source: OGRE/trunk/ogrenew/RenderSystems/Direct3D9/include/OgreD3D9RenderSystem.h @ 692

Revision 692, 12.9 KB checked in by mattausch, 19 years ago (diff)

adding ogre 1.2 and dependencies

3This source file is part of OGRE
4    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5For the latest info, see
7Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
8Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
10This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
12Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
15This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
20this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
21Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
25#ifndef __D3D9RENDERSYSTEM_H__
26#define __D3D9RENDERSYSTEM_H__
28#include "OgreD3D9Prerequisites.h"
29#include "OgreString.h"
30#include "OgreStringConverter.h"
31#include "OgreRenderSystem.h"
32#include "OgreD3D9Mappings.h"
34#include "OgreNoMemoryMacros.h"
35#include <d3d9.h>
36#include <d3dx9.h>
37#include <dxerr9.h>
38#include "OgreMemoryMacros.h"
40namespace Ogre
42#define MAX_LIGHTS 8
44        class D3D9DriverList;
45        class D3D9Driver;
47        /**
48        Implementation of DirectX9 as a rendering system.
49        */
50        class D3D9RenderSystem : public RenderSystem
51        {
52        private:
53                /// Direct3D
54                LPDIRECT3D9                     mpD3D;
55                /// Direct3D rendering device
56                LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9       mpD3DDevice;
58                // Stored options
59                ConfigOptionMap mOptions;
60                /// full-screen multisampling antialiasing type
61                D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE mFSAAType;
62                /// full-screen multisampling antialiasing level
63                DWORD mFSAAQuality;
65                /// instance
66                HINSTANCE mhInstance;
68                /// List of D3D drivers installed (video cards)
69                D3D9DriverList* mDriverList;
70                /// Currently active driver
71                D3D9Driver* mActiveD3DDriver;
72                /// Device caps.
73                D3DCAPS9 mCaps;
74                /// NVPerfHUD allowed?
75                bool mUseNVPerfHUD;
77                /// structure holding texture unit settings for every stage
78                struct sD3DTextureStageDesc
79                {
80                        /// the type of the texture
81                        D3D9Mappings::eD3DTexType texType;
82                        /// wich texCoordIndex to use
83                        size_t coordIndex;
84                        /// type of auto tex. calc. used
85                        TexCoordCalcMethod autoTexCoordType;
86            /// Frustum, used if the above is projection
87            const Frustum *frustum;
88                        /// texture
89                        IDirect3DBaseTexture9 *pTex;
90                } mTexStageDesc[OGRE_MAX_TEXTURE_LAYERS];
92                // Array of up to 8 lights, indexed as per API
93                // Note that a null value indeicates a free slot
94                Light* mLights[MAX_LIGHTS];
96                D3D9DriverList* getDirect3DDrivers(void);
97                void refreshD3DSettings(void);
98                void freeDevice(void);
100                inline bool compareDecls( D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* pDecl1, D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* pDecl2, size_t size );
103                void initInputDevices(void);
104                void processInputDevices(void);
105                void setD3D9Light( size_t index, Light* light );
107                // state management methods, very primitive !!!
108                HRESULT __SetRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATETYPE state, DWORD value);
109                HRESULT __SetSamplerState(DWORD sampler, D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE type, DWORD value);
110                HRESULT __SetTextureStageState(DWORD stage, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE type, DWORD value);
112                HRESULT __SetFloatRenderState(D3DRENDERSTATETYPE state, Real value)
113                {
115                        float temp = static_cast<float>(value);
116                        return __SetRenderState(state, *((LPDWORD)(&temp)));
118                        return __SetRenderState(state, *((LPDWORD)(&value)));
120                }
122                /// return anisotropy level
123                DWORD _getCurrentAnisotropy(size_t unit);
124                /// check if a FSAA is supported
125                bool _checkMultiSampleQuality(D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE type, DWORD *outQuality, D3DFORMAT format, UINT adapterNum, D3DDEVTYPE deviceType, BOOL fullScreen);
126                /// set FSAA
127                void _setFSAA(D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE type, DWORD qualityLevel);
129                D3D9HardwareBufferManager* mHardwareBufferManager;
130                D3D9GpuProgramManager* mGpuProgramManager;
131        //D3D9HLSLProgramFactory* mHLSLProgramFactory;
133                size_t mLastVertexSourceCount;
136        /// Internal method for populating the capabilities structure
137        void initCapabilities(void);
139        void convertVertexShaderCaps(void);
140        void convertPixelShaderCaps(void);
142        unsigned short mCurrentLights;
143        /// Saved last view matrix
144        Matrix4 mViewMatrix;
146                // What follows is a set of duplicated lists just to make it
147                // easier to deal with lost devices
149                /// Primary window, the one used to create the device
150                D3D9RenderWindow* mPrimaryWindow;
152                typedef std::vector<D3D9RenderWindow*> SecondaryWindowList;
153                // List of additional windows after the first (swap chains)
154                SecondaryWindowList mSecondaryWindows;
156                bool mDeviceLost;
