCamX, mCamY, vOwnOffset); // Create vertex data genVertices(vOwnOffset, bb); } else // Use default dimension, already computed before the loop, for faster creation { genVertices(mVOffset, bb); } } // Increment visibles mNumVisibleBillboards++; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::endBillboards(void) { mMainBuf->unlock(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setBounds(const AxisAlignedBox& box, Real radius) { mAABB = box; mBoundingRadius = radius; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_updateBounds(void) { if (mActiveBillboards.empty()) { // No billboards, null bbox mAABB.setNull(); mBoundingRadius = 0.0f; } else { Real maxSqLen = -1.0f; Vector3 min(Math::POS_INFINITY, Math::POS_INFINITY, Math::POS_INFINITY); Vector3 max(Math::NEG_INFINITY, Math::NEG_INFINITY, Math::NEG_INFINITY); ActiveBillboardList::iterator i, iend; iend = mActiveBillboards.end(); for (i = mActiveBillboards.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { const Vector3& pos = (*i)->getPosition(); min.makeFloor(pos); max.makeCeil(pos); maxSqLen = std::max(maxSqLen, pos.squaredLength()); } // Adjust for billboard size Real adjust = std::max(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight); Vector3 vecAdjust(adjust, adjust, adjust); min -= vecAdjust; max += vecAdjust; mAABB.setExtents(min, max); mBoundingRadius = Math::Sqrt(maxSqLen); } if (mParentNode) mParentNode->needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const AxisAlignedBox& BillboardSet::getBoundingBox(void) const { return mAABB; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue) { // If we're driving this from our own data, update geometry now if (!mExternalData) { if (mSortingEnabled) { _sortBillboards(mCurrentCamera); } beginBillboards(); ActiveBillboardList::iterator it; for(it = mActiveBillboards.begin(); it != mActiveBillboards.end(); ++it ) { injectBillboard(*(*it)); } endBillboards(); } //only set the render queue group if it has been explicitly set. if( mRenderQueueIDSet ) { queue->addRenderable(this, mRenderQueueID); } else { queue->addRenderable(this); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const MaterialPtr& BillboardSet::getMaterial(void) const { return mpMaterial; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::getRenderOperation(RenderOperation& op) { op.vertexData = mVertexData; op.vertexData->vertexStart = 0; if (mPointRendering) { op.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_POINT_LIST; op.useIndexes = false; op.indexData = 0; op.vertexData->vertexCount = mNumVisibleBillboards; } else { op.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST; op.useIndexes = true; op.vertexData->vertexCount = mNumVisibleBillboards * 4; op.indexData = mIndexData; op.indexData->indexCount = mNumVisibleBillboards * 6; op.indexData->indexStart = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::getWorldTransforms( Matrix4* xform ) const { if (mWorldSpace) { *xform = Matrix4::IDENTITY; } else { *xform = _getParentNodeFullTransform(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Quaternion& BillboardSet::getWorldOrientation(void) const { return mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& BillboardSet::getWorldPosition(void) const { return mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setAutoextend( bool autoextend ) { mAutoExtendPool = autoextend; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BillboardSet::getAutoextend(void) const { return mAutoExtendPool; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setSortingEnabled( bool sortenable ) { mSortingEnabled = sortenable; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BillboardSet::getSortingEnabled(void) const { return mSortingEnabled; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setPoolSize( unsigned int size ) { // If we're driving this from our own data, allocate billboards if (!mExternalData) { // Never shrink below size() size_t currSize = mBillboardPool.size(); if (currSize >= size) return; this->increasePool(size); for( size_t i = currSize; i < size; ++i ) { // Add new items to the queue mFreeBillboards.push_back( mBillboardPool[i] ); } } mPoolSize = size; _destroyBuffers(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_createBuffers(void) { /* Allocate / reallocate vertex data Note that we allocate enough space for ALL the billboards in the pool, but only issue rendering operations for the sections relating to the active billboards */ /* Alloc positions ( 1 or 4 verts per billboard, 3 components ) colours ( 1 x RGBA per vertex ) indices ( 6 per billboard ( 2 tris ) if not point rendering ) tex. coords ( 2D coords, 1 or 4 per billboard ) */ // Warn if user requested an invalid setup // Do it here so it only appears once if (mPointRendering && mBillboardType != BBT_POINT) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Warning: BillboardSet " + mName + " has point rendering enabled but is using a type " "other than BBT_POINT, this may not give you the results you " "expect."); } mVertexData = new VertexData(); if (mPointRendering) mVertexData->vertexCount = mPoolSize; else mVertexData->vertexCount = mPoolSize * 4; mVertexData->vertexStart = 0; // Vertex declaration VertexDeclaration* decl = mVertexData->vertexDeclaration; VertexBufferBinding* binding = mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding; size_t offset = 0; decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_COLOUR, VES_DIFFUSE); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_COLOUR); // Texture coords irrelevant when enabled point rendering (generated // in point sprite mode, and unused in standard point mode) if (!mPointRendering) { decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0); } mMainBuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( decl->getVertexSize(0), mVertexData->vertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE); // bind position and diffuses binding->setBinding(0, mMainBuf); if (!mPointRendering) { mIndexData = new IndexData(); mIndexData->indexStart = 0; mIndexData->indexCount = mPoolSize * 6; mIndexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton(). createIndexBuffer(HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT, mIndexData->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY); /* Create indexes (will be the same every frame) Using indexes because it means 1/3 less vertex transforms (4 instead of 6) Billboard layout relative to camera: 2-----3 | /| | / | |/ | 0-----1 */ ushort* pIdx = static_cast( mIndexData->indexBuffer->lock(0, mIndexData->indexBuffer->getSizeInBytes(), HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) ); for( size_t idx, idxOff, bboard = 0; bboard < mPoolSize; ++bboard ) { // Do indexes idx = bboard * 6; idxOff = bboard * 4; pIdx[idx] = static_cast(idxOff); // + 0;, for clarity pIdx[idx+1] = static_cast(idxOff + 1); pIdx[idx+2] = static_cast(idxOff + 3); pIdx[idx+3] = static_cast(idxOff + 0); pIdx[idx+4] = static_cast(idxOff + 3); pIdx[idx+5] = static_cast(idxOff + 2); } mIndexData->indexBuffer->unlock(); } mBuffersCreated = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_destroyBuffers(void) { if (mVertexData) { delete mVertexData; mVertexData = 0; } if (mIndexData) { delete mIndexData; mIndexData = 0; } mBuffersCreated = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int BillboardSet::getPoolSize(void) const { return static_cast< unsigned int >( mBillboardPool.size() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_notifyBillboardResized(void) { mAllDefaultSize = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::_notifyBillboardRotated(void) { mAllDefaultRotation = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::getParametricOffsets( Real& left, Real& right, Real& top, Real& bottom ) { switch( mOriginType ) { case BBO_TOP_LEFT: left = 0.0f; right = 1.0f; top = 0.0f; bottom = 1.0f; break; case BBO_TOP_CENTER: left = -0.5f; right = 0.5f; top = 0.0f; bottom = 1.0f; break; case BBO_TOP_RIGHT: left = -1.0f; right = 0.0f; top = 0.0f; bottom = 1.0f; break; case BBO_CENTER_LEFT: left = 0.0f; right = 1.0f; top = -0.5f; bottom = 0.5f; break; case BBO_CENTER: left = -0.5f; right = 0.5f; top = -0.5f; bottom = 0.5f; break; case BBO_CENTER_RIGHT: left = -1.0f; right = 0.0f; top = -0.5f; bottom = 0.5f; break; case BBO_BOTTOM_LEFT: left = 0.0f; right = 1.0f; top = -1.0f; bottom = 0.0f; break; case BBO_BOTTOM_CENTER: left = -0.5f; right = 0.5f; top = -1.0f; bottom = 0.0f; break; case BBO_BOTTOM_RIGHT: left = -1.0f; right = 0.0f; top = -1.0f; bottom = 0.0f; break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BillboardSet::getCullIndividually(void) const { return mCullIndividual; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setCullIndividually(bool cullIndividual) { mCullIndividual = cullIndividual; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BillboardSet::billboardVisible(Camera* cam, const Billboard& bill) { // Return always visible if not culling individually if (!mCullIndividual) return true; // Cull based on sphere (have to transform less) Sphere sph; Matrix4 xworld; getWorldTransforms(&xworld); sph.setCenter(xworld * bill.mPosition); if (bill.mOwnDimensions) { sph.setRadius(std::max(bill.mWidth, bill.mHeight)); } else { sph.setRadius(std::max(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight)); } return cam->isVisible(sph); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::increasePool(unsigned int size) { size_t oldSize = mBillboardPool.size(); // Increase size mBillboardPool.reserve(size); mBillboardPool.resize(size); // Create new billboards for( size_t i = oldSize; i < size; ++i ) mBillboardPool[i] = new Billboard(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::genBillboardAxes(Vector3* pX, Vector3 *pY, const Billboard* bb) { // If we're using accurate facing, recalculate camera direction per BB if (mAccurateFacing && (mBillboardType == BBT_POINT || mBillboardType == BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON || mBillboardType == BBT_ORIENTED_SELF)) { // cam -> bb direction mCamDir = bb->mPosition - mCamPos; mCamDir.normalise(); } switch (mBillboardType) { case BBT_POINT: if (mAccurateFacing) { // Point billboards will have 'up' based on but not equal to cameras // Use pY temporarily to avoid allocation *pY = mCamQ * Vector3::UNIT_Y; *pX = mCamDir.crossProduct(*pY); pX->normalise(); *pY = pX->crossProduct(mCamDir); // both normalised already } else { // Get camera axes for X and Y (depth is irrelevant) *pX = mCamQ * Vector3::UNIT_X; *pY = mCamQ * Vector3::UNIT_Y; } break; case BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON: // Y-axis is common direction // X-axis is cross with camera direction *pY = mCommonDirection; *pX = mCamDir.crossProduct(*pY); pX->normalise(); break; case