1 | /*
2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | This source file is part of OGRE
4 | (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 | For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8 | Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
9 |
10 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11 | the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12 | Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
13 | version.
14 |
15 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17 | FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20 | this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21 | Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
22 | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt.
23 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | */
25 | #include "OgreD3D7Texture.h"
26 | #include "OgreException.h"
27 | #include "OgreImage.h"
28 | #include "OgreLogManager.h"
29 | #include "OgreHardwarePixelBuffer.h"
30 | #include "OgreRoot.h"
31 |
32 | namespace Ogre {
33 |
34 | D3DX_SURFACEFORMAT D3DTexture::OgreFormat_to_D3DXFormat( PixelFormat format )
35 | {
36 | switch( format )
37 | {
38 | case PF_R8G8B8:
39 | return D3DX_SF_R8G8B8;
40 | case PF_A8R8G8B8:
41 | return D3DX_SF_A8R8G8B8;
42 | case PF_X8R8G8B8:
43 | return D3DX_SF_X8R8G8B8;
44 | case PF_R5G6B5:
45 | return D3DX_SF_R5G6B5;
46 | case PF_A4R4G4B4:
47 | return D3DX_SF_A4R4G4B4;
48 | case PF_L8:
49 | return D3DX_SF_L8;
50 | case PF_BYTE_LA: // Assume little endian
51 | return D3DX_SF_A8L8;
52 | case PF_DXT1:
53 | return D3DX_SF_DXT1;
54 | case PF_DXT3:
55 | return D3DX_SF_DXT3;
56 | case PF_DXT5:
57 | return D3DX_SF_DXT5;
58 | case PF_A8:
59 | return D3DX_SF_A8;
60 | default:
61 | return D3DX_SF_UNKNOWN;
62 | }
63 | }
64 |
65 | PixelFormat D3DTexture::closestD3DXFormat( PixelFormat format )
66 | {
67 | if(OgreFormat_to_D3DXFormat(format) != D3DX_SF_UNKNOWN)
68 | {
69 | // Format is directly supported -- great!
70 | return format;
71 | }
72 | switch(format)
73 | {
74 | case PF_B5G6R5:
75 | return PF_R5G6B5;
76 | case PF_B8G8R8:
77 | return PF_R8G8B8;
78 | case PF_B8G8R8A8:
79 | return PF_A8R8G8B8;
80 | default:
81 | return PF_A8R8G8B8;
82 | }
83 | }
84 |
85 | bool D3DTexture::OgreFormat_to_DDPixelFormat( PixelFormat format, DDPIXELFORMAT & out )
86 | {
87 | D3DX_SURFACEFORMAT fmt = OgreFormat_to_D3DXFormat(format);
88 | if(fmt != D3DX_SF_UNKNOWN)
89 | {
90 | D3DXMakeDDPixelFormat(fmt, &out);
91 | return true;
92 | }
93 | return false;
94 | #if 0
95 | memset( &out, 0, sizeof( DDPIXELFORMAT ) );
96 | out.dwSize = sizeof( DDPIXELFORMAT );
97 | if(PixelUtil::isNativeEndian(format))
98 | {
99 | int depths[4];
100 | uint32 masks[4];
101 | size_t elemBits = PixelUtil::getNumElemBits(format);
102 | PixelUtil::getBitDepths(format, depths);
103 | PixelUtil::getBitMasks(format, masks);
104 |
105 | if(PixelUtil::isLuminance(format))
106 | {
107 | out.dwFlags = DDPF_LUMINANCE;
108 | out.dwLuminanceBitCount = elemBits;
109 | out.dwLuminanceBitMask = masks[0];
110 | if(PixelUtil::hasAlpha(format))
111 | {
112 | out.dwFlags |= DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS;
113 | out.dwLuminanceAlphaBitMask = masks[3];
114 | }
115 | }
116 | else if(depths[0]==0 && depths[1]==0 && depths[2] == 0 && depths[3] != 0)
117 | {
118 | // Alpha only format
