/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgrePredefinedControllers.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreTextureUnitState.h" namespace Ogre { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // FrameTimeControllerValue //----------------------------------------------------------------------- FrameTimeControllerValue::FrameTimeControllerValue() { // Register self Root::getSingleton().addFrameListener(this); mFrameTime = 0; mTimeFactor = 1; mElapsedTime = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FrameTimeControllerValue::frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt) { // Save the time value after applying time factor mFrameTime = mTimeFactor * evt.timeSinceLastFrame; // Accumulate the elapsed time mElapsedTime += mFrameTime; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FrameTimeControllerValue::frameEnded(const FrameEvent &evt) { return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real FrameTimeControllerValue::getValue() const { return mFrameTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void FrameTimeControllerValue::setValue(Real value) { // Do nothing - value is set from frame listener } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real FrameTimeControllerValue::getTimeFactor(void) const { return mTimeFactor; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void FrameTimeControllerValue::setTimeFactor(Real tf) { if(tf >= 0) mTimeFactor = tf; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real FrameTimeControllerValue::getElapsedTime(void) const { return mElapsedTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void FrameTimeControllerValue::setElapsedTime(Real elapsedTime) { mElapsedTime = elapsedTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TextureFrameControllerValue //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TextureFrameControllerValue::TextureFrameControllerValue(TextureUnitState* t) { mTextureLayer = t; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real TextureFrameControllerValue::getValue(void) const { int numFrames = mTextureLayer->getNumFrames(); return (mTextureLayer->getCurrentFrame() / numFrames); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TextureFrameControllerValue::setValue(Real value) { int numFrames = mTextureLayer->getNumFrames(); mTextureLayer->setCurrentFrame((int)(value * numFrames) % numFrames); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TexCoordModifierControllerValue //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TexCoordModifierControllerValue::TexCoordModifierControllerValue(TextureUnitState* t, bool translateU, bool translateV, bool scaleU, bool scaleV, bool rotate ) { mTextureLayer = t; mTransU = translateU; mTransV = translateV; mScaleU = scaleU; mScaleV = scaleV; mRotate = rotate; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real TexCoordModifierControllerValue::getValue() const { const Matrix4& pMat = mTextureLayer->getTextureTransform(); if (mTransU) { return pMat[0][3]; } else if (mTransV) { return pMat[1][3]; } else if (mScaleU) { return pMat[0][0]; } else if (mScaleV) { return pMat[1][1]; } // Shouldn't get here return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TexCoordModifierControllerValue::setValue(Real value) { if (mTransU) { mTextureLayer->setTextureUScroll(value); } if (mTransV) { mTextureLayer->setTextureVScroll(value); } if (mScaleU) { if (value >= 0) { // Add 1 to scale (+ve scales up) mTextureLayer->setTextureUScale(1 + value); } else { // (-ve scales down) mTextureLayer->setTextureUScale(1 / -value); } } if (mScaleV) { if (value >= 0) { // Add 1 to scale (+ve scales up) mTextureLayer->setTextureVScale(1 + value); } else { // (-ve scales down) mTextureLayer->setTextureVScale(1 / -value); } } if (mRotate) { mTextureLayer->setTextureRotate(Radian(value * Math::TWO_PI)); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- FloatGpuParameterControllerValue::FloatGpuParameterControllerValue( GpuProgramParameters* params, size_t index) : mParams(params), mParamIndex(index) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real FloatGpuParameterControllerValue::getValue(void) const { // do nothing, reading from a set of params not supported return 0.0f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void FloatGpuParameterControllerValue::setValue(Real val) { static Vector4 v4 = Vector4(0,0,0,0); v4.x = val; mParams->setConstant(mParamIndex, v4); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // AnimationControllerFunction //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationControllerFunction::AnimationControllerFunction(Real sequenceTime, Real timeOffset) : ControllerFunction(false) { mSeqTime = sequenceTime; mTime = timeOffset; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real AnimationControllerFunction::calculate(Real source) { // Assume source is time since last update mTime += source; // Wrap while (mTime >= mSeqTime) mTime -= mSeqTime; while (mTime < 0) mTime += mSeqTime; // Return parametric return mTime / mSeqTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ScaleControllerFunction //----------------------------------------------------------------------- ScaleControllerFunction::ScaleControllerFunction(Real factor, bool delta) : ControllerFunction(delta) { mScale = factor; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real ScaleControllerFunction::calculate(Real source) { return getAdjustedInput(source * mScale); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // WaveformControllerFunction //----------------------------------------------------------------------- WaveformControllerFunction::WaveformControllerFunction(WaveformType wType, Real base, Real frequency, Real phase, Real amplitude, bool delta) :ControllerFunction(delta) { mWaveType = wType; mBase = base; mFrequency = frequency; mPhase = phase; mAmplitude = amplitude; mDeltaCount = phase; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real WaveformControllerFunction::getAdjustedInput(Real input) { Real adjusted = ControllerFunction::getAdjustedInput(input); // If not delta, adjust by phase here // (delta inputs have it adjusted at initialisation) if (!mDeltaInput) { adjusted += mPhase; } return adjusted; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real WaveformControllerFunction::calculate(Real source) { Real input = getAdjustedInput(source * mFrequency); Real output; // For simplicity, factor input down to {0,1) // Use looped subtract rather than divide / round while (input >= 1.0) input -= 1.0; while (input < 0.0) input += 1.0; // Calculate output in -1..1 range switch (mWaveType) { case WFT_SINE: output = Math::Sin(Radian(input * Math::TWO_PI)); break; case WFT_TRIANGLE: if (input < 0.25) output = input * 4; else if (input >= 0.25 && input < 0.75) output = 1.0 - ((input - 0.25) * 4); else output = ((input - 0.75) * 4) - 1.0; break; case WFT_SQUARE: if (input <= 0.5) output = 1.0; else output = -1.0; break; case WFT_SAWTOOTH: output = (input * 2) - 1; break; case WFT_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH: output = -((input * 2) - 1); break; } // Scale output into 0..1 range and then by base + amplitude return mBase + ((output + 1.0) * 0.5 * mAmplitude); } }