/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Internal include file -- do not use externally */ using namespace Ogre; // NB VC6 can't handle these templates #if OGRE_COMPILER != OGRE_COMPILER_MSVC || OGRE_COMP_VER >= 1300 #define FMTCONVERTERID(from,to) (((from)<<8)|(to)) /** * Convert a box of pixel from one type to another. Who needs automatic code * generation when we have C++ templates and the policy design pattern. * * @param U Policy class to facilitate pixel-to-pixel conversion. This class * has at least two typedefs: SrcType and DstType. SrcType is the source element type, * dstType is the destination element type. It also has a static method, pixelConvert, that * converts a srcType into a dstType. */ template struct PixelBoxConverter { static const int ID = U::ID; static void conversion(const PixelBox &src, const PixelBox &dst) { typename U::SrcType *srcptr = static_cast(src.data); typename U::DstType *dstptr = static_cast(dst.data); const size_t srcSliceSkip = src.getSliceSkip(); const size_t dstSliceSkip = dst.getSliceSkip(); const size_t k = src.right - src.left; for(size_t z=src.front; z struct PixelConverter { static const int ID = id; typedef T SrcType; typedef U DstType; //inline static DstType pixelConvert(const SrcType &inp); }; /** Type for PF_R8G8B8/PF_B8G8R8 */ struct Col3b { Col3b(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int c): x((uint8)a), y((uint8)b), z((uint8)c) { } uint8 x,y,z; }; /** Type for PF_FLOAT32_RGB */ struct Col3f { Col3f(float r, float g, float b): r(r), g(g), b(b) { } float r,g,b; }; /** Type for PF_FLOAT32_RGBA */ struct Col4f { Col4f(float r, float g, float b, float a): r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a) { } float r,g,b,a; }; struct A8R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<16)|(inp&0xFF00FF00)|((inp&0x00FF0000)>>16); } }; struct A8R8G8B8toB8G8R8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<24)|((inp&0x0000FF00)<<8)|((inp&0x00FF0000)>>8)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>24); } }; struct A8R8G8B8toR8G8B8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x00FFFFFF)<<8)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>24); } }; struct A8B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<16)|(inp&0xFF00FF00)|((inp&0x00FF0000)>>16); } }; struct A8B8G8R8toB8G8R8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x00FFFFFF)<<8)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>24); } }; struct A8B8G8R8toR8G8B8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<24)|((inp&0x0000FF00)<<8)|((inp&0x00FF0000)>>8)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>24); } }; struct B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<24)|((inp&0x0000FF00)<<8)|((inp&0x00FF0000)>>8)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>24); } }; struct B8G8R8A8toA8B8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<24)|((inp&0xFFFFFF00)>>8); } }; struct B8G8R8A8toR8G8B8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x0000FF00)<<16)|(inp&0x00FF00FF)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>16); } }; struct R8G8B8A8toA8R8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<24)|((inp&0xFFFFFF00)>>8); } }; struct R8G8B8A8toA8B8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x000000FF)<<24)|((inp&0x0000FF00)<<8)|((inp&0x00FF0000)>>8)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>24); } }; struct R8G8B8A8toB8G8R8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x0000FF00)<<16)|(inp&0x00FF00FF)|((inp&0xFF000000)>>16); } }; struct A8B8G8R8toL8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return (uint8)(inp&0x000000FF); } }; struct L8toA8B8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return 0xFF000000|(((unsigned int)inp)<<0)|(((unsigned int)inp)<<8)|(((unsigned int)inp)<<16); } }; struct A8R8G8B8toL8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return (uint8)((inp&0x00FF0000)>>16); } }; struct L8toA8R8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return 0xFF000000|(((unsigned int)inp)<<0)|(((unsigned int)inp)<<8)|(((unsigned int)inp)<<16); } }; struct B8G8R8A8toL8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return (uint8)((inp&0x0000FF00)>>8); } }; struct L8toB8G8R8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return 0x000000FF|(((unsigned int)inp)<<8)|(((unsigned int)inp)<<16)|(((unsigned int)inp)<<24); } }; struct L8toL16: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return (uint16)((((unsigned int)inp)<<8)|(((unsigned