/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://ogre.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreFrustum.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreMatrix3.h" #include "OgreSceneNode.h" #include "OgreSphere.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreHardwareBufferManager.h" #include "OgreHardwareVertexBuffer.h" #include "OgreHardwareIndexBuffer.h" #include "OgreMaterialManager.h" #include "OgreRenderSystem.h" namespace Ogre { String Frustum::msMovableType = "Frustum"; const Real Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST = 0.00001; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frustum::Frustum() : mProjType(PT_PERSPECTIVE), mFOVy(Radian(Math::PI/4.0)), mFarDist(100000.0f), mNearDist(100.0f), mAspect(1.33333333333333f), mFrustumOffset(Vector2::ZERO), mFocalLength(1.0f), mLastParentOrientation(Quaternion::IDENTITY), mLastParentPosition(Vector3::ZERO), mRecalcFrustum(true), mRecalcView(true), mRecalcFrustumPlanes(true), mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners(true), mRecalcVertexData(true), mCustomViewMatrix(false), mCustomProjMatrix(false), mReflect(false), mLinkedReflectPlane(0), mObliqueDepthProjection(false), mLinkedObliqueProjPlane(0) { // Initialise material mMaterial = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BaseWhiteNoLighting"); // Alter superclass members mVisible = false; mParentNode = 0; mLastLinkedReflectionPlane.normal = Vector3::ZERO; mLastLinkedObliqueProjPlane.normal = Vector3::ZERO; updateView(); updateFrustum(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Frustum::~Frustum() { // Do nothing } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setFOVy(const Radian& fov) { mFOVy = fov; invalidateFrustum(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Radian& Frustum::getFOVy(void) const { return mFOVy; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setFarClipDistance(Real farPlane) { mFarDist = farPlane; invalidateFrustum(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Frustum::getFarClipDistance(void) const { return mFarDist; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setNearClipDistance(Real nearPlane) { if (nearPlane <= 0) OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Near clip distance must be greater than zero.", "Frustum::setNearClipDistance"); mNearDist = nearPlane; invalidateFrustum(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Frustum::getNearClipDistance(void) const { return mNearDist; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setFrustumOffset(const Vector2& offset) { mFrustumOffset = offset; invalidateFrustum(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setFrustumOffset(Real horizontal, Real vertical) { setFrustumOffset(Vector2(horizontal, vertical)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector2& Frustum::getFrustumOffset() const { return mFrustumOffset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setFocalLength(Real focalLength) { if (focalLength <= 0) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Focal length must be greater than zero.", "Frustum::setFocalLength"); } mFocalLength = focalLength; invalidateFrustum(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Frustum::getFocalLength() const { return mFocalLength; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Matrix4& Frustum::getProjectionMatrix(void) const { updateFrustum(); return mProjMatrix; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Matrix4& Frustum::getProjectionMatrixWithRSDepth(void) const { updateFrustum(); return mProjMatrixRSDepth; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Matrix4& Frustum::getProjectionMatrixRS(void) const { updateFrustum(); return mProjMatrixRS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Matrix4& Frustum::getViewMatrix(void) const { updateView(); return mViewMatrix; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Plane* Frustum::getFrustumPlanes(void) const { // Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes updateFrustumPlanes(); return mFrustumPlanes; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Plane& Frustum::getFrustumPlane(unsigned short plane) const { // Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes updateFrustumPlanes(); return mFrustumPlanes[plane]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Frustum::isVisible(const AxisAlignedBox& bound, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const { // Null boxes always invisible if (bound.isNull()) return false; // Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes updateFrustumPlanes(); // Get corners of the box const Vector3* pCorners = bound.getAllCorners(); // For each plane, see if all points are on the negative side // If so, object is not visible for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane) { // Skip far plane if infinite view frustum if (mFarDist == 0 && plane == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR) continue; if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[0]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[1]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[2]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[3]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[4]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[5]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[6]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE && mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(pCorners[7]) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE) { // ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view if (culledBy) *culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane; return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Frustum::isVisible(const Vector3& vert, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const { // Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes updateFrustumPlanes(); // For each plane, see if all points are on the negative side // If so, object is not visible for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane) { // Skip far plane if infinite view frustum if (mFarDist == 0 && plane == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR) continue; if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].getSide(vert) == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE) { // ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view if (culledBy) *culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane; return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Frustum::isVisible(const Sphere& sphere, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const { // Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes updateFrustumPlanes(); // For each plane, see if sphere is on negative side // If so, object is not visible for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane) { // Skip far plane if infinite view frustum if (mFarDist == 0 && plane == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR) continue; // If the distance from sphere center to plane is negative, and 'more negative' // than the radius of the sphere, sphere is outside frustum if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].getDistance(sphere.getCenter()) < -sphere.getRadius()) { // ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view if (culledBy) *culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane; return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::calcProjectionParameters(Real& left, Real& right, Real& bottom, Real& top) const { if (mCustomProjMatrix) { // Convert clipspace corners to camera space Matrix4 invProj = mProjMatrix.inverse(); Vector3 topLeft(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f); Vector3 bottomRight(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f); topLeft = invProj * topLeft; bottomRight = invProj * bottomRight; left = topLeft.x; top = topLeft.y; right = bottomRight.x; bottom = bottomRight.y; } else { // Calculate general projection parameters Radian thetaY (mFOVy * 0.5f); Real tanThetaY = Math::Tan(thetaY); Real tanThetaX = tanThetaY * mAspect; // Unknow how to apply frustum offset to orthographic camera, just ignore here Real nearFocal = (mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE) ? mNearDist / mFocalLength : 0; Real nearOffsetX = mFrustumOffset.x * nearFocal; Real nearOffsetY = mFrustumOffset.y * nearFocal; Real half_w = tanThetaX * mNearDist; Real half_h = tanThetaY * mNearDist; left = - half_w + nearOffsetX; right = + half_w + nearOffsetX; bottom = - half_h + nearOffsetY; top = + half_h + nearOffsetY; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateFrustumImpl(void) const { // Common calcs Real left, right, bottom, top; calcProjectionParameters(left, right, bottom, top); if (!mCustomProjMatrix) { // The code below will dealing with general projection // parameters, similar glFrustum and glOrtho. // Doesn't optimise manually except division operator, so the // code more self-explaining. Real inv_w = 1 / (right - left); Real inv_h = 1 / (top - bottom); Real inv_d = 1 / (mFarDist - mNearDist); // Recalc if frustum params changed if (mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE) { // Calc matrix elements Real A = 2 * mNearDist * inv_w; Real B = 2 * mNearDist * inv_h; Real C = (right + left) * inv_w; Real D = (top + bottom) * inv_h; Real q, qn; if (mFarDist == 0) { // Infinite far plane q = Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST - 1; qn = mNearDist * (Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST - 2); } else { q = - (mFarDist + mNearDist) * inv_d; qn = -2 * (mFarDist * mNearDist) * inv_d; } // NB: This creates 'uniform' perspective projection matrix, // which depth range [-1,1], right-handed rules // // [ A 0 C 0 ] // [ 0 B D 0 ] // [ 0 0 q qn ] // [ 0 0 -1 0 ] // // A = 2 * near / (right - left) // B = 2 * near / (top - bottom) // C = (right + left) / (right - left) // D = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom) // q = - (far + near) / (far - near) // qn = - 2 * (far * near) / (far - near) mProjMatrix = Matrix4::ZERO; mProjMatrix[0][0] = A; mProjMatrix[0][2] = C; mProjMatrix[1][1] = B; mProjMatrix[1][2] = D; mProjMatrix[2][2] = q; mProjMatrix[2][3] = qn; mProjMatrix[3][2] = -1; if (mObliqueDepthProjection) { // Translate the plane