119 | out.dwFlags = DDPF_ALPHA;
120 | out.dwAlphaBitDepth = elemBits;
121 | }
122 | else
123 | {
124 | // RGB[A] format
125 | out.dwFlags = DDPF_RGB;
126 | out.dwRGBBitCount = elemBits;
127 | out.dwRBitMask = masks[0];
128 | out.dwGBitMask = masks[1];
129 | out.dwBBitMask = masks[2];
130 |
131 | if(PixelUtil::hasAlpha(format))
132 | {
133 | out.dwFlags |= DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS;
134 | out.dwRGBAlphaBitMask = masks[3];
135 | }
136 | }
137 | }
138 | else
139 | {
140 | switch( format )
141 | {
142 | case PF_BYTE_LA:
143 | // Assume little endian
145 | out.dwLuminanceBitCount = 16;
146 |
147 | out.dwLuminanceAlphaBitMask = 0xff00;
148 | out.dwLuminanceBitMask = 0x00ff;
149 | break;
150 | default:
151 | // Error unknown format
152 | return false;
153 | }
154 | }
155 | return true;
156 | #endif
157 | }
158 |
159 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 | D3DTexture::D3DTexture(ResourceManager* creator, const String& name,
161 | ResourceHandle handle, const String& group, bool isManual,
162 | ManualResourceLoader* loader, IDirect3DDevice7 * lpDirect3dDevice)
163 | :Texture(creator, name, handle, group, isManual, loader),
164 | mD3DDevice(lpDirect3dDevice), mRestoring(false)
165 | {
166 | mD3DDevice->AddRef();
167 | }
168 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 | D3DTexture::~D3DTexture()
170 | {
171 | __safeRelease( &mD3DDevice );
172 | // have to call this here reather than in Resource destructor
173 | // since calling virtual methods in base destructors causes crash
174 | if (mIsLoaded)
175 | {
176 | unload();
177 | }
178 | else
179 | {
180 | freeInternalResources();
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 | void D3DTexture::loadImage( const Image & img )
186 | {
187 | // Use OGRE its own codecs
188 | std::vector<const Image*> imagePtrs;
189 | imagePtrs.push_back(&img);
190 | _loadImages( imagePtrs );
191 | }
192 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 | void D3DTexture::loadImage3D( const Image imgs[] )
194 | {
195 | // Use OGRE its own codecs
196 | std::vector<const Image*> imagePtrs;
197 | imagePtrs.push_back(&imgs[0]);
198 | imagePtrs.push_back(&imgs[1]);
199 | imagePtrs.push_back(&imgs[2]);
200 | imagePtrs.push_back(&imgs[3]);
201 | imagePtrs.push_back(&imgs[4]);
202 | imagePtrs.push_back(&imgs[5]);
203 | _loadImages( imagePtrs );
204 | }
205 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 | void D3DTexture::createInternalResourcesImpl(void)
207 | {
208 | // Skip this if we're restoring device
209 | // We're using the generic load() but skipping init since DD can restore that
210 | if (!mRestoring)
211 | {
212 | if (mTextureType == TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP)
213 | {
214 | createSurface3D();
215 | }
216 | else if(mTextureType == TEX_TYPE_2D)
217 | {
218 | createSurface2D();
219 | }
220 | else
221 | {
222 | OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unknown texture type", "D3DTexture::createInternalResources" );
223 | }
224 | _createSurfaceList();
225 | }
226 | }
227 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 | void D3DTexture::restoreFromLostDevice(void)
229 | {
230 | if (mIsLoaded && !(mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET))
231 | {
232 | mRestoring = true;
233 | // Mark as unloaded even though we're not so we can reload content
