/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.stevestreeting.com/ogre/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreCompiler2Pass.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" namespace Ogre { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // instantiate static members Compiler2Pass::TokenState Compiler2Pass::mBNFTokenState; Compiler2Pass::TokenStateContainer Compiler2Pass::mClientTokenStates; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiler2Pass::Compiler2Pass() : mActiveTokenState(&mBNFTokenState) , mSource(0) , mSourceName("system") { // reserve some memory space in the containers being used mBNFTokenState.tokenQue.reserve(100); mBNFTokenState.lexemeTokenDefinitions.reserve(50); initBNFCompiler(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::initBNFCompiler(void) { if (mBNFTokenState.lexemeTokenDefinitions.empty()) { addLexemeToken("UNKNOWN", BNF_UNKOWN); addLexemeToken("syntax", BNF_SYNTAX); addLexemeToken("rule", BNF_RULE); addLexemeToken("identifier", BNF_IDENTIFIER); addLexemeToken("identifier_right", BNF_IDENTIFIER_RIGHT); addLexemeToken("identifier_characters", BNF_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS); addLexemeToken("<", BNF_ID_BEGIN, false, true); addLexemeToken(">", BNF_ID_END, false, true); addLexemeToken("<#", BNF_CONSTANT_BEGIN, false, true); addLexemeToken("::=", BNF_SET_RULE, false, true); addLexemeToken("expression", BNF_EXPRESSION); addLexemeToken("and_term", BNF_AND_TERM); addLexemeToken("or_term", BNF_OR_TERM); addLexemeToken("term", BNF_TERM); addLexemeToken("term_id", BNF_TERM_ID); addLexemeToken("constant", BNF_CONSTANT); addLexemeToken("|", BNF_OR, false, true); addLexemeToken("terminal_symbol", BNF_TERMINAL_SYMBOL); addLexemeToken("terminal_start", BNF_TERMINAL_START); addLexemeToken("repeat_expression", BNF_REPEAT_EXPRESSION); addLexemeToken("not_expression", BNF_NOT_EXPRESSION); addLexemeToken("{", BNF_REPEAT_BEGIN, false, true); addLexemeToken("}", BNF_REPEAT_END, false, true); addLexemeToken("set", BNF_SET); addLexemeToken("(", BNF_SET_BEGIN, false, true); addLexemeToken(")", BNF_SET_END, false, true); addLexemeToken("set_end_exc", BNF_SET_END_EXC); addLexemeToken("optional_expression", BNF_OPTIONAL_EXPRESSION); addLexemeToken("[", BNF_OPTIONAL_BEGIN, false, true); addLexemeToken("]", BNF_OPTIONAL_END, false, true); addLexemeToken("not_test", BNF_NOT_TEST); addLexemeToken("not_chk", BNF_NOT_CHK); addLexemeToken("(?!", BNF_NOT_TEST_BEGIN, false, true); addLexemeToken("'", BNF_SINGLEQUOTE, false, true); addLexemeToken("-'", BNF_NO_TOKEN_START, false, true); addLexemeToken("any_character", BNF_ANY_CHARACTER); addLexemeToken("single_quote_exc", BNF_SINGLE_QUOTE_EXC); addLexemeToken("white_space_chk", BNF_WHITE_SPACE_CHK); addLexemeToken("special_characters1", BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS1); addLexemeToken("special_characters2", BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS2); addLexemeToken("letter", BNF_LETTER); addLexemeToken("letter_digit", BNF_LETTER_DIGIT); addLexemeToken("digit", BNF_DIGIT); addLexemeToken("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", BNF_ALPHA_SET, false, true); addLexemeToken("0123456789", BNF_NUMBER_SET, false, true); addLexemeToken("`~!@#$%^&*(-_=+\\|[]{}:;\"<>,.?/", BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_SET2, false, true); addLexemeToken("$_", BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_SET1, false, true); addLexemeToken(" ", BNF_WHITE_SPACE, false, true); addLexemeToken("?!", BNF_NOT_CHARS, false, true); } if (mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.empty()) { // first entry is set to unknown in order to trap rule id's not set for non-terminal tokens mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.resize(1); // used by bootstrap BNF text parser // <> - non-terminal token // () - set of // ::= - rule definition #define _rule_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otRULE, id)); #define _is_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otAND, id)); // - blank space is an implied "AND" meaning the token is required #define _and_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otAND, id)); // | - or #define _or_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otOR, id)); // [] - optional #define _optional_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otOPTIONAL, id)); // {} - repeat 0 or more times until fail or rule does not progress #define _repeat_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otREPEAT, id)); #define _data_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otDATA, id)); // (?! ) - lookahead negative (not test) #define _not_(id) mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otNOT_TEST, id)); #define _end_ mBNFTokenState.rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otEND,0)); // ::= { rule } _rule_(BNF_SYNTAX) _repeat_(BNF_RULE) _end_ // ::= "::=" _rule_(BNF_RULE) _is_(BNF_IDENTIFIER) _and_(BNF_SET_RULE) _and_(BNF_EXPRESSION) _end_ // ::= { } _rule_(BNF_EXPRESSION) _is_(BNF_AND_TERM) _repeat_(BNF_OR_TERM) _end_ // ::= "|" _rule_(BNF_OR_TERM) _is_(BNF_OR) _and_(BNF_AND_TERM) _end_ // ::= { } _rule_(BNF_AND_TERM) _is_(BNF_TERM) _repeat_(BNF_TERM) _end_ // ::= | | | _rule_(BNF_TERM) _is_(BNF_TERM_ID) _or_(BNF_REPEAT_EXPRESSION) _or_(BNF_OPTIONAL_EXPRESSION) _or_(BNF_NOT_EXPRESSION) _end_ // ::= | | | _rule_(BNF_TERM_ID) _is_(BNF_CONSTANT) _or_(BNF_IDENTIFIER_RIGHT) _or_(BNF_TERMINAL_SYMBOL) _or_(BNF_SET) _end_ // ::= "{" "}" _rule_(BNF_REPEAT_EXPRESSION) _is_(BNF_REPEAT_BEGIN) _and_(BNF_TERM_ID) _and_(BNF_REPEAT_END) _end_ // ::= "[" "]" _rule_(BNF_OPTIONAL_EXPRESSION) _is_(BNF_OPTIONAL_BEGIN) _and_(BNF_TERM_ID) _and_(BNF_OPTIONAL_END) _end_ // ::= "(?!" ")" _rule_(BNF_NOT_EXPRESSION) _is_(BNF_NOT_TEST_BEGIN) _and_(BNF_TERM_ID) _and_(BNF_SET_END) _end_ // ::= (?!"::=") _rule_(BNF_IDENTIFIER_RIGHT) _is_(BNF_IDENTIFIER) _not_(BNF_SET_RULE) _end_ // ::= "<" {} ">" _rule_(BNF_IDENTIFIER) _is_(BNF_ID_BEGIN) _and_(BNF_LETTER) _repeat_(BNF_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS) _and_(BNF_ID_END) _end_ // ::= | _rule_(BNF_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS) _is_(BNF_LETTER_DIGIT) _or_(BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS1) _end_ // ::= @{ } "'" _rule_(BNF_TERMINAL_SYMBOL) _is_(BNF_TERMINAL_START) _and_(_no_space_skip_) _repeat_(BNF_ANY_CHARACTER) _and_(BNF_SINGLEQUOTE) _end_ // ::= "-'" | "'" _rule_(BNF_TERMINAL_START) _is_(BNF_NO_TOKEN_START) _or_(BNF_SINGLEQUOTE) _end_ // ::= "<#" {} ">" _rule_(BNF_CONSTANT) _is_(BNF_CONSTANT_BEGIN) _and_(BNF_LETTER) _repeat_(BNF_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS) _and_(BNF_ID_END) _end_ // ::= "(" (?!) @{} ")" _rule_(BNF_SET) _is_(BNF_SET_BEGIN) _not_(BNF_NOT_CHK) _and_(_no_space_skip_) _repeat_(BNF_ANY_CHARACTER) _and_(BNF_SET_END) _end_ // ::= | _rule_(BNF_ANY_CHARACTER) _is_(BNF_LETTER_DIGIT) _or_(BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS2) _end_ // ::= | _rule_(BNF_LETTER_DIGIT) _is_(BNF_LETTER) _or_(BNF_DIGIT) _end_ // ::= (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) _rule_(BNF_LETTER) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_ALPHA_SET)// "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_" _end_ // ::= (0123456789) _rule_(BNF_DIGIT) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_NUMBER_SET) _end_ // ::= ($_) _rule_(BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS1) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_SET1) _end_ // ::= (`~!@#$%^&*(-_=+\|[]{}:;"<>,.?/) | // | | _rule_(BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS2) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_SPECIAL_CHARACTER_SET2) _or_(BNF_WHITE_SPACE_CHK) _or_(BNF_SINGLE_QUOTE_EXC) _or_(BNF_SET_END_EXC) _end_ // ::= "'" (?!" ") _rule_(BNF_SINGLE_QUOTE_EXC) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_SINGLEQUOTE) _not_(BNF_WHITE_SPACE_CHK) _end_ // ::= ")" (?!" ") _rule_(BNF_SET_END_EXC) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_SET_END) _not_(BNF_WHITE_SPACE_CHK) _end_ // ::= ( ) _rule_(BNF_WHITE_SPACE_CHK) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_WHITE_SPACE) _end_ // ::= (?!) _rule_(BNF_NOT_CHK) _is_(_character_) _data_(BNF_NOT_CHARS) _end_ // now that all the rules are added, update token definitions with rule links verifyTokenRuleLinks("system"); } // switch to client state mActiveTokenState = mClientTokenState; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::verifyTokenRuleLinks(const String& grammerName) { size_t token_ID; // scan through all the rules and initialize index to rules for non-terminal tokens const size_t ruleCount = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ruleCount; ++i) { // make sure token definition holds valid token if (mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath[i].operation == otRULE) { token_ID = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath[i].tokenID; // system token id's can never have a rule assigned to them so no need to check if token is system token // but do make sure the id is within defined bounds if (token_ID >= mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.size()) OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "For grammer: " + grammerName + ", a token ID was out of token definition range.", "Compiler2Pass::verifyTokenRuleLinks"); LexemeTokenDef& tokenDef = mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[token_ID]; if (tokenDef.ID != token_ID) OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "For grammer: " + grammerName + ", lexeme non-terminal token definition: " + tokenDef.lexeme + " is corrupted and does not match its assigned rule.", "Compiler2Pass::verifyTokenRuleLinks"); // if operation is a rule then update token definition tokenDef.ruleID = i; tokenDef.isNonTerminal = true; } } // end for // test all non terminals for valid rule ID const size_t definitionCount = mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.size(); bool errorsFound = false; // report all non-terminals that don't have a rule then throw an exception for (token_ID = 0; token_ID < definitionCount; ++token_ID) { const LexemeTokenDef& tokenDef = mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[token_ID]; if (tokenDef.isNonTerminal && (tokenDef.ruleID == 0)) { errorsFound = true; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "For grammer: " + grammerName + ", lexeme non-terminal token definition: " + tokenDef.lexeme + " found with no rule definition or corrupted." ); } } if (errorsFound) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "For grammer: " + grammerName + ", lexeme non-terminal token definition(s) found with no rule definition or corrupted.", "Compiler2Pass::verifyTokenRuleLinks"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::compile(const String& source, const String& sourceName) { // make sure BNF compiler is setup to compile BNF grammer if required initBNFCompiler(); // compile the client's BNF grammer setClientBNFGrammer(); bool