1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of OGRE
4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
9 |
10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13 | version.
14 |
15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | */
25 | #include "OgreStableHeaders.h"
26 | #include "OgreLight.h"
27 |
28 | #include "OgreException.h"
29 | #include "OgreSceneNode.h"
30 | #include "OgreCamera.h"
31 |
32 |
33 | namespace Ogre {
34 | String Light::msMovableType = "Light";
35 |
36 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
37 | Light::Light()
38 | {
39 | // Default to point light, white diffuse light, linear attenuation, fair range
40 | mLightType = LT_POINT;
41 | mDiffuse = ColourValue::White;
42 | mSpecular = ColourValue::Black;
43 | mRange = 5000;
44 | mAttenuationConst = 1.0f;
45 | mAttenuationLinear = 0.0f;
46 | mAttenuationQuad = 0.0f;
47 |
48 | // Center in world, direction irrelevant but set anyway
49 | mPosition = mDerivedPosition = Vector3::ZERO;
50 | mDirection = mDerivedPosition = Vector3::UNIT_Z;
51 | mParentNode = NULL;
52 |
53 | mLocalTransformDirty = false;
54 |
55 | }
56 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
57 | Light::Light(const String& name)
58 | {
59 | mName = name;
60 |
61 | // Default to point light, white diffuse light, linear attenuation, fair range
62 | mLightType = LT_POINT;
63 | mDiffuse = ColourValue::White;
64 | mSpecular = ColourValue::Black;
65 | mRange = 100000;
66 | mAttenuationConst = 1.0f;
67 | mAttenuationLinear = 0.0f;
68 | mAttenuationQuad = 0.0f;
69 |
70 | // Center in world, direction irrelevant but set anyway
71 | mPosition = Vector3::ZERO;
72 | mDirection = Vector3::UNIT_Z;
73 |
74 | // Default some spot values
75 | mSpotInner = Degree(30.0f);
76 | mSpotOuter = Degree(40.0f);
77 | mSpotFalloff = 1.0f;
78 | mParentNode = NULL;
79 |
80 |
81 | }
82 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
83 | Light::~Light()
84 | {
85 | }
86 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
87 | const String& Light::getName(void) const
88 | {
89 | return mName;
90 |
91 | }
92 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
93 | void Light::setType(LightTypes type)
94 | {
95 | mLightType = type;
96 | }
97 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
98 | Light::LightTypes Light::getType(void) const
99 | {
100 | return mLightType;
101 | }
102 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
103 | void Light::setPosition(Real x, Real y, Real z)
104 | {
105 | mPosition.x = x;
106 | mPosition.y = y;
107 | mPosition.z = z;
108 | mLocalTransformDirty = true;
109 |
110 | }
111 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
112 | void Light::setPosition(const Vector3& vec)
113 | {
114 | mPosition = vec;
115 | mLocalTransformDirty = true;
116 | }
117 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
118 | const Vector3& Light::getPosition(void) const
119 | {
120 | return mPosition;
121 | }
122 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
123 | void Light::setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z)
124 | {
125 | mDirection.x = x;
126 | mDirection.y = y;
127 | mDirection.z = z;
128 | mLocalTransformDirty = true;
129 | }
130 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
131 | void Light::setDirection(const Vector3& vec)
132 | {
133 | mDirection = vec;
134 | mLocalTransformDirty = true;
135 | }
136 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
137 | const Vector3& Light::getDirection(void) const
138 | {
139 | return mDirection;
140 | }
141 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
142 | void Light::setSpotlightRange(const Radian& innerAngle, const Radian& outerAngle, Real falloff)
143 | {
144 |
145 | if (mLightType != LT_SPOTLIGHT)
146 | OGRE_EXCEPT(9999,
147 | "setSpotlightRange is only valid for spotlights.",
148 | "Light::setSpotlightRange");
149 |
150 | mSpotInner =innerAngle;
151 | mSpotOuter = outerAngle;
152 | mSpotFalloff = falloff;
153 | }
154 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
155 | const Radian& Light::getSpotlightInnerAngle(void) const
156 | {
157 | return mSpotInner;
158 | }
159 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
160 | const Radian& Light::getSpotlightOuterAngle(void) const
161 | {
162 | return mSpotOuter;
163 | }
164 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
165 | Real Light::getSpotlightFalloff(void) const
166 | {
167 | return mSpotFalloff;
168 | }
169 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
170 | void Light::setDiffuseColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue)
171 | {
172 | mDiffuse.r = red;
173 | mDiffuse.b = blue;
174 | mDiffuse.g = green;
175 | }
176 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
177 | void Light::setDiffuseColour(const ColourValue& colour)
178 | {
179 | mDiffuse = colour;
180 | }
181 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
182 | const ColourValue& Light::getDiffuseColour(void) const
183 | {
184 | return mDiffuse;
185 | }
186 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
187 | void Light::setSpecularColour(Real red, Real green, Real blue)
188 | {
189 | mSpecular.r = red;
190 | mSpecular.b = blue;
191 | mSpecular.g = green;
192 | }
193 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
194 | void Light::setSpecularColour(const ColourValue& colour)
195 | {
196 | mSpecular = colour;
197 | }
198 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
199 | const ColourValue& Light::getSpecularColour(void) const
200 | {
201 | return mSpecular;
202 | }
203 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