234 | mIsLoaded = false;
235 | load();
236 | mRestoring = false;
237 | }
238 | }
239 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 | void D3DTexture::loadImpl(void)
241 | {
242 | if (mTextureType == TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP)
243 | {
244 | _constructCubeFaceNames(mName);
245 | Image imgs[6];
246 | for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
247 | {
248 | imgs[face].load(mCubeFaceNames[face], mGroup);
249 | }
250 | loadImage3D(imgs);
251 |
252 | }
253 | else if(mTextureType == TEX_TYPE_2D)
254 | {
255 | Image img;
256 | img.load(mName, mGroup);
257 |
258 | loadImage( img );
259 | }
260 | else
261 | {
262 | OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unknown texture type", "D3DTexture::loadImpl" );
263 | }
264 |
265 | }
266 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 | void D3DTexture::copyToTexture(TexturePtr& target )
268 | {
269 | HRESULT hr;
270 | if( FAILED( hr = ((D3DTexture*)(target.get()))->getDDSurface()->Blt( NULL, mSurface, NULL, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL ) ) )
271 | {
272 | if(hr != DDERR_SURFACELOST)
273 | OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_RENDERINGAPI_ERROR, "Couldn't blit!", "D3DTexture::copyToTexture" );
274 | }
275 | }
276 |
277 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 | void D3DTexture::freeInternalResourcesImpl()
279 | {
280 | __safeRelease( &mSurface );
281 | }
282 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 | void D3DTexture::_chooseD3DFormat(DDPIXELFORMAT &ddpf)
284 | {
285 | //mFormat = closestD3DXFormat(mFormat);
286 | //OgreFormat_to_DDPixelFormat(mFormat, ddpf);
287 | /* The pixel format is always RGB */
288 | ddpf.dwFlags = DDPF_RGB;
289 | ddpf.dwRGBBitCount = mFinalBpp;
290 |
291 | if( mHasAlpha )
292 | {
293 | ddpf.dwFlags |= DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS;
294 | }
295 |
296 | /* Compute the bit masks */
297 | if( mFinalBpp == 16 )
298 | {
299 | if( mHasAlpha )
300 | {
301 | /* 4-4-4-4 ARGB */
302 | ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask = 0xf000;
303 | ddpf.dwRBitMask = 0x0f00;
304 | ddpf.dwGBitMask = 0x00f0;
305 | ddpf.dwBBitMask = 0x000f;
306 | mFormat = PF_A4R4G4B4;
307 | }
308 | else
309 | {
310 | /* 5-6-5 RGB */
311 | ddpf.dwRBitMask = 0xf800;
312 | ddpf.dwGBitMask = 0x07e0;
313 | ddpf.dwBBitMask = 0x001f;
314 | mFormat = PF_R5G6B5;
315 | }
316 | }
317 | else
318 | {
319 | if( mHasAlpha )
320 | {
321 | /* 8-8-8-8 ARGB */
322 | ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask = 0xff000000;
323 | ddpf.dwRBitMask = 0x00ff0000;
324 | ddpf.dwGBitMask = 0x0000ff00;
325 | ddpf.dwBBitMask = 0x000000ff;
326 | mFormat = PF_A8R8G8B8;
327 | }
328 | else
329 | {
330 | /* 8-8-8 RGB */
331 | ddpf.dwRBitMask = 0xff0000;
332 | ddpf.dwGBitMask = 0x00ff00;
333 | ddpf.dwBBitMask = 0x0000ff;
334 | mFormat = PF_X8R8G8B8;
335 | }
336 | }
337 | }
338 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 | void D3DTexture::createSurface2D(void)
340 | {
341 | D3DDEVICEDESC7 ddDesc;
342 | ZeroMemory( &ddDesc, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC7) );
343 |
344 | if( FAILED( mD3DDevice->GetCaps( &ddDesc ) ) )
346 | "Could not retrieve Direct3D Device caps.",
347 | "D3DTexture::createSurfaces" );
348 |
349 | // Create a surface descriptor.
