/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreStableHeaders.h" #include "OgreSkeleton.h" #include "OgreBone.h" #include "OgreAnimation.h" #include "OgreAnimationState.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreSkeletonManager.h" #include "OgreSkeletonSerializer.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" // Just for logging #include "OgreAnimationTrack.h" #include "OgreKeyFrame.h" namespace Ogre { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton::Skeleton() : Resource(), mBlendState(ANIMBLEND_AVERAGE), mNextAutoHandle(0), mManualBonesDirty(false) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton::Skeleton(ResourceManager* creator, const String& name, ResourceHandle handle, const String& group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader* loader) : Resource(creator, name, handle, group, isManual, loader), mBlendState(ANIMBLEND_AVERAGE), mNextAutoHandle(0) // set animation blending to weighted, not cumulative { if (createParamDictionary("Skeleton")) { // no custom params } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton::~Skeleton() { // have to call this here reather than in Resource destructor // since calling virtual methods in base destructors causes crash unload(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::loadImpl(void) { SkeletonSerializer serializer; StringUtil::StrStreamType msg; msg << "Skeleton: Loading " << mName; LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(msg.str()); DataStreamPtr stream = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource( mName, mGroup, true, this); serializer.importSkeleton(stream, this); // Load any linked skeletons LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList::iterator i; for (i = mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(); i != mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end(); ++i) { i->pSkeleton = SkeletonManager::getSingleton().load( i->skeletonName, mGroup); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::unloadImpl(void) { // destroy bones BoneList::iterator i; for (i = mBoneList.begin(); i != mBoneList.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } mBoneList.clear(); mBoneListByName.clear(); mRootBones.clear(); // Destroy animations AnimationList::iterator ai; for (ai = mAnimationsList.begin(); ai != mAnimationsList.end(); ++ai) { delete ai->second; } mAnimationsList.clear(); LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList::iterator li; for (li = mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(); li != mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end(); ++li) { li->pSkeleton.setNull(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::createBone(void) { // use autohandle return createBone(mNextAutoHandle++); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::createBone(const String& name) { return createBone(name, mNextAutoHandle++); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::createBone(unsigned short handle) { if (handle >= OGRE_MAX_NUM_BONES) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Exceeded the maximum number of bones per skeleton.", "Skeleton::createBone"); } // Check handle not used if (handle < mBoneList.size() && mBoneList[handle] != NULL) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "A bone with the handle " + StringConverter::toString(handle) + " already exists", "Skeleton::createBone" ); } Bone* ret = new Bone(handle, this); assert(mBoneListByName.find(ret->getName()) == mBoneListByName.end()); if (mBoneList.size() <= handle) { mBoneList.resize(handle+1); } mBoneList[handle] = ret; mBoneListByName[ret->getName()] = ret; return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::createBone(const String& name, unsigned short handle) { if (handle >= OGRE_MAX_NUM_BONES) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Exceeded the maximum number of bones per skeleton.", "Skeleton::createBone"); } // Check handle not used if (handle < mBoneList.size() && mBoneList[handle] != NULL) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "A bone with the handle " + StringConverter::toString(handle) + " already exists", "Skeleton::createBone" ); } // Check name not used if (mBoneListByName.find(name) != mBoneListByName.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "A bone with the name " + name + " already exists", "Skeleton::createBone" ); } Bone* ret = new Bone(name, handle, this); if (mBoneList.size() <= handle) { mBoneList.resize(handle+1); } mBoneList[handle] = ret; mBoneListByName[name] = ret; return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::getRootBone(void) const { if (mRootBones.empty()) { deriveRootBone(); } return mRootBones[0]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::setAnimationState(const AnimationStateSet& animSet) { /* Algorithm: 1. Reset all bone positions 2. Iterate per AnimationState, if enabled get Animation and call Animation::apply */ // Reset bones reset(); // Per enabled animation state ConstEnabledAnimationStateIterator stateIt = animSet.getEnabledAnimationStateIterator(); while (stateIt.hasMoreElements()) { const AnimationState* animState = stateIt.getNext(); const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource* linked = 0; Animation* anim = getAnimation(animState->getAnimationName(), &linked); // tolerate state entries for animations we're not aware of if (anim) { if (linked) { anim->apply(this, animState->getTimePosition(), animState->getWeight(), mBlendState == ANIMBLEND_CUMULATIVE, linked->scale); } else { anim->apply(this, animState->getTimePosition(), animState->getWeight(), mBlendState == ANIMBLEND_CUMULATIVE); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::setBindingPose(void) { // Update the derived transforms _updateTransforms(); BoneList::iterator i; for (i = mBoneList.begin(); i != mBoneList.end(); ++i) { (*i)->setBindingPose(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::reset(bool resetManualBones) { BoneList::iterator i; for (i = mBoneList.begin(); i != mBoneList.end(); ++i) { if(!