[657] | 1 | /*
| 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 3 | This source file is part of OGRE
| 4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
| 5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
| 6 |
| 7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
| 8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
| 9 |
| 10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
| 12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
| 13 | version.
| 14 |
| 15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| 17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 18 |
| 19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
| 20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
| 21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
| 22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
| 23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 24 | */
| 25 | #include "OgreStableHeaders.h"
| 26 | #include "OgreStaticGeometry.h"
| 27 | #include "OgreEntity.h"
| 28 | #include "OgreSubEntity.h"
| 29 | #include "OgreSceneNode.h"
| 30 | #include "OgreException.h"
| 31 | #include "OgreMesh.h"
| 32 | #include "OgreSubMesh.h"
| 33 | #include "OgreLogManager.h"
| 34 | #include "OgreSceneManager.h"
| 35 | #include "OgreCamera.h"
| 36 | #include "OgreMaterialManager.h"
| 37 | #include "OgreRoot.h"
| 38 | #include "OgreRenderSystem.h"
| 39 |
| 40 | namespace Ogre {
| 41 |
| 42 | #define REGION_RANGE 1024
| 43 | #define REGION_HALF_RANGE 512
| 44 | #define REGION_MAX_INDEX 511
| 45 | #define REGION_MIN_INDEX -512
| 46 |
| 47 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 48 | StaticGeometry::StaticGeometry(SceneManager* owner, const String& name):
| 49 | mOwner(owner),
| 50 | mName(name),
| 51 | mBuilt(false),
| 52 | mUpperDistance(0.0f),
| 53 | mSquaredUpperDistance(0.0f),
| 54 | mCastShadows(false),
| 55 | mRegionDimensions(Vector3(1000,1000,1000)),
| 56 | mHalfRegionDimensions(Vector3(500,500,500)),
| 57 | mOrigin(Vector3(0,0,0)),
| 58 | mVisible(true),
| 59 | mRenderQueueID(RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN),
| 60 | mRenderQueueIDSet(false)
| 61 | {
| 62 | }
| 63 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 64 | StaticGeometry::~StaticGeometry()
| 65 | {
| 66 | reset();
| 67 | }
| 68 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 69 | StaticGeometry::Region* StaticGeometry::getRegion(const AxisAlignedBox& bounds,
| 70 | bool autoCreate)
| 71 | {
| 72 | if (bounds.isNull())
| 73 | return 0;
| 74 |
| 75 | // Get the region which has the largest overlapping volume
| 76 | const Vector3 min = bounds.getMinimum();
| 77 | const Vector3 max = bounds.getMaximum();
| 78 |
| 79 | // Get the min and max region indexes
| 80 | ushort minx, miny, minz;
| 81 | ushort maxx, maxy, maxz;
| 82 | getRegionIndexes(min, minx, miny, minz);
| 83 | getRegionIndexes(max, maxx, maxy, maxz);
| 84 | Real maxVolume = 0.0f;
| 85 | ushort finalx, finaly, finalz;
| 86 | for (ushort x = minx; x <= maxx; ++x)
| 87 | {
| 88 | for (ushort y = miny; y <= maxy; ++y)
| 89 | {
| 90 | for (ushort z = minz; z <= maxz; ++z)
| 91 | {
| 92 | Real vol = getVolumeIntersection(bounds, x, y, z);
| 93 | if (vol > maxVolume)
| 94 | {
| 95 | maxVolume = vol;
| 96 | finalx = x;
| 97 | finaly = y;
| 98 | finalz = z;
| 99 | }
| 100 |
| 101 | }
| 102 | }
| 103 | }
| 104 |
| 105 | assert(maxVolume > 0.0f &&
| 106 | "Static geometry: Problem determining closest volume match!");
| 107 |
| 108 | return getRegion(finalx, finaly, finalz, autoCreate);
| 109 |
| 110 | }
| 111 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 112 | Real StaticGeometry::getVolumeIntersection(const AxisAlignedBox& box,
| 113 | ushort x, ushort y, ushort z)
| 114 | {
| 115 | // Get bounds of indexed region
| 116 | AxisAlignedBox regionBounds = getRegionBounds(x, y, z);
| 117 | AxisAlignedBox intersectBox = regionBounds.intersection(box);
| 118 | // return a 'volume' which ignores zero dimensions
| 119 | // since we only use this for relative comparisons of the same bounds
| 120 | // this will still be internally consistent
| 121 | Vector3 boxdiff = box.getMaximum() - box.getMinimum();
| 122 | Vector3 intersectDiff = intersectBox.getMaximum() - intersectBox.getMinimum();
| 123 |
| 124 | return (boxdiff.x == 0 ? 1 : intersectDiff.x) *
| 125 | (boxdiff.y == 0 ? 1 : intersectDiff.y) *
| 126 | (boxdiff.z == 0 ? 1 : intersectDiff.z);
| 127 |
| 128 | }
| 129 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 130 | AxisAlignedBox StaticGeometry::getRegionBounds(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z)
| 131 | {
| 132 | Vector3 min(
| 133 | ((Real)x - REGION_HALF_RANGE) * mRegionDimensions.x + mOrigin.x,
| 134 | ((Real)y - REGION_HALF_RANGE) * mRegionDimensions.y + mOrigin.y,
| 135 | ((Real)z - REGION_HALF_RANGE) * mRegionDimensions.z + mOrigin.z
| 136 | );
| 137 | Vector3 max = min + mRegionDimensions;
| 138 | return AxisAlignedBox(min, max);
| 139 | }
| 140 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 141 | Vector3 StaticGeometry::getRegionCentre(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z)
| 142 | {
| 143 | return Vector3(
| 144 | ((Real)x - REGION_HALF_RANGE) * mRegionDimensions.x + mOrigin.x
| 145 | + mHalfRegionDimensions.x,
| 146 | ((Real)y - REGION_HALF_RANGE) * mRegionDimensions.y + mOrigin.y
| 147 | + mHalfRegionDimensions.y,
| 148 | ((Real)z - REGION_HALF_RANGE) * mRegionDimensions.z + mOrigin.z
| 149 | + mHalfRegionDimensions.z
| 150 | );
| 151 | }
| 152 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 153 | StaticGeometry::Region* StaticGeometry::getRegion(
| 154 | ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, bool autoCreate)
| 155 | {
| 156 | uint32 index = packIndex(x, y, z);
| 157 | Region* ret = getRegion(index);
| 158 | if (!ret && autoCreate)
| 159 | {
| 160 | // Make a name
| 161 | StringUtil::StrStreamType str;
| 162 | str << mName << ":" << index;
| 163 | // Calculate the region centre
| 164 | Vector3 centre = getRegionCentre(x, y, z);
| 165 | ret = new Region(this, str.str(), mOwner, index, centre);
| 166 | ret->setVisible(mVisible);
| 167 | ret->setCastShadows(mCastShadows);
| 168 | if (mRenderQueueIDSet)
| 169 | {
| 170 | ret->setRenderQueueGroup(mRenderQueueID);
| 171 | }
| 172 | mRegionMap[index] = ret;
| 173 | }
| 174 | return ret;
| 175 | }
| 176 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 177 | StaticGeometry::Region* StaticGeometry::getRegion(uint32 index)
| 178 | {
| 179 | RegionMap::iterator i = mRegionMap.find(index);
| 180 | if (i != mRegionMap.end())
| 181 | {
| 182 | return i->second;
| 183 | }
| 184 | else
| 185 | {
| 186 | return 0;
| 187 | }
| 188 |
| 189 | }
| 190 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 191 | void StaticGeometry::getRegionIndexes(const Vector3& point,
| 192 | ushort& x, ushort& y, ushort& z)
| 193 | {
| 194 | // Scale the point into multiples of region and adjust for origin
| 195 | Vector3 scaledPoint = (point - mOrigin) / mRegionDimensions;
| 196 |
| 197 | // Round down to 'bottom left' point which represents the cell index
| 198 | int ix = Math::IFloor(scaledPoint.x);
| 199 | int iy = Math::IFloor(scaledPoint.y);
| 200 | int iz = Math::IFloor(scaledPoint.z);
| 201 |
| 202 | // Check bounds
| 203 | if (ix < REGION_MIN_INDEX || ix > REGION_MAX_INDEX
| 204 | || iy < REGION_MIN_INDEX || iy > REGION_MAX_INDEX
| 205 | || iz < REGION_MIN_INDEX || iz > REGION_MAX_INDEX)
| 206 | {
| 208 | "Point out of bounds",
| 209 | "StaticGeometry::getRegionIndexes");
| 210 | }
| 211 | // Adjust for the fact that we use unsigned values for simplicity
| 212 | // (requires less faffing about for negatives give 10-bit packing
| 213 | x = static_cast<ushort>(ix + REGION_HALF_RANGE);
