/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreSceneNode.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreEntity.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreLight.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreSceneManager.h" #include "OgreMovableObject.h" #include "OgreWireBoundingBox.h" namespace Ogre { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode::SceneNode(SceneManager* creator) : Node(), mLightListDirty(true), mWireBoundingBox(0), mShowBoundingBox(false), mCreator(creator), mYawFixed(false), mAutoTrackTarget(0), mIsInSceneGraph(false) { needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode::SceneNode(SceneManager* creator, const String& name) : Node(name), mLightListDirty(true), mWireBoundingBox(0), mShowBoundingBox(false), mCreator(creator), mYawFixed(false), mAutoTrackTarget(0), mIsInSceneGraph(false) { needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode::~SceneNode() { // Detach all objects, do this manually to avoid needUpdate() call // which can fail because of deleted items ObjectMap::iterator itr; MovableObject* ret; for ( itr = mObjectsByName.begin(); itr != mObjectsByName.end(); itr++ ) { ret = itr->second; ret->_notifyAttached((SceneNode*)0); } mObjectsByName.clear(); if (mWireBoundingBox) { delete mWireBoundingBox; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::_update(bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged) { Node::_update(updateChildren, parentHasChanged); _updateBounds(); mLightListDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setParent(Node* parent) { Node::setParent(parent); if (parent) { SceneNode* sceneParent = static_cast(parent); setInSceneGraph(sceneParent->isInSceneGraph()); } else { setInSceneGraph(false); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setInSceneGraph(bool inGraph) { if (inGraph != mIsInSceneGraph) { mIsInSceneGraph = inGraph; // Tell children ChildNodeMap::iterator child; for (child = mChildren.begin(); child != mChildren.end(); ++child) { SceneNode* sceneChild = static_cast(child->second); sceneChild->setInSceneGraph(inGraph); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::attachObject(MovableObject* obj) { obj->_notifyAttached(this); // Also add to name index std::pair insresult = mObjectsByName.insert(ObjectMap::value_type(obj->getName(), obj)); assert(insresult.second && "Object was not attached because an object of the " "same name was already attached to this node."); // Make sure bounds get updated (must go right to the top) needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned short SceneNode::numAttachedObjects(void) const { return static_cast< unsigned short >( mObjectsByName.size() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* SceneNode::getAttachedObject(unsigned short index) { if (index < mObjectsByName.size()) { ObjectMap::iterator i = mObjectsByName.begin(); // Increment (must do this one at a time) while (index--)++i; return i->second; } else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Object index out of bounds.", "SceneNode::getAttachedObject"); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* SceneNode::getAttachedObject(const String& name) { // Look up ObjectMap::iterator i = mObjectsByName.find(name); if (i == mObjectsByName.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "Attached object " + name + " not found.", "SceneNode::getAttachedObject"); } return i->second; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* SceneNode::detachObject(unsigned short index) { MovableObject* ret; if (index < mObjectsByName.size()) { ObjectMap::iterator i = mObjectsByName.begin(); // Increment (must do this one at a time) while (index--)++i; ret = i->second; mObjectsByName.erase(i); ret->_notifyAttached((SceneNode*)0); // Make sure bounds get updated (must go right to the top) needUpdate(); return ret; } else { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Object index out of bounds.", "SceneNode::getAttchedEntity"); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovableObject* SceneNode::detachObject(const String& name) { ObjectMap::iterator it = mObjectsByName.find(name); if (it == mObjectsByName.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "Object " + name + " is not attached " "to this node.", "SceneNode::detachObject"); } MovableObject* ret = it->second; mObjectsByName.erase(it); ret->_notifyAttached((SceneNode*)0); // Make sure bounds get updated (must go right to the top) needUpdate(); return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::detachObject(MovableObject* obj) { ObjectMap::iterator i, iend; iend = mObjectsByName.end(); for (i = mObjectsByName.