/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreBspLevel.h" #include "OgreBspResourceManager.h" #include "OgreException.h" #include "OgreMaterial.h" #include "OgreMaterialManager.h" #include "OgreMovableObject.h" #include "OgreSceneManager.h" #include "OgrePatchSurface.h" #include "OgreQuake3ShaderManager.h" #include "OgreQuake3Shader.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreStringVector.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreSceneManagerEnumerator.h" #include "OgreTechnique.h" #include "OgrePass.h" #include "OgreTextureUnitState.h" #include "OgreResourceGroupManager.h" namespace Ogre { #define NUM_FACES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT 100 #define NUM_NODES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT 50 #define NUM_LEAVES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT 50 #define NUM_BRUSHES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT 50 //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BspLevel::BspLevel(ResourceManager* creator, const String& name, ResourceHandle handle, const String& group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader* loader) : Resource(creator, name, handle, group, isManual, loader), mRootNode(0), mVertexData(0), mLeafFaceGroups(0), mFaceGroups(0), mBrushes(0), mSkyEnabled(false) { mVisData.tableData = 0; if (createParamDictionary("BspLevel")) { // nothing } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BspLevel::~BspLevel() { // have to call this here reather than in Resource destructor // since calling virtual methods in base destructors causes crash unload(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::loadImpl() { mSkyEnabled = false; // Use Quake3 file loader Quake3Level q3; DataStreamPtr stream = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(mName, ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getWorldResourceGroupName()); q3.loadFromStream(stream); loadQuake3Level(q3); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BspLevel::isSkyEnabled(void) const { return mSkyEnabled; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const String& BspLevel::getSkyMaterialName(void) const { return mSkyMaterial; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real BspLevel::getSkyCurvature(void) const { return mSkyCurvature; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::load(DataStreamPtr& stream) { // Use Quake3 file loader Quake3Level q3; q3.loadFromStream(stream); loadQuake3Level(q3); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::unloadImpl() { if (mVertexData) delete mVertexData; mIndexes.setNull(); if (mFaceGroups) delete [] mFaceGroups; if (mLeafFaceGroups) delete [] mLeafFaceGroups; if (mRootNode) delete [] mRootNode; if (mVisData.tableData) delete [] mVisData.tableData; if (mBrushes) delete [] mBrushes; mVertexData = 0; mRootNode = 0; mFaceGroups = 0; mLeafFaceGroups = 0; mBrushes = 0; mVisData.tableData = 0; for (PatchMap::iterator pi = mPatches.begin(); pi != mPatches.end(); ++pi) { delete pi->second; } mPatches.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t BspLevel::calculateLoadingStages(const String& levelName) { DataStreamPtr stream = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(levelName, ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getWorldResourceGroupName()); return calculateLoadingStages(stream); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t BspLevel::calculateLoadingStages(DataStreamPtr& stream) { Quake3Level q3; // Load header only q3.loadHeaderFromStream(stream); // Ok, count up the things that we will report size_t stages = 0; // loadEntities (1 stage) ++stages; // extractLightmaps (external, 1 stage) ++stages; // initQuake3Patches ++stages; // vertex setup ++stages; // face setup ++stages; // patch building ++stages; // material setup // this is not strictly based on load, since we only know the number // of faces, not the number of materials // raise one event for every 50 faces, plus one at the end stages += (q3.mNumFaces / NUM_FACES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1; // node setup stages += (q3.mNumNodes / NUM_NODES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1; // brush setup stages += (q3.mNumBrushes / NUM_BRUSHES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1; // leaf setup stages += (q3.mNumLeaves / NUM_LEAVES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1; // vis ++stages; return stages; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::loadQuake3Level(const Quake3Level& q3lvl) { MaterialManager& mm = MaterialManager::getSingleton(); ResourceGroupManager& rgm = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Parsing entities"); loadEntities(q3lvl); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); // Extract lightmaps into textures rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Extracting lightmaps"); q3lvl.extractLightmaps(); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertices //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate memory for vertices & copy mVertexData = new VertexData(); /// Create vertex declaration VertexDeclaration* decl = mVertexData->vertexDeclaration; size_t offset = 0; decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_COLOUR, VES_DIFFUSE); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_COLOUR); decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2); decl->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 1); // Build initial patches - we need to know how big the vertex buffer needs to be // to accommodate the subdivision rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Initialising patches"); initQuake3Patches(q3lvl, decl); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); /// Create the vertex buffer, allow space for patches rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Setting up vertex data"); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton() .createVertexBuffer( sizeof(BspVertex), q3lvl.mNumVertices + mPatchVertexCount, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY); //COPY static vertex data - Note that we can't just block-copy the vertex data because we have to reorder // our vertex elements; this is to ensure compatibility with older cards when using // hardware vertex buffers - Direct3D requires that the buffer format maps onto a // FVF in those older drivers. // Lock just the non-patch area for now BspVertex* pVert = static_cast( vbuf->lock(0, q3lvl.mNumVertices * sizeof(BspVertex), HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD) ); // Keep another base pointer for use later in patch building for (int v = 0; v < q3lvl.mNumVertices; ++v) { quakeVertexToBspVertex(&q3lvl.mVertices[v], pVert++); } vbuf->unlock(); // Setup binding mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, vbuf); // Set other data mVertexData->vertexStart = 0; mVertexData->vertexCount = q3lvl.mNumVertices + mPatchVertexCount; rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Faces // -------- rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Setting up face data"); mNumLeafFaceGroups = q3lvl.mNumLeafFaces; mLeafFaceGroups = new int[mNumLeafFaceGroups]; memcpy(mLeafFaceGroups, q3lvl.mLeafFaces, sizeof(int)*mNumLeafFaceGroups); mNumFaceGroups = q3lvl.mNumFaces; mFaceGroups = new StaticFaceGroup[mNumFaceGroups]; // Set up index buffer // NB Quake3 indexes are 32-bit // Copy the indexes into a software area for staging mNumIndexes = q3lvl.mNumElements + mPatchIndexCount; // Create an index buffer manually in system memory, allow space for patches mIndexes.bind(new DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer( HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT, mNumIndexes, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC)); // Write main indexes mIndexes->writeData(0, sizeof(unsigned int) * q3lvl.mNumElements, q3lvl.mElements, true); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); // now build patch information rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Building patches"); buildQuake3Patches(q3lvl.mNumVertices, q3lvl.mNumElements); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create materials for shaders //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // NB this only works for the 'default' shaders for now // i.e. those that don't have a .shader script and thus default // to just texture + lightmap // TODO: pre-parse all .shader files and create lookup for next stage (use ROGL shader_file_t) // Material names are shadername#lightmapnumber // This is because I like to define materials up front completely // rather than combine lightmap and shader dynamically (it's // more generic). It results in more materials, but they're small // beer anyway. Texture duplication is prevented by infrastructure. // To do this I actually need to parse the faces since they have the // shader/lightmap combo (lightmap number is not in the shader since // it can be used with multiple lightmaps) String shaderName; int face; face = q3lvl.mNumFaces; int matHandle; String meshName; String resourceGroup = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getWorldResourceGroupName(); size_t progressCountdown = NUM_FACES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT; size_t progressCount = 0; while(face--) { // Progress reporting if (progressCountdown == NUM_FACES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) { ++progressCount; StringUtil::StrStreamType str; str << "Loading materials (phase " << progressCount << ")"; rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted(str.str()); } else if (progressCountdown == 0) { // stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); progressCountdown = NUM_FACES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT + 1; } // Check to see if existing material // Format shader#lightmap int shadIdx = q3lvl.mFaces[face].shader; StringUtil::StrStreamType tmp; tmp << q3lvl.mShaders[shadIdx].name << "#" << q3lvl.mFaces[face].lm_texture; shaderName = tmp.str(); MaterialPtr shadMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(shaderName); if (shadMat.isNull()) { // Build new material // Colour layer // NB no extension in Q3A(doh), have to try shader, .jpg, .tga String tryName = q3lvl.mShaders[shadIdx].name; // Try shader first Quake3Shader* pShad = Quake3ShaderManager::getSingleton().getByName(tryName); if (pShad) { shadMat = pShad->createAsMaterial(q3lvl.mFaces[face].lm_texture); // Do skydome (use this material) if (pShad->skyDome) { mSkyEnabled = true; mSkyMaterial = shadMat->getName(); mSkyCurvature = 20 - (pShad->cloudHeight / 256 * 18); } } else { // No shader script, try default type texture shadMat = mm.create(shaderName, resourceGroup); Pass *shadPass = shadMat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); // Try jpg TextureUnitState* tex = 0; if (ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(resourceGroup, tryName + ".jpg")) { tex = shadPass->createTextureUnitState(tryName + ".jpg"); } else if (ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(resourceGroup, tryName + ".tga")) { tex = shadPass->createTextureUnitState(tryName + ".tga"); } if (tex) { // Set replace on all first layer textures for now tex->setColourOperation(LBO_REPLACE); tex->setTextureAddressingMode(TextureUnitState::TAM_WRAP); } if (q3lvl.mFaces[face].lm_texture >= 0) { // Add lightmap, additive blending StringUtil::StrStreamType lightmapName; lightmapName << "@lightmap" << q3lvl.mFaces[face].lm_texture; tex = shadPass->createTextureUnitState(lightmapName.str()); // Blend tex->setColourOperation(LBO_MODULATE); // Use 2nd texture co-ordinate set tex->setTextureCoordSet(1); // Clamp tex->setTextureAddressingMode(TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP); } // Set culling mode to none shadMat->setCullingMode(CULL_NONE); // No dynamic lighting shadMat->setLightingEnabled(false); } } matHandle = shadMat->getHandle(); shadMat->load(); // Copy face data StaticFaceGroup* dest = &mFaceGroups[face]; bsp_face_t* src = &q3lvl.mFaces[face]; if (q3lvl.mShaders[src->shader].surface_flags & SURF_SKY) { dest->isSky = true; } else { dest->isSky = false; } dest->materialHandle = matHandle; dest->elementStart = src->elem_start; dest->numElements = src->elem_count; dest->numVertices = src->vert_count; dest->vertexStart = src->vert_start; if (src->type == BSP_FACETYPE_NORMAL) { dest->fType = FGT_FACE_LIST; // Assign plane dest->plane.normal = Vector3(src->normal[0], src->normal[1], src->normal[2]); dest->plane.d = -dest->plane.normal.dotProduct( Vector3(src->org[0], src->org[1], src->org[2])); // Don't rebase indexes here - Quake3 re-uses some indexes for multiple vertex // groups eg repeating small details have the same relative vertex data but // use the same index data. } else if (src->type == BSP_FACETYPE_PATCH) { // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0? if (dest->numVertices == 0 || src->mesh_cp[0] == 0) { dest->fType = FGT_UNKNOWN; } else { // Set up patch surface dest->fType = FGT_PATCH; // Locate the patch we already built PatchMap::iterator p = mPatches.find(face); if (p == mPatches.end()) { OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Patch not found from previous built state", "BspLevel::loadQuake3Level"); } dest->patchSurf = p->second; } } else if (src->type == BSP_FACETYPE_MESH) { dest->fType = FGT_FACE_LIST; // Assign plane dest->plane.normal = Vector3(src->normal[0], src->normal[1], src->normal[2]); dest->plane.d = -dest->plane.normal.dotProduct( Vector3(src->org[0], src->org[1], src->org[2])); } else { LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("!!! Unknown Face Type !!!", LML_CRITICAL); } // progress reporting --progressCountdown; } // final stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Nodes //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate