/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the LGPL like the rest of the engine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: BspCollision.cpp Description: Somewhere to play in the sand... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreReferenceAppLayer.h" #include "ExampleRefAppApplication.h" #include "OgreStringConverter.h" // Hacky globals ApplicationObject *ball; SceneNode* targetNode; RaySceneQuery* rsq = 0; // Event handler to add ability to alter curvature class BspCollisionListener : public ExampleRefAppFrameListener { protected: public: BspCollisionListener(RenderWindow* win, CollideCamera* cam) : ExampleRefAppFrameListener(win, cam) { } bool frameEnded(const FrameEvent& evt) { // local just to stop toggles flipping too fast static Real timeUntilNextToggle = 0; // Deal with time delays that are too large // If we exceed this limit, we ignore static const Real MAX_TIME_INCREMENT = 0.5f; if (evt.timeSinceLastEvent > MAX_TIME_INCREMENT) { return true; } if (timeUntilNextToggle >= 0) timeUntilNextToggle -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame; // Call superclass bool ret = ExampleRefAppFrameListener::frameEnded(evt); if (mInputDevice->isKeyDown(KC_SPACE) && timeUntilNextToggle <= 0) { timeUntilNextToggle = 2; ball->setPosition(mCamera->getPosition() + mCamera->getDirection() * mCamera->getNearClipDistance() * 2); ball->setLinearVelocity(mCamera->getDirection() * 200); ball->setAngularVelocity(Vector3::ZERO); } // Move the targeter rsq->setRay(mCamera->getRealCamera()->getCameraToViewportRay(0.5, 0.5)); RaySceneQueryResult& rsqResult = rsq->execute(); RaySceneQueryResult::iterator ri = rsqResult.begin(); if (ri != rsqResult.end()) { RaySceneQueryResultEntry& res = *ri; targetNode->setPosition(rsq->getRay().getPoint(res.distance)); } return ret; } }; class BspCollisionApplication : public ExampleRefAppApplication { public: BspCollisionApplication() { } ~BspCollisionApplication() { delete rsq; } protected: void chooseSceneManager(void) { mSceneMgr = mRoot->getSceneManager( ST_INTERIOR ); } void createWorld(void) { // Create BSP-specific world mWorld = new World(mSceneMgr, World::WT_REFAPP_BSP); } void createScene(void) { mSceneMgr->setShadowTechnique(SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE); // Set ambient light mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)); // Create a point light Light* l = mSceneMgr->createLight("MainLight"); l->setPosition(-100,50,100); l->setAttenuation(8000,1,0,0); // Setup World mWorld->setGravity(Vector3(0, 0, -60)); mWorld->getSceneManager()->setWorldGeometry("ogretestmap.bsp"); // modify camera for close work mCamera->setNearClipDistance(10); mCamera->setFarClipDistance(20000); // Also change position, and set Quake-type orientation // Get random player start point ViewPoint vp = mSceneMgr->getSuggestedViewpoint(true); mCamera->setPosition(vp.position); mCamera->pitch(Degree(90)); // Quake uses X/Y horizon, Z up mCamera->rotate(vp.orientation); // Don't yaw along variable axis, causes leaning mCamera->setFixedYawAxis(true, Vector3::UNIT_Z); // Look at the boxes mCamera->lookAt(-150,40,30); ball = mWorld->createBall("ball", 7, vp.position + Vector3(0,0,80)); ball->setDynamicsEnabled(true); ball->getEntity()->setMaterialName("Ogre/Eyes"); OgreRefApp::Box* box = mWorld->createBox("shelf", 75, 125, 5, Vector3(-150, 40, 30)); box->getEntity()->setMaterialName("Examples/Rocky"); static const Real BOX_SIZE = 15.0f; static const int num_rows = 3; for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) { for (int i = 0; i < (num_rows-row); ++i) { Real row_size = (num_rows - row) * BOX_SIZE * 1.25; String name = "box"; name += StringConverter::toString((row*num_rows) + i); box = mWorld->createBox(name, BOX_SIZE,BOX_SIZE,BOX_SIZE , Vector3(-150, 40 - (row_size * 0.5) + (i * BOX_SIZE * 1.25) , 32.5 + (BOX_SIZE / 2) + (row * BOX_SIZE))); box->setDynamicsEnabled(false, true); box->getEntity()->setMaterialName("Examples/10PointBlock"); } } mCamera->setCollisionEnabled(false); mCamera->getRealCamera()->setQueryFlags(0); // Create the targeting sphere Entity* targetEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity("testray", "sphere.mesh"); MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create("targeter", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); Pass* pass = mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); TextureUnitState* tex = pass->createTextureUnitState(); tex->setColourOperationEx(LBX_SOURCE1, LBS_MANUAL, LBS_CURRENT, ColourValue::Red); pass->setLightingEnabled(false); pass->setSceneBlending(SBT_ADD); pass->setDepthWriteEnabled(false); targetEnt->setMaterialName("targeter"); targetEnt->setCastShadows(false); targetEnt->setQueryFlags(0); targetNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); targetNode->scale(0.025, 0.025, 0.025); targetNode->attachObject(targetEnt); rsq = mSceneMgr->createRayQuery(Ray()); rsq->setSortByDistance(true, 1); rsq->setWorldFragmentType(SceneQuery::WFT_SINGLE_INTERSECTION); mWindow->setDebugText("Press SPACE to throw the ball"); } // Create new frame listener void createFrameListener(void) { mFrameListener= new BspCollisionListener(mWindow, mCamera); mRoot->addFrameListener(mFrameListener); } public: }; #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "windows.h" INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT ) #else int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Create application object BspCollisionApplication app; try { app.go(); } catch( Exception& e ) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 MessageBox( NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occured!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); #else std::cerr << "An exception has occured: " << e.getFullDescription(); #endif } return 0; }