| 214 | y = static_cast<ushort>(iy + REGION_HALF_RANGE);
| 215 | z = static_cast<ushort>(iz + REGION_HALF_RANGE);
| 216 |
| 217 |
| 218 | }
| 219 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 220 | uint32 StaticGeometry::packIndex(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z)
| 221 | {
| 222 | return x + (y << 10) + (z << 20);
| 223 | }
| 224 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 225 | StaticGeometry::Region* StaticGeometry::getRegion(const Vector3& point,
| 226 | bool autoCreate)
| 227 | {
| 228 | ushort x, y, z;
| 229 | getRegionIndexes(point, x, y, z);
| 230 | return getRegion(x, y, z, autoCreate);
| 231 | }
| 232 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 233 | AxisAlignedBox StaticGeometry::calculateBounds(VertexData* vertexData,
| 234 | const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& orientation,
| 235 | const Vector3& scale)
| 236 | {
| 237 | const VertexElement* posElem =
| 238 | vertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(
| 239 | VES_POSITION);
| 240 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
| 241 | vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource());
| 242 | unsigned char* vertex =
| 243 | static_cast<unsigned char*>(
| 244 | vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 245 | float* pFloat;
| 246 |
| 247 | Vector3 min, max;
| 248 | bool first = true;
| 249 |
| 250 | for(size_t j = 0; j < vertexData->vertexCount; ++j, vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize())
| 251 | {
| 252 | posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pFloat);
| 253 |
| 254 | Vector3 pt;
| 255 |
| 256 | pt.x = (*pFloat++);
| 257 | pt.y = (*pFloat++);
| 258 | pt.z = (*pFloat++);
| 259 | // Transform to world (scale, rotate, translate)
| 260 | pt = (orientation * (pt * scale)) + position;
| 261 | if (first)
| 262 | {
| 263 | min = max = pt;
| 264 | first = false;
| 265 | }
| 266 | else
| 267 | {
| 268 | min.makeFloor(pt);
| 269 | max.makeCeil(pt);
| 270 | }
| 271 |
| 272 | }
| 273 | vbuf->unlock();
| 274 | return AxisAlignedBox(min, max);
| 275 | }
| 276 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 277 | void StaticGeometry::addEntity(Entity* ent, const Vector3& position,
| 278 | const Quaternion& orientation, const Vector3& scale)
| 279 | {
| 280 | MeshPtr& msh = ent->getMesh();
| 281 | // Validate
| 282 | if (msh->isLodManual())
| 283 | {
| 284 | LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(
| 285 | "WARNING (StaticGeometry): Manual LOD is not supported. "
| 286 | "Using only highest LOD level for mesh " + msh->getName());
| 287 | }
| 288 |
| 289 | AxisAlignedBox sharedWorldBounds;
| 290 | // queue this entities submeshes and choice of material
| 291 | // also build the lists of geometry to be used for the source of lods
| 292 | for (uint i = 0; i < ent->getNumSubEntities(); ++i)
| 293 | {
| 294 | SubEntity* se = ent->getSubEntity(i);
| 295 | QueuedSubMesh* q = new QueuedSubMesh();
| 296 |
| 297 | // Get the geometry for this SubMesh
| 298 | q->submesh = se->getSubMesh();
| 299 | q->geometryLodList = determineGeometry(q->submesh);
| 300 | q->materialName = se->getMaterialName();
| 301 | q->orientation = orientation;
| 302 | q->position = position;
| 303 | q->scale = scale;
| 304 | // Determine the bounds based on the highest LOD
| 305 | q->worldBounds = calculateBounds(
| 306 | (*q->geometryLodList)[0].vertexData,
| 307 | position, orientation, scale);
| 308 |
| 309 | mQueuedSubMeshes.push_back(q);
| 310 | }
| 311 | }
| 312 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 313 | StaticGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLinkList*
| 314 | StaticGeometry::determineGeometry(SubMesh* sm)
| 315 | {
| 316 | // First, determine if we've already seen this submesh before
| 317 | SubMeshGeometryLookup::iterator i =
| 318 | mSubMeshGeometryLookup.find(sm);
| 319 | if (i != mSubMeshGeometryLookup.end())
| 320 | {
| 321 | return i->second;
| 322 | }
| 323 | // Otherwise, we have to create a new one
| 324 | SubMeshLodGeometryLinkList* lodList = new SubMeshLodGeometryLinkList();
| 325 | mSubMeshGeometryLookup[sm] = lodList;
| 326 | ushort numLods = sm->parent->isLodManual() ? 1 :
| 327 | sm->parent->getNumLodLevels();
| 328 | lodList->resize(numLods);
| 329 | for (ushort lod = 0; lod < numLods; ++lod)
| 330 | {
| 331 | SubMeshLodGeometryLink& geomLink = (*lodList)[lod];
| 332 | IndexData *lodIndexData;
| 333 | if (lod == 0)
| 334 | {
| 335 | lodIndexData = sm->indexData;
| 336 | }
| 337 | else
| 338 | {
| 339 | lodIndexData = sm->mLodFaceList[lod - 1];
| 340 | }
| 341 | // Can use the original mesh geometry?
| 342 | if (sm->useSharedVertices)
| 343 | {
| 344 | if (sm->parent->getNumSubMeshes() == 1)
| 345 | {
| 346 | // Ok, this is actually our own anyway
| 347 | geomLink.vertexData = sm->parent->sharedVertexData;
| 348 | geomLink.indexData = lodIndexData;
| 349 | }
| 350 | else
| 351 | {
| 352 | // We have to split it
| 353 | splitGeometry(sm->parent->sharedVertexData,
| 354 | lodIndexData, &geomLink);
| 355 | }
| 356 | }
| 357 | else
| 358 | {
| 359 | if (lod == 0)
| 360 | {
| 361 | // Ok, we can use the existing geometry; should be in full
| 362 | // use by just this SubMesh
| 363 | geomLink.vertexData = sm->vertexData;
| 364 | geomLink.indexData = sm->indexData;
| 365 | }
| 366 | else
| 367 | {
| 368 | // We have to split it
| 369 | splitGeometry(sm->vertexData,
| 370 | lodIndexData, &geomLink);
| 371 | }
| 372 | }
| 373 | assert (geomLink.vertexData->vertexStart == 0 &&
| 374 | "Cannot use vertexStart > 0 on indexed geometry due to "
| 375 | "rendersystem incompatibilities - see the docs!");
| 376 | }
| 377 |
| 378 |
| 379 | return lodList;
| 380 | }
| 381 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 382 | void StaticGeometry::splitGeometry(VertexData* vd, IndexData* id,
| 383 | StaticGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLink* targetGeomLink)
| 384 | {
| 385 | // Firstly we need to scan to see how many vertices are being used
| 386 | // and while we're at it, build the remap we can use later
| 387 | bool use32bitIndexes =
| 388 | id->indexBuffer->getType() == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT;
| 389 | uint16 *p16;
| 390 | uint32 *p32;
| 391 | IndexRemap indexRemap;
| 392 | if (use32bitIndexes)
| 393 | {
| 394 | p32 = static_cast<uint32*>(id->indexBuffer->lock(
| 395 | id->indexStart, id->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 396 | buildIndexRemap(p32, id->indexCount, indexRemap);
| 397 | id->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 398 | }
| 399 | else
| 400 | {
| 401 | p16 = static_cast<uint16*>(id->indexBuffer->lock(
| 402 | id->indexStart, id->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 403 | buildIndexRemap(p16, id->indexCount, indexRemap);
| 404 | id->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 405 | }
| 406 | if (indexRemap.size() == vd->vertexCount)
| 407 | {
| 408 | // ha, complete usage after all
| 409 | targetGeomLink->vertexData = vd;
| 410 | targetGeomLink->indexData = id;
| 411 | return;
| 412 | }
| 413 |
| 414 |
| 415 | // Create the new vertex data records
| 416 | targetGeomLink->vertexData = vd->clone(false);
| 417 | // Convenience
| 418 | VertexData* newvd = targetGeomLink->vertexData;
| 419 | IndexData* newid = targetGeomLink->indexData;
| 420 | // Update the vertex count
| 421 | newvd->vertexCount = indexRemap.size();
| 422 |
| 423 | size_t numvbufs = vd->vertexBufferBinding->getBufferCount();
| 424 | // Copy buffers from old to new
| 425 | for (unsigned short b = 0; b < numvbufs; ++b)
| 426 | {
| 427 | // Lock old buffer
| 428 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr oldBuf =
| 429 | vd->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(b);
