/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of the OGRE Reference Application, a layer built on top of OGRE(Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __REFAPP_COLLIDECAMERA_H__ #define __REFAPP_COLLIDECAMERA_H__ #include "OgreRefAppPrerequisites.h" #include "OgreCamera.h" #include "OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h" namespace OgreRefApp { /** A camera which can interact with the world. */ class _OgreRefAppExport CollideCamera : public ApplicationObject { protected: /// Contained camera /* Note that I choose to contain Camera rather than subclass because the multiple inheritence would get very nasty (lots of method name clashes) and it's better that we can hide a few non-relevant methods this way. ApplicationObject needs to be the top-level interface anyway. */ Camera *mCamera; /// Set up void setUp(const String& name); /// Triggers recacl of collison bounds void nearDistChanged(void); public: CollideCamera(const String& name); /** Gets the internal Camera object. */ Camera* getRealCamera(void) { return mCamera; } // ---------------------------------------------- // Overridden methods from ApplicationObject // Note that we position the camera using the node // But we orient the camera on it's own rotation // ---------------------------------------------- /** This method is called automatically if testCollide indicates a real collision. */ void _notifyCollided(SceneQuery::WorldFragment* wf, const CollisionInfo& info); /** Sets the orientation of this object. */ void setOrientation(const Quaternion& orientation); /** Gets the current orientation of this object. */ const Quaternion& getOrientation(void); /** Moves the object along it's local axes. @par This method moves the object by the supplied vector along the local axes of the obect. @param d Vector with x,y,z values representing the translation. */ void translate(const Vector3& d); /** Rotate the object around the local Z-axis. */ void roll(const Radian& angle); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void roll(Real angleunits) { roll ( Angle(angleunits) ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Rotate the object around the local X-axis. */ void pitch(const Radian& angle); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void pitch(Real angleunits) { pitch ( Angle(angleunits) ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Rotate the object around the local Y-axis. */ void yaw(const Radian& angle); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void yaw(Real angleunits) { yaw ( Angle(angleunits) ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Rotate the object around an arbitrary axis. */ void rotate(const Vector3& axis, const Radian& angle); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void rotate(const Vector3& axis, Real angleunits) { rotate ( axis, Angle(angleunits) ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Rotate the object around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion. */ void rotate(const Quaternion& q); // ---------------------------------------------- // The following are methods delegated to Camera // ---------------------------------------------- /** Sets the type of projection to use (orthographic or perspective). Default is perspective. */ void setProjectionType(ProjectionType pt); /** Retrieves info on the type of projection used (orthographic or perspective). */ ProjectionType getProjectionType(void) const; /** Sets the level of rendering detail required from this camera. @remarks Each camera is set to render at full detail by default, that is with full texturing, lighting etc. This method lets you change that behaviour, allowing you to make the camera just render a wireframe view, for example. */ void setDetailLevel(SceneDetailLevel sd); /** Retrieves the level of detail that the camera will render. */ SceneDetailLevel getDetailLevel(void) const; /** Sets the camera's direction vector. @remarks Note that the 'up' vector for the camera will automatically be recalculated based on the current 'up' vector (i.e. the roll will remain the same). */ void setDirection(Real x, Real y, Real z); /** Sets the camera's direction vector. */ void setDirection(const Vector3& vec); /* Gets the camera's direction. */ Vector3 getDirection(void) const; /** Points the camera at a location in worldspace. @remarks This is a helper method to automatically generate the direction vector for the camera, based on it's current position and the supplied look-at point. @param targetPoint A vector specifying the look at point. */ void lookAt( const Vector3& targetPoint ); /** Points the camera at a location in worldspace. @remarks This is a helper method to automatically generate the direction vector for the camera, based on it's current position and the supplied look-at point. @param x @param y @param z Co-ordinates of the point to look at. */ void lookAt(Real x, Real y, Real z); /** Tells the camera whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice. @remarks This method allows you to change the yaw behaviour of the camera - by default, the camera yaws around it's own local Y axis. This is often what you want - for example a flying camera - but sometimes this produces unwanted effects. For example, if you're making a first-person shooter, you really don't want the yaw axis to reflect the local camera