BBT_ORIENTED_SELF: // Y-axis is direction // X-axis is cross with camera direction // Scale direction first *pY = bb->mDirection; *pX = mCamDir.crossProduct(*pY); pX->normalise(); break; case BBT_PERPENDICULAR_COMMON: // X-axis is up-vector cross common direction // Y-axis is common direction cross X-axis *pX = mCommonUpVector.crossProduct(mCommonDirection); *pY = mCommonDirection.crossProduct(*pX); break; case BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF: // X-axis is up-vector cross own direction // Y-axis is own direction cross X-axis *pX = mCommonUpVector.crossProduct(bb->mDirection); pX->normalise(); *pY = bb->mDirection.crossProduct(*pX); // both should be normalised break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setBillboardType(BillboardType bbt) { mBillboardType = bbt; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BillboardType BillboardSet::getBillboardType(void) const { return mBillboardType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setCommonDirection(const Vector3& vec) { mCommonDirection = vec; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& BillboardSet::getCommonDirection(void) const { return mCommonDirection; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setCommonUpVector(const Vector3& vec) { mCommonUpVector = vec; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& BillboardSet::getCommonUpVector(void) const { return mCommonUpVector; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32 BillboardSet::getTypeFlags(void) const { return SceneManager::FX_TYPE_MASK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::genVertices( const Vector3* const offsets, const Billboard& bb) { RGBA colour; Root::getSingleton().convertColourValue(bb.mColour, &colour); RGBA* pCol; // Texcoords assert( bb.mUseTexcoordRect || bb.mTexcoordIndex < mTextureCoords.size() ); const Ogre::FloatRect & r = bb.mUseTexcoordRect ? bb.mTexcoordRect : mTextureCoords[bb.mTexcoordIndex]; if (mPointRendering) { // Single vertex per billboard, ignore offsets // position *mLockPtr++ = bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // No texture coords in point rendering } else if (mAllDefaultRotation || bb.mRotation == Radian(0)) { // Left-top // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[0].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[0].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[0].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.left; *mLockPtr++ = r.bottom; // Right-top // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[1].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[1].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[1].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.right; *mLockPtr++ = r.bottom; // Left-bottom // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[2].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[2].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[2].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.left; *mLockPtr++ = r.top; // Right-bottom // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[3].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[3].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[3].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.right; *mLockPtr++ = r.top; } else if (mRotationType == BBR_VERTEX) { // TODO: Cache axis when billboard type is BBT_POINT or BBT_PERPENDICULAR_COMMON Vector3 axis = (offsets[3] - offsets[0]).crossProduct(offsets[2] - offsets[1]).normalisedCopy(); Quaternion rotation(bb.mRotation, axis); Vector3 pt; // Left-top // Positions pt = rotation * offsets[0]; *mLockPtr++ = pt.x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = pt.y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = pt.z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.left; *mLockPtr++ = r.bottom; // Right-top // Positions pt = rotation * offsets[1]; *mLockPtr++ = pt.x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = pt.y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = pt.z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.right; *mLockPtr++ = r.bottom; // Left-bottom // Positions pt = rotation * offsets[2]; *mLockPtr++ = pt.x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = pt.y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = pt.z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.left; *mLockPtr++ = r.top; // Right-bottom // Positions pt = rotation * offsets[3]; *mLockPtr++ = pt.x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = pt.y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = pt.z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = r.right; *mLockPtr++ = r.top; } else { const Real cos_rot ( Math::Cos(bb.mRotation) ); const Real sin_rot ( Math::Sin(bb.mRotation) ); float width = (r.right-r.left)/2; float height = (r.top-r.bottom)/2; float mid_u = r.left+width; float mid_v = r.bottom+height; float cos_rot_w = cos_rot * width; float cos_rot_h = cos_rot * height; float sin_rot_w = sin_rot * width; float sin_rot_h = sin_rot * height; // Left-top // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[0].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[0].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[0].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = mid_u - cos_rot_w + sin_rot_h; *mLockPtr++ = mid_v - sin_rot_w - cos_rot_h; // Right-top // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[1].