| 430 | // Create new buffer
| 431 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr newBuf =
| 432 | HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
| 433 | oldBuf->getVertexSize(),
| 434 | indexRemap.size(),
| 435 | HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC);
| 436 | // rebind
| 437 | newvd->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(b, newBuf);
| 438 |
| 439 | // Copy all the elements of the buffer across, by iterating over
| 440 | // the IndexRemap which describes how to move the old vertices
| 441 | // to the new ones. By nature of the map the remap is in order of
| 442 | // indexes in the old buffer, but note that we're not guaranteed to
| 443 | // address every vertex (which is kinda why we're here)
| 444 | uchar* pSrcBase = static_cast<uchar*>(
| 445 | oldBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 446 | uchar* pDstBase = static_cast<uchar*>(
| 447 | newBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 448 | size_t vertexSize = oldBuf->getVertexSize();
| 449 | // Buffers should be the same size
| 450 | assert (vertexSize == newBuf->getVertexSize());
| 451 |
| 452 | for (IndexRemap::iterator r = indexRemap.begin();
| 453 | r != indexRemap.end(); ++r)
| 454 | {
| 455 | assert (r->first < oldBuf->getNumVertices());
| 456 | assert (r->second < newBuf->getNumVertices());
| 457 |
| 458 | uchar* pSrc = pSrcBase + r->first * vertexSize;
| 459 | uchar* pDst = pDstBase + r->second * vertexSize;
| 460 | memcpy(pDst, pSrc, vertexSize);
| 461 | }
| 462 | // unlock
| 463 | oldBuf->unlock();
| 464 | newBuf->unlock();
| 465 |
| 466 | }
| 467 |
| 468 | // Now create a new index buffer
| 469 | HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf =
| 470 | HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer(
| 471 | id->indexBuffer->getType(), id->indexCount,
| 472 | HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC);
| 473 |
| 474 | if (use32bitIndexes)
| 475 | {
| 476 | uint32 *pSrc32, *pDst32;
| 477 | pSrc32 = static_cast<uint32*>(id->indexBuffer->lock(
| 478 | id->indexStart, id->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 479 | pDst32 = static_cast<uint32*>(ibuf->lock(
| 480 | HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 481 | remapIndexes(pSrc32, pDst32, indexRemap, id->indexCount);
| 482 | id->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 483 | ibuf->unlock();
| 484 | }
| 485 | else
| 486 | {
| 487 | uint16 *pSrc16, *pDst16;
| 488 | pSrc16 = static_cast<uint16*>(id->indexBuffer->lock(
| 489 | id->indexStart, id->indexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 490 | pDst16 = static_cast<uint16*>(ibuf->lock(
| 491 | HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 492 | remapIndexes(pSrc16, pDst16, indexRemap, id->indexCount);
| 493 | id->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 494 | ibuf->unlock();
| 495 | }
| 496 |
| 497 | targetGeomLink->indexData = new IndexData();
| 498 | targetGeomLink->indexData->indexStart = 0;
| 499 | targetGeomLink->indexData->indexCount = id->indexCount;
| 500 | targetGeomLink->indexData->indexBuffer = ibuf;
| 501 |
| 502 | // Store optimised geometry for deallocation later
| 503 | OptimisedSubMeshGeometry *optGeom = new OptimisedSubMeshGeometry();
| 504 | optGeom->indexData = targetGeomLink->indexData;
| 505 | optGeom->vertexData = targetGeomLink->vertexData;
| 506 | mOptimisedSubMeshGeometryList.push_back(optGeom);
| 507 | }
| 508 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 509 | void StaticGeometry::addSceneNode(const SceneNode* node)
| 510 | {
| 511 | SceneNode::ConstObjectIterator obji = node->getAttachedObjectIterator();
| 512 | while (obji.hasMoreElements())
| 513 | {
| 514 | MovableObject* mobj = obji.getNext();
| 515 | if (mobj->getMovableType() == "Entity")
| 516 | {
| 517 | addEntity(static_cast<Entity*>(mobj),
| 518 | node->_getDerivedPosition(),
| 519 | node->_getDerivedOrientation(),
| 520 | node->_getDerivedScale());
| 521 | }
| 522 | }
| 523 | // Iterate through all the child-nodes
| 524 | SceneNode::ConstChildNodeIterator nodei = node->getChildIterator();
| 525 |
| 526 | while (nodei.hasMoreElements())
| 527 | {
| 528 | const SceneNode* node = static_cast<const SceneNode*>(nodei.getNext());
| 529 | // Add this subnode and its children...
| 530 | addSceneNode( node );
| 531 | }
| 532 | }
| 533 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 534 | void StaticGeometry::build(void)
| 535 | {
| 536 | // Make sure there's nothing from previous builds
| 537 | destroy();
| 538 |
| 539 | // Firstly allocate meshes to regions
| 540 | for (QueuedSubMeshList::iterator qi = mQueuedSubMeshes.begin();
| 541 | qi != mQueuedSubMeshes.end(); ++qi)
| 542 | {
| 543 | QueuedSubMesh* qsm = *qi;
| 544 | Region* region = getRegion(qsm->worldBounds, true);
| 545 | region->assign(qsm);
| 546 | }
| 547 | bool stencilShadows = false;
| 548 | if (mCastShadows &&
| 549 | (mOwner->getShadowTechnique() == SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE ||
| 550 | mOwner->getShadowTechnique() == SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE))
| 551 | {
| 552 | stencilShadows = true;
| 553 | }
| 554 |
| 555 | // Now tell each region to build itself
| 556 | for (RegionMap::iterator ri = mRegionMap.begin();
| 557 | ri != mRegionMap.end(); ++ri)
| 558 | {
| 559 | ri->second->build(stencilShadows);
| 560 | }
| 561 |
| 562 | }
| 563 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 564 | void StaticGeometry::destroy(void)
| 565 | {
| 566 | // delete the regions
| 567 | for (RegionMap::iterator i = mRegionMap.begin();
| 568 | i != mRegionMap.end(); ++i)
| 569 | {
| 570 | delete i->second;
| 571 | }
| 572 | mRegionMap.clear();
| 573 | }
| 574 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 575 | void StaticGeometry::reset(void)
| 576 | {
| 577 | destroy();
| 578 | for (QueuedSubMeshList::iterator i = mQueuedSubMeshes.begin();
| 579 | i != mQueuedSubMeshes.end(); ++i)
| 580 | {
| 581 | delete *i;
| 582 | }
| 583 | mQueuedSubMeshes.clear();
| 584 | // Delete precached geoemtry lists
| 585 | for (SubMeshGeometryLookup::iterator l = mSubMeshGeometryLookup.begin();
| 586 | l != mSubMeshGeometryLookup.end(); ++l)
| 587 | {
| 588 | delete l->second;
| 589 | }
| 590 | mSubMeshGeometryLookup.clear();
| 591 | // Delete optimised geometry
| 592 | for (OptimisedSubMeshGeometryList::iterator o = mOptimisedSubMeshGeometryList.begin();
| 593 | o != mOptimisedSubMeshGeometryList.end(); ++o)
| 594 | {
| 595 | delete *o;
| 596 | }
| 597 | mOptimisedSubMeshGeometryList.clear();
| 598 |
| 599 | }
| 600 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 601 | void StaticGeometry::setVisible(bool visible)
| 602 | {
| 603 | mVisible = visible;
| 604 | // tell any existing regions
| 605 | for (RegionMap::iterator ri = mRegionMap.begin();
| 606 | ri != mRegionMap.end(); ++ri)
| 607 | {
| 608 | ri->second->setVisible(visible);
| 609 | }
| 610 | }
| 611 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 612 | void StaticGeometry::setCastShadows(bool castShadows)
| 613 | {
| 614 | mCastShadows = castShadows;
| 615 | // tell any existing regions
| 616 | for (RegionMap::iterator ri = mRegionMap.begin();
| 617 | ri != mRegionMap.end(); ++ri)
| 618 | {
| 619 | ri->second->setCastShadows(castShadows);
| 620 | }
| 621 |
| 622 | }
| 623 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 624 | void StaticGeometry::setRenderQueueGroup(RenderQueueGroupID queueID)
| 625 | {
| 626 | mRenderQueueIDSet = true;
| 627 | mRenderQueueID = queueID;
| 628 | // tell any existing regions
| 629 | for (RegionMap::iterator ri = mRegionMap.begin();
| 630 | ri != mRegionMap.end(); ++ri)
| 631 | {
| 632 | ri->second->setRenderQueueGroup(queueID);
| 633 | }
