import sys import os import getopt import string def fnParse( arg, dirname, files ): for file in files: for ext in arg: if file.rfind( ext, len(file)-len(ext), len(file) ) != -1 and not os.path.isdir( dirname + "/" + file ): fo = open( dirname + "/" + file, "rb" ) lines = if not '\0' in lines and lines[len(lines)-1] != '\n': newlines = lines + '\n' fo.close() fo = open( dirname + "/" + file, "wb" ) fo.write(newlines) print "File " + dirname + "/" + file + " was changed." fo.close() def fnHelp(): helpstr = """ This nifty little program adds a CR/LF at the end of every file with the given extension within the directory tree from where it was called (i.e. recurses in sub-directories). Syntax: add_crlf [ext1] [ext2] [...] Extensions are given in the form: .cpp .h .txt (no asterisk at the beginning) Copyright (c) 2002 by Adrian Cearnau ( Any use, commercial or not, is allowed """ print helpstr if len(sys.argv) < 2: fnHelp() else: exts = sys.argv[1].split() currdir = os.getcwd() os.path.walk( currdir, fnParse, exts ) #print "\nTotally", num_files, "files were patched\n" print "done"