Passed = false; mSource = &source; mSourceName = sourceName; mActiveTokenState = mClientTokenState; // start compiling if there is a rule base to work with if (mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath.size() > 1) { Passed = doPass1(); if (Passed) { Passed = doPass2(); } } return Passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::doPass1() { // scan through Source string and build a token list using TokenInstructions // this is a simple brute force lexical scanner/analyzer that also parses the formed // token for proper semantics and context in one pass mCurrentLine = 1; mCharPos = 0; // reset position in Constants container mConstants.clear(); mLabels.clear(); // there is no active label when first starting pass 1 mLabelIsActive = false; mActiveLabelKey = 0; mEndOfSource = mSource->length(); // start with a clean slate mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.clear(); mPass2TokenQuePosition = 0; mPreviousActionQuePosition = 0; mNoTerminalToken = false; mNoSpaceSkip = false; // tokenize and check semantics untill an error occurs or end of source is reached // assume RootRulePath has pointer to rules so start at index + 1 for first rule path // first rule token would be a rule definition so skip over it bool passed = false; try { passed = processRulePath(1); // if a lexeme in source still exists then the end of source was not reached and there was a problem some where if (positionToNextLexeme()) passed = false; if (passed) { // special condition at end of script. The last action needs to be triggered if // parsing reached the end of the source. activatePreviousTokenAction(); } } catch (Exception& e) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Exception caught: " + e.getFullDescription() + ", while trying to parse: " + getClientGrammerName() + ": " + mSourceName ); } catch (...) { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Unkown exception while trying to parse: " + getClientGrammerName() + ": " + mSourceName ); } return passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::doPass2() { bool passed = true; // step through tokens container and execute until end found or error occurs return passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Compiler2Pass::TokenInst& Compiler2Pass::getNextToken(const size_t expectedTokenID) { //static TokenInst badToken; // advance instruction que index by one then get the current token instruction if (mPass2TokenQuePosition < mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() - 1) { ++mPass2TokenQuePosition; const TokenInst& tokenInst = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue[mPass2TokenQuePosition]; if (expectedTokenID > 0 && (tokenInst.tokenID != expectedTokenID)) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, getClientGrammerName() + ":" + mSourceName + ", expected token ID not found" , "Compiler2Pass::getNextToken"); } return tokenInst; } else // no more tokens left for pass 2 processing OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, getClientGrammerName() + ":" + mSourceName + ", no more tokens available for pass 2 processing" , "Compiler2Pass::getNextToken"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Compiler2Pass::TokenInst& Compiler2Pass::getCurrentToken(void) { if (mPass2TokenQuePosition < mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() - 1) return mActiveTokenState->tokenQue[mPass2TokenQuePosition]; else OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, getClientGrammerName() + ":" + mSourceName + "no token available, all pass 2 tokens processed" , "Compiler2Pass::getCurrentToken"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::testNextTokenID(const size_t expectedTokenID) { bool passed = false; const size_t nextTokenIndex = mPass2TokenQuePosition + 1; if (nextTokenIndex < mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() - 1) passed = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue[nextTokenIndex].tokenID == expectedTokenID; return passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::replaceToken(void) { // move instruction que index back one position if (mPass2TokenQuePosition > 0) --mPass2TokenQuePosition; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- float Compiler2Pass::getNextTokenValue(void) { // get float value from current token instruction if (getNextToken().tokenID == _value_) return mConstants[mPass2TokenQuePosition]; else { const TokenInst& token = getCurrentToken(); // if token is not for a value then throw an exception OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "In " + mSourceName + ", Line " + StringConverter::toString(token.line) + ", token is not for a value. Found: >>>" + mSource->substr(token.pos, 20) + "<<<", "Compiler2Pass::getNextTokenValue"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& Compiler2Pass::getNextTokenLabel(void) { // get label from current token instruction if (getNextToken().tokenID == _character_) return mLabels[mPass2TokenQuePosition]; else { const TokenInst& token = getCurrentToken(); // if token is not for a label then throw an exception OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "In " + mSourceName + ", Line " + StringConverter::toString(token.line) + ", token is not for a label. Found: >>>" + mSource->substr(token.pos, 20) + "<<<", "Compiler2Pass::getNextTokenLabel"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t Compiler2Pass::getPass2TokenQueCount(void) const { // calculate number of tokens between current token instruction and next token