| 634 | }
| 635 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 636 | RenderQueueGroupID StaticGeometry::getRenderQueueGroup(void) const
| 637 | {
| 638 | return mRenderQueueID;
| 639 | }
| 640 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 641 | void StaticGeometry::dump(const String& filename) const
| 642 | {
| 643 | std::ofstream of(filename.c_str());
| 644 | of << "Static Geometry Report for " << mName << std::endl;
| 645 | of << "-------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
| 646 | of << "Number of queued submeshes: " << mQueuedSubMeshes.size() << std::endl;
| 647 | of << "Number of regions: " << mRegionMap.size() << std::endl;
| 648 | of << "Region dimensions: " << mRegionDimensions << std::endl;
| 649 | of << "Origin: " << mOrigin << std::endl;
| 650 | of << "Max distance: " << mUpperDistance << std::endl;
| 651 | of << "Casts shadows?: " << mCastShadows << std::endl;
| 652 | of << std::endl;
| 653 | for (RegionMap::const_iterator ri = mRegionMap.begin();
| 654 | ri != mRegionMap.end(); ++ri)
| 655 | {
| 656 | ri->second->dump(of);
| 657 | }
| 658 | of << "-------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
| 659 | }
| 660 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 661 | StaticGeometry::RegionIterator StaticGeometry::getRegionIterator(void)
| 662 | {
| 663 | return RegionIterator(mRegionMap.begin(), mRegionMap.end());
| 664 | }
| 665 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 666 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 667 | StaticGeometry::Region::Region(StaticGeometry* parent, const String& name,
| 668 | SceneManager* mgr, uint32 regionID, const Vector3& centre)
| 669 | : mParent(parent), mName(name), mSceneMgr(mgr), mNode(0),
| 670 | mRegionID(regionID), mCentre(centre), mBoundingRadius(0.0f),
| 671 | mCurrentLod(0), mLightListUpdated(0), mBeyondFarDistance(false),
| 672 | mEdgeList(0), mVertexProgramInUse(false)
| 673 | {
| 674 | // First LOD mandatory, and always from 0
| 675 | mLodSquaredDistances.push_back(0.0f);
| 676 | }
| 677 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 678 | StaticGeometry::Region::~Region()
| 679 | {
| 680 | if (mNode)
| 681 | {
| 682 | mNode->getParentSceneNode()->removeChild(mNode);
| 683 | mSceneMgr->destroySceneNode(mNode->getName());
| 684 | mNode = 0;
| 685 | }
| 686 | // delete
| 687 | for (LODBucketList::iterator i = mLodBucketList.begin();
| 688 | i != mLodBucketList.end(); ++i)
| 689 | {
| 690 | delete *i;
| 691 | }
| 692 | mLodBucketList.clear();
| 693 |
| 694 | for (ShadowRenderableList::iterator s = mShadowRenderables.begin();
| 695 | s != mShadowRenderables.end(); ++s)
| 696 | {
| 697 | delete *s;
| 698 | }
| 699 | mShadowRenderables.clear();
| 700 | delete mEdgeList;
| 701 |
| 702 | // no need to delete queued meshes, these are managed in StaticGeometry
| 703 |
| 704 | }
| 705 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 706 | void StaticGeometry::Region::assign(QueuedSubMesh* qmesh)
| 707 | {
| 708 | mQueuedSubMeshes.push_back(qmesh);
| 709 | // update lod distances
| 710 | ushort lodLevels = qmesh->submesh->parent->getNumLodLevels();
| 711 | assert(qmesh->geometryLodList->size() == lodLevels);
| 712 |
| 713 | while(mLodSquaredDistances.size() < lodLevels)
| 714 | {
| 715 | mLodSquaredDistances.push_back(0.0f);
| 716 | }
| 717 | // Make sure LOD levels are max of all at the requested level
| 718 | for (ushort lod = 1; lod < lodLevels; ++lod)
| 719 | {
| 720 | const MeshLodUsage& meshLod =
| 721 | qmesh->submesh->parent->getLodLevel(lod);
| 722 | mLodSquaredDistances[lod] = std::max(mLodSquaredDistances[lod],
| 723 | meshLod.fromDepthSquared);
| 724 | }
| 725 |
| 726 | // update bounds
| 727 | // Transform world bounds relative to our centre
| 728 | AxisAlignedBox localBounds(
| 729 | qmesh->worldBounds.getMinimum() - mCentre,
| 730 | qmesh->worldBounds.getMaximum() - mCentre);
| 731 | mAABB.merge(localBounds);
| 732 | mBoundingRadius = std::max(mBoundingRadius, localBounds.getMinimum().length());
| 733 | mBoundingRadius = std::max(mBoundingRadius, localBounds.getMaximum().length());
| 734 |
| 735 | }
| 736 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 737 | void StaticGeometry::Region::build(bool stencilShadows)
| 738 | {
| 739 | // Create a node
| 740 | mNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(mName,
| 741 | mCentre);
| 742 | mNode->attachObject(this);
| 743 | // We need to create enough LOD buckets to deal with the highest LOD
| 744 | // we encountered in all the meshes queued
| 745 | for (ushort lod = 0; lod < mLodSquaredDistances.size(); ++lod)
| 746 | {
| 747 | LODBucket* lodBucket =
| 748 | new LODBucket(this, lod, mLodSquaredDistances[lod]);
| 749 | mLodBucketList.push_back(lodBucket);
| 750 | // Now iterate over the meshes and assign to LODs
| 751 | // LOD bucket will pick the right LOD to use
| 752 | QueuedSubMeshList::iterator qi, qiend;
| 753 | qiend = mQueuedSubMeshes.end();
| 754 | for (qi = mQueuedSubMeshes.begin(); qi != qiend; ++qi)
| 755 | {
| 756 | lodBucket->assign(*qi, lod);
| 757 | }
| 758 | // now build
| 759 | lodBucket->build(stencilShadows);
| 760 | }
| 761 |
| 762 | // Do we need to build an edge list?
| 763 | if (stencilShadows)
| 764 | {
| 765 | EdgeListBuilder eb;
| 766 | size_t vertexSet = 0;
| 767 | LODIterator lodIterator = getLODIterator();
| 768 | while (lodIterator.hasMoreElements())
| 769 | {
| 770 | LODBucket* lod = lodIterator.getNext();
| 771 | LODBucket::MaterialIterator matIt = lod->getMaterialIterator();
| 772 | while (matIt.hasMoreElements())
| 773 | {
| 774 | MaterialBucket* mat = matIt.getNext();
| 775 | MaterialBucket::GeometryIterator geomIt =
| 776 | mat->getGeometryIterator();
| 777 | // Check if we have vertex programs here
| 778 | Technique* t = mat->getMaterial()->getBestTechnique();
| 779 | if (t)
| 780 | {
| 781 | Pass* p = t->getPass(0);
| 782 | if (p)
| 783 | {
| 784 | if (p->hasVertexProgram())
| 785 | {
| 786 | mVertexProgramInUse = true;
| 787 | }
| 788 | }
| 789 | }
| 790 |
| 791 | while (geomIt.hasMoreElements())
| 792 | {
| 793 | GeometryBucket* geom = geomIt.getNext();
| 794 |
| 795 | // Check we're dealing with 16-bit indexes here
| 796 | // Since stencil shadows can only deal with 16-bit
| 797 | // More than that and stencil is probably too CPU-heavy
| 798 | // in any case
| 799 | assert(geom->getIndexData()->indexBuffer->getType()
| 800 | == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT &&
| 801 | "Only 16-bit indexes allowed when using stencil shadows");
| 802 | eb.addVertexData(geom->getVertexData());
| 803 | eb.addIndexData(geom->getIndexData(), vertexSet++);
| 804 | }
| 805 | }
| 806 | }
| 807 | mEdgeList = eb.build();
| 808 |
| 809 | }
| 810 |
| 811 |
| 812 | }
| 813 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 814 | const String& StaticGeometry::Region::getName(void) const
| 815 | {
| 816 | return mName;
| 817 | }
| 818 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 819 | const String& StaticGeometry::Region::getMovableType(void) const
| 820 | {
| 821 | static String sType = "StaticGeometry";
| 822 | return sType;
| 823 | }
| 824 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 825 | void StaticGeometry::Region::_notifyCurrentCamera(Camera* cam)
| 826 | {
| 827 | // Calculate squared view depth
| 828 | Vector3 diff = cam->getDerivedPosition() - mCentre;
| 829 | Real squaredDepth = diff.squaredLength();
| 830 |
| 831 | // Determine whether to still render
| 832 | Real renderingDist = mParent->getRenderingDistance();
| 833 | if (renderingDist > 0)
| 834 | {
| 835 | // Max distance to still render
| 836 | Real maxDist = renderingDist + mBoundingRadius;
| 837 | if (squaredDepth > Math::Sqr(maxDist))
| 838 | {
| 839 | mBeyondFarDistance = true;