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { if (i->second == obj) { mObjectsByName.erase(i); break; } } obj->_notifyAttached((SceneNode*)0); // Make sure bounds get updated (must go right to the top) needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::detachAllObjects(void) { ObjectMap::iterator itr; MovableObject* ret; for ( itr = mObjectsByName.begin(); itr != mObjectsByName.end(); itr++ ) { ret = itr->second; ret->_notifyAttached((SceneNode*)0); } mObjectsByName.clear(); // Make sure bounds get updated (must go right to the top) needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::_updateBounds(void) { // Reset bounds first mWorldAABB.setNull(); // Update bounds from own attached objects ObjectMap::iterator i; for (i = mObjectsByName.begin(); i != mObjectsByName.end(); ++i) { // Merge world bounds of each object mWorldAABB.merge(i->second->getWorldBoundingBox(true)); } // Merge with children ChildNodeMap::iterator child; for (child = mChildren.begin(); child != mChildren.end(); ++child) { SceneNode* sceneChild = static_cast(child->second); mWorldAABB.merge(sceneChild->mWorldAABB); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::_findVisibleObjects(Camera* cam, RenderQueue* queue, bool includeChildren, bool displayNodes, bool onlyShadowCasters) { // Check self visible if (!cam->isVisible(mWorldAABB)) return; // Add all entities ObjectMap::iterator iobj; ObjectMap::iterator iobjend = mObjectsByName.end(); for (iobj = mObjectsByName.begin(); iobj != iobjend; ++iobj) { // Tell attached objects about camera position (incase any extra processing they want to do) iobj->second->_notifyCurrentCamera(cam); if (iobj->second->isVisible() && (!onlyShadowCasters || iobj->second->getCastShadows())) { iobj->second->_updateRenderQueue(queue); } } if (includeChildren) { ChildNodeMap::iterator child, childend; childend = mChildren.end(); for (child = mChildren.begin(); child != childend; ++child) { SceneNode* sceneChild = static_cast(child->second); sceneChild->_findVisibleObjects(cam, queue, includeChildren, displayNodes, onlyShadowCasters); } } if (displayNodes) { // Include self in the render queue queue->addRenderable(this); } // Check if the bounding box should be shown. // See if our flag is set or if the scene manager flag is set. if (mShowBoundingBox || (mCreator && mCreator->getShowBoundingBoxes())) { _addBoundingBoxToQueue(queue); } } void SceneNode::_addBoundingBoxToQueue(RenderQueue* queue) { // Create a WireBoundingBox if needed. if (mWireBoundingBox == NULL) { mWireBoundingBox = new WireBoundingBox(); } mWireBoundingBox->setupBoundingBox(mWorldAABB); queue->addRenderable(mWireBoundingBox); } void SceneNode::showBoundingBox(bool bShow) { mShowBoundingBox = bShow; } bool SceneNode::getShowBoundingBox() const { return mShowBoundingBox; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node* SceneNode::createChildImpl(void) { assert(mCreator); return mCreator->createSceneNode(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node* SceneNode::createChildImpl(const String& name) { assert(mCreator); return mCreator->createSceneNode(name); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AxisAlignedBox SceneNode::_getWorldAABB(void) const { return mWorldAABB; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode::ObjectIterator SceneNode::getAttachedObjectIterator(void) { return ObjectIterator(mObjectsByName.begin(), mObjectsByName.end()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode::ConstObjectIterator SceneNode::getAttachedObjectIterator(void) const { return ConstObjectIterator(mObjectsByName.begin(), mObjectsByName.end()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneManager* SceneNode::getCreator(void) const { return mCreator; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::removeAndDestroyChild(const String& name) { SceneNode* pChild = static_cast(getChild(name)); pChild->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); removeChild(name); pChild->getCreator()->destroySceneNode(name); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::removeAndDestroyChild(unsigned short index) { SceneNode* pChild = static_cast(getChild(index)); pChild->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); removeChild(index); pChild->getCreator()->destroySceneNode(pChild->getName()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::removeAndDestroyAllChildren(void) { ChildNodeMap::iterator i, iend; iend = mChildren.end(); for (i = mChildren.begin(); i != iend;) { SceneNode* sn = static_cast(i->second); // increment iterator before destroying (iterator invalidated by // SceneManager::destroySceneNode because it causes removal from parent) ++i; sn->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); sn->getCreator()->destroySceneNode(sn->getName()); } mChildren.clear(); needUpdate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode* SceneNode::createChildSceneNode(const Vector3& translate, const Quaternion& rotate) { return static_cast(this->createChild(translate, rotate)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode* SceneNode::createChildSceneNode(const String& name, const Vector3& translate, const Quaternion& rotate) { return static_cast(this->createChild(name, translate, rotate)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const LightList& SceneNode::findLights(Real radius) const { // TEMP FIX // If a scene node is static and lights have moved, light list won't change // can't use a simple global boolean flag since this is only called for // visible nodes, so temporarily visible nodes will not be updated // Since this is only called for visible nodes, skip the check for now //if (mLightListDirty) if (mCreator) { // Use SceneManager to calculate mCreator->_populateLightList(this->_getDerivedPosition(), radius, mLightList); mLightListDirty = false; } return mLightList; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setAutoTracking(bool enabled, SceneNode* target, const Vector3& localDirectionVector, const Vector3& offset) { if (enabled) { mAutoTrackTarget = target; mAutoTrackOffset = offset; mAutoTrackLocalDirection = localDirectionVector; } else { mAutoTrackTarget = 0; } if (mCreator) mCreator->_notifyAutotrackingSceneNode(this, enabled); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setFixedYawAxis(bool useFixed, const Vector3& fixedAxis) { mYawFixed = useFixed; mYawFixedAxis = fixedAxis; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::yaw(const Radian& angle, TransformSpace relativeTo) { if (mYawFixed) { rotate(mYawFixedAxis, angle, relativeTo); } else { rotate(Vector3::UNIT_Y, angle, relativeTo); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3& localDirectionVector) { setDirection(Vector3(x,y,z), relativeTo, localDirectionVector); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setDirection(const Vector3& vec, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3& localDirectionVector) { // Do nothing if given a zero vector if (vec == Vector3::ZERO) return; // The direction we want the local direction point to Vector3 targetDir = vec.normalisedCopy(); // Transform target direction to world space switch (relativeTo) { case TS_PARENT: if (mInheritOrientation) { if (mParent) { targetDir = mParent->_getDerivedOrientation() * targetDir; } } break; case TS_LOCAL: targetDir = _getDerivedOrientation() * targetDir; break; } // Calculate target orientation relative to world space Quaternion targetOrientation; if( mYawFixed ) { // Calculate the quaternion for rotate local Z to target direction Vector3 xVec = mYawFixedAxis.crossProduct(targetDir); xVec.normalise(); Vector3 yVec = targetDir.crossProduct(xVec); yVec.normalise(); Quaternion unitZToTarget = Quaternion(xVec, yVec, targetDir); if (localDirectionVector == Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) { // Specail case for avoid calculate 180 degree turn targetOrientation = Quaternion(-unitZToTarget.y, -unitZToTarget.z, unitZToTarget.w, unitZToTarget.x); } else { // Calculate the quaternion for rotate local direction to target direction Quaternion localToUnitZ = localDirectionVector.getRotationTo(Vector3::UNIT_Z); targetOrientation = unitZToTarget * localToUnitZ; } } else { const Quaternion& currentOrient = _getDerivedOrientation(); // Get current local direction relative to world space Vector3 currentDir = currentOrient * localDirectionVector; if ((currentDir+targetDir).squaredLength() < 0.00005f) { // Oops, a 180 degree turn (infinite possible rotation axes) // Default to yaw i.e. use current UP targetOrientation = Quaternion(-currentOrient.y, -currentOrient.z, currentOrient.w, currentOrient.x); } else { // Derive shortest arc to new direction Quaternion rotQuat = currentDir.getRotationTo(targetDir); targetOrientation = rotQuat * currentOrient; } } // Set target orientation, transformed to parent space if (mParent && mInheritOrientation) setOrientation(mParent->_getDerivedOrientation().UnitInverse() * targetOrientation); else setOrientation(targetOrientation); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::lookAt( const Vector3& targetPoint, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3& localDirectionVector) { // Calculate ourself origin relative to the given transform space Vector3 origin; switch (relativeTo) { default: // Just in case case TS_WORLD: origin = _getDerivedPosition(); break; case TS_PARENT: origin = mPosition; break; case TS_LOCAL: origin = Vector3::ZERO; break; } setDirection(targetPoint - origin, relativeTo, localDirectionVector); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::_autoTrack(void) { // NB assumes that all scene nodes have been updated if (mAutoTrackTarget) { lookAt(mAutoTrackTarget->_getDerivedPosition() + mAutoTrackOffset, TS_WORLD, mAutoTrackLocalDirection); // update self & children _update(true, true); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneNode* SceneNode::getParentSceneNode(void) const { return static_cast(getParent()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::setVisible(bool visible, bool cascade) { ObjectMap::iterator oi, oiend; oiend = mObjectsByName.end(); for (oi = mObjectsByName.begin(); oi != oiend; ++oi) { oi->second->setVisible(visible); } if (cascade) { ChildNodeMap::iterator i, iend; iend = mChildren.end(); for (i = mChildren.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { static_cast(i->second)->setVisible(visible, cascade); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SceneNode::flipVisibility(bool cascade) { ObjectMap::iterator oi, oiend; oiend = mObjectsByName.end(); for (oi = mObjectsByName.begin(); oi != oiend; ++oi) { oi->second->setVisible(!oi->second->isVisible()); } if (cascade) { ChildNodeMap::iterator i, iend; iend = mChildren.end(); for (i = mChildren.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { static_cast(i->second)->flipVisibility(cascade); } } } }