350 | DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd;
351 | D3DUtil_InitSurfaceDesc( ddsd );
352 |
353 | ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
355 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
356 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = 0;
357 | ddsd.dwWidth = mSrcWidth;
358 | ddsd.dwHeight = mSrcHeight;
359 |
360 | /* If the texture is a render target, set the corresponding flags */
361 | if( mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET )
362 | {
364 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = 0;
365 | mNumRequestedMipmaps = 0;
366 | }
367 | else
368 | {
369 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_D3DTEXTUREMANAGE;
370 | }
371 |
372 | /* If we want to have mip-maps, set the flags. Note that if the
373 | texture is the render target type mip-maps are automatically
374 | disabled. */
375 | if( mNumRequestedMipmaps )
376 | {
377 | ddsd.dwFlags |= DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT;
378 | ddsd.dwMipMapCount = mNumRequestedMipmaps;
379 |
380 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_MIPMAP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX;
381 | }
382 |
383 | _chooseD3DFormat(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat);
384 |
385 | /* Change texture size so that it is a power of 2, if needed. */
386 | if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 )
387 | {
388 | for( ddsd.dwWidth = 1; mSrcWidth > ddsd.dwWidth; ddsd.dwWidth <<= 1 );
389 | for( ddsd.dwHeight = 1; mSrcHeight > ddsd.dwHeight; ddsd.dwHeight <<= 1 );
390 | }
391 |
392 | /* Change texture size so that it is square, if needed. Note that we made it a
393 | power of 2 in the above test, so here we just have to find the bigger dimension
394 | and make it the side length. */
395 | if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY )
396 | {
397 | if( ddsd.dwWidth > ddsd.dwHeight )
398 | ddsd.dwHeight = ddsd.dwWidth;
399 | else
400 | ddsd.dwWidth = ddsd.dwHeight;
401 | }
402 |
403 | /* Register the possibly modified dimensions. */
404 | mWidth = ddsd.dwWidth;
405 | mHeight = ddsd.dwHeight;
406 | mIsLoaded = true;
407 |
410 |
411 | /* Get a DirectDraw interface. */
412 | mD3DDevice->GetRenderTarget( &pddsRender );
413 | pddsRender->GetDDInterface( (VOID**)&pDD );
414 | pddsRender->Release();
415 |
416 | if( mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET )
417 | {
418 | /* Get the pixel format of the primary surface - we need it because
419 | render target surfaces need to have the same pixel format. */
420 | IDirectDrawSurface7 * pddsPrimarySurface;
421 | pDD->GetGDISurface( &pddsPrimarySurface );
422 | pddsPrimarySurface->GetPixelFormat( &( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat ) );
423 | pddsPrimarySurface->Release();
424 | }
425 |
426 | HRESULT hr;
427 |
428 | /* Now create the surface. */
429 | if( FAILED( hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &mSurface, NULL ) ) )
430 | {
431 | pDD->Release();
432 | OGRE_EXCEPT( hr,
433 | "Could not create DirectDraw surface.",
434 | "D3DTexture::createSurfaces" );
435 | }
436 |
437 | if( mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET )
438 | {
439 | LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pddsZBuffer, pddsBackBuffer, pddsTexZBuffer;
440 |
441 | DDSCAPS2 ZBuffDDSCaps;
443 |
444 | ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER;
445 | ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps2 = ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps3 = ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps4 = 0;
446 |
447 | memset( &ZBuffDDSD, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC2 ) );
448 | ZBuffDDSD.dwSize = sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC2 );
449 |
450 | /* If the primary surface has an attached z-buffer, we need one for our texture
451 | too. Here, we get the primary surface's z-buffer format and we create a new
452 | Z-buffer that we attach to the our texture. */
453 | if( SUCCEEDED( mD3DDevice->GetRenderTarget( &pddsBackBuffer ) ) )
454 | {
455 | if( SUCCEEDED( pddsBackBuffer->GetAttachedSurface( &ZBuffDDSCaps, &pddsZBuffer ) ) )
456 | {
457 | pddsZBuffer->GetSurfaceDesc( &ZBuffDDSD );
458 |
459 | /* Our new Z-buffer should have the size of the new render target. */
460 | ZBuffDDSD.dwWidth = ddsd.dwWidth;
461 | ZBuffDDSD.dwHeight = ddsd.dwHeight;
462 |
463 | hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ZBuffDDSD, &pddsTexZBuffer, NULL );
464 | hr = mSurface->AddAttachedSurface( pddsTexZBuffer );
465 |
466 | pddsBackBuffer->Release();
467 | pddsZBuffer->Release();
468 | pddsTexZBuffer->Release();
469 | }
470 | }
471 | }
472 |
473 | /* Release the DirectDraw interface used in the surface creation */
474 | pDD->Release();
475 | }
476 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
477 | void D3DTexture::createSurface3D(void)
478 | {
479 | D3DDEVICEDESC7 ddDesc;
480 | ZeroMemory( &ddDesc, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC7) );
481 |
482 | if( FAILED( mD3DDevice->GetCaps( &ddDesc ) ) )
484 | "Could not retrieve Direct3D Device caps.",
485 | "D3DTexture::createSurfaces" );
486 |
487 | // Create a surface descriptor.