memory for all nodes (leaves and splitters) mNumNodes = q3lvl.mNumNodes + q3lvl.mNumLeaves; mNumLeaves = q3lvl.mNumLeaves; mLeafStart = q3lvl.mNumNodes; mRootNode = new BspNode[mNumNodes]; int i; // Convert nodes // In our array, first q3lvl.mNumNodes are non-leaf, others are leaves progressCountdown = NUM_NODES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT; progressCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < q3lvl.mNumNodes; ++i) { // Progress reporting if (progressCountdown == NUM_NODES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) { ++progressCount; StringUtil::StrStreamType str; str << "Loading nodes (phase " << progressCount << ")"; rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted(str.str()); } else if (progressCountdown == 0) { // stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); progressCountdown = NUM_NODES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT + 1; } BspNode* node = &mRootNode[i]; bsp_node_t* q3node = &q3lvl.mNodes[i]; // Set non-leaf node->mIsLeaf = false; // Set owner node->mOwner = this; // Set plane node->mSplitPlane.normal.x = q3lvl.mPlanes[q3node->plane].normal[0]; node->mSplitPlane.normal.y = q3lvl.mPlanes[q3node->plane].normal[1]; node->mSplitPlane.normal.z = q3lvl.mPlanes[q3node->plane].normal[2]; node->mSplitPlane.d = -q3lvl.mPlanes[q3node->plane].dist; // Set bounding box node->mBounds.setMinimum(Vector3(&q3node->bbox[0])); node->mBounds.setMaximum(Vector3(&q3node->bbox[3])); // Set back pointer // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves if (q3node->back < 0) { // Points to leaf, offset to leaf start and negate index node->mBack = &mRootNode[mLeafStart + (~(q3node->back))]; } else { // Points to node node->mBack = &mRootNode[q3node->back]; } // Set front pointer // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves if (q3node->front < 0) { // Points to leaf, offset to leaf start and negate index node->mFront = &mRootNode[mLeafStart + (~(q3node->front))]; } else { // Points to node node->mFront = &mRootNode[q3node->front]; } --progressCountdown; } // final stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Brushes //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reserve enough memory for all brushes, solid or not (need to maintain indexes) mBrushes = new BspNode::Brush[q3lvl.mNumBrushes]; progressCountdown = NUM_BRUSHES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT; progressCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < q3lvl.mNumBrushes; ++i) { // Progress reporting if (progressCountdown == NUM_BRUSHES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) { ++progressCount; StringUtil::StrStreamType str; str << "Loading brushes (phase " << progressCount << ")"; rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted(str.str()); } else if (progressCountdown == 0) { // stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); progressCountdown = NUM_BRUSHES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT + 1; } bsp_brush_t* q3brush = &q3lvl.mBrushes[i]; // Create a new OGRE brush BspNode::Brush *pBrush = &(mBrushes[i]); int brushSideIdx, numBrushSides; numBrushSides = q3brush->numsides; brushSideIdx = q3brush->firstside; // Iterate over the sides and create plane for each while (numBrushSides--) { bsp_brushside_t* q3brushside = &q3lvl.mBrushSides[brushSideIdx]; bsp_plane_t* q3brushplane = &q3lvl.mPlanes[q3brushside->planenum]; // Notice how we normally invert Q3A plane distances, but here we do not // Because we want plane normals pointing out of solid brushes, not in Plane brushSide( Vector3( q3brushplane->normal[0], q3brushplane->normal[1], q3brushplane->normal[2]), q3brushplane->dist); pBrush->planes.push_back(brushSide); ++brushSideIdx; } // Build world fragment pBrush->fragment.fragmentType = SceneQuery::WFT_PLANE_BOUNDED_REGION; pBrush->fragment.planes = &(pBrush->planes); --progressCountdown; } // final stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Leaves //----------------------------------------------------------------------- progressCountdown = NUM_LEAVES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT; progressCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < q3lvl.mNumLeaves; ++i) { // Progress reporting if (progressCountdown == NUM_LEAVES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) { ++progressCount; StringUtil::StrStreamType str; str << "Loading leaves (phase " << progressCount << ")"; rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted(str.str()); } else if (progressCountdown == 0) { // stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); progressCountdown = NUM_LEAVES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT + 1; } BspNode* node = &mRootNode[i + mLeafStart]; bsp_leaf_t* q3leaf = &q3lvl.mLeaves[i]; // Set leaf node->mIsLeaf = true; // Set owner node->mOwner = this; // Set bounding box node->mBounds.setMinimum(Vector3(&q3leaf->bbox[0])); node->mBounds.setMaximum(Vector3(&q3leaf->bbox[3])); // Set faces node->mFaceGroupStart = q3leaf->face_start; node->mNumFaceGroups = q3leaf->face_count; node->mVisCluster = q3leaf->cluster; // Load Brushes for this leaf int brushIdx, brushCount, realBrushIdx; brushCount = q3leaf->brush_count; brushIdx = q3leaf->brush_start; while(brushCount--) { realBrushIdx = q3lvl.mLeafBrushes[brushIdx]; bsp_brush_t* q3brush = &q3lvl.mBrushes[realBrushIdx]; // Only load solid ones, we don't care about any other types // Shader determines this bsp_shader_t* brushShader = &q3lvl.mShaders[q3brush->shaderIndex]; if (brushShader->content_flags & CONTENTS_SOLID) { // Get brush BspNode::Brush *pBrush = &(mBrushes[realBrushIdx]); assert(pBrush->fragment.fragmentType == SceneQuery::WFT_PLANE_BOUNDED_REGION); // Assign node pointer node->mSolidBrushes.push_back(pBrush); } ++brushIdx; } --progressCountdown; } // final stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); // Vis - just copy // final stage report rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted("Copying Vis data"); mVisData.numClusters = q3lvl.mVis->cluster_count; mVisData.rowLength = q3lvl.mVis->row_size; mVisData.tableData = new unsigned char[q3lvl.mVis->row_size * q3lvl.mVis->cluster_count]; memcpy(mVisData.tableData, q3lvl.mVis->data, q3lvl.mVis->row_size * q3lvl.mVis->cluster_count); rgm._notifyWorldGeometryStageEnded(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::initQuake3Patches(const Quake3Level & q3lvl, VertexDeclaration* decl) { int face; mPatchVertexCount = 0; mPatchIndexCount = 0; // We're just building the patch here to get a hold on the size of the mesh // although we'll reuse this information later face = q3lvl.mNumFaces; while (face--) { bsp_face_t* src = &q3lvl.mFaces[face]; if (src->type == BSP_FACETYPE_PATCH) { // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0? if (src->vert_count == 0 || src->mesh_cp[0] == 0) { continue; } PatchSurface* ps = new PatchSurface(); // Set up control points & format // Reuse the vertex declaration // Copy control points into a buffer so we can convert their format BspVertex* pControlPoints = new BspVertex[src->vert_count]; bsp_vertex_t* pSrc = q3lvl.mVertices + src->vert_start; for (int v = 0; v < src->vert_count; ++v) { quakeVertexToBspVertex(pSrc++, &pControlPoints[v]); } // Define the surface, but don't build it yet (no vertex / index buffer) ps->defineSurface( pControlPoints, decl, src->mesh_cp[0], src->mesh_cp[1], PatchSurface::PST_BEZIER); // Get stats mPatchVertexCount += ps->getRequiredVertexCount(); mPatchIndexCount += ps->getRequiredIndexCount(); // Save the surface for later mPatches[face] = ps; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::buildQuake3Patches(size_t vertOffset, size_t indexOffset) { // Loop through the patches PatchMap::iterator i, iend; iend = mPatches.end(); size_t currVertOffset = vertOffset; size_t currIndexOffset = indexOffset; HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = mVertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(0); for (i = mPatches.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { PatchSurface* ps = i->second; ps->build(vbuf, currVertOffset, mIndexes, currIndexOffset); // No need for control points anymore BspVertex* pCP = static_cast(ps->getControlPointBuffer()); delete [] pCP; ps->notifyControlPointBufferDeallocated(); currVertOffset += ps->getRequiredVertexCount(); currIndexOffset += ps->getRequiredIndexCount(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BspLevel::isLeafVisible(const BspNode* from, const BspNode* to) const { if (to->mVisCluster == -1) return false; if (from->mVisCluster == -1) // Camera outside world? return true; if (!from->isLeaf() || !to->isLeaf()) throw Exception(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Both nodes must be leaf nodes for visibility testing.", "BspLevel::isLeafVisible"); // Use PVS to determine visibility /* // In wordier terms, the fairly cryptic (but fast) version is doing this: // Could make it a macro for even more speed? // Row offset = from cluster number * row size int offset = from->mVisCluster*mVisData.rowLength; // Column offset (in bytes) = to cluster number divided by 8 (since 8 bits per bytes) offset += to->mVisCluster >> 3; // Get the right bit within the byte, i.e. bitwise 'and' with bit at remainder position int result = *(mVisData.tableData + offset) & (1 << (to->mVisCluster & 7)); return (result != 0); */ //return ((*(mVisData.tableData + from->mVisCluster * mVisData.rowLength + // ((to->mVisCluster)>>3)) & (1 << ((to->mVisCluster) & 7))) != 0); return (*(mVisData.tableData + from->mVisCluster*mVisData.rowLength + ((to->mVisCluster)>>3)) & (1 << ((to->mVisCluster) & 7))) != 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const BspNode* BspLevel::getRootNode(void) { return mRootNode; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BspNode* BspLevel::findLeaf(const Vector3& point) const { BspNode* node = mRootNode; while (!node->isLeaf()) { node = node->getNextNode(point); } return node; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::loadEntities(const Quake3Level& q3lvl) { char* strEnt; String line; StringVector vecparams; Vector3 origin; Radian angle ( 0 ); size_t pos; char* lineend; bool isPlayerStart; isPlayerStart = false; strEnt = (char*)q3lvl.mEntities; lineend = strchr(strEnt, '\n'); while (lineend != 0) { *lineend = '\0'; line = strEnt; strEnt = lineend+1; StringUtil::trim(line); if (line.length() > 0) { StringUtil::toLowerCase(line); // Remove quotes while( ( pos = line.find("\"",0) ) != String::npos ) { line = line.substr(0,pos) + line.substr(pos+1,line.length()-(pos+1)); } vecparams = StringUtil::split(line); StringVector::iterator params = vecparams.begin(); if (params[0] == "origin") { origin.x = atof(params[1].c_str()); origin.y = atof(params[2].c_str()); origin.z = atof(params[3].c_str()); } if (params[0] == "angle") { angle = Degree(atof(params[1].c_str())); } if (params[0] == "classname" && params[1] == "info_player_deathmatch") { isPlayerStart = true; } if (params[0] == "}") { if (isPlayerStart) { // Save player start ViewPoint vp; vp.position = origin; vp.orientation.FromAngleAxis(angle, Vector3::UNIT_Z); mPlayerStarts.push_back(vp); } isPlayerStart = false; } } lineend = strchr(strEnt, '\n'); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::_notifyObjectMoved(const MovableObject* mov, const Vector3& pos) { // Locate any current nodes the object is supposed to be attached to MovableToNodeMap::iterator i = mMovableToNodeMap.find(mov); if (i != mMovableToNodeMap.end()) { std::list::iterator nodeit, nodeitend; nodeitend = i->second.end(); for (nodeit = i->second.begin(); nodeit != nodeitend; ++nodeit) { // Tell each node (*nodeit)->_removeMovable(mov); } // Clear the existing list of nodes because we'll reevaluate it i->second.clear(); } tagNodesWithMovable(mRootNode, mov, pos); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::tagNodesWithMovable(BspNode* node, const MovableObject* mov, const Vector3& pos) { if (node->isLeaf()) { // Add to movable->node map // Insert all the time, will get current if already there std::pair p = mMovableToNodeMap.insert( MovableToNodeMap::value_type(mov, std::list())); p.first->second.push_back(node); // Add movable to node node->_addMovable(mov); } else { // Find distance to dividing plane Real dist = node->getDistance(pos); if (Math::Abs(dist) < mov->getBoundingRadius()) { // Bounding sphere crosses the plane, do both tagNodesWithMovable(node->getBack(), mov, pos); tagNodesWithMovable(node->getFront(), mov, pos); } else if (dist < 0) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do back tagNodesWithMovable(node->getBack(), mov, pos); } else { // Do front tagNodesWithMovable(node->getFront(), mov, pos); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::_notifyObjectDetached(const MovableObject* mov) { // Locate any current nodes the object is supposed to be attached to MovableToNodeMap::iterator i = mMovableToNodeMap.find(mov); if (i != mMovableToNodeMap.end()) { std::list::iterator nodeit, nodeitend; nodeitend = i->second.end(); for (nodeit = i->second.begin(); nodeit != nodeitend; ++nodeit) { // Tell each node (*nodeit)->_removeMovable(mov); } // delete the entry for this MovableObject mMovableToNodeMap.erase(i); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void BspLevel::quakeVertexToBspVertex(const bsp_vertex_t* src, BspVertex* dest) { memcpy(dest->position, src->point, sizeof(float) * 3); memcpy(dest->normal, src->normal, sizeof(float) * 3); dest->colour = src->color; dest->texcoords[0] = src->texture[0]; dest->texcoords[1] = src->texture[1]; dest->lightmap[0] = src->lightmap[0]; dest->lightmap[1] = src->lightmap[1]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t BspLevel::calculateSize(void) const { return 0; // TODO } }