with action if(mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() > mPass2TokenQuePosition) return mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() - 1 - mPass2TokenQuePosition; else return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t Compiler2Pass::getRemainingTokensForAction(void) const { size_t remaingingTokens = getPass2TokenQueCount(); // don't count token for next action if (remaingingTokens > 0) --remaingingTokens; return remaingingTokens; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::setClientBNFGrammer(void) { // switch to internal BNF Containers // clear client containers mClientTokenState = &mClientTokenStates[getClientGrammerName()]; // attempt to compile the grammer into a rule base if no rules exist if (mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.size() == 0) { mClientTokenState->tokenQue.reserve(100); mClientTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.reserve(100); // first entry in rule path is set as a bad entry and no token should reference it mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.resize(1); // allow the client to setup token definitions prior to // compiling the BNF grammer // ensure token definitions are added to the client state mActiveTokenState = mClientTokenState; // get client to setup token definitions and actions it wants to know about setupTokenDefinitions(); // make sure active token state is for BNF compiling mActiveTokenState = &mBNFTokenState; mSource = &getClientBNFGrammer(); if (doPass1()) { buildClientBNFRulePaths(); } else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "BNF Grammar compilation failed for " + getClientGrammerName(), "Compiler2Pass::setClientBNFGrammer"); } // change token state to client data after compiling grammer mActiveTokenState = mClientTokenState; // verify the client rule paths and associated terminal and non-terminal lexemes verifyTokenRuleLinks(getClientGrammerName()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::processRulePath( size_t rulepathIDX) { // rule path determines what tokens and therefore what lexemes are acceptable from the source // it is assumed that the tokens with the longest similar lexemes are arranged first so // if a match is found it is accepted and no further searching is done if (rulepathIDX >= mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath.size()) { // This is very bad and no way to recover so raise exception OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "rule ID exceeds rule base bounds.", "Compiler2Pass::processRulePath"); } // record position of last token in container // to be used as the rollback position if a valid token is not found const size_t TokenContainerOldSize = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size(); const size_t OldCharPos = mCharPos; const size_t OldLinePos = mCurrentLine; const bool OldLabelIsActive = mLabelIsActive; const size_t OldActiveLabelKey = mActiveLabelKey; const String OldLabel = mLabels[OldActiveLabelKey]; // keep track of what non-terminal token activated the rule size_t ActiveNTTRule = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath[rulepathIDX].tokenID; // start rule path at next position for definition ++rulepathIDX; // assume the rule will pass bool passed = true; bool tokenFound = false; bool endFound = false; bool parseErrorLogged = false; // keep following rulepath until the end is reached while (!endFound) { switch (mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath[rulepathIDX].operation) { case otAND: // only validate if the previous rule passed if (passed) passed = ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule); // log error message if a previouse token was found in this rule path and current token failed if (tokenFound && !parseErrorLogged && !passed) { parseErrorLogged = true; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "*** ERROR in : " + getClientGrammerName() + "\nSource: " + mSourceName + "\nUnkown token found, was expecting: " + getBNFGrammerTextFromRulePath(rulepathIDX) ); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( " Found: >>>" + mSource->substr(mCharPos, 20) + "<<<, while in rule path: <" + mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[ActiveNTTRule].lexeme + ">" ); } break; case otOR: // only validate if the previous rule failed if ( passed == false ) { // clear previous tokens from entry and try again mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.resize(TokenContainerOldSize); passed = ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule); } else { // path passed up to this point therefore finished so pretend end marker found endFound = true; } break; case otOPTIONAL: // if previous passed then try this rule but it does not effect succes of rule since its optional if(passed) ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule); break; case otREPEAT: // repeat until called rule fails or cursor does not advance // repeat is 0 or more times if (passed) { // keep calling until failure or no change in cursor position size_t prevPos = mCharPos; while ( ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule)) { if (mCharPos > prevPos) { prevPos = mCharPos; } else { // repeat failed to advance the cursor position so time to quit since the repeating rule // path isn't finding anything // this can happen if the rule being called only has _optional_ rules // this checking of the cursor positions prevents infinite loop from occuring break; } } } break; case otDATA: // skip it, should have been