(*i)->isManuallyControlled() || resetManualBones) (*i)->reset(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation* Skeleton::createAnimation(const String& name, Real length) { // Check name not used if (mAnimationsList.find(name) != mAnimationsList.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_DUPLICATE_ITEM, "An animation with the name " + name + " already exists", "Skeleton::createAnimation"); } Animation* ret = new Animation(name, length); // Add to list mAnimationsList[name] = ret; return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation* Skeleton::getAnimation(const String& name, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource** linker) const { Animation* ret = _getAnimationImpl(name, linker); if (!ret) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "No animation entry found named " + name, "Skeleton::getAnimation"); } return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Skeleton::hasAnimation(const String& name) { return _getAnimationImpl(name) != 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation* Skeleton::_getAnimationImpl(const String& name, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource** linker) const { Animation* ret = 0; AnimationList::const_iterator i = mAnimationsList.find(name); if (i == mAnimationsList.end()) { LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList::const_iterator i; for (i = mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(); i != mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end() && !ret; ++i) { if (!i->pSkeleton.isNull()) { ret = i->pSkeleton->_getAnimationImpl(name); if (ret && linker) { *linker = &(*i); } } } } else { if (linker) *linker = 0; ret = i->second; } return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::removeAnimation(const String& name) { AnimationList::iterator i = mAnimationsList.find(name); if (i == mAnimationsList.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "No animation entry found named " + name, "Skeleton::getAnimation"); } delete i->second; mAnimationsList.erase(i); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_initAnimationState(AnimationStateSet* animSet) { animSet->removeAllAnimationStates(); AnimationList::iterator i; for (i = mAnimationsList.begin(); i != mAnimationsList.end(); ++i) { Animation* anim = i->second; // Create animation at time index 0, default params mean this has weight 1 and is disabled String animName = anim->getName(); animSet->createAnimationState(animName, 0.0, anim->getLength()); } // Also iterate over linked animation LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList::iterator li; for (li = mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(); li != mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end(); ++li) { if (!li->pSkeleton.isNull()) { li->pSkeleton->_refreshAnimationState(animSet); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_refreshAnimationState(AnimationStateSet* animSet) { // Merge in any new animations AnimationList::iterator i; for (i = mAnimationsList.begin(); i != mAnimationsList.end(); ++i) { Animation* anim = i->second; // Create animation at time index 0, default params mean this has weight 1 and is disabled String animName = anim->getName(); if (!animSet->hasAnimationState(animName)) { animSet->createAnimationState(animName, 0.0, anim->getLength()); } } // Also iterate over linked animation LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList::iterator li; for (li = mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(); li != mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end(); ++li) { if (!li->pSkeleton.isNull()) { li->pSkeleton->_refreshAnimationState(animSet); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_notifyManualBonesDirty(void) { mManualBonesDirty = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_notifyManualBoneStateChange(Bone* bone) { if (bone->isManuallyControlled()) mManualBones.insert(bone); else mManualBones.erase(bone); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned short Skeleton::getNumBones(void) const { return (unsigned short)mBoneList.size(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_getBoneMatrices(Matrix4* pMatrices) { // Update derived transforms _updateTransforms(); /* Calculating the bone matrices ----------------------------- Now that we have the derived orientations & positions in the Bone nodes, we have to compute the Matrix4 to apply to the vertices of a mesh. Because any modification of a vertex has to be relative to the bone, we must first reverse transform by the Bone's original derived position/orientation, then transform by the new derived position / orientation. */ BoneList::iterator i, boneend; boneend = mBoneList.end(); for(i = mBoneList.begin();i != boneend; ++i) { Bone* pBone = *i; *pMatrices = pBone->_getFullTransform() * pBone->_getBindingPoseInverseTransform(); pMatrices++; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned short Skeleton::getNumAnimations(void) const { return (unsigned short)mAnimationsList.size(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Animation* Skeleton::getAnimation(unsigned short index) const { // If you hit this assert, then the index is out of bounds. assert( index < mAnimationsList.size() ); AnimationList::const_iterator i = mAnimationsList.begin(); std::advance(i, index); return i->second; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::getBone(unsigned short handle) const { assert(handle < mBoneList.size() && "Index out of bounds"); return mBoneList[handle]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone* Skeleton::getBone(const String& name) const { BoneListByName::const_iterator i = mBoneListByName.find(name); if (i == mBoneListByName.