/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreRibbonTrail.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreSceneNode.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" namespace Ogre { /** Predefined controller value for getting / setting the frame time */ class _OgreExport TimeControllerValue : public ControllerValue { protected: RibbonTrail* mTrail; public: TimeControllerValue(RibbonTrail* r) { mTrail = r; } Real getValue(void) const { return 0; }// not a source void setValue(Real value) { mTrail->_timeUpdate(value); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- RibbonTrail::RibbonTrail(const String& name, size_t maxElements, size_t numberOfChains, bool useTextureCoords, bool useColours) :BillboardChain(name, maxElements, 0, useTextureCoords, useColours, true), mFadeController(0) { setTrailLength(100); setNumberOfChains(numberOfChains); mTimeControllerValue = ControllerValueRealPtr(new TimeControllerValue(this)); // use V as varying texture coord, so we can use 1D textures to 'smear' setTextureCoordDirection(TCD_V); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- RibbonTrail::~RibbonTrail() { // Detach listeners for (NodeList::iterator i = mNodeList.begin(); i != mNodeList.end(); ++i) { (*i)->setListener(0); } if (mFadeController) { // destroy controller ControllerManager::getSingleton().destroyController(mFadeController); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::addNode(Node* n) { if (mNodeList.size() == mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, mName + " cannot monitor any more nodes, chain count exceeded", "RibbonTrail::addNode"); } if (n->getListener()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, mName + " cannot monitor node " + n->getName() + " since it already has a listener.", "RibbonTrail::addNode"); } size_t segIdx = mNodeList.size(); ChainSegment& seg = mChainSegmentList[segIdx]; // set up this segment seg.head = seg.tail = SEGMENT_EMPTY; // Create new element, v coord is always 0.0f Element e(n->_getDerivedPosition(), mInitialWidth[segIdx], 0.0f, mInitialColour[segIdx]); // Add the start position addChainElement(segIdx, e); // Add another on the same spot, this will extend addChainElement(segIdx, e); mNodeList.push_back(n); n->setListener(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::removeNode(Node* n) { NodeList::iterator i = std::find(mNodeList.begin(), mNodeList.end(), n); if (i != mNodeList.end()) { n->setListener(0); mNodeList.erase(i); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- RibbonTrail::NodeIterator RibbonTrail::getNodeIterator(void) const { return NodeIterator(mNodeList.begin(), mNodeList.end()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setTrailLength(Real len) { mTrailLength = len; mElemLength = mTrailLength / mMaxElementsPerChain; mSquaredElemLength = mElemLength * mElemLength; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setMaxChainElements(size_t maxElements) { BillboardChain::setMaxChainElements(maxElements); mElemLength = mTrailLength / mMaxElementsPerChain; mSquaredElemLength = mElemLength * mElemLength; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setNumberOfChains(size_t numChains) { BillboardChain::setNumberOfChains(numChains); mInitialColour.resize(numChains, ColourValue::White); mDeltaColour.resize(numChains, ColourValue::ZERO); mInitialWidth.resize(numChains, 10); mDeltaWidth.resize(numChains, 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setInitialColour(size_t chainIndex, const ColourValue& col) { setInitialColour(chainIndex, col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setInitialColour(size_t chainIndex, Real r, Real g, Real b, Real a) { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::setInitialColour"); } mInitialColour[chainIndex].r = r; mInitialColour[chainIndex].g = g; mInitialColour[chainIndex].b = b; mInitialColour[chainIndex].a = a; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColourValue& RibbonTrail::getInitialColour(size_t chainIndex) const { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::getInitialColour"); } return mInitialColour[chainIndex]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setInitialWidth(size_t chainIndex, Real width) { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::setInitialWidth"); } mInitialWidth[chainIndex] = width; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real RibbonTrail::getInitialWidth(size_t chainIndex) const { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::getInitialWidth"); } return mInitialWidth[chainIndex]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setColourChange(size_t chainIndex, const ColourValue& valuePerSecond) { setColourChange(chainIndex, valuePerSecond.r, valuePerSecond.g, valuePerSecond.b, valuePerSecond.a); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setColourChange(size_t chainIndex, Real r, Real g, Real b, Real a) { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::setColourChange"); } mDeltaColour[chainIndex].r = r; mDeltaColour[chainIndex].g = g; mDeltaColour[chainIndex].b = b; mDeltaColour[chainIndex].a = a; manageController(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColourValue& RibbonTrail::getColourChange(size_t chainIndex) const { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::getColourChange"); } return mDeltaColour[chainIndex]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::setWidthChange(size_t chainIndex, Real