| 840 | return;
| 841 | }
| 842 | }
| 843 |
| 844 | mBeyondFarDistance = false;
| 845 |
| 846 | // Distance from the edge of the bounding sphere
| 847 | mCamDistanceSquared = squaredDepth - mBoundingRadius * mBoundingRadius;
| 848 | // Clamp to 0
| 849 | mCamDistanceSquared = std::max(static_cast<Real>(0.0), mCamDistanceSquared);
| 850 |
| 851 | // Determine active lod
| 852 | mCurrentLod = mLodSquaredDistances.size() - 1;
| 853 | for (ushort i = 0; i < mLodSquaredDistances.size(); ++i)
| 854 | {
| 855 | if (mLodSquaredDistances[i] > mCamDistanceSquared)
| 856 | {
| 857 | mCurrentLod = i - 1;
| 858 | break;
| 859 | }
| 860 | }
| 861 |
| 862 | }
| 863 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 864 | const AxisAlignedBox& StaticGeometry::Region::getBoundingBox(void) const
| 865 | {
| 866 | return mAABB;
| 867 | }
| 868 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 869 | Real StaticGeometry::Region::getBoundingRadius(void) const
| 870 | {
| 871 | return mBoundingRadius;
| 872 | }
| 873 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 874 | void StaticGeometry::Region::_updateRenderQueue(RenderQueue* queue)
| 875 | {
| 876 | mLodBucketList[mCurrentLod]->addRenderables(queue, mRenderQueueID,
| 877 | mCamDistanceSquared);
| 878 | }
| 879 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 880 | bool StaticGeometry::Region::isVisible(void) const
| 881 | {
| 882 | return mVisible && !mBeyondFarDistance;
| 883 | }
| 884 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 885 | StaticGeometry::Region::LODIterator
| 886 | StaticGeometry::Region::getLODIterator(void)
| 887 | {
| 888 | return LODIterator(mLodBucketList.begin(), mLodBucketList.end());
| 889 | }
| 890 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 891 | const LightList& StaticGeometry::Region::getLights(void) const
| 892 | {
| 893 | // Make sure we only update this once per frame no matter how many
| 894 | // times we're asked
| 895 | ulong frame = Root::getSingleton().getCurrentFrameNumber();
| 896 | if (frame > mLightListUpdated)
| 897 | {
| 898 | mLightList = mNode->findLights(mBoundingRadius);
| 899 | mLightListUpdated = frame;
| 900 | }
| 901 | return mLightList;
| 902 |
| 903 | }
| 904 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 905 | ShadowCaster::ShadowRenderableListIterator
| 906 | StaticGeometry::Region::getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator(
| 907 | ShadowTechnique shadowTechnique, const Light* light,
| 908 | HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr* indexBuffer,
| 909 | bool extrude, Real extrusionDistance, unsigned long flags)
| 910 | {
| 911 |
| 912 | assert(indexBuffer && "Only external index buffers are supported right now");
| 913 | assert((*indexBuffer)->getType() == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_16BIT &&
| 914 | "Only 16-bit indexes supported for now");
| 915 |
| 916 | // Calculate the object space light details
| 917 | Vector4 lightPos = light->getAs4DVector();
| 918 | Matrix4 world2Obj = mParentNode->_getFullTransform().inverse();
| 919 | lightPos = world2Obj * lightPos;
| 920 |
| 921 | // We need to search the edge list for silhouette edges
| 922 | if (!mEdgeList)
| 923 | {
| 925 | "You enabled stencil shadows after the buid process!",
| 926 | "StaticGeometry::Region::getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator");
| 927 | }
| 928 |
| 929 | // Init shadow renderable list if required
| 930 | bool init = mShadowRenderables.empty();
| 931 |
| 932 | EdgeData::EdgeGroupList::iterator egi;
| 933 | ShadowRenderableList::iterator si, siend;
| 934 | RegionShadowRenderable* esr = 0;
| 935 | if (init)
| 936 | mShadowRenderables.resize(mEdgeList->edgeGroups.size());
| 937 |
| 938 | bool updatedSharedGeomNormals = false;
| 939 | siend = mShadowRenderables.end();
| 940 | egi = mEdgeList->edgeGroups.begin();
| 941 | for (si = mShadowRenderables.begin(); si != siend; ++si, ++egi)
| 942 | {
| 943 | if (init)
| 944 | {
| 945 | // Create a new renderable, create a separate light cap if
| 946 | // we're using a vertex program (either for this model, or
| 947 | // for extruding the shadow volume) since otherwise we can
| 948 | // get depth-fighting on the light cap
| 949 |
| 950 | *si = new RegionShadowRenderable(this, indexBuffer,
| 951 | egi->vertexData, mVertexProgramInUse || !extrude);
| 952 | }
| 953 | // Get shadow renderable
| 954 | esr = static_cast<RegionShadowRenderable*>(*si);
| 955 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr esrPositionBuffer = esr->getPositionBuffer();
| 956 | // Extrude vertices in software if required
| 957 | if (extrude)
| 958 | {
| 959 | extrudeVertices(esrPositionBuffer,
| 960 | egi->vertexData->vertexCount,
| 961 | lightPos, extrusionDistance);
| 962 |
| 963 | }
| 964 |
| 965 | }
| 966 | // Calc triangle light facing
| 967 | updateEdgeListLightFacing(mEdgeList, lightPos);
| 968 |
| 969 | // Generate indexes and update renderables
| 970 | generateShadowVolume(mEdgeList, *indexBuffer, light,
| 971 | mShadowRenderables, flags);
| 972 |
| 973 |
| 974 | return ShadowRenderableListIterator(mShadowRenderables.begin(), mShadowRenderables.end());
| 975 |
| 976 |
| 977 | }
| 978 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 979 | EdgeData* StaticGeometry::Region::getEdgeList(void)
| 980 | {
| 981 | return mEdgeList;
| 982 | }
| 983 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 984 | void StaticGeometry::Region::dump(std::ofstream& of) const
| 985 | {
| 986 | of << "Region " << mRegionID << std::endl;
| 987 | of << "--------------------------" << std::endl;
| 988 | of << "Centre: " << mCentre << std::endl;
| 989 | of << "Local AABB: " << mAABB << std::endl;
| 990 | of << "Bounding radius: " << mBoundingRadius << std::endl;
| 991 | of << "Number of LODs: " << mLodBucketList.size() << std::endl;
| 992 |
| 993 | for (LODBucketList::const_iterator i = mLodBucketList.begin();
| 994 | i != mLodBucketList.end(); ++i)
| 995 | {
| 996 | (*i)->dump(of);
| 997 | }
| 998 | of << "--------------------------" << std::endl;
| 999 | }
| 1000 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1001 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1002 | StaticGeometry::Region::RegionShadowRenderable::RegionShadowRenderable(
| 1003 | Region* parent, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr* indexBuffer,
| 1004 | const VertexData* vertexData, bool createSeparateLightCap,
| 1005 | bool isLightCap)
| 1006 | : mParent(parent)
| 1007 | {
| 1008 | // Initialise render op
| 1009 | mRenderOp.indexData = new IndexData();
| 1010 | mRenderOp.indexData->indexBuffer = *indexBuffer;
| 1011 | mRenderOp.indexData->indexStart = 0;
| 1012 | // index start and count are sorted out later
| 1013 |
| 1014 | // Create vertex data which just references position component (and 2 component)
| 1015 | mRenderOp.vertexData = new VertexData();
| 1016 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration =
| 1017 | HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexDeclaration();
| 1018 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding =
| 1019 | HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBufferBinding();
| 1020 | // Map in position data
| 1021 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration->addElement(0,0,VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
| 1022 | ushort origPosBind =
| 1023 | vertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION)->getSource();
| 1024 | mPositionBuffer = vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(origPosBind);
| 1025 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, mPositionBuffer);
| 1026 | // Map in w-coord buffer (if present)
| 1027 | if(!vertexData->hardwareShadowVolWBuffer.isNull())