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "Bone named '" + name + "' not found.", "Skeleton::getBone"); } return i->second; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::deriveRootBone(void) const { // Start at the first bone and work up if (mBoneList.empty()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Cannot derive root bone as this " "skeleton has no bones!", "Skeleton::deriveRootBone"); } mRootBones.clear(); Bone* currentBone; BoneList::const_iterator i; BoneList::const_iterator iend = mBoneList.end(); for (i = mBoneList.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { currentBone = *i; if (currentBone->getParent() == 0) { // This is a root mRootBones.push_back(currentBone); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_dumpContents(const String& filename) { std::ofstream of; Quaternion q; Radian angle; Vector3 axis; of.open(filename.c_str()); of << "-= Debug output of skeleton " << mName << " =-" << std::endl << std::endl; of << "== Bones ==" << std::endl; of << "Number of bones: " << (unsigned int)mBoneList.size() << std::endl; BoneList::iterator bi; for (bi = mBoneList.begin(); bi != mBoneList.end(); ++bi) { Bone* bone = *bi; of << "-- Bone " << bone->getHandle() << " --" << std::endl; of << "Position: " << bone->getPosition(); q = bone->getOrientation(); of << "Rotation: " << q; q.ToAngleAxis(angle, axis); of << " = " << angle.valueRadians() << " radians around axis " << axis << std::endl << std::endl; } of << "== Animations ==" << std::endl; of << "Number of animations: " << (unsigned int)mAnimationsList.size() << std::endl; AnimationList::iterator ai; for (ai = mAnimationsList.begin(); ai != mAnimationsList.end(); ++ai) { Animation* anim = ai->second; of << "-- Animation '" << anim->getName() << "' (length " << anim->getLength() << ") --" << std::endl; of << "Number of tracks: " << anim->getNumNodeTracks() << std::endl; int ti; for (ti = 0; ti < anim->getNumNodeTracks(); ++ti) { NodeAnimationTrack* track = anim->getNodeTrack(ti); of << " -- AnimationTrack " << ti << " --" << std::endl; of << " Affects bone: " << ((Bone*)track->getAssociatedNode())->getHandle() << std::endl; of << " Number of keyframes: " << track->getNumKeyFrames() << std::endl; int ki; for (ki = 0; ki < track->getNumKeyFrames(); ++ki) { TransformKeyFrame* key = track->getNodeKeyFrame(ki); of << " -- KeyFrame " << ki << " --" << std::endl; of << " Time index: " << key->getTime(); of << " Translation: " << key->getTranslate() << std::endl; q = key->getRotation(); of << " Rotation: " << q; q.ToAngleAxis(angle, axis); of << " = " << angle.valueRadians() << " radians around axis " << axis << std::endl; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- SkeletonAnimationBlendMode Skeleton::getBlendMode() const { return mBlendState; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::setBlendMode(SkeletonAnimationBlendMode state) { mBlendState = state; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton::BoneIterator Skeleton::getRootBoneIterator(void) { if (mRootBones.empty()) { deriveRootBone(); } return BoneIterator(mRootBones.begin(), mRootBones.end()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton::BoneIterator Skeleton::getBoneIterator(void) { return BoneIterator(mBoneList.begin(), mBoneList.end()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::_updateTransforms(void) { BoneList::iterator i, iend; iend = mRootBones.end(); for (i = mRootBones.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { (*i)->_update(true, false); } mManualBonesDirty = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::optimiseAllAnimations(void) { AnimationList::iterator ai; for (ai = mAnimationsList.begin(); ai != mAnimationsList.end(); ++ai) { ai->second->optimise(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource(const String& skelName, Real scale) { // Check not already linked LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList::iterator i; for (i = mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(); i != mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end(); ++i) { if (skelName == i->skeletonName) return; // don't bother } if (mIsLoaded) { // Load immediately SkeletonPtr skelPtr = SkeletonManager::getSingleton().load(skelName, mGroup); mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.push_back( LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource(skelName, scale, skelPtr)); } else { // Load later mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.push_back( LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource(skelName, scale)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void Skeleton::removeAllLinkedSkeletonAnimationSources(void) { mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton::LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator Skeleton::getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator(void) const { return LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator( mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.begin(), mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList.end()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- }