/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreRenderSystem.h" #include "OgreILImageCodec.h" #include "OgreImage.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreILUtil.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" #include #include namespace Ogre { bool ILImageCodec::_is_initialised = false; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ILImageCodec::ILImageCodec(const String &type, unsigned int ilType): mType(type), mIlType(ilType) { initialiseIL(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- DataStreamPtr ILImageCodec::code(MemoryDataStreamPtr& input, Codec::CodecDataPtr& pData) const { OgreGuard( "ILCodec::code" ); OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE, "code to memory not implemented", "ILCodec::code"); OgreUnguard(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ILImageCodec::codeToFile(MemoryDataStreamPtr& input, const String& outFileName, Codec::CodecDataPtr& pData) const { OgreGuard( "ILImageCodec::codeToFile" ); ILuint ImageName; ilGenImages( 1, &ImageName ); ilBindImage( ImageName ); ImageData* pImgData = static_cast< ImageData * >( pData.getPointer() ); PixelBox src(pImgData->width, pImgData->height, pImgData->depth, pImgData->format, input->getPtr()); // Convert image from OGRE to current IL image ILUtil::fromOgre(src); iluFlipImage(); // Implicitly pick DevIL codec ilSaveImage(const_cast< char * >( outFileName.c_str() ) ); // Check if everything was ok ILenum PossibleError = ilGetError() ; if( PossibleError != IL_NO_ERROR ) { ilDeleteImages(1, &ImageName); OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE, "IL Error, could not save file: " + outFileName, iluErrorString(PossibleError) ) ; } ilDeleteImages(1, &ImageName); OgreUnguard(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Codec::DecodeResult ILImageCodec::decode(DataStreamPtr& input) const { OgreGuard( "ILImageCodec::decode" ); // DevIL variables ILuint ImageName; ILint ImageFormat, BytesPerPixel, ImageType; ImageData* imgData = new ImageData(); MemoryDataStreamPtr output; // Load the image ilGenImages( 1, &ImageName ); ilBindImage( ImageName ); // Put it right side up ilEnable(IL_ORIGIN_SET); ilSetInteger(IL_ORIGIN_MODE, IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT); // Keep DXTC(compressed) data if present ilSetInteger(IL_KEEP_DXTC_DATA, IL_TRUE); // Load image from stream, cache into memory MemoryDataStream memInput(input); ilLoadL( mIlType, memInput.getPtr(), static_cast< ILuint >(memInput.size())); // Check if everything was ok ILenum PossibleError = ilGetError() ; if( PossibleError != IL_NO_ERROR ) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE, "IL Error", iluErrorString(PossibleError) ) ; } ImageFormat = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_FORMAT ); ImageType = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_TYPE ); // Convert image if ImageType is incompatible with us (double or long) if(ImageType != IL_BYTE && ImageType != IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE && ImageType != IL_FLOAT && ImageType != IL_UNSIGNED_SHORT && ImageType != IL_SHORT) { ilConvertImage(ImageFormat, IL_FLOAT); ImageType = IL_FLOAT; } // Converted paletted images if(ImageFormat == IL_COLOUR_INDEX) { ilConvertImage(IL_BGRA, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); ImageFormat = IL_BGRA; ImageType = IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; } // Now sets some variables BytesPerPixel = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_BYTES_PER_PIXEL ); imgData->format = ILUtil::ilFormat2OgreFormat( ImageFormat, ImageType ); imgData->width = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_WIDTH ); imgData->height = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT ); imgData->depth = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_DEPTH ); imgData->num_mipmaps = ilGetInteger ( IL_NUM_MIPMAPS ); imgData->flags = 0; if(imgData->format == PF_UNKNOWN) { std::stringstream err; err << "Unsupported devil format ImageFormat=" << std::hex << ImageFormat << " ImageType="<< ImageType << std::dec; ilDeleteImages( 1, &ImageName ); OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE, err.str(), "ILImageCodec::decode" ) ; } // Check for cubemap //ILuint cubeflags = ilGetInteger ( IL_IMAGE_CUBEFLAGS ); size_t numFaces = ilGetInteger ( IL_NUM_IMAGES ) + 1; if(numFaces == 6) imgData->flags |= IF_CUBEMAP; else numFaces = 1; // Support only 1 or 6 face images for now // Keep DXT data (if present at all and the GPU supports it) ILuint dxtFormat = ilGetInteger( IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT ); if(dxtFormat != IL_DXT_NO_COMP && Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->getCapabilities()->hasCapability( RSC_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_DXT )) { imgData->format = ILUtil::ilFormat2OgreFormat( dxtFormat, ImageType ); imgData->flags |= IF_COMPRESSED; // Validate that this devil version saves DXT mipmaps if(imgData->num_mipmaps>0) { ilBindImage(ImageName); ilActiveMipmap(1); if((size_t)ilGetInteger( IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT ) != dxtFormat) { imgData->num_mipmaps=0; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Warning: Custom mipmaps for compressed image "+input->getName()+" were ignored because they are not loaded by this DevIL version"); } } } // Calculate total size from number of mipmaps, faces and size imgData->size = Image::calculateSize(imgData->num_mipmaps, numFaces, imgData->width, imgData->height, imgData->depth, imgData->format); // Bind output buffer output.bind(new MemoryDataStream(imgData->size)); size_t offset = 0; // Dimensions of current mipmap size_t width = imgData->width; size_t height = imgData->height; size_t depth = imgData->depth; // Transfer data for(size_t mip=0; mip<=imgData->num_mipmaps; ++mip) { for(size_t i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i) { ilBindImage(ImageName); if(numFaces > 1) ilActiveImage(i); if(imgData->num_mipmaps > 0) ilActiveMipmap(mip); /// Size of this face size_t imageSize = PixelUtil::getMemorySize( width, height, depth, imgData->format); if(imgData->flags & IF_COMPRESSED) { // Compare DXT size returned by DevIL with our idea of the compressed size if(imageSize == ilGetDXTCData(NULL, 0, dxtFormat)) { // Retrieve data from DevIL ilGetDXTCData((unsigned char*)output->getPtr()+offset, imageSize, dxtFormat); } else { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Warning: compressed image "+input->getName()+" size mismatch, devilsize="+StringConverter::toString(ilGetDXTCData(NULL, 0, dxtFormat))+" oursize="+ StringConverter::toString(imageSize)); } } else { /// Retrieve data from DevIL PixelBox dst(width, height, depth, imgData->format, (unsigned char*)output->getPtr()+offset); ILUtil::toOgre(dst); } offset += imageSize; } /// Next mip if(width!=1) width /= 2; if(height!=1) height /= 2; if(depth!=1) depth /= 2; } // Restore IL state ilDisable(IL_ORIGIN_SET); ilDisable(IL_FORMAT_SET); ilDeleteImages( 1, &ImageName ); DecodeResult ret; ret.first = output; ret.second = CodecDataPtr(imgData); OgreUnguardRet( ret ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void ILImageCodec::initialiseIL(void) { if( !_is_initialised ) { ilInit(); ilEnable( IL_FILE_OVERWRITE ); _is_initialised = true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- String ILImageCodec::getType() const { return mType; } }