| 1028 | {
| 1029 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration->addElement(1,0,VET_FLOAT1, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0);
| 1030 | mWBuffer = vertexData->hardwareShadowVolWBuffer;
| 1031 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(1, mWBuffer);
| 1032 | }
| 1033 | // Use same vertex start as input
| 1034 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexStart = vertexData->vertexStart;
| 1035 |
| 1036 | if (isLightCap)
| 1037 | {
| 1038 | // Use original vertex count, no extrusion
| 1039 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount = vertexData->vertexCount;
| 1040 | }
| 1041 | else
| 1042 | {
| 1043 | // Vertex count must take into account the doubling of the buffer,
| 1044 | // because second half of the buffer is the extruded copy
| 1045 | mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount =
| 1046 | vertexData->vertexCount * 2;
| 1047 | if (createSeparateLightCap)
| 1048 | {
| 1049 | // Create child light cap
| 1050 | mLightCap = new RegionShadowRenderable(parent,
| 1051 | indexBuffer, vertexData, false, true);
| 1052 | }
| 1053 | }
| 1054 | }
| 1055 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1056 | StaticGeometry::Region::RegionShadowRenderable::~RegionShadowRenderable()
| 1057 | {
| 1058 | delete mRenderOp.indexData;
| 1059 | delete mRenderOp.vertexData;
| 1060 | }
| 1061 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1062 | void StaticGeometry::Region::RegionShadowRenderable::getWorldTransforms(
| 1063 | Matrix4* xform) const
| 1064 | {
| 1065 | // pretransformed
| 1066 | *xform = mParent->_getParentNodeFullTransform();
| 1067 | }
| 1068 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1069 | const Quaternion&
| 1070 | StaticGeometry::Region::RegionShadowRenderable::getWorldOrientation(void) const
| 1071 | {
| 1072 | return mParent->getParentNode()->_getDerivedOrientation();
| 1073 | }
| 1074 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1075 | const Vector3&
| 1076 | StaticGeometry::Region::RegionShadowRenderable::getWorldPosition(void) const
| 1077 | {
| 1078 | return mParent->getCentre();
| 1079 | }
| 1080 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1081 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1082 | StaticGeometry::LODBucket::LODBucket(Region* parent, unsigned short lod,
| 1083 | Real lodDist)
| 1084 | : mParent(parent), mLod(lod), mSquaredDistance(lodDist)
| 1085 | {
| 1086 | }
| 1087 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1088 | StaticGeometry::LODBucket::~LODBucket()
| 1089 | {
| 1090 | // delete
| 1091 | for (MaterialBucketMap::iterator i = mMaterialBucketMap.begin();
| 1092 | i != mMaterialBucketMap.end(); ++i)
| 1093 | {
| 1094 | delete i->second;
| 1095 | }
| 1096 | mMaterialBucketMap.clear();
| 1097 | for(QueuedGeometryList::iterator qi = mQueuedGeometryList.begin();
| 1098 | qi != mQueuedGeometryList.end(); ++qi)
| 1099 | {
| 1100 | delete *qi;
| 1101 | }
| 1102 | mQueuedGeometryList.clear();
| 1103 |
| 1104 | // no need to delete queued meshes, these are managed in StaticGeometry
| 1105 | }
| 1106 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1107 | void StaticGeometry::LODBucket::assign(QueuedSubMesh* qmesh, ushort atLod)
| 1108 | {
| 1109 | QueuedGeometry* q = new QueuedGeometry();
| 1110 | mQueuedGeometryList.push_back(q);
| 1111 | q->position = qmesh->position;
| 1112 | q->orientation = qmesh->orientation;
| 1113 | q->scale = qmesh->scale;
| 1114 | if (qmesh->geometryLodList->size() > atLod)
| 1115 | {
| 1116 | // This submesh has enough lods, use the right one
| 1117 | q->geometry = &(*qmesh->geometryLodList)[atLod];
| 1118 | }
| 1119 | else
| 1120 | {
| 1121 | // Not enough lods, use the lowest one we have
| 1122 | q->geometry =
| 1123 | &(*qmesh->geometryLodList)[qmesh->geometryLodList->size() - 1];
| 1124 | }
| 1125 | // Locate a material bucket
| 1126 | MaterialBucket* mbucket = 0;
| 1127 | MaterialBucketMap::iterator m =
| 1128 | mMaterialBucketMap.find(qmesh->materialName);
| 1129 | if (m != mMaterialBucketMap.end())
| 1130 | {
| 1131 | mbucket = m->second;
| 1132 | }
| 1133 | else
| 1134 | {
| 1135 | mbucket = new MaterialBucket(this, qmesh->materialName);
| 1136 | mMaterialBucketMap[qmesh->materialName] = mbucket;
| 1137 | }
| 1138 | mbucket->assign(q);
| 1139 | }
| 1140 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1141 | void StaticGeometry::LODBucket::build(bool stencilShadows)
| 1142 | {
| 1143 | // Just pass this on to child buckets
| 1144 | for (MaterialBucketMap::iterator i = mMaterialBucketMap.begin();
| 1145 | i != mMaterialBucketMap.end(); ++i)
| 1146 | {
| 1147 | i->second->build(stencilShadows);
| 1148 | }
| 1149 | }
| 1150 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1151 | void StaticGeometry::LODBucket::addRenderables(RenderQueue* queue,
| 1152 | RenderQueueGroupID group, Real camDistanceSquared)
| 1153 | {
| 1154 | // Just pass this on to child buckets
| 1155 | MaterialBucketMap::iterator i, iend;
| 1156 | iend = mMaterialBucketMap.end();
| 1157 | for (i = mMaterialBucketMap.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
| 1158 | {
| 1159 | i->second->addRenderables(queue, group, camDistanceSquared);
| 1160 | }
| 1161 | }
| 1162 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1163 | StaticGeometry::LODBucket::MaterialIterator
| 1164 | StaticGeometry::LODBucket::getMaterialIterator(void)
| 1165 | {
| 1166 | return MaterialIterator(
| 1167 | mMaterialBucketMap.begin(), mMaterialBucketMap.end());
| 1168 | }
| 1169 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1170 | void StaticGeometry::LODBucket::dump(std::ofstream& of) const
| 1171 | {
| 1172 | of << "LOD Bucket " << mLod << std::endl;
| 1173 | of << "------------------" << std::endl;
| 1174 | of << "Distance: " << Math::Sqrt(mSquaredDistance) << std::endl;
| 1175 | of << "Number of Materials: " << mMaterialBucketMap.size() << std::endl;
| 1176 | for (MaterialBucketMap::const_iterator i = mMaterialBucketMap.begin();
| 1177 | i != mMaterialBucketMap.end(); ++i)
| 1178 | {
| 1179 | i->second->dump(of);
| 1180 | }
| 1181 | of << "------------------" << std::endl;
| 1182 |
| 1183 | }
| 1184 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1185 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1186 | StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::MaterialBucket(LODBucket* parent,
| 1187 | const String& materialName)
| 1188 | : mParent(parent), mMaterialName(materialName)
| 1189 | {
| 1190 | }
| 1191 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1192 | StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::~MaterialBucket()
| 1193 | {
| 1194 | // delete
| 1195 | for (GeometryBucketList::iterator i = mGeometryBucketList.begin();
| 1196 | i != mGeometryBucketList.end(); ++i)
| 1197 | {
| 1198 | delete *i;
| 1199 | }
| 1200 | mGeometryBucketList.clear();
| 1201 |
| 1202 | // no need to delete queued meshes, these are managed in StaticGeometry
| 1203 | }
| 1204 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1205 | void StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::assign(QueuedGeometry* qgeom)
| 1206 | {
| 1207 | // Look up any current geometry
| 1208 | String formatString = getGeometryFormatString(qgeom->geometry);
| 1209 | CurrentGeometryMap::iterator gi = mCurrentGeometryMap.find(formatString);
| 1210 | bool newBucket = true;
| 1211 | if (gi != mCurrentGeometryMap.end())
| 1212 | {
| 1213 | // Found existing geometry, try to assign
| 1214 | newBucket = !gi->second->assign(qgeom);
| 1215 | // Note that this bucket will be replaced as the 'current'
| 1216 | // for this format string below since it's out of space
| 1217 | }
| 1218 | // Do we need to create a new one?