int)inp))); } }; struct L16toL8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return (uint8)(inp>>8); } }; struct R8G8B8toB8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(const SrcType &inp) { return Col3b(inp.z, inp.y, inp.x); } }; struct B8G8R8toR8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(const SrcType &inp) { return Col3b(inp.z, inp.y, inp.x); } }; // X8Y8Z8 -> X8< struct Col3btoUint32swizzler: public PixelConverter { inline static uint32 pixelConvert(const Col3b &inp) { #if OGRE_ENDIAN == OGRE_ENDIAN_BIG return (0xFF< { }; struct B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8: public Col3btoUint32swizzler { }; struct R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8: public Col3btoUint32swizzler { }; struct B8G8R8toA8B8G8R8: public Col3btoUint32swizzler { }; struct R8G8B8toB8G8R8A8: public Col3btoUint32swizzler { }; struct B8G8R8toB8G8R8A8: public Col3btoUint32swizzler { }; struct A8R8G8B8toR8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(uint32 inp) { return Col3b((uint8)((inp>>16)&0xFF), (uint8)((inp>>8)&0xFF), (uint8)((inp>>0)&0xFF)); } }; struct A8R8G8B8toB8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(uint32 inp) { return Col3b((uint8)((inp>>0)&0xFF), (uint8)((inp>>8)&0xFF), (uint8)((inp>>16)&0xFF)); } }; // Only conversions from X8R8G8B8 to formats with alpha need to be defined, the rest is implicitly the same // as A8R8G8B8 struct X8R8G8B8toA8R8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return inp | 0xFF000000; } }; struct X8R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x0000FF)<<16)|((inp&0xFF0000)>>16)|(inp&0x00FF00)|0xFF000000; } }; struct X8R8G8B8toB8G8R8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x0000FF)<<24)|((inp&0xFF0000)>>8)|((inp&0x00FF00)<<8)|0x000000FF; } }; struct X8R8G8B8toR8G8B8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0xFFFFFF)<<8)|0x000000FF; } }; // X8B8G8R8 struct X8B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x0000FF)<<16)|((inp&0xFF0000)>>16)|(inp&0x00FF00)|0xFF000000; } }; struct X8B8G8R8toA8B8G8R8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return inp | 0xFF000000; } }; struct X8B8G8R8toB8G8R8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0xFFFFFF)<<8)|0x000000FF; } }; struct X8B8G8R8toR8G8B8A8: public PixelConverter { inline static DstType pixelConvert(SrcType inp) { return ((inp&0x0000FF)<<24)|((inp&0xFF0000)>>8)|((inp&0x00FF00)<<8)|0x000000FF; } }; #define CASECONVERTER(type) case type::ID : PixelBoxConverter::conversion(src, dst); return 1; inline int doOptimizedConversion(const PixelBox &src, const PixelBox &dst) {; switch(FMTCONVERTERID(src.format, dst.format)) { // Register converters here CASECONVERTER(A8R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(A8R8G8B8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(A8R8G8B8toR8G8B8A8); CASECONVERTER(A8B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(A8B8G8R8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(A8B8G8R8toR8G8B8A8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8A8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8A8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8A8toR8G8B8A8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8A8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8A8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8A8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(A8B8G8R8toL8); CASECONVERTER(L8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(A8R8G8B8toL8); CASECONVERTER(L8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8A8toL8); CASECONVERTER(L8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(L8toL16); CASECONVERTER(L16toL8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8toR8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8toB8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(R8G8B8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(B8G8R8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(A8R8G8B8toR8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(A8R8G8B8toB8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(X8R8G8B8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(X8R8G8B8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(X8R8G8B8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(X8R8G8B8toR8G8B8A8); CASECONVERTER(X8B8G8R8toA8R8G8B8); CASECONVERTER(X8B8G8R8toA8B8G8R8); CASECONVERTER(X8B8G8R8toB8G8R8A8); CASECONVERTER(X8B8G8R8toR8G8B8A8); default: return 0; } } #undef CASECONVERTER #endif // VC6 protection