488 | DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd;
489 | D3DUtil_InitSurfaceDesc( ddsd );
490 |
491 | ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
493 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
495 | ddsd.dwWidth = mSrcWidth;
496 | ddsd.dwHeight = mSrcHeight;
497 |
498 | /* If the texture is a render target, set the corresponding flags */
499 | if( mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET )
500 | {
502 | mNumRequestedMipmaps = 0;
503 | }
504 | else
505 | {
506 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 |= DDSCAPS2_D3DTEXTUREMANAGE;
507 | }
508 |
509 | /* If we want to have mip-maps, set the flags. Note that if the
510 | texture is the render target type mip-maps are automatically
511 | disabled. */
512 | if( mNumRequestedMipmaps )
513 | {
514 | ddsd.dwFlags |= DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT;
515 | ddsd.dwMipMapCount = mNumRequestedMipmaps;
516 |
517 | ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_MIPMAP;
518 | }
519 |
520 | _chooseD3DFormat(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat);
521 |
522 | /* Change texture size so that it is a power of 2, if needed. */
523 | if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 )
524 | {
525 | for( ddsd.dwWidth = 1; mSrcWidth > ddsd.dwWidth; ddsd.dwWidth <<= 1 );
526 | for( ddsd.dwHeight = 1; mSrcHeight > ddsd.dwHeight; ddsd.dwHeight <<= 1 );
527 | }
528 |
529 | /* Change texture size so that it is square, if needed. Note that we made it a
530 | power of 2 in the above test, so here we just have to find the bigger dimension
531 | and make it the side length. */
532 | if( ddDesc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY )
533 | {
534 | if( ddsd.dwWidth > ddsd.dwHeight )
535 | ddsd.dwHeight = ddsd.dwWidth;
536 | else
537 | ddsd.dwWidth = ddsd.dwHeight;
538 | }
539 |
540 | /* Register the possibly modified dimensions. */
541 | mWidth = ddsd.dwWidth;
542 | mHeight = ddsd.dwHeight;
543 | mIsLoaded = true;
544 |
545 |
548 |
549 | /* Get a DirectDraw interface. */
550 | mD3DDevice->GetRenderTarget( &pddsRender );
551 | pddsRender->GetDDInterface( (VOID**)&pDD );
552 | pddsRender->Release();
553 |
554 | if( mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET )
555 | {
556 | /* Get the pixel format of the primary surface - we need it because
557 | render target surfaces need to have the same pixel format. */
558 | IDirectDrawSurface7 * pddsPrimarySurface;
559 | pDD->GetGDISurface( &pddsPrimarySurface );
560 | pddsPrimarySurface->GetPixelFormat( &( ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat ) );
561 | pddsPrimarySurface->Release();
562 | }
563 |
564 | HRESULT hr;
565 |
566 | /* Now create the surface. */
567 | if( FAILED( hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &mSurface, NULL ) ) )
568 | {
569 | pDD->Release();
570 | OGRE_EXCEPT( hr,
571 | "Could not create DirectDraw surface.",
572 | "D3DTexture::createSurfaces" );
573 | }
574 |
575 |
576 | if( mUsage & TU_RENDERTARGET )
577 | {
578 | LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pddsZBuffer, pddsBackBuffer, pddsTexZBuffer;
579 |
580 | DDSCAPS2 ZBuffDDSCaps;
582 |
583 | ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER;