widthDeltaPerSecond) { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::setWidthChange"); } mDeltaWidth[chainIndex] = widthDeltaPerSecond; manageController(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real RibbonTrail::getWidthChange(size_t chainIndex) const { if (chainIndex >= mChainCount) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "chainIndex out of bounds", "RibbonTrail::getWidthChange"); } return mDeltaWidth[chainIndex]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::manageController(void) { bool needController = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < mChainCount; ++i) { if (mDeltaWidth[i] != 0 || mDeltaColour[i] != ColourValue::ZERO) { needController = true; break; } } if (!mFadeController && needController) { // Set up fading via frame time controller ControllerManager& mgr = ControllerManager::getSingleton(); mFadeController = mgr.createFrameTimePassthroughController(mTimeControllerValue); } else if (mFadeController && !needController) { // destroy controller ControllerManager::getSingleton().destroyController(mFadeController); mFadeController = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::nodeUpdated(const Node* node) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < mNodeList.size(); ++idx) { if (mNodeList[idx] == node) { updateTrail(idx, node); break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::nodeDestroyed(const Node* node) { removeNode(const_cast(node)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::updateTrail(size_t index, const Node* node) { // Node has changed somehow, we're only interested in the derived position ChainSegment& seg = mChainSegmentList[index]; Element& headElem = mChainElementList[seg.start + seg.head]; size_t nextElemIdx = seg.head + 1; // wrap if (nextElemIdx == mMaxElementsPerChain) nextElemIdx = 0; Element& nextElem = mChainElementList[seg.start + nextElemIdx]; // Vary the head elem, but bake new version if that exceeds element len Vector3 newPos = node->_getDerivedPosition(); if (mParentNode) { // Transform position to ourself space newPos = mParentNode->_getDerivedOrientation().UnitInverse() * (newPos - mParentNode->_getDerivedPosition()) / mParentNode->_getDerivedScale(); } Vector3 diff = newPos - nextElem.position; Real sqlen = diff.squaredLength(); if (sqlen >= mSquaredElemLength) { // Move existing head to mElemLength Vector3 scaledDiff = diff * (mElemLength / Math::Sqrt(sqlen)); headElem.position = nextElem.position + scaledDiff; // Add a new element to be the new head Element newElem(newPos, mInitialWidth[index], 0.0f, mInitialColour[index]); addChainElement(index, newElem); // alter diff to represent new head size diff = newPos - newElem.position; } else { // Extend existing head headElem.position = newPos; } // Is this segment full? if ((seg.tail + 1) % mMaxElementsPerChain == seg.head) { // If so, shrink tail gradually to match head extension Element& tailElem = mChainElementList[seg.start + seg.tail]; size_t preTailIdx; if (seg.tail == 0) preTailIdx = mMaxElementsPerChain - 1; else preTailIdx = seg.tail - 1; Element& preTailElem = mChainElementList[seg.start + preTailIdx]; // Measure tail diff from pretail to tail Vector3 taildiff = tailElem.position - preTailElem.position; Real taillen = taildiff.length(); if (taillen > 1e-06) { Real tailsize = mElemLength - diff.length(); taildiff *= tailsize / taillen; tailElem.position = preTailElem.position + taildiff; } } mBoundsDirty = true; // Need to dirty the parent node, but can't do it using needUpdate() here // since we're in the middle of the scene graph update (node listener), // so re-entrant calls don't work. Queue. if (mParentNode) { Node::queueNeedUpdate(getParentSceneNode()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrail::_timeUpdate(Real time) { // Apply all segment effects for (size_t s = 0; s < mChainSegmentList.size(); ++s) { ChainSegment& seg = mChainSegmentList[s]; if (seg.head != SEGMENT_EMPTY && seg.head != seg.tail) { for(size_t e = seg.head + 1;; ++e) // until break { e = e % mMaxElementsPerChain; Element& elem = mChainElementList[seg.start + e]; elem.width = elem.width - (time * mDeltaWidth[s]); elem.width = std::max(Real(0.0f), elem.width); elem.colour = elem.colour - (mDeltaColour[s] * time); elem.colour.saturate(); if (e == seg.tail) break; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- String RibbonTrailFactory::FACTORY_TYPE_NAME = "RibbonTrail"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& RibbonTrailFactory::getType(void) const { return FACTORY_TYPE_NAME; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* RibbonTrailFactory::createInstanceImpl( const String& name, const NameValuePairList* params) { size_t maxElements = 20; size_t numberOfChains = 1; bool useTex = true; bool useCol = true; // optional params if (params != 0) { NameValuePairList::const_iterator ni = params->find("maxElements"); if (ni != params->end()) { maxElements = StringConverter::parseUnsignedLong(ni->second); } ni = params->find("numberOfChains"); if (ni != params->end()) { numberOfChains = StringConverter::parseUnsignedLong(ni->second); } ni = params->find("useTextureCoords"); if (ni != params->end()) { useTex = StringConverter::parseBool(ni->second); } ni = params->find("useVertexColours"); if (ni != params->end()) { useCol = StringConverter::parseBool(ni->second); } } return new RibbonTrail(name, maxElements, numberOfChains, useTex, useCol); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RibbonTrailFactory::destroyInstance( MovableObject* obj) { delete obj; } }