| 1219 | if (newBucket)
| 1220 | {
| 1221 | GeometryBucket* gbucket = new GeometryBucket(this, formatString,
| 1222 | qgeom->geometry->vertexData, qgeom->geometry->indexData);
| 1223 | // Add to main list
| 1224 | mGeometryBucketList.push_back(gbucket);
| 1225 | // Also index in 'current' list
| 1226 | mCurrentGeometryMap[formatString] = gbucket;
| 1227 | if (!gbucket->assign(qgeom))
| 1228 | {
| 1230 | "Somehow we couldn't fit the requested geometry even in a "
| 1231 | "brand new GeometryBucket!! Must be a bug, please report.",
| 1232 | "StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::assign");
| 1233 | }
| 1234 | }
| 1235 | }
| 1236 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1237 | void StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::build(bool stencilShadows)
| 1238 | {
| 1239 | mMaterial = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(mMaterialName);
| 1240 | if (mMaterial.isNull())
| 1241 | {
| 1243 | "Material '" + mMaterialName + "' not found.",
| 1244 | "StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::build");
| 1245 | }
| 1246 | mMaterial->load();
| 1247 | // tell the geometry buckets to build
| 1248 | for (GeometryBucketList::iterator i = mGeometryBucketList.begin();
| 1249 | i != mGeometryBucketList.end(); ++i)
| 1250 | {
| 1251 | (*i)->build(stencilShadows);
| 1252 | }
| 1253 | }
| 1254 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1255 | void StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::addRenderables(RenderQueue* queue,
| 1256 | RenderQueueGroupID group, Real camDistanceSquared)
| 1257 | {
| 1258 | // Determine the current material technique
| 1259 | mTechnique = mMaterial->getTechnique(
| 1260 | mMaterial->getLodIndexSquaredDepth(camDistanceSquared));
| 1261 |
| 1262 | GeometryBucketList::iterator i, iend;
| 1263 | iend = mGeometryBucketList.end();
| 1264 | for (i = mGeometryBucketList.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
| 1265 | {
| 1266 | queue->addRenderable(*i, group);
| 1267 | }
| 1268 |
| 1269 | }
| 1270 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1271 | String StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::getGeometryFormatString(
| 1272 | SubMeshLodGeometryLink* geom)
| 1273 | {
| 1274 | // Formulate an identifying string for the geometry format
| 1275 | // Must take into account the vertex declaration and the index type
| 1276 | // Format is (all lines separated by '|'):
| 1277 | // Index type
| 1278 | // Vertex element (repeating)
| 1279 | // source
| 1280 | // semantic
| 1281 | // type
| 1282 | StringUtil::StrStreamType str;
| 1283 |
| 1284 | str << geom->indexData->indexBuffer->getType() << "|";
| 1285 | const VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList& elemList =
| 1286 | geom->vertexData->vertexDeclaration->getElements();
| 1287 | VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList::const_iterator ei, eiend;
| 1288 | eiend = elemList.end();
| 1289 | for (ei = elemList.begin(); ei != eiend; ++ei)
| 1290 | {
| 1291 | const VertexElement& elem = *ei;
| 1292 | str << elem.getSource() << "|";
| 1293 | str << elem.getSource() << "|";
| 1294 | str << elem.getSemantic() << "|";
| 1295 | str << elem.getType() << "|";
| 1296 | }
| 1297 |
| 1298 | return str.str();
| 1299 |
| 1300 | }
| 1301 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1302 | StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::GeometryIterator
| 1303 | StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::getGeometryIterator(void)
| 1304 | {
| 1305 | return GeometryIterator(
| 1306 | mGeometryBucketList.begin(), mGeometryBucketList.end());
| 1307 | }
| 1308 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1309 | void StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket::dump(std::ofstream& of) const
| 1310 | {
| 1311 | of << "Material Bucket " << mMaterialName << std::endl;
| 1312 | of << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
| 1313 | of << "Geometry buckets: " << mGeometryBucketList.size() << std::endl;
| 1314 | for (GeometryBucketList::const_iterator i = mGeometryBucketList.begin();
| 1315 | i != mGeometryBucketList.end(); ++i)
| 1316 | {
| 1317 | (*i)->dump(of);
| 1318 | }
| 1319 | of << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
| 1320 |
| 1321 | }
| 1322 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1323 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1324 | StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::GeometryBucket(MaterialBucket* parent,
| 1325 | const String& formatString, const VertexData* vData,
| 1326 | const IndexData* iData)
| 1327 | : Renderable(), mParent(parent), mFormatString(formatString)
| 1328 | {
| 1329 | // Clone the structure from the example
| 1330 | mVertexData = vData->clone(false);
| 1331 | mIndexData = iData->clone(false);
| 1332 | mVertexData->vertexCount = 0;
| 1333 | mVertexData->vertexStart = 0;
| 1334 | mIndexData->indexCount = 0;
| 1335 | mIndexData->indexStart = 0;
| 1336 | mIndexType = iData->indexBuffer->getType();
| 1337 | // Derive the max vertices
| 1338 | if (mIndexType == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT)
| 1339 | {
| 1340 | mMaxVertexIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
| 1341 | }
| 1342 | else
| 1343 | {
| 1344 | mMaxVertexIndex = 0xFFFF;
| 1345 | }
| 1346 |
| 1347 | // Check to see if we have blend indices / blend weights
| 1348 | // remove them if so, they can try to blend non-existent bones!
| 1349 | const VertexElement* blendIndices =
| 1350 | mVertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_BLEND_INDICES);
| 1351 | const VertexElement* blendWeights =
| 1352 | mVertexData->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_BLEND_WEIGHTS);
| 1353 | if (blendIndices && blendWeights)
| 1354 | {
| 1355 | assert(blendIndices->getSource() == blendWeights->getSource()
| 1356 | && "Blend indices and weights should be in the same buffer");
| 1357 | // Get the source
| 1358 | ushort source = blendIndices->getSource();
| 1359 | assert(blendIndices->getSize() + blendWeights->getSize() ==
| 1360 | mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(source)->getVertexSize()
| 1361 | && "Blend indices and blend buffers should have buffer to themselves!");
| 1362 | // Unset the buffer
| 1363 | mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->unsetBinding(source);
| 1364 | // Remove the elements
| 1365 | mVertexData->vertexDeclaration->removeElement(VES_BLEND_INDICES);
| 1366 | mVertexData->vertexDeclaration->removeElement(VES_BLEND_WEIGHTS);
| 1367 |
| 1368 |
| 1369 | }
| 1370 |
| 1371 |
| 1372 | }
| 1373 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1374 | StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::~GeometryBucket()
| 1375 | {
| 1376 | delete mVertexData;
| 1377 | delete mIndexData;
| 1378 | }
| 1379 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1380 | const MaterialPtr& StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getMaterial(void) const
| 1381 | {
| 1382 | return mParent->getMaterial();
| 1383 | }
| 1384 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1385 | Technique* StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getTechnique(void) const
| 1386 | {
| 1387 | return mParent->getCurrentTechnique();
| 1388 | }
| 1389 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1390 | void StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getRenderOperation(RenderOperation& op)
| 1391 | {
| 1392 | op.indexData = mIndexData;
| 1393 | op.operationType = RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST;
| 1394 | op.srcRenderable = this;
| 1395 | op.useIndexes = true;
| 1396 | op.vertexData = mVertexData;
| 1397 | }
| 1398 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1399 | void StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getWorldTransforms(Matrix4* xform) const
| 1400 | {
| 1401 | // Should be the identity transform, but lets allow transformation of the
| 1402 | // nodes the regions are attached to for kicks
| 1403 | *xform = mParent->getParent()->getParent()->_getParentNodeFullTransform();
| 1404 | }
| 1405 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1406 | const Quaternion& StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getWorldOrientation(void) const
| 1407 | {
| 1408 | return Quaternion::IDENTITY;
| 1409 | }
| 1410 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1411 | const Vector3& StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getWorldPosition(void) const
| 1412 | {
| 1413 | return mParent->getParent()->getParent()->getCentre();
| 1414 | }
| 1415 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1416 | Real StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* cam) const
| 1417 | {
| 1418 | return mParent->getParent()->getSquaredDistance();
| 1419 | }
| 1420 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1421 | const LightList& StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getLights(void) const
| 1422 | {
| 1423 | return mParent->getParent()->getParent()->getLights();
| 1424 | }
| 1425 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1426 | bool StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::getCastsShadows(void) const
| 1427 | {
| 1428 | return mParent->getParent()->getParent()->getCastShadows();
| 1429 | }
| 1430 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1431 | bool StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::assign(QueuedGeometry* qgeom)
| 1432 | {
| 1433 | // Do we have enough space?