584 | ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps2 = ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps3 = ZBuffDDSCaps.dwCaps4 = 0;
585 |
586 | memset( &ZBuffDDSD, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC2 ) );
587 | ZBuffDDSD.dwSize = sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC2 );
588 |
589 | /* If the primary surface has an attached z-buffer, we need one for our texture
590 | too. Here, we get the primary surface's z-buffer format and we create a new
591 | Z-buffer that we attach to the our texture. */
592 | if( SUCCEEDED( mD3DDevice->GetRenderTarget( &pddsBackBuffer ) ) )
593 | {
594 | if( SUCCEEDED( pddsBackBuffer->GetAttachedSurface( &ZBuffDDSCaps, &pddsZBuffer ) ) )
595 | {
596 | pddsZBuffer->GetSurfaceDesc( &ZBuffDDSD );
597 |
598 | /* Our new Z-buffer should have the size of the new render target. */
599 | ZBuffDDSD.dwWidth = ddsd.dwWidth;
600 | ZBuffDDSD.dwHeight = ddsd.dwHeight;
601 |
602 | hr = pDD->CreateSurface( &ZBuffDDSD, &pddsTexZBuffer, NULL );
603 | hr = mSurface->AddAttachedSurface( pddsTexZBuffer );
604 |
605 | pddsBackBuffer->Release();
606 | pddsZBuffer->Release();
607 | pddsTexZBuffer->Release();
608 | }
609 | }
610 | }
611 |
612 | /* Release the DirectDraw interface used in the surface creation */
613 | pDD->Release();
614 | }
615 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
616 | LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 D3DTexture::getDDSurface(void)
617 | {
618 | return mSurface;
619 | }
620 | void D3DTexture::_constructCubeFaceNames(const String name)
621 | {
622 | // the suffixes
623 | String suffixes[6] = {"_rt", "_lf", "_up", "_dn", "_fr", "_bk"};
624 | size_t pos = -1;
625 |
626 | String ext; // the extension
627 | String baseName; // the base name
628 | String fakeName = name; // the 'fake' name, temp. holder
629 |
630 | // first find the base name
631 | pos = fakeName.find_last_of(".");
632 | if (pos == -1)
633 | {
634 | OGRE_EXCEPT( Exception::ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Invalid cube texture base name", "D3D9Texture::_constructCubeFaceNames" );
635 | }
636 |
637 | baseName = fakeName.substr(0, pos);
638 | ext = fakeName.substr(pos);
639 |
640 | // construct the full 6 faces file names from the baseName, suffixes and extension
641 | for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
642 | mCubeFaceNames[i] = baseName + suffixes[i] + ext;
643 | }
644 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 | HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr D3DTexture::getBuffer(size_t face, size_t mipmap)
646 | {
647 | if(face >= getNumFaces())
648 | OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "A three dimensional cube has six faces",
649 | "D3D9Texture::getBuffer");
650 | if(mipmap > getNumMipmaps())
651 | OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Mipmap index out of range",
652 | "D3D9Texture::getBuffer");
653 | int idx = face*(mNumMipmaps+1) + mipmap;
654 | assert(idx < mSurfaceList.size());
655 | return mSurfaceList[idx];
656 | }
657 |
658 | //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
659 | // Macro to hide ugly cast
660 | #define GETLEVEL(face,mip) \
661 | static_cast<D3D7HardwarePixelBuffer*>(mSurfaceList[face*(mNumMipmaps+1)+mip].get())
662 | void D3DTexture::_createSurfaceList()
663 | {
664 | HRESULT hr;
665 | size_t face;