204 | void Light::setAttenuation(Real range, Real constant,
205 | Real linear, Real quadratic)
206 | {
207 | mRange = range;
208 | mAttenuationConst = constant;
209 | mAttenuationLinear = linear;
210 | mAttenuationQuad = quadratic;
211 | }
212 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
213 | Real Light::getAttenuationRange(void) const
214 | {
215 | return mRange;
216 | }
217 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
218 | Real Light::getAttenuationConstant(void) const
219 | {
220 | return mAttenuationConst;
221 | }
222 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
223 | Real Light::getAttenuationLinear(void) const
224 | {
225 | return mAttenuationLinear;
226 | }
227 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
228 | Real Light::getAttenuationQuadric(void) const
229 | {
230 | return mAttenuationQuad;
231 | }
232 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
233 | void Light::update(void) const
234 | {
235 | if (mParentNode)
236 | {
237 | if (!(mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation() == mLastParentOrientation &&
238 | mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition() == mLastParentPosition)
239 | || mLocalTransformDirty)
240 | {
241 | // Ok, we're out of date with SceneNode we're attached to
242 | mLastParentOrientation = mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation();
243 | mLastParentPosition = mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition();
244 | mDerivedDirection = mLastParentOrientation * mDirection;
245 | mDerivedPosition = (mLastParentOrientation * mPosition) + mLastParentPosition;
246 | }
247 | }
248 | else
249 | {
250 | mDerivedPosition = mPosition;
251 | mDerivedDirection = mDirection;
252 | }
253 |
254 | mLocalTransformDirty = false;
255 |
256 | }
257 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
258 | void Light::_notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam)
259 | {
260 | // Do nothing
261 | }
262 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
263 | const AxisAlignedBox& Light::getBoundingBox(void) const
264 | {
265 | // Null, lights are not visible
266 | static AxisAlignedBox box;
267 | return box;
268 | }
269 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
270 | void Light::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue)
271 | {
272 | // Do nothing
273 | }
274 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
275 | const String& Light::getMovableType(void) const
276 | {
277 | return msMovableType;
278 | }
279 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
280 | const Vector3& Light::getDerivedPosition(void) const
281 | {
282 | update();
283 | return mDerivedPosition;
284 | }
285 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
286 | const Vector3& Light::getDerivedDirection(void) const
287 | {
288 | update();
289 | return mDerivedDirection;
290 | }
291 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
292 | void Light::setVisible(bool visible)
293 | {
294 | MovableObject::setVisible(visible);
295 | }
296 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
297 | Vector4 Light::getAs4DVector(void) const
298 | {
299 | Vector4 ret;
300 | if (mLightType == Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL)
301 | {
302 | ret = -(getDerivedDirection()); // negate direction as 'position'
303 | ret.w = 0.0; // infinite distance
304 | }
305 | else
306 | {
307 | ret = getDerivedPosition();
308 | ret.w = 1.0;
309 | }
310 | return ret;
311 | }
312 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
313 | const PlaneBoundedVolume& Light::_getNearClipVolume(const Camera* const cam) const
314 | {
315 | // First check if the light is close to the near plane, since
316 | // in this case we have to build a degenerate clip volume
317 | mNearClipVolume.planes.clear();
318 | mNearClipVolume.outside = Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE;
319 |
320 | Real n = cam->getNearClipDistance();
321 | // Homogenous position
322 | Vector4 lightPos = getAs4DVector();
323 | // 3D version (not the same as _getDerivedPosition, is -direction for
324 | // directional lights)
325 | Vector3 lightPos3 = Vector3(lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z);
326 |
327 | // Get eye-space light position
328 | // use 4D vector so directional lights still work
329 | Vector4 eyeSpaceLight = cam->getViewMatrix() * lightPos;
330 | // Find distance to light, project onto -Z axis
331 | Real d = eyeSpaceLight.dotProduct(
332 | Vector4(0, 0, -1, -n) );
333 | #define THRESHOLD 1e-6
334 | if (d > THRESHOLD || d < -THRESHOLD)
335 | {
336 | // light is not too close to the near plane
337 | // First find the worldspace positions of the corners of the viewport
338 | const Vector3 *corner = cam->getWorldSpaceCorners();
339 | int winding = (d < 0) ^ cam->isReflected() ? +1 : -1;
340 | // Iterate over world points and form side planes
341 | Vector3 normal;
342 | Vector3 lightDir;
343 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
344 | {
345 | // Figure out light dir
346 | lightDir = lightPos3 - (corner[i] * lightPos.w);
347 | // Cross with anticlockwise corner, therefore normal points in
348 | normal = (corner[i] - corner[(i+winding)%4])
349 | .crossProduct(lightDir);
350 | normal.normalise();
351 | mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(normal, corner[i]));
352 | }
353 |
354 | // Now do the near plane plane
355 | normal = cam->getFrustumPlane(FRUSTUM_PLANE_NEAR).normal;
356 | if (d < 0)
357 | {
358 | // Behind near plane
359 | normal = -normal;
360 | }
361 | // HACK: There bug in Camera::getDerivedPosition() which should be
362 | // take reflection into account.