handled by previous operation. break; case otNOT_TEST: // only validate if the previous rule passed if (passed) { // perform look ahead and test if rule production fails const size_t la_TokenContainerOldSize = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size(); const size_t la_OldCharPos = mCharPos; const size_t la_OldLinePos = mCurrentLine; const bool la_OldLabelIsActive = mLabelIsActive; const size_t la_OldActiveLabelKey = mActiveLabelKey; const String la_OldLabel = mLabels[la_OldActiveLabelKey]; passed = !ValidateToken(rulepathIDX, ActiveNTTRule); // only wanted to take a peek as to what was ahead so now restore back to current position mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.resize(la_TokenContainerOldSize); mCharPos = la_OldCharPos; mCurrentLine = la_OldLinePos; // restor label state if it was active before not test if (la_OldLabelIsActive) { mActiveLabelKey = la_OldActiveLabelKey; mLabels[la_OldActiveLabelKey] = la_OldLabel; mLabelIsActive = la_OldLabelIsActive; } // only perform full rollback if tokens found if (!passed) { // the rule did not validate so get rid of tokens decoded // roll back the token container end position to what it was when rule started // this will get rid of all tokens that had been pushed on the container while // trying to validating this rule mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.resize(TokenContainerOldSize); //mConstants.resize(OldConstantsSize); mCharPos = OldCharPos; mCurrentLine = OldLinePos; // restor label state if it was active before not test if (OldLabelIsActive) { mActiveLabelKey = OldActiveLabelKey; mLabels[OldActiveLabelKey] = OldLabel; mLabelIsActive = OldLabelIsActive; } // terminate rule production processing endFound = true; } } break; case otEND: // end of rule found so time to return endFound = true; // only rollback if no tokens found if (!passed && !tokenFound) { // the rule did not validate so get rid of tokens decoded // roll back the token container end position to what it was when rule started // this will get rid of all tokens that had been pushed on the container while // trying to validating this rule mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.resize(TokenContainerOldSize); //mConstants.resize(OldConstantsSize); mCharPos = OldCharPos; mCurrentLine = OldLinePos; } else { // if the rule path was partially completed, one or more tokeks found, then put a // warning in the log if (!passed && tokenFound && !mLabelIsActive) { passed = true; // log last valid token found const TokenInst& tokenInst = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue[mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() - 1]; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Last valid token found was at line: " + StringConverter::toString(tokenInst.line)); LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "source hint: >>>" + mSource->substr(tokenInst.pos, 20) + "<<<"); } } break; default: // an exception should be raised since the code should never get here passed = false; endFound = true; break; } // end switch // prevent rollback from occuring if a token was found but later part of rule fails // this allows pass2 to either fix the problem or report the error and continue on. // Don't do this for _no_token_ since its a special system token and has nothing todo with // a successfull parse of the source. Can check this by looking at mNoTerminalToken state. // if _no_token had just been validated then mNoTerminalToken will be true. if (passed && !mNoTerminalToken) tokenFound = true; // move on to the next rule in the path ++rulepathIDX; } // end while return passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::isCharacterLabel(const size_t rulepathIDX) { // assume the test is going to fail bool Passed = false; // get token from next rule operation // token string is list of valid single characters // compare character at current cursor position in script to characters in list for a match // if match found then add character to active label // _character_ will not have a token definition but the next rule operation should be // DATA and have the token ID required to get the character set. const TokenRule& rule = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath[rulepathIDX + 1]; if (rule.operation == otDATA) { const size_t TokenID = rule.tokenID; if (mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[TokenID].lexeme.find((*mSource)[mCharPos]) != String::npos) { // is a new label starting? // if mLabelIsActive is false then starting a new label so need a new mActiveLabelKey if (!mLabelIsActive) { // mActiveLabelKey will be the end of the instruction container ie the size of mTokenInstructions mActiveLabelKey = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size(); mLabelIsActive = true; mNoSpaceSkip = true; // reset the contents of the label since it might have been used prior to a rollback mLabels[mActiveLabelKey] = ""; } // add the single character to the end of the active label mLabels[mActiveLabelKey] += (*mSource)[mCharPos]; Passed = true; } } return Passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::ValidateToken(const size_t rulepathIDX, const size_t activeRuleID) { size_t tokenlength = 0; // assume the test is going to fail bool Passed = false; size_t tokenID = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath[rulepathIDX].tokenID; // if terminal token then compare text of lexeme with what is in source if ( (tokenID >= SystemTokenBase) || !mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].isNonTerminal ) { if (tokenID != _character_) { mLabelIsActive = false; // allow spaces to be skipped for next lexeme processing mNoSpaceSkip = false; } if (tokenID == _no_space_skip_) { // don't skip spaces to get to next lexeme mNoSpaceSkip = true; // move on to next rule Passed = true; } else if (tokenID == _no_token_) { // turn on no terminal token processing for next rule mNoTerminalToken = true; // move on to next rule Passed = true; } // if label processing is active ie previous token was _character_ // and current token is supposed to be a _character_ then don't // position to next lexeme in source else if (mNoSpaceSkip || positionToNextLexeme()) { // if Token is supposed to be a number then check if its a numerical constant if (tokenID == _value_) { float constantvalue = 0.0f; if (Passed = isFloatValue(constantvalue, tokenlength)) { // key is the next instruction index mConstants[mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size()] = constantvalue; } } else // check if user label or valid keyword token { if (tokenID == _character_) { if (Passed = isCharacterLabel(rulepathIDX)) // only one character was processed tokenlength = 1; } else { // compare token lexeme text with source text if (Passed = isLexemeMatch(mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].lexeme, mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].isCaseSensitive)) { tokenlength = mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].lexeme.length(); // check if terminal token should be ignored ie not put in instruction que if (mNoTerminalToken) tokenID = _no_token_; } // always clear no terminal token flag. it only works for one pending terminal token. mNoTerminalToken = false; } } // turn off label processing if token ID was not for _character_ if (tokenID == _character_) { // _character_ token being processed // turn off generation of a new token instruction if this is not // the first _character_ in a sequence of _character_ terminal tokens. // Only want one _character_ token which Identifies a label if (mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size() > mActiveLabelKey) { // this token is not the first _character_ in the label sequence // so turn off the token by turning TokenID into _no_token_ tokenID = _no_token_; } } // if valid terminal token was found then add it to the instruction container for pass 2 processing if (Passed) { if (tokenID != _no_token_) { TokenInst newtoken; // push token onto end of container newtoken.tokenID = tokenID; newtoken.NTTRuleID = activeRuleID; newtoken.line = mCurrentLine; newtoken.pos = mCharPos; newtoken.found = true; mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.push_back(newtoken); // token action processing // if the token has an action then fire previous token action checkTokenActionTrigger(); } // update source position mCharPos += tokenlength; } // end if } // end else if } // else a non terminal token was found else { // execute rule for non-terminal // get rule_ID for index into rulepath to be called Passed = processRulePath(mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].ruleID); } return Passed; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::isFloatValue(float& fvalue, size_t& charsize) const { // check to see if it is a numeric float value bool valuefound = false; const char* startptr = mSource->c_str() + mCharPos; char* endptr = NULL; fvalue = (float)strtod(startptr, &endptr); // if a valid float was found then endptr will have the pointer to the first invalid character if (endptr) { if (endptr>startptr) { // a valid value was found so process it charsize = endptr - startptr; valuefound = true; } } return valuefound; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::isLexemeMatch(const String& lexeme, const bool caseSensitive) const { // compare text at source+charpos with the lexeme : limit testing to lexeme size if (!caseSensitive) { String testItem = mSource->substr(mCharPos, lexeme.length()); StringUtil::toLowerCase(testItem); return (testItem.compare(lexeme) == 0); } else { return (mSource->compare(mCharPos, lexeme.length(), lexeme) == 0); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Compiler2Pass::positionToNextLexeme() { bool validlexemefound = false; bool endofsource = mCharPos >= mEndOfSource; while (!validlexemefound && !endofsource) { skipWhiteSpace(); skipEOL(); skipComments(); // have we reached the end of the string? if (mCharPos >= mEndOfSource) endofsource = true; else { // if ASCII > space then assume valid character is found if ((*mSource)[mCharPos] > ' ') validlexemefound = true; } }// end of while return validlexemefound; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::skipComments() { if (mCharPos >= mEndOfSource) return; // if current char and next are // then search for EOL if (mSource->compare(mCharPos, 2, "//") == 0) findEOL(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::findEOL() { if (mCharPos >= mEndOfSource) return; // find eol charter and move to this position mCharPos = mSource->find('\n', mCharPos); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::skipEOL() { if (mCharPos >= mEndOfSource) return; if (((*mSource)[mCharPos] == '\n') || ((*mSource)[mCharPos] == '\r')) { mCurrentLine++; mCharPos++; if (mCharPos >= mEndOfSource) return; if (((*mSource)[mCharPos] == '\n') || ((*mSource)[mCharPos] == '\r')) { mCharPos++; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::skipWhiteSpace() { if (mCharPos >= mEndOfSource) return; mCharPos = mSource->find_first_not_of(" \t", mCharPos); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::addLexemeToken(const String& lexeme, const size_t token, const bool hasAction, const bool caseSensitive) { if (token >= mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.size()) mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.resize(token + 1); // since resizing guarentees the token definition will exist, just assign values to members LexemeTokenDef& tokenDef = mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[token]; if (tokenDef.ID != 0) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "In " + getClientGrammerName() + ", lexeme >>>" + lexeme + "<<< already exists in lexeme token definitions", "Compiler2Pass::addLexemeToken"); } tokenDef.ID = token; tokenDef.lexeme = lexeme; if (!caseSensitive) StringUtil::toLowerCase(tokenDef.lexeme); tokenDef.hasAction = hasAction; tokenDef.isCaseSensitive = caseSensitive; mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenMap[lexeme] = token; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::checkTokenActionTrigger(void) { size_t lastTokenQuePos = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.size(); // if there are no token instructions in the que then there is nothing todo if (lastTokenQuePos == 0) return; --lastTokenQuePos; // if last token index is zero and previous action position are zero or the two are the same then do nothing if (lastTokenQuePos == mPreviousActionQuePosition) return; const size_t lastTokenID = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.at(lastTokenQuePos).tokenID; // dont check actions for system token ID since they are not in lexemeTokenDefinitions if (lastTokenID >= SystemTokenBase) return; // check action trigger if last token has an action if (mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.at(lastTokenID).hasAction) { // only activate the action belonging to the token found previously activatePreviousTokenAction(); // current token action now becomes the previous one mPreviousActionQuePosition = lastTokenQuePos; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String Compiler2Pass::getBNFGrammerTextFromRulePath(size_t ruleID) { String grammerText; // default to using Client rule path // check if index is inbounds if (ruleID >= mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath.size()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "rule ID exceeds client rule path bounds.", "Compiler2Pass::getBNFGrammerRulePathText"); } // iterate through rule path and get terminal and non-terminal strings const TokenRuleContainer& rulePath = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath; while (rulePath[ruleID].operation != otEND) { // rule text processing - the op instructions, system tokens switch (rulePath[ruleID].operation) { // rule lexeme ::= case otRULE: grammerText += "\n" + getLexemeText(ruleID) + " ::="; break; // no special processing for AND op case otAND: grammerText += " " + getLexemeText(ruleID); break; // or | lexeme case otOR: grammerText += " | " + getLexemeText(ruleID); break; // optional [lexeme] case otOPTIONAL: grammerText += " [" + getLexemeText(ruleID) + "]"; break; // repeat {lexeme} case otREPEAT: grammerText += " {" + getLexemeText(ruleID) + "}"; break; // not test (?!lexeme) case otNOT_TEST: grammerText += " (?!" + getLexemeText(ruleID) + ")"; break; } // lexeme/token text procesing ++ruleID; } return grammerText; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String Compiler2Pass::getLexemeText(size_t& ruleID) { if (ruleID >= mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath.size()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "rule ID exceeds client rule path bounds.", "Compiler2Pass::getLexemeText" ); } String lexeme; const TokenRuleContainer& rulePath = mActiveTokenState->rootRulePath; const size_t tokenID = rulePath[ruleID].tokenID; if ( tokenID < SystemTokenBase) { // non-terminal tokens if (mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].isNonTerminal) { lexeme = "<" + mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].lexeme + ">"; } else // terminal tokens { lexeme = "'" + mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID].lexeme + "'"; } } else // system token processing { switch (rulePath[ruleID].tokenID) { case _character_: // need to get next rule instruction for data ++ruleID; // data for _character_ is always a set so put () around text string lexeme = "{" + mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[rulePath[ruleID].tokenID].lexeme + ")"; break; case _value_: // <#> - need name of label? lexeme = "<#>"; break; } } return lexeme; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::activatePreviousTokenAction(void) { const size_t previousTokenID = mActiveTokenState->tokenQue.at(mPreviousActionQuePosition).tokenID; const LexemeTokenDef& tokenDef = mActiveTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.at(previousTokenID); if (tokenDef.hasAction) { // set the current pass 2 token que position to previous action que position // assume that pass 2 processing will use tokens downstream mPass2TokenQuePosition = mPreviousActionQuePosition; executeTokenAction(previousTokenID); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::buildClientBNFRulePaths(void) { bool isFirstToken = true; OperationType pendingRuleOp = otAND; // convert tokens in BNF token que to rule paths while (getPass2TokenQueCount() > 0) { // get a pass 2 token // if this is the first time getting a token then get the current token const