666 | mSurfaceList.clear();
667 |
668 | // Get real number of mipmaps
669 | DDSURFACEDESC2 desc;
670 | desc.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
671 | if(mSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&desc) != D3D_OK)
672 | OGRE_EXCEPT(Exception::ERR_RENDERINGAPI_ERROR, "Could not get surface information",
673 | "D3DTexture::_createSurfaceList()");
674 | if(desc.dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT)
675 | mNumMipmaps = desc.dwMipMapCount;
676 | else
677 | mNumMipmaps = 0;
678 |
679 | // Create the list
680 | HardwareBuffer::Usage bufusage;
681 | if ((mUsage & TU_DYNAMIC))
682 | {
683 | bufusage = HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC;
684 | }
685 | else
686 | {
687 | bufusage = HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC;
688 | }
689 | for(face=0; face < getNumFaces(); ++face)
690 | {
691 | for(size_t mip=0; mip<=mNumMipmaps; ++mip)
692 | {
693 | mSurfaceList.push_back(
694 | HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr(
695 | new D3D7HardwarePixelBuffer(bufusage, mD3DDevice)
696 | )
697 | );
698 | }
699 | }
700 |
701 | // Enumerate all surfaces
702 | for (face = 0; face < getNumFaces(); ++face)
703 | {
705 | if(mTextureType == TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP)
706 | {
707 | // Get cube map face to blit to
708 | DDSCAPS2 cubeCaps;
709 | ZeroMemory(&cubeCaps, sizeof(DDSCAPS2));
710 | switch (face)
711 | {
712 | case 0:
713 | // left
715 | break;
716 | case 1:
717 | // right
719 | break;
720 | case 2:
721 | // up
723 | break;
724 | case 3:
725 | // down
727 | break;
728 | case 4:
729 | // front - NB DirectX is backwards
731 | break;
732 | case 5:
733 | // back - NB DirectX is backwards
735 | break;
736 | }
737 |
738 | if (FAILED(hr = mSurface->GetAttachedSurface( &cubeCaps, &pCubeFace)))
739 | {
740 | OGRE_EXCEPT( hr, "Error getting cube face surface.", "D3DTexture::_createSurfaceList" );
741 | }
742 | }
743 | else
744 | {
745 | pCubeFace = mSurface;
746 | pCubeFace->AddRef();
747 | }
748 |
749 | GETLEVEL(face, 0)->bind(pCubeFace, mFormat);
750 |
751 | LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 ddsMipLevel, ddsNextLevel;
752 | DDSCAPS2 ddsCaps;
753 | HRESULT mipRes = DD_OK;
754 | size_t mipLevel = 1;
755 |
756 | ZeroMemory(&ddsCaps, sizeof(DDSCAPS2));
758 |
759 | // Get the base level and increae the reference count.
760 | ddsMipLevel = pCubeFace;
761 | ddsMipLevel->AddRef();
762 |
763 | /// While we can get a next level in the mip-map chain.
764 | while( ddsMipLevel->GetAttachedSurface( &ddsCaps, &ddsNextLevel ) == DD_OK )
765 | {
766 | GETLEVEL(face, mipLevel)->bind(ddsNextLevel, mFormat);
767 | // Release the current level and get the next one, incrementing the mip depth.
768 | ddsMipLevel->Release();
769 | ddsMipLevel = ddsNextLevel;
770 | mipLevel++;
771 | }
772 |
773 | // Release the last mip-map level surface.
774 | ddsMipLevel->Release();
775 | // Release face reference
776 | pCubeFace->Release();
777 | }
778 |
779 | // Set autogeneration of mipmaps for each face of the texture, if it is enabled
780 | if(mNumMipmaps>0 && (mUsage & TU_AUTOMIPMAP))
781 | {
782 | for(size_t face=0; face<getNumFaces(); ++face)
783 | {
784 | GETLEVEL(face, 0)->_setMipmapping(true);
785 | }
786 | }
787 | }
788 | #undef GETLEVEL
789 | }