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[1].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[1].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = mid_u + cos_rot_w + sin_rot_h; *mLockPtr++ = mid_v + sin_rot_w - cos_rot_h; // Left-bottom // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[2].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[2].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[2].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = mid_u - cos_rot_w - sin_rot_h; *mLockPtr++ = mid_v - sin_rot_w + cos_rot_h; // Right-bottom // Positions *mLockPtr++ = offsets[3].x + bb.mPosition.x; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[3].y + bb.mPosition.y; *mLockPtr++ = offsets[3].z + bb.mPosition.z; // Colour // Convert float* to RGBA* pCol = static_cast(static_cast(mLockPtr)); *pCol++ = colour; // Update lock pointer mLockPtr = static_cast(static_cast(pCol)); // Texture coords *mLockPtr++ = mid_u + cos_rot_w - sin_rot_h; *mLockPtr++ = mid_v + sin_rot_w + cos_rot_h; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::genVertOffsets(Real inleft, Real inright, Real intop, Real inbottom, Real width, Real height, const Vector3& x, const Vector3& y, Vector3* pDestVec) { Vector3 vLeftOff, vRightOff, vTopOff, vBottomOff; /* Calculate default offsets. Scale the axes by parametric offset and dimensions, ready to be added to positions. */ vLeftOff = x * ( inleft * width ); vRightOff = x * ( inright * width ); vTopOff = y * ( intop * height ); vBottomOff = y * ( inbottom * height ); // Make final offsets to vertex positions pDestVec[0] = vLeftOff + vTopOff; pDestVec[1] = vRightOff + vTopOff; pDestVec[2] = vLeftOff + vBottomOff; pDestVec[3] = vRightOff + vBottomOff; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& BillboardSet::getMovableType(void) const { return BillboardSetFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BillboardSet::getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* const cam) const { assert(mParentNode); return mParentNode->getSquaredViewDepth(cam); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BillboardSet::getBoundingRadius(void) const { return mBoundingRadius; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const LightList& BillboardSet::getLights(void) const { // It's actually quite unlikely that this will be called, // because most billboards are unlit, but here we go anyway return getParentSceneNode()->findLights(this->getBoundingRadius()); } void BillboardSet::setTextureCoords( Ogre::FloatRect const * coords, uint16 numCoords ) { if( !numCoords || !coords ) { setTextureStacksAndSlices( 1, 1 ); } // clear out any previous allocation (as vectors may not shrink) TextureCoordSets().swap( mTextureCoords ); // make room mTextureCoords.resize( numCoords ); // copy in data std::copy( coords, coords+numCoords, &mTextureCoords.front() ); } void BillboardSet::setTextureStacksAndSlices( uchar stacks, uchar slices ) { if( stacks == 0 ) stacks = 1; if( slices == 0 ) slices = 1; // clear out any previous allocation (as vectors may not shrink) TextureCoordSets().swap( mTextureCoords ); // make room mTextureCoords.resize( (size_t)stacks * slices ); unsigned int coordIndex = 0; // spread the U and V coordinates across the rects for( uint v = 0; v < stacks; ++v ) { // (float)X / X is guaranteed to be == 1.0f for X up to 8 million, so // our range of 1..256 is quite enough to guarantee perfect coverage. float top = (float)v / (float)stacks; float bottom = ((float)v + 1) / (float)stacks; for( uint u = 0; u < slices; ++u ) { Ogre::FloatRect & r = mTextureCoords[coordIndex]; r.left = (float)u / (float)slices; r.bottom = bottom; r.right = ((float)u + 1) / (float)slices; r.top = top; ++coordIndex; } } assert( coordIndex == (size_t)stacks * slices ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogre::FloatRect const * BillboardSet::getTextureCoords( uint16 * oNumCoords ) { *oNumCoords = (uint16)mTextureCoords.size(); // std::vector<> is guaranteed to be contiguous return &mTextureCoords.front(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSet::setPointRenderingEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled != mPointRendering) { mPointRendering = enabled; // Different buffer structure (1 or 4 verts per billboard) _destroyBuffers(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String BillboardSetFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME = "BillboardSet"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& BillboardSetFactory::getType(void) const { return FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* BillboardSetFactory::createInstanceImpl( const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params) { // may have parameters bool externalData = false; unsigned int poolSize = 0; if (params != 0) { NameValuePairList::const_iterator ni = params->find("poolSize"); if (ni != params->end()) { poolSize = StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(ni->second); } ni = params->find("externalData"); if (ni != params->end()) { externalData = StringConverter::parseBool(ni->second); } } if (poolSize > 0) { return new BillboardSet(name, poolSize, externalData); } else { return new BillboardSet(name); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BillboardSetFactory::destroyInstance( MovableObject* obj) { delete obj; } }