TokenInst& currentToken = isFirstToken ? getCurrentToken() : getNextToken(); isFirstToken = false; // only process the token if its valid if (currentToken.found) { // a valid token has been found, convert to a rule switch (currentToken.tokenID) { case BNF_ID_BEGIN: // < extractNonTerminal(pendingRuleOp); pendingRuleOp = otAND; break; case BNF_CONSTANT_BEGIN: // <# extractNumericConstant(pendingRuleOp); pendingRuleOp = otAND; break; case BNF_OR: // | pendingRuleOp = otOR; break; case BNF_REPEAT_BEGIN: // { pendingRuleOp = otREPEAT; break; case BNF_NO_TOKEN_START: // ' extractTerminal(pendingRuleOp, true); pendingRuleOp = otAND; break; case BNF_SINGLEQUOTE: // ' extractTerminal(pendingRuleOp); pendingRuleOp = otAND; break; case BNF_OPTIONAL_BEGIN: // [ pendingRuleOp = otOPTIONAL; break; case BNF_NOT_TEST_BEGIN: // (?! pendingRuleOp = otNOT_TEST; break; case BNF_SET_BEGIN: // ( extractSet(pendingRuleOp); pendingRuleOp = otAND; break; default: // trap closings ie ] } ) break; } // end switch } // end if } // end while } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::modifyLastRule(const OperationType pendingRuleOp, const size_t tokenID) { // add operation using this token ID to the current rule expression size_t lastIndex = mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.size(); if (lastIndex == 0) { // throw exception since there should have been at least one rule existing OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "BNF Grammar build rules failed: no previous rule op defined", "Compiler2Pass::modifyLastRule"); } --lastIndex; mClientTokenState->rootRulePath[lastIndex].operation = pendingRuleOp; mClientTokenState->rootRulePath[lastIndex].tokenID = tokenID; // add new end op token rule mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otEND, 0)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t Compiler2Pass::getClientLexemeTokenID(const String& lexeme, const bool isCaseSensitive) { size_t tokenID = mClientTokenState->lexemeTokenMap[lexeme]; if (tokenID == 0) { // lexeme not found so a new entry is made by the system // note that all lexemes added by the system will not/can not have an action tokenID = mClientTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions.size(); // add identifier to client lexeme tokens mActiveTokenState = mClientTokenState; addLexemeToken(lexeme, tokenID, false, isCaseSensitive); mActiveTokenState = &mBNFTokenState; } return tokenID; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::extractNonTerminal(const OperationType pendingRuleOp) { // begining of identifier // next token should be for a label const String& identifierLabel = getNextTokenLabel(); // next token should be id end getNextToken(BNF_ID_END); // add identifier to lexeme token definitions but keep case sensitivity const size_t tokenID = getClientLexemeTokenID(identifierLabel, true); LexemeTokenDef& tokenDef = mClientTokenState->lexemeTokenDefinitions[tokenID]; // peek at the next token isntruction to see if this // identifier is for a new rule or is part of the current rule if (testNextTokenID(BNF_SET_RULE)) { // consume set rule getNextToken(BNF_SET_RULE); // check to make sure this is the first time this rule is being setup by // verifying rule id is 0 if (tokenDef.ruleID != 0) { // this is not the first time for this identifier to be set up as a rule // since duplicate rules can not exist, throw an exception OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "while parsing BNF grammer for: " + getClientGrammerName() + ", an attempt was made to assign a rule to identifier: " + tokenDef.lexeme + ", that already had a rule assigned", "Compiler2Pass::extractNonTerminal"); } // add new rule to end of rule path mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otRULE, tokenID)); tokenDef.ruleID = mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.size() - 1; // add new end op token rule mClientTokenState->rootRulePath.push_back(TokenRule(otEND, 0)); } else // just a reference to a non-terminal { modifyLastRule(pendingRuleOp, tokenID); } tokenDef.isNonTerminal = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::extractTerminal(const OperationType pendingRuleOp, const bool notoken) { // begining of label // next token should be for a label const String& terminalLabel = getNextTokenLabel(); // next token should be single quote end getNextToken(BNF_SINGLEQUOTE); // add terminal to lexeme token definitions // note that if label not in the map it is automatically added const size_t tokenID = getClientLexemeTokenID(terminalLabel); if (notoken) modifyLastRule(otAND, _no_token_); modifyLastRule(pendingRuleOp, tokenID); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::extractSet(const OperationType pendingRuleOp) { const String& setLabel = getNextTokenLabel(); // next token should be ) getNextToken(BNF_SET_END); // add set to lexeme token definitions but keep case sensitivity const size_t tokenID = getClientLexemeTokenID(setLabel, true); // add operation using this token ID to the current rule expression modifyLastRule(pendingRuleOp, _character_); // add the data required by the character lookup operation modifyLastRule(otDATA, tokenID); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Compiler2Pass::extractNumericConstant(const OperationType pendingRuleOp) { // consume label for constant, don't need it for anything getNextTokenLabel(); getNextToken(BNF_ID_END); // > // add operation using this token ID to the current rule expression modifyLastRule(pendingRuleOp, _value_); } }