| 1434 | if (mVertexData->vertexCount + qgeom->geometry->vertexData->vertexCount
| 1435 | > mMaxVertexIndex)
| 1436 | {
| 1437 | return false;
| 1438 | }
| 1439 |
| 1440 | mQueuedGeometry.push_back(qgeom);
| 1441 | mVertexData->vertexCount += qgeom->geometry->vertexData->vertexCount;
| 1442 | mIndexData->indexCount += qgeom->geometry->indexData->indexCount;
| 1443 |
| 1444 | return true;
| 1445 | }
| 1446 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1447 | void StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::build(bool stencilShadows)
| 1448 | {
| 1449 | // Ok, here's where we transfer the vertices and indexes to the shared
| 1450 | // buffers
| 1451 | // Shortcuts
| 1452 | VertexDeclaration* dcl = mVertexData->vertexDeclaration;
| 1453 | VertexBufferBinding* binds = mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding;
| 1454 |
| 1455 | // create index buffer, and lock
| 1456 | mIndexData->indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton()
| 1457 | .createIndexBuffer(mIndexType, mIndexData->indexCount,
| 1458 | HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);
| 1459 | uint32* p32Dest = 0;
| 1460 | uint16* p16Dest = 0;
| 1461 | if (mIndexType == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT)
| 1462 | {
| 1463 | p32Dest = static_cast<uint32*>(
| 1464 | mIndexData->indexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 1465 | }
| 1466 | else
| 1467 | {
| 1468 | p16Dest = static_cast<uint16*>(
| 1469 | mIndexData->indexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 1470 | }
| 1471 | // create all vertex buffers, and lock
| 1472 | ushort b;
| 1473 | ushort posBufferIdx = dcl->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION)->getSource();
| 1474 |
| 1475 | std::vector<uchar*> destBufferLocks;
| 1476 | std::vector<VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList> bufferElements;
| 1477 | for (b = 0; b < binds->getBufferCount(); ++b)
| 1478 | {
| 1479 | size_t vertexCount = mVertexData->vertexCount;
| 1480 | // Need to double the vertex count for the position buffer
| 1481 | // if we're doing stencil shadows
| 1482 | if (stencilShadows && b == posBufferIdx)
| 1483 | {
| 1484 | vertexCount = vertexCount * 2;
| 1485 | assert(vertexCount <= mMaxVertexIndex &&
| 1486 | "Index range exceeded when using stencil shadows, consider "
| 1487 | "reducing your region size or reducing poly count");
| 1488 | }
| 1489 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
| 1490 | HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
| 1491 | dcl->getVertexSize(b),
| 1492 | vertexCount,
| 1493 | HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY);
| 1494 | binds->setBinding(b, vbuf);
| 1495 | uchar* pLock = static_cast<uchar*>(
| 1496 | vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 1497 | destBufferLocks.push_back(pLock);
| 1498 | // Pre-cache vertex elements per buffer
| 1499 | bufferElements.push_back(dcl->findElementsBySource(b));
| 1500 | }
| 1501 |
| 1502 |
| 1503 | // Iterate over the geometry items
| 1504 | size_t indexOffset = 0;
| 1505 | QueuedGeometryList::iterator gi, giend;
| 1506 | giend = mQueuedGeometry.end();
| 1507 | Vector3 regionCentre = mParent->getParent()->getParent()->getCentre();
| 1508 | for (gi = mQueuedGeometry.begin(); gi != giend; ++gi)
| 1509 | {
| 1510 | QueuedGeometry* geom = *gi;
| 1511 | // Copy indexes across with offset
| 1512 | IndexData* srcIdxData = geom->geometry->indexData;
| 1513 | if (mIndexType == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT)
| 1514 | {
| 1515 | // Lock source indexes
| 1516 | uint32* pSrc = static_cast<uint32*>(
| 1517 | srcIdxData->indexBuffer->lock(
| 1518 | srcIdxData->indexStart, srcIdxData->indexCount,
| 1519 | HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 1520 |
| 1521 | copyIndexes(pSrc, p32Dest, srcIdxData->indexCount, indexOffset);
| 1522 | p32Dest += srcIdxData->indexCount;
| 1523 | srcIdxData->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 1524 | }
| 1525 | else
| 1526 | {
| 1527 | // Lock source indexes
| 1528 | uint16* pSrc = static_cast<uint16*>(
| 1529 | srcIdxData->indexBuffer->lock(
| 1530 | srcIdxData->indexStart, srcIdxData->indexCount,
| 1531 | HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 1532 |
| 1533 | copyIndexes(pSrc, p16Dest, srcIdxData->indexCount, indexOffset);
| 1534 | p16Dest += srcIdxData->indexCount;
| 1535 | srcIdxData->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 1536 | }
| 1537 |
| 1538 | // Now deal with vertex buffers
| 1539 | // we can rely on buffer counts / formats being the same
| 1540 | VertexData* srcVData = geom->geometry->vertexData;
| 1541 | VertexBufferBinding* srcBinds = srcVData->vertexBufferBinding;
| 1542 | for (b = 0; b < binds->getBufferCount(); ++b)
| 1543 | {
| 1544 | // lock source
| 1545 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr srcBuf =
| 1546 | srcBinds->getBuffer(b);
| 1547 | uchar* pSrcBase = static_cast<uchar*>(
| 1548 | srcBuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
| 1549 | // Get buffer lock pointer, we'll update this later
| 1550 | uchar* pDstBase = destBufferLocks[b];
| 1551 | size_t bufInc = srcBuf->getVertexSize();
| 1552 |
| 1553 | // Iterate over vertices
| 1554 | float *pSrcReal, *pDstReal;
| 1555 | Vector3 tmp;
| 1556 | for (size_t v = 0; v < srcVData->vertexCount; ++v)
| 1557 | {
| 1558 | // Iterate over vertex elements
| 1559 | VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList& elems =
| 1560 | bufferElements[b];
| 1561 | VertexDeclaration::VertexElementList::iterator ei;
| 1562 | for (ei = elems.begin(); ei != elems.end(); ++ei)
| 1563 | {
| 1564 | VertexElement& elem = *ei;
| 1565 | elem.baseVertexPointerToElement(pSrcBase, &pSrcReal);
| 1566 | elem.baseVertexPointerToElement(pDstBase, &pDstReal);
| 1567 | switch (elem.getSemantic())
| 1568 | {
| 1569 | case VES_POSITION:
| 1570 | tmp.x = *pSrcReal++;
| 1571 | tmp.y = *pSrcReal++;
| 1572 | tmp.z = *pSrcReal++;
| 1573 | // transform
| 1574 | tmp = (geom->orientation * (tmp * geom->scale)) +
| 1575 | geom->position;
| 1576 | // Adjust for region centre
| 1577 | tmp -= regionCentre;
| 1578 | *pDstReal++ = tmp.x;
| 1579 | *pDstReal++ = tmp.y;
| 1580 | *pDstReal++ = tmp.z;
| 1581 | break;
| 1582 | case VES_NORMAL:
| 1583 | tmp.x = *pSrcReal++;
| 1584 | tmp.y = *pSrcReal++;
| 1585 | tmp.z = *pSrcReal++;
| 1586 | // rotation only
| 1587 | tmp = geom->orientation * tmp;
| 1588 | *pDstReal++ = tmp.x;
| 1589 | *pDstReal++ = tmp.y;
| 1590 | *pDstReal++ = tmp.z;
| 1591 | break;
| 1592 | default:
| 1593 | // just raw copy
| 1594 | memcpy(pDstReal, pSrcReal,
| 1595 | VertexElement::getTypeSize(elem.getType()));
| 1596 | break;
| 1597 | };
| 1598 |
| 1599 | }
| 1600 |
| 1601 | // Increment both pointers
| 1602 | pDstBase += bufInc;
| 1603 | pSrcBase += bufInc;
| 1604 |
| 1605 | }
| 1606 |
| 1607 | // Update pointer
| 1608 | destBufferLocks[b] = pDstBase;
| 1609 | srcBuf->unlock();
| 1610 | }
| 1611 |
| 1612 | indexOffset += geom->geometry->vertexData->vertexCount;
| 1613 | }
| 1614 |
| 1615 | // Unlock everything
| 1616 | mIndexData->indexBuffer->unlock();
| 1617 | for (b = 0; b < binds->getBufferCount(); ++b)
| 1618 | {
| 1619 | binds->getBuffer(b)->unlock();
| 1620 | }
| 1621 |
| 1622 | // If we're dealing with stencil shadows, copy the position data from
| 1623 | // the early half of the buffer to the latter part
| 1624 | if (stencilShadows)
| 1625 | {
| 1626 | HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr buf = binds->getBuffer(posBufferIdx);
| 1627 | void* pSrc = buf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL);
| 1628 | // Point dest at second half (remember vertexcount is original count)
| 1629 | void* pDest = static_cast<uchar*>(pSrc) +
| 1630 | buf->getVertexSize() * mVertexData->vertexCount;
| 1631 | memcpy(pDest, pSrc, buf->getVertexSize() * mVertexData->vertexCount);
| 1632 | buf->unlock();
| 1633 |
| 1634 | // Also set up hardware W buffer if appropriate
| 1635 | RenderSystem* rend = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
| 1636 | if (rend && rend->getCapabilities()->hasCapability(RSC_VERTEX_PROGRAM))
| 1637 | {
| 1638 | buf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
| 1639 | sizeof(float), mVertexData->vertexCount * 2,
| 1640 | HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, false);
| 1641 | // Fill the first half with 1.0, second half with 0.0
| 1642 | float *pW = static_cast<float*>(
| 1643 | buf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
| 1644 | size_t v;
| 1645 | for (v = 0; v < mVertexData->vertexCount; ++v)
| 1646 | {
| 1647 | *pW++ = 1.0f;
| 1648 | }
| 1649 | for (v = 0; v < mVertexData->vertexCount; ++v)
| 1650 | {
| 1651 | *pW++ = 0.0f;
| 1652 | }
| 1653 | buf->unlock();
| 1654 | mVertexData->hardwareShadowVolWBuffer = buf;
| 1655 | }
| 1656 | }
| 1657 |
| 1658 | }
| 1659 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1660 | void StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket::dump(std::ofstream& of) const
| 1661 | {
| 1662 | of << "Geometry Bucket" << std::endl;
| 1663 | of << "---------------" << std::endl;
| 1664 | of << "Format string: " << mFormatString << std::endl;
| 1665 | of << "Geometry items: " << mQueuedGeometry.size() << std::endl;
| 1666 | of << "Vertex count: " << mVertexData->vertexCount << std::endl;
| 1667 | of << "Index count: " << mIndexData->indexCount << std::endl;
| 1668 | of << "---------------" << std::endl;
| 1669 |
| 1670 | }
| 1671 | //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 1672 |
| 1673 | }
| 1674 |