into view space // Don't use getViewMatrix here, incase overrided by // camera and return a cull frustum view matrix updateView(); Plane plane = mViewMatrix * mObliqueProjPlane; // Thanks to Eric Lenyel for posting this calculation // at www.terathon.com // Calculate the clip-space corner point opposite the // clipping plane // as (sgn(clipPlane.x), sgn(clipPlane.y), 1, 1) and // transform it into camera space by multiplying it // by the inverse of the projection matrix /* generalised version Vector4 q = matrix.inverse() * Vector4(Math::Sign(plane.normal.x), Math::Sign(plane.normal.y), 1.0f, 1.0f); */ Vector4 q; q.x = (Math::Sign(plane.normal.x) + mProjMatrix[0][2]) / mProjMatrix[0][0]; q.y = (Math::Sign(plane.normal.y) + mProjMatrix[1][2]) / mProjMatrix[1][1]; q.z = -1; q.w = (1 + mProjMatrix[2][2]) / mProjMatrix[2][3]; // Calculate the scaled plane vector Vector4 clipPlane4d(plane.normal.x, plane.normal.y, plane.normal.z, plane.d); Vector4 c = clipPlane4d * (2 / (clipPlane4d.dotProduct(q))); // Replace the third row of the projection matrix mProjMatrix[2][0] = c.x; mProjMatrix[2][1] = c.y; mProjMatrix[2][2] = c.z + 1; mProjMatrix[2][3] = c.w; } } // perspective else if (mProjType == PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC) { Real A = 2 * inv_w; Real B = 2 * inv_h; Real C = - (right + left) * inv_w; Real D = - (top + bottom) * inv_h; Real q, qn; if (mFarDist == 0) { // Can not do infinite far plane here, avoid divided zero only q = - Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST / mNearDist; qn = - Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST - 1; } else { q = - 2 * inv_d; qn = - (mFarDist + mNearDist) * inv_d; } // NB: This creates 'uniform' orthographic projection matrix, // which depth range [-1,1], right-handed rules // // [ A 0 0 C ] // [ 0 B 0 D ] // [ 0 0 q qn ] // [ 0 0 0 1 ] // // A = 2 * / (right - left) // B = 2 * / (top - bottom) // C = - (right + left) / (right - left) // D = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom) // q = - 2 / (far - near) // qn = - (far + near) / (far - near) mProjMatrix = Matrix4::ZERO; mProjMatrix[0][0] = A; mProjMatrix[0][3] = C; mProjMatrix[1][1] = B; mProjMatrix[1][3] = D; mProjMatrix[2][2] = q; mProjMatrix[2][3] = qn; mProjMatrix[3][3] = 1; } // ortho } // !mCustomProjMatrix RenderSystem* renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem(); // API specific renderSystem->_convertProjectionMatrix(mProjMatrix, mProjMatrixRS); // API specific for Gpu Programs renderSystem->_convertProjectionMatrix(mProjMatrix, mProjMatrixRSDepth, true); // Calculate bounding box (local) // Box is from 0, down -Z, max dimensions as determined from far plane // If infinite view frustum just pick a far value Real farDist = (mFarDist == 0) ? 100000 : mFarDist; // Near plane bounds Vector3 min(left, bottom, -farDist); Vector3 max(right, top, 0); if (mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE) { // Merge with far plane bounds Real radio = farDist / mNearDist; min.makeFloor(Vector3(left * radio, bottom * radio, -farDist)); max.makeCeil(Vector3(right * radio, top * radio, 0)); } mBoundingBox.setExtents(min, max); mRecalcFrustum = false; // Signal to update frustum clipping planes mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateFrustum(void) const { if (isFrustumOutOfDate()) { updateFrustumImpl(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateVertexData(void) const { if (mRecalcVertexData) { if (mVertexData.vertexBufferBinding->getBufferCount() <= 0) { // Initialise vertex & index data mVertexData.vertexDeclaration->addElement(0, 0, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); mVertexData.vertexCount = 32; mVertexData.vertexStart = 0; mVertexData.vertexBufferBinding->setBinding( 0, HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( sizeof(float)*3, 32, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY) ); } // Note: Even though we can dealing with general projection matrix here, // but because it's incompatibly with infinite far plane, thus, we // still need to working with projection parameters. // Calc near plane corners Real vpLeft, vpRight, vpBottom, vpTop; calcProjectionParameters(vpLeft, vpRight, vpBottom, vpTop); // Treat infinite fardist as some arbitrary far value Real farDist = (mFarDist == 0) ? 100000 : mFarDist; // Calc far palne corners Real radio = mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE ? farDist / mNearDist : 1; Real farLeft = vpLeft * radio; Real farRight = vpRight * radio; Real farBottom = vpBottom * radio; Real farTop = vpTop * radio; // Calculate vertex positions (local) // 0 is the origin // 1, 2, 3, 4 are the points on the near plane, top left first, clockwise // 5, 6, 7, 8 are the points on the far plane, top left first, clockwise HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mVertexData.vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(0); float* pFloat = static_cast(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); // near plane (remember frustum is going in -Z direction) *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; // far plane (remember frustum is going in -Z direction) *pFloat++ = farLeft; *pFloat++ = farTop; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farRight; *pFloat++ = farTop; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farRight; *pFloat++ = farTop; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farRight; *pFloat++ = farBottom; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farRight; *pFloat++ = farBottom; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farLeft; *pFloat++ = farBottom; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farLeft; *pFloat++ = farBottom; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = farLeft; *pFloat++ = farTop; *pFloat++ = -farDist; // Sides of the pyramid *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = 0.0f; *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; // Sides of the box *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = farLeft; *pFloat++ = farTop; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpTop; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = farRight; *pFloat++ = farTop; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = vpRight; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = farRight; *pFloat++ = farBottom; *pFloat++ = -farDist; *pFloat++ = vpLeft; *pFloat++ = vpBottom; *pFloat++ = -mNearDist; *pFloat++ = farLeft; *pFloat++ = farBottom; *pFloat++ = -farDist; vbuf->unlock(); mRecalcVertexData = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Frustum::isViewOutOfDate(void) const { // Attached to node? if (mParentNode) { if (mRecalcView || mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation() != mLastParentOrientation || mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition() != mLastParentPosition) { // Ok, we're out of date with SceneNode we're attached to mLastParentOrientation = mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation(); mLastParentPosition = mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition(); mRecalcView = true; } } // Deriving reflection from linked plane? if (mLinkedReflectPlane && !(mLastLinkedReflectionPlane == mLinkedReflectPlane->_getDerivedPlane())) { mReflectPlane = mLinkedReflectPlane->_getDerivedPlane(); mReflectMatrix = Math::buildReflectionMatrix(mReflectPlane); mLastLinkedReflectionPlane = mLinkedReflectPlane->_getDerivedPlane(); mRecalcView = true; } return mRecalcView; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Frustum::isFrustumOutOfDate(void) const { // Deriving custom near plane from linked plane? if (mObliqueDepthProjection) { // Out of date when view out of data since plane needs to be in view space if (isViewOutOfDate()) { mRecalcFrustum = true; } // Update derived plane if (mLinkedObliqueProjPlane && !(mLastLinkedObliqueProjPlane == mLinkedObliqueProjPlane->_getDerivedPlane())) { mObliqueProjPlane = mLinkedObliqueProjPlane->_getDerivedPlane(); mLastLinkedObliqueProjPlane = mObliqueProjPlane; mRecalcFrustum = true; } } return mRecalcFrustum; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateViewImpl(void) const { // ---------------------- // Update the view matrix // ---------------------- // View matrix is: // // [ Lx Uy Dz Tx ] // [ Lx Uy Dz Ty ] // [ Lx Uy Dz Tz ] // [ 0 0 0 1 ] // // Where T = -(Transposed(Rot) * Pos) // This is most efficiently done using 3x3 Matrices // Get orientation from quaternion if (!mCustomViewMatrix) { Matrix3 rot; const Quaternion& orientation = getOrientationForViewUpdate(); const Vector3& position = getPositionForViewUpdate(); orientation.ToRotationMatrix(rot); // Make the translation relative to new axes Matrix3 rotT = rot.Transpose(); Vector3 trans = -rotT * position; // Make final matrix mViewMatrix = Matrix4::IDENTITY; mViewMatrix = rotT; // fills upper 3x3 mViewMatrix[0][3] = trans.x; mViewMatrix[1][3] = trans.y; mViewMatrix[2][3] = trans.z; // Deal with reflections if (mReflect) { mViewMatrix = mViewMatrix * mReflectMatrix; } } mRecalcView = false; // Signal to update frustum clipping planes mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true; // Signal to update world space corners mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = true; // Signal to update frustum if oblique plane enabled, // since plane needs to be in view space if (mObliqueDepthProjection) { mRecalcFrustum = true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateView(void) const { if (isViewOutOfDate()) { updateViewImpl(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateFrustumPlanesImpl(void) const { // ------------------------- // Update the frustum planes // ------------------------- Matrix4 combo = mProjMatrix * mViewMatrix; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_LEFT].normal.x = combo[3][0] + combo[0][0]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_LEFT].normal.y = combo[3][1] + combo[0][1]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_LEFT].normal.z = combo[3][2] + combo[0][2]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_LEFT].d = combo[3][3] + combo[0][3]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_RIGHT].normal.x = combo[3][0] - combo[0][0]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_RIGHT].normal.y = combo[3][1] - combo[0][1]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_RIGHT].normal.z = combo[3][2] - combo[0][2]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_RIGHT].d = combo[3][3] - combo[0][3]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_TOP].normal.x = combo[3][0] - combo[1][0]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_TOP].normal.y = combo[3][1] - combo[1][1]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_TOP].normal.z = combo[3][2] - combo[1][2]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_TOP].d = combo[3][3] - combo[1][3]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_BOTTOM].normal.x = combo[3][0] + combo[1][0]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_BOTTOM].normal.y = combo[3][1] + combo[1][1]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_BOTTOM].normal.z = combo[3][2] + combo[1][2]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_BOTTOM].d = combo[3][3] + combo[1][3]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR].normal.x = combo[3][0] + combo[2][0]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR].normal.y = combo[3][1] + combo[2][1]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR].normal.z = combo[3][2] + combo[2][2]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR].d = combo[3][3] + combo[2][3]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR].normal.x = combo[3][0] - combo[2][0]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR].normal.y = combo[3][1] - combo[2][1]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR].normal.z = combo[3][2] - combo[2][2]; mFrustumPlanes[FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR].d = combo[3][3] - combo[2][3]; // Renormalise any normals which were not unit length for(int i=0; i<6; i++ ) { float length = mFrustumPlanes[i].normal.normalise(); mFrustumPlanes[i].d /= length; } mRecalcFrustumPlanes = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateFrustumPlanes(void) const { updateView(); updateFrustum(); if (mRecalcFrustumPlanes) { updateFrustumPlanesImpl(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateWorldSpaceCornersImpl(void) const { Matrix4 eyeToWorld = mViewMatrix.inverse(); // Note: Even though we can dealing with general projection matrix here, // but because it's incompatibly with infinite far plane, thus, we // still need to working with projection parameters. // Calc near plane corners Real nearLeft, nearRight, nearBottom, nearTop; calcProjectionParameters(nearLeft, nearRight, nearBottom, nearTop); // Treat infinite fardist as some arbitrary far value Real farDist = (mFarDist == 0) ? 100000 : mFarDist; // Calc far palne corners Real radio = mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE ? farDist / mNearDist : 1; Real farLeft = nearLeft * radio; Real farRight = nearRight * radio; Real farBottom = nearBottom * radio; Real farTop = nearTop * radio; // near mWorldSpaceCorners[0] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(nearRight, nearTop, -mNearDist); mWorldSpaceCorners[1] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(nearLeft, nearTop, -mNearDist); mWorldSpaceCorners[2] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(nearLeft, nearBottom, -mNearDist); mWorldSpaceCorners[3] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(nearRight, nearBottom, -mNearDist); // far mWorldSpaceCorners[4] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(farRight, farTop, -farDist); mWorldSpaceCorners[5] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(farLeft, farTop, -farDist); mWorldSpaceCorners[6] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(farLeft, farBottom, -farDist); mWorldSpaceCorners[7] = eyeToWorld * Vector3(farRight, farBottom, -farDist); mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::updateWorldSpaceCorners(void) const { updateView(); if (mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners) { updateWorldSpaceCornersImpl(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Frustum::getAspectRatio(void) const { return mAspect; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setAspectRatio(Real r) { mAspect = r; invalidateFrustum(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const AxisAlignedBox& Frustum::getBoundingBox(void) const { return mBoundingBox; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue) { // Add self queue->addRenderable(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& Frustum::getMovableType(void) const { return msMovableType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Frustum::getBoundingRadius(void) const { return (mFarDist == 0)? 100000 : mFarDist; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const MaterialPtr& Frustum::getMaterial(void) const { return mMaterial; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::getRenderOperation(RenderOperation& op) { updateVertexData(); op.