363 | Vector3 cameraPos = cam->getDerivedPosition();
364 | if (cam->isReflected())
365 | {
366 | // Camera is reflected, used the reflect of
367 | // derived position as world position
368 | cameraPos = cam->getReflectionMatrix() * cameraPos;
369 | }
370 | mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(normal, cameraPos));
371 |
372 | // Finally, for a point/spot light we can add a sixth plane
373 | // This prevents false positives from behind the light
374 | if (mLightType != LT_DIRECTIONAL)
375 | {
376 | // Direction from light perpendicular to near plane
377 | mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(-normal, lightPos3));
378 | }
379 | }
380 | else
381 | {
382 | // light is close to being on the near plane
383 | // degenerate volume including the entire scene
384 | // we will always require light / dark caps
385 | mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(Vector3::UNIT_Z, -n));
386 | mNearClipVolume.planes.push_back(Plane(-Vector3::UNIT_Z, n));
387 | }
388 |
389 | return mNearClipVolume;
390 | }
391 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
392 | const PlaneBoundedVolumeList& Light::_getFrustumClipVolumes(const Camera* const cam) const
393 | {
394 |
395 | // Homogenous light position
396 | Vector4 lightPos = getAs4DVector();
397 | // 3D version (not the same as _getDerivedPosition, is -direction for
398 | // directional lights)
399 | Vector3 lightPos3 = Vector3(lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z);
400 |
401 | const Vector3 *clockwiseVerts[4];
402 |
403 | // Get worldspace frustum corners
404 | const Vector3* corners = cam->getWorldSpaceCorners();
405 | int winding = cam->isReflected() ? +1 : -1;
406 |
407 | bool infiniteViewDistance = (cam->getFarClipDistance() == 0);
408 |
409 | mFrustumClipVolumes.clear();
410 | for (unsigned short n = 0; n < 6; ++n)
411 | {
412 | // Skip far plane if infinite view frustum
413 | if (infiniteViewDistance && n == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR)
414 | continue;
415 |
416 | const Plane& plane = cam->getFrustumPlane(n);
417 | Vector4 planeVec(plane.normal.x, plane.normal.y, plane.normal.z, plane.d);
418 | // planes face inwards, we need to know if light is on negative side
419 | Real d = planeVec.dotProduct(lightPos);
420 | if (d < -1e-06)
421 | {
422 | // Ok, this is a valid one
423 | // clockwise verts mean we can cross-product and always get normals
424 | // facing into the volume we create
425 |
426 | mFrustumClipVolumes.push_back(PlaneBoundedVolume());
427 | PlaneBoundedVolume& vol = mFrustumClipVolumes.back();
428 | switch(n)
429 | {
431 | clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 3;
432 | clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 2;
433 | clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 1;
434 | clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 0;
435 | break;
436 | case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR):
437 | clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 7;
438 | clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 6;
439 | clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 5;
440 | clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 4;
441 | break;
443 | clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 2;
444 | clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 6;
445 | clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 5;
446 | clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 1;
447 | break;
449 | clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 7;
450 | clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 3;
451 | clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 0;
452 | clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 4;
453 | break;
454 | case(FRUSTUM_PLANE_TOP):
455 | clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 0;
456 | clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 1;
457 | clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 5;
458 | clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 4;
459 | break;
461 | clockwiseVerts[0] = corners + 7;
462 | clockwiseVerts[1] = corners + 6;
463 | clockwiseVerts[2] = corners + 2;
464 | clockwiseVerts[3] = corners + 3;
465 | break;
466 | };
467 |
468 | // Build a volume
469 | // Iterate over world points and form side planes
470 | Vector3 normal;
471 | Vector3 lightDir;
472 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
473 | {
474 | // Figure out light dir
475 | lightDir = lightPos3 - (*(clockwiseVerts[i]) * lightPos.w);
476 | Vector3 edgeDir = *(clockwiseVerts[i]) - *(clockwiseVerts[(i+winding)%4]);
477 | // Cross with anticlockwise corner, therefore normal points in
478 | normal = edgeDir.crossProduct(lightDir);
479 | normal.normalise();
480 | vol.planes.push_back(Plane(normal, *(clockwiseVerts[i])));
481 | }
482 |
483 | // Now do the near plane (this is the plane of the side we're
484 | // talking about, with the normal inverted (d is already interpreted as -ve)
485 | vol.planes.push_back( Plane(-plane.normal, plane.d) );
486 |
487 | // Finally, for a point/spot light we can add a sixth plane
488 | // This prevents false positives from behind the light
489 | if (mLightType != LT_DIRECTIONAL)
490 | {
491 | // re-use our own plane normal
492 | vol.planes.push_back(Plane(plane.normal, lightPos3));
493 | }
494 | }
495 | }
496 |
497 | return mFrustumClipVolumes;
498 | }
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 | } // Namespace