/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreLight.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreSceneNode.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreSceneManager.h" namespace Ogre { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Light::Light() : mLightType(LT_POINT), mPosition(Vector3::ZERO), mDiffuse(ColourValue::White), mSpecular(ColourValue::Black), mDirection(Vector3::UNIT_Z), mSpotOuter(Degree(40.0f)), mSpotInner(Degree(30.0f)), mSpotFalloff(1.0f), mRange(100000), mAttenuationConst(1.0f), mAttenuationLinear(0.0f), mAttenuationQuad(0.0f), mPowerScale(1.0f), mDerivedPosition(Vector3::ZERO), mDerivedDirection(Vector3::UNIT_Z) { // Default to point light, white diffuse light, linear attenuation, fair range mParentNode = NULL; mLocalTransformDirty = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Light::Light(const String& name) : MovableObject(name), mLightType(LT_POINT), mPosition(Vector3::ZERO), mDiffuse(ColourValue::White), mSpecular(ColourValue::Black), mDirection(Vector3::UNIT_Z), mSpotOuter(Degree(40.0f)), mSpotInner(Degree(30.0f)), mSpotFalloff(1.0f), mRange(100000), mAttenuationConst(1.0f), mAttenuationLinear(0.0f), mAttenuationQuad(0.0f), mPowerScale(1.0f), mDerivedPosition(Vector3::ZERO), mDerivedDirection(Vector3::UNIT_Z) { mParentNode = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Light::~Light() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setType(LightTypes type) { mLightType = type; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Light::LightTypes Light::getType(void) const { return mLightType; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setPosition(Real x, Real y, Real z) { mPosition.x = x; mPosition.y = y; mPosition.z = z; mLocalTransformDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setPosition(const Vector3& vec) { mPosition = vec; mLocalTransformDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& Light::getPosition(void) const { return mPosition; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z) { mDirection.x = x; mDirection.y = y; mDirection.z = z; mLocalTransformDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setDirection(const Vector3& vec) { mDirection = vec; mLocalTransformDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& Light::getDirection(void) const { return mDirection; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setSpotlightRange(const Radian& innerAngle, const Radian& outerAngle, Real falloff) { if (mLightType != LT_SPOTLIGHT) OGRE_EXCEPT(9999, "setSpotlightRange is only valid for spotlights.", "Light::setSpotlightRange"); mSpotInner =innerAngle; mSpotOuter = outerAngle; mSpotFalloff = falloff; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setSpotlightInnerAngle(const Radian& val) { mSpotInner = val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setSpotlightOuterAngle(const Radian& val) { mSpotOuter = val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setSpotlightFalloff(Real val) { mSpotFalloff = val; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Radian& Light::getSpotlightInnerAngle(void) const { return mSpotInner; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Radian& Light::getSpotlightOuterAngle(void) const { return mSpotOuter; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Light::getSpotlightFalloff(void) const { return mSpotFalloff; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setDiffuseColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue) { mDiffuse.r = red; mDiffuse.b = blue; mDiffuse.g = green; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setDiffuseColour(const ColourValue& colour) { mDiffuse = colour; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColourValue& Light::getDiffuseColour(void) const { return mDiffuse; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setSpecularColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue) { mSpecular.r = red; mSpecular.b = blue; mSpecular.g = green; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setSpecularColour(const ColourValue& colour) { mSpecular = colour; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColourValue& Light::getSpecularColour(void) const { return mSpecular; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setAttenuation(Real range, Real constant, Real linear, Real quadratic) { mRange = range; mAttenuationConst = constant; mAttenuationLinear = linear; mAttenuationQuad = quadratic; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Light::getAttenuationRange(void) const { return mRange; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Light::getAttenuationConstant(void) const { return mAttenuationConst; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Light::getAttenuationLinear(void) const { return mAttenuationLinear; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Light::getAttenuationQuadric(void) const { return mAttenuationQuad; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setPowerScale(Real power) { mPowerScale = power; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Light::getPowerScale(void) const { return mPowerScale; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::update(void) const { if (mParentNode) { if (!(mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation() == mLastParentOrientation && mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition() == mLastParentPosition) || mLocalTransformDirty) { // Ok, we're out of date with SceneNode we're attached to mLastParentOrientation = mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation(); mLastParentPosition = mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition(); mDerivedDirection = mLastParentOrientation * mDirection; mDerivedPosition = (mLastParentOrientation * mPosition) + mLastParentPosition; } } else { mDerivedPosition = mPosition; mDerivedDirection = mDirection; } mLocalTransformDirty = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const AxisAlignedBox& Light::getBoundingBox(void) const { // Null, lights are not visible static AxisAlignedBox box; return box; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue) { // Do nothing } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& Light::getMovableType(void) const { return LightFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& Light::getDerivedPosition(void) const { update(); return mDerivedPosition; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& Light::getDerivedDirection(void) const { update(); return mDerivedDirection; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::setVisible(bool visible) { MovableObject::setVisible(visible); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector4 Light::getAs4DVector(void) const { Vector4 ret; if (mLightType == Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL) { ret = -(getDerivedDirection()); // negate direction as 'position' ret.w = 0.0; // infinite distance } else { ret = getDerivedPosition(); ret.w = 1.0; } return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const PlaneBoundedVolume& Light::_getNearClipVolume(const Camera* const cam) const { // First check if the light is close to the near plane, since // in this case we have to build a degenerate clip volume mNearClipVolume.planes.clear(); mNearClipVolume.outside = Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE; Real n = cam->getNearClipDistance(); // Homogenous position Vector4 lightPos = getAs4DVector(); // 3D version (not the same as _getDerivedPosition, is -direction for // directional lights) Vector3 lightPos3 = Vector3(lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z); // Get eye-space light position // use 4D vector so directional lights still work Vector4 eyeSpaceLight = cam->getViewMatrix() * lightPos; // Find distance to light, project onto -Z axis Real d = eyeSpaceLight.dotProduct( Vector4(0, 0, -1, -n) ); #define THRESHOLD 1e-6 if (d > THRESHOLD || d < -THRESHOLD) { // light is not too close to the near plane // First find the worldspace positions of the corners of the viewport const Vector3 *corner = cam->getWorldSpaceCorners(); int winding = (d < 0) ^ cam->isReflected() ? +1 : -1; // Iterate over world points and form side planes Vector3 normal; Vector3 lightDir; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Figure out light dir lightDir = lightPos3 - (corner[i] * lightPos.w); // Cross with anticlockwise corner, therefore normal points in normal = (corner[i] - corner[(i+winding)%4]) .crossProduct(lightDir); normal.normalise(); mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(normal, corner[i])); } // Now do the near plane plane normal = cam->getFrustumPlane(FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR).normal; if (d < 0) { // Behind near plane normal = -normal; } const Vector3& cameraPos = cam->getDerivedPosition(); mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(normal, cameraPos)); // Finally, for a point/spot light we can add a sixth plane // This prevents false positives from behind the light if (mLightType != LT_DIRECTIONAL) { // Direction from light perpendicular to near plane mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(-normal, lightPos3)); } } else { // light is close to being on the near plane // degenerate volume including the entire scene // we will always require light / dark caps mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(Vector3::UNIT_Z, -n)); mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(-Vector3::UNIT_Z, n)); } return mNearClipVolume; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const PlaneBoundedVolumeList& Light::_getFrustumClipVolumes(const Camera* const cam) const { // Homogenous light position Vector4 lightPos = getAs4DVector(); // 3D version (not the same as _getDerivedPosition, is -direction for // directional lights) Vector3 lightPos3 = Vector3(lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z); const Vector3 *clockwiseVerts[4]; // Get worldspace frustum corners const Vector3* corners = cam->getWorldSpaceCorners(); int winding = cam->isReflected() ? +1 : -1; bool infiniteViewDistance = (cam->getFarClipDistance() == 0); mFrustumClipVolumes.clear(); for (unsigned short n = 0; n < 6; ++n) { // Skip far plane if infinite view frustum if (infiniteViewDistance && n == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR) continue; const Plane& plane = cam->getFrustumPlane(n); Vector4 planeVec(plane.normal.x, plane.normal.y, plane.normal.z, plane.d); // planes face inwards, we need to know if light is on negative side Real d = planeVec.dotProduct(lightPos); if (d < -1e-06) { // Ok, this is a valid one // clockwise verts mean we can cross-product and always get normals // facing into the volume we create mFrustumClipVolumes.push_back(PlaneBoundedVolume()); PlaneBoundedVolume& vol = mFrustumClipVolumes.back(); switch(n) { case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR): clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 3; clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 2; clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 1; clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 0; break; case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR): clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 7; clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 6; clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 5; clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 4; break; case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_LEFT): clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 2; clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 6; clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 5; clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 1; break; case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_RIGHT): clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 7; clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 3; clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 0; clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 4; break; case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_TOP): clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 0; clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 1; clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 5; clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 4; break; case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_BOTTOM): clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 7; clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 6; clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 2; clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 3; break; }; // Build a volume // Iterate over world points and form side planes Vector3 normal; Vector3 lightDir; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // Figure out light dir lightDir = lightPos3 - (*(clockwiseVerts[i]) * lightPos.w); Vector3 edgeDir = *(clockwiseVerts[i]) - *(clockwiseVerts[(i+winding)%4]); // Cross with anticlockwise corner, therefore normal points in normal = edgeDir.crossProduct(lightDir); normal.normalise(); vol.planes.push_back(Plane(normal, *(clockwiseVerts[i]))); } // Now do the near plane (this is the plane of the side we're // talking about, with the normal inverted (d is already interpreted as -ve) vol.planes.push_back( Plane(-plane.normal, plane.d) ); // Finally, for a point/spot light we can add a sixth plane // This prevents false positives from behind the light if (mLightType != LT_DIRECTIONAL) { // re-use our own plane normal vol.planes.push_back(Plane(plane.normal, lightPos3)); } } } return mFrustumClipVolumes; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32 Light::getTypeFlags(void) const { return SceneManager::LIGHT_TYPE_MASK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& Light::getAnimableDictionaryName(void) const { return LightFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Light::initialiseAnimableDictionary(StringVector& vec) const { vec.push_back("diffuseColour"); vec.push_back("specularColour"); vec.push_back("attenuation"); vec.push_back("spotlightInner"); vec.push_back("spotlightOuter"); vec.push_back("spotlightFalloff"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class LightDiffuseColourValue : public AnimableValue { protected: Light* mLight; public: LightDiffuseColourValue(Light* l) :AnimableValue(COLOUR) { mLight = l; } void setValue(const ColourValue& val) { mLight->setDiffuseColour(val); } void applyDeltaValue(const ColourValue& val) { setValue(mLight->getDiffuseColour() + val); } void setCurrentStateAsBaseValue(void) { setAsBaseValue(mLight->getDiffuseColour()); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class LightSpecularColourValue : public AnimableValue { protected: Light* mLight; public: LightSpecularColourValue(Light* l) :AnimableValue(COLOUR) { mLight = l; } void setValue(const ColourValue& val) { mLight->setSpecularColour(val); } void applyDeltaValue(const ColourValue& val) { setValue(mLight->getSpecularColour() + val); } void setCurrentStateAsBaseValue(void) { setAsBaseValue(mLight->getSpecularColour()); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class LightAttenuationValue : public AnimableValue { protected: Light* mLight; public: LightAttenuationValue(Light* l) :AnimableValue(VECTOR4) { mLight = l; } void setValue(const Vector4& val) { mLight->setAttenuation(val.x, val.y, val.z, val.w); } void applyDeltaValue(const Vector4& val) { setValue(mLight->getAs4DVector() + val); } void setCurrentStateAsBaseValue(void) { setAsBaseValue(mLight->getAs4DVector()); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class LightSpotlightInnerValue : public AnimableValue { protected: Light* mLight; public: LightSpotlightInnerValue(Light* l) :AnimableValue(REAL) { mLight = l; } void setValue(Real val) { mLight->setSpotlightInnerAngle(Radian(val)); } void applyDeltaValue(const Real& val) { setValue(mLight->getSpotlightInnerAngle().valueRadians() + val); } void setCurrentStateAsBaseValue(void) { setAsBaseValue(mLight->getSpotlightInnerAngle().valueRadians()); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class LightSpotlightOuterValue : public AnimableValue { protected: Light* mLight; public: LightSpotlightOuterValue(Light* l) :AnimableValue(REAL) { mLight = l; } void setValue(Real val) { mLight->setSpotlightOuterAngle(Radian(val)); } void applyDeltaValue(const Real& val) { setValue(mLight->getSpotlightOuterAngle().valueRadians() + val); } void setCurrentStateAsBaseValue(void) { setAsBaseValue(mLight->getSpotlightOuterAngle().valueRadians()); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- class LightSpotlightFalloffValue : public AnimableValue { protected: Light* mLight; public: LightSpotlightFalloffValue(Light* l) :AnimableValue(REAL) { mLight = l; } void setValue(Real val) { mLight->setSpotlightFalloff(val); } void applyDeltaValue(const Real& val) { setValue(mLight->getSpotlightFalloff() + val); } void setCurrentStateAsBaseValue(void) { setAsBaseValue(mLight->getSpotlightFalloff()); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimableValuePtr Light::createAnimableValue(const String& valueName) { if (valueName == "diffuseColour") { return AnimableValuePtr( new LightDiffuseColourValue(this)); } else if(valueName == "specularColour") { return AnimableValuePtr( new LightSpecularColourValue(this)); } else if (valueName == "attenuation") { return AnimableValuePtr( new LightAttenuationValue(this)); } else if (valueName == "spotlightInner") { return AnimableValuePtr( new LightSpotlightInnerValue(this)); } else if (valueName == "spotlightOuter") { return AnimableValuePtr( new LightSpotlightOuterValue(this)); } else if (valueName == "spotlightFalloff") { return AnimableValuePtr( new LightSpotlightFalloffValue(this)); } else { return MovableObject::createAnimableValue(valueName); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String LightFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME = "Light"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& LightFactory::getType(void) const { return FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* LightFactory::createInstanceImpl( const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params) { return new Light(name); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void LightFactory::destroyInstance( MovableObject* obj) { delete obj; } } // Namespace