/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of the OGRE Reference Application, a layer built on top of OGRE(Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "OgreRefAppWorld.h" #include "OgreRefAppOgreHead.h" #include "OgreRefAppPlane.h" #include "OgreRefAppBall.h" #include "OgreRefAppJointSubtypes.h" #include "OgreRefAppBox.h" #include "OgreRefAppCollideCamera.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<> OgreRefApp::World* Ogre::Singleton::ms_Singleton = 0; OgreRefApp::World* OgreRefApp::World::getSingletonPtr(void) { return ms_Singleton; } OgreRefApp::World& OgreRefApp::World::getSingleton(void) { assert( ms_Singleton ); return ( *ms_Singleton ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace OgreRefApp { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- World::World(SceneManager* sceneMgr, WorldType worldType) : mSceneMgr(sceneMgr), mWorldType(worldType) { mSimulationStepSize = 0.01f; // Create the dynamics world mOdeWorld = new dWorld(); mOdeContactGroup = new dJointGroup(); mIntersectionQuery = mSceneMgr->createIntersectionQuery(); switch (worldType) { case World::WT_REFAPP_GENERIC: mIntersectionQuery->setWorldFragmentType(SceneQuery::WFT_NONE); break; case World::WT_REFAPP_BSP: mIntersectionQuery->setWorldFragmentType(SceneQuery::WFT_PLANE_BOUNDED_REGION); break; }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- World::~World() { clear(); delete mIntersectionQuery; // Destroy dynamix world delete mOdeContactGroup; delete mOdeWorld; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneManager* World::getSceneManager(void) { return mSceneMgr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- OgreHead* World::createOgreHead(const String& name, const Vector3& pos, const Quaternion& orientation) { OgreHead* head = new OgreHead(name); head->setPosition(pos); head->setOrientation(orientation); mObjects[name] = head; return head; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- FinitePlane* World::createPlane(const String& name, Real width, Real height, const Vector3& pos, const Quaternion& orientation) { FinitePlane* plane = new FinitePlane(name, width, height); plane->setPosition(pos); plane->setOrientation(orientation); mObjects[name] = plane; return plane; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ball* World::createBall(const String& name, Real radius, const Vector3& pos, const Quaternion& orientation) { OgreRefApp::Ball* ball = new OgreRefApp::Ball(name, radius); ball->setPosition(pos); ball->setOrientation(orientation); mObjects[name] = ball; return ball; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::clear(void) { ObjectMap::iterator i; for (i = mObjects.begin(); i != mObjects.end(); ++i) { delete i->second; } mObjects.clear(); JointMap::iterator ji; for (ji = mJoints.begin(); ji != mJoints.end(); ++ji) { delete ji->second; } mJoints.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- dWorld* World::getOdeWorld(void) { return mOdeWorld; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::_applyDynamics(Real timeElapsed) { if (timeElapsed != 0.0f) { // ODE will throw an error if timestep = 0 mOdeWorld->step(dReal(timeElapsed)); // Now update the objects in the world ObjectSet::iterator i, iend; iend = mDynamicsObjects.end(); for (i = mDynamicsObjects.begin(); i != iend; ++i) { (*i)->_updateFromDynamics(); } // Clear contacts mOdeContactGroup->empty(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::_notifyDynamicsStateForObject(ApplicationObject* obj, bool dynamicsEnabled) { // NB std::set prevents duplicates & errors on erasing non-existent objects if (dynamicsEnabled) { mDynamicsObjects.insert(obj); } else { mDynamicsObjects.erase(obj); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::setGravity(const Vector3& vec) { mGravity = vec; mOdeWorld->setGravity(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Vector3& World::getGravity(void) { return mGravity; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- dJointGroup* World::getOdeContactJointGroup(void) { return mOdeContactGroup; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::_applyCollision(void) { // Collision detection IntersectionSceneQueryResult& results = mIntersectionQuery->execute(); // Movables to Movables SceneQueryMovableIntersectionList::iterator it, itend; itend = results.movables2movables.end(); for (it = results.movables2movables.begin(); it != itend; ++it) { /* debugging MovableObject *mo1, *mo2; mo1 = it->first; mo2 = it->second; */ // Get user defined objects (generic in OGRE) UserDefinedObject *uo1, *uo2; uo1 = it->first->getUserObject(); uo2 = it->second->getUserObject(); // Only perform collision if we have UserDefinedObject links if (uo1 && uo2) { // Cast to ApplicationObject ApplicationObject *ao1, *ao2; ao1 = static_cast(uo1); ao2 = static_cast(uo2); // Do detailed collision test ao1->testCollide(ao2); } } // Movables to World SceneQueryMovableWorldFragmentIntersectionList::iterator wit, witend; witend = results.movables2world.end(); for (wit = results.movables2world.begin(); wit != witend; ++wit) { MovableObject *mo = wit->first; SceneQuery::WorldFragment *wf = wit->second; // Get user defined objects (generic in OGRE) UserDefinedObject *uo = mo->getUserObject(); // Only perform collision if we have UserDefinedObject link if (uo) { // Cast to ApplicationObject ApplicationObject *ao = static_cast(uo); // Do detailed collision test ao->testCollide(wf); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joint* World::createJoint(const String& name, Joint::JointType jtype, ApplicationObject* obj1, ApplicationObject* obj2) { Joint* ret; switch (jtype) { case Joint::JT_BALL: ret = new BallJoint(jtype, obj1, obj2); break; case Joint::JT_HINGE: ret = new HingeJoint(jtype, obj1, obj2); break; case Joint::JT_HINGE2: ret = new Hinge2Joint(jtype, obj1, obj2); break; case Joint::JT_SLIDER: ret = new SliderJoint(jtype, obj1, obj2); break; case Joint::JT_UNIVERSAL: ret = new UniversalJoint(jtype, obj1, obj2); break; } mJoints[name] = ret; return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::setSimulationStepSize(Real step) { mSimulationStepSize = step; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real World::getSimulationStepSize(void) { return mSimulationStepSize; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void World::simulationStep(Real timeElapsed) { /* Hmm, gives somewhat jerky results*/ static Real leftOverTime = 0.0f; Real time = timeElapsed + leftOverTime; unsigned int steps = (unsigned int)(time / mSimulationStepSize); for(unsigned int i=0; i < steps; ++i) { _applyCollision(); _applyDynamics(mSimulationStepSize); } leftOverTime = time - (steps * mSimulationStepSize); /* _applyCollision(); _applyDynamics(timeElapsed); */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- OgreRefApp::Box* World::createBox(const String& name, Real width, Real height, Real depth, const Vector3& pos, const Quaternion& orientation) { OgreRefApp::Box* box = new OgreRefApp::Box(name, width, height, depth); box->setPosition(pos); box->setOrientation(orientation); mObjects[name] = box; return box; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CollideCamera* World::createCamera(const String& name, const Vector3& pos, const Quaternion& orientation ) { CollideCamera* cam = new CollideCamera(name); cam->setPosition(pos); cam->setOrientation(orientation); mObjects[name] = cam; return cam; } }