Y, because this would mean a different yaw axis if the player is looking upwards rather than when they are looking straight ahead. You can change this behaviour by setting the yaw to a fixed axis (say, the world Y). @param useFixed If true, the axis passed in the second parameter will always be the yaw axis no matter what the camera orientation. If false, the camera returns to it's default behaviour. @param fixedAxis The axis to use if the first parameter is true. */ void setFixedYawAxis( bool useFixed, const Vector3& fixedAxis = Vector3::UNIT_Y ); /** Sets the Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV) of the camera. @remarks Field Of View (FOV) is the angle made between the camera's position, and the left & right edges of the 'screen' onto which the scene is projected. High values (90+) result in a wide-angle, fish-eye kind of view, low values (30-) in a stretched, telescopic kind of view. Typical values are between 45 and 60. @par This value represents the HORIZONTAL field-of-view. The vertical field of view is calculated from this depending on the dimensions of the viewport (they will only be the same if the viewport is square). @note Setting the FOV overrides the value supplied for Camera::setNearClipPlane. */ void setFOVy(const Radian& fovy); #ifndef OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES inline void setFOVy(Real fovy) { setFOVy ( Angle(fovy) ); } #endif//OGRE_FORCE_ANGLE_TYPES /** Retrieves the cameras Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV). */ const Radian& getFOVy(void) const; /** Sets the position of the near clipping plane. @remarks The position of the near clipping plane is the distance from the cameras position to the screen on which the world is projected. The near plane distance, combined with the field-of-view and the aspect ratio, determines the size of the viewport through which the world is viewed (in world co-ordinates). Note that this world viewport is different to a screen viewport, which has it's dimensions expressed in pixels. The cameras viewport should have the same aspect ratio as the screen viewport it renders into to avoid distortion. @param near The distance to the near clipping plane from the camera in world coordinates. */ void setNearClipDistance(Real nearDist); /** Sets the position of the near clipping plane. */ Real getNearClipDistance(void) const; /** Sets the distance to the far clipping plane. @remarks The view frustrum is a pyramid created from the camera position and the edges of the viewport. This frustrum does not extend to infinity - it is cropped near to the camera and there is a far plane beyond which nothing is displayed. This method sets the distance for the far plane. Different applications need different values: e.g. a flight sim needs a much further far clipping plane than a first-person shooter. An important point here is that the larger the gap between near and far clipping planes, the lower the accuracy of the Z-buffer used to depth-cue pixels. This is because the Z-range is limited to the size of the Z buffer (16 or 32-bit) and the max values must be spread over the gap between near and far clip planes. The bigger the range, the more the Z values will be approximated which can cause artifacts when lots of objects are close together in the Z-plane. So make sure you clip as close to the camera as you can - don't set a huge value for the sake of it. @param far The distance to the far clipping plane from the camera in world coordinates. */ void setFarClipDistance(Real farDist); /** Retrieves the distance from the camera to the far clipping plane. */ Real getFarClipDistance(void) const; /** Sets the aspect ratio for the camera viewport. @remarks The ratio between the x and y dimensions of the rectangular area visible through the camera is known as aspect ratio: aspect = width / height . @par The default for most fullscreen windows is 1.3333 - this is also assumed by Ogre unless you use this method to state otherwise. */ void setAspectRatio(Real ratio); /** Retreives the current aspect ratio. */ Real getAspectRatio(void) const; /** Retrieves a specified plane of the frustum. @remarks Gets a reference to one of the planes which make up the camera frustum, e.g. for clipping purposes. */ const Plane& getFrustumPlane( FrustumPlane plane ); /** Tests whether the given container is visible in the Frustum. @param bound Bounding box to be checked @param culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false; @returns If the box was visible, true is returned. @par Otherwise, false is returned. */ bool isVisible(const AxisAlignedBox& bound, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0); /** Tests whether the given container is visible in the Frustum. @param bound Bounding sphere to be checked @param culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false; @returns If the sphere was visible, true is returned. @par Otherwise, false is returned. */ bool isVisible(const Sphere& bound, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0); /** Tests whether the given vertex is visible in the Frustum. @param vert Vertex to be checked @param culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false; @returns If the box was visible, true is returned. @par Otherwise, false is returned. */ bool isVisible(const Vector3& vert, FrustumPlane* culledBy = 0); }; } #endif