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_LINE_LIST; op.useIndexes = false; op.vertexData = &mVertexData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::getWorldTransforms(Matrix4* xform) const { if (mParentNode) mParentNode->getWorldTransforms(xform); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Quaternion& Frustum::getWorldOrientation(void) const { if (mParentNode) return mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation(); else return Quaternion::IDENTITY; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& Frustum::getWorldPosition(void) const { if (mParentNode) return mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition(); else return Vector3::ZERO; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Frustum::getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* cam) const { // Calc from centre if (mParentNode) return (cam->getDerivedPosition() - mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition()).squaredLength(); else return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const LightList& Frustum::getLights(void) const { // N/A static LightList ll; return ll; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::_notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam) { // Make sure bounding box up-to-date updateFrustum(); MovableObject::_notifyCurrentCamera(cam); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::invalidateFrustum() const { mRecalcFrustum = true; mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true; mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = true; mRecalcVertexData = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::invalidateView() const { mRecalcView = true; mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true; mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3* Frustum::getWorldSpaceCorners(void) const { updateWorldSpaceCorners(); return mWorldSpaceCorners; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setProjectionType(ProjectionType pt) { mProjType = pt; invalidateFrustum(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- ProjectionType Frustum::getProjectionType(void) const { return mProjType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& Frustum::getPositionForViewUpdate(void) const { return mLastParentPosition; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Quaternion& Frustum::getOrientationForViewUpdate(void) const { return mLastParentOrientation; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::enableReflection(const Plane& p) { mReflect = true; mReflectPlane = p; mLinkedReflectPlane = 0; mReflectMatrix = Math::buildReflectionMatrix(p); invalidateView(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::enableReflection(const MovablePlane* p) { mReflect = true; mLinkedReflectPlane = p; mReflectPlane = mLinkedReflectPlane->_getDerivedPlane(); mReflectMatrix = Math::buildReflectionMatrix(mReflectPlane); mLastLinkedReflectionPlane = mLinkedReflectPlane->_getDerivedPlane(); invalidateView(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::disableReflection(void) { mReflect = false; mLinkedReflectPlane = 0; mLastLinkedReflectionPlane.normal = Vector3::ZERO; invalidateView(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Frustum::projectSphere(const Sphere& sphere, Real* left, Real* top, Real* right, Real* bottom) const { // initialise *left = *bottom = -1.0f; *right = *top = 1.0f; // Transform light position into camera space // Don't use getViewMatrix here, incase overrided by camera and return a cull frustum view matrix updateView(); Vector3 eyeSpacePos = mViewMatrix * sphere.getCenter(); if (eyeSpacePos.z < 0) { Real r = sphere.getRadius(); // early-exit if (eyeSpacePos.squaredLength() <= r * r) return false; updateFrustum(); Vector3 screenSpacePos = mProjMatrix * eyeSpacePos; // perspective attenuate Vector3 spheresize(r, r, eyeSpacePos.z); spheresize = mProjMatrix * spheresize; Real possLeft = screenSpacePos.x - spheresize.x; Real possRight = screenSpacePos.x + spheresize.x; Real possTop = screenSpacePos.y + spheresize.y; Real possBottom = screenSpacePos.y - spheresize.y; *left = std::max(static_cast(-1.0), possLeft); *right = std::min(static_cast(1.0), possRight); *top = std::min(static_cast(1.0), possTop); *bottom = std::max(static_cast(-1.0), possBottom); } return (*left != -1.0f) || (*top != 1.0f) || (*right != 1.0f) || (*bottom != -1.0f); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::enableCustomNearClipPlane(const MovablePlane* plane) { mObliqueDepthProjection = true; mLinkedObliqueProjPlane = plane; mObliqueProjPlane = plane->_getDerivedPlane(); invalidateFrustum(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::enableCustomNearClipPlane(const Plane& plane) { mObliqueDepthProjection = true; mLinkedObliqueProjPlane = 0; mObliqueProjPlane = plane; invalidateFrustum(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::disableCustomNearClipPlane(void) { mObliqueDepthProjection = false; mLinkedObliqueProjPlane = 0; invalidateFrustum(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setCustomViewMatrix(bool enable, const Matrix4& viewMatrix) { mCustomViewMatrix = enable; if (enable) { mViewMatrix = viewMatrix; } invalidateView(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Frustum::setCustomProjectionMatrix(bool enable, const Matrix4& projMatrix) { mCustomProjMatrix = enable; if (enable) { mProjMatrix = projMatrix; } invalidateFrustum(); } } // namespace Ogre