157                bool mBasicStatesInitialised;
159                /** Mapping of texture format -> DepthStencil. Used as cache by _getDepthStencilFormatFor
160                */
161                typedef HashMap<unsigned int, D3DFORMAT> DepthStencilHash;
162                DepthStencilHash mDepthStencilHash;
164                /** Mapping of depthstencil format -> depthstencil buffer
165                        Keep one depthstencil buffer around for every format that is used, it must be large
166                        enough to hold the largest rendering target.
167                        This is used as cache by _getDepthStencilFor.
168                */
169                typedef std::pair<D3DFORMAT, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE> ZBufferFormat;
170                struct ZBufferRef
171                {
172                        IDirect3DSurface9 *surface;
173                        size_t width, height;
174                };
175                typedef std::map<ZBufferFormat, ZBufferRef> ZBufferHash;
176                ZBufferHash mZBufferHash;
177        public:
178                // constructor
179                D3D9RenderSystem( HINSTANCE hInstance );
180                // destructor
181                ~D3D9RenderSystem();
183                virtual void initConfigOptions(void);
185                // Overridden RenderSystem functions
186                ConfigOptionMap& getConfigOptions(void);
187                String validateConfigOptions(void);
188                RenderWindow* initialise( bool autoCreateWindow, const String& windowTitle = "OGRE Render Window"  );
189                /// @copydoc RenderSystem::createRenderWindow
190                RenderWindow* createRenderWindow(const String &name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
191                        bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams = 0);
193                /// @copydoc RenderSystem::createRenderTexture
194                RenderTexture * createRenderTexture( const String & name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
195                        TextureType texType = TEX_TYPE_2D, PixelFormat internalFormat = PF_X8R8G8B8,
196                        const NameValuePairList *miscParams = 0 );
198                /// @copydoc RenderSystem::createMultiRenderTarget
199                virtual MultiRenderTarget * createMultiRenderTarget(const String & name);
201                String getErrorDescription( long errorNumber ) const;
202                const String& getName(void) const;
203                // Low-level overridden members
204                void setConfigOption( const String &name, const String &value );
205                void reinitialise();
206                void shutdown();
207                void setAmbientLight( float r, float g, float b );
208                void setShadingType( ShadeOptions so );
209                void setLightingEnabled( bool enabled );
210                void destroyRenderTarget(const String& name);
211                VertexElementType getColourVertexElementType(void) const;
212                void setStencilCheckEnabled(bool enabled);
213        void setStencilBufferParams(CompareFunction func = CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS,
214            uint32 refValue = 0, uint32 mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
215            StencilOperation stencilFailOp = SOP_KEEP,
216            StencilOperation depthFailOp = SOP_KEEP,
217            StencilOperation passOp = SOP_KEEP,
218            bool twoSidedOperation = false);
219        void setNormaliseNormals(bool normalise);
221                // Low-level overridden members, mainly for internal use
222        void _useLights(const LightList& lights, unsigned short limit);
223                void _setWorldMatrix( const Matrix4 &m );
224                void _setViewMatrix( const Matrix4 &m );
225                void _setProjectionMatrix( const Matrix4 &m );
226                void _setSurfaceParams( const ColourValue &ambient, const ColourValue &diffuse, const ColourValue &specular, const ColourValue &emissive, Real shininess, TrackVertexColourType tracking );
227                void _setPointSpritesEnabled(bool enabled);
228                void _setPointParameters(Real size, bool attenuationEnabled,
229                        Real constant, Real linear, Real quadratic, Real minSize, Real maxSize);
230                void _setTexture( size_t unit, bool enabled, const String &texname );
231        void _setTextureCoordSet( size_t unit, size_t index );
232        void _setTextureCoordCalculation(size_t unit, TexCoordCalcMethod m,
233            const Frustum* frustum = 0);
234                void _setTextureBlendMode( size_t unit, const LayerBlendModeEx& bm );
235        void _setTextureAddressingMode(size_t stage, const TextureUnitState::UVWAddressingMode& uvw);
236        void _setTextureBorderColour(size_t stage, const ColourValue& colour);
237                void _setTextureMatrix( size_t unit, const Matrix4 &xform );
238                void _setSceneBlending( SceneBlendFactor sourceFactor, SceneBlendFactor destFactor );
239                void _setAlphaRejectSettings( CompareFunction func, unsigned char value );
240                void _setViewport( Viewport *vp );
241                void _beginFrame(void);
242                void _endFrame(void);
243                void _setCullingMode( CullingMode mode );
244                void _setDepthBufferParams( bool depthTest = true, bool depthWrite = true, CompareFunction depthFunction = CMPF_LESS_EQUAL );
245                void _setDepthBufferCheckEnabled( bool enabled = true );
246                void _setColourBufferWriteEnabled(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
247                void _setDepthBufferWriteEnabled(bool enabled = true);
248                void _setDepthBufferFunction( CompareFunction func = CMPF_LESS_EQUAL );
249                void _setDepthBias(ushort bias);
250                void _setFog( FogMode mode = FOG_NONE, const ColourValue& colour = ColourValue::White, Real expDensity = 1.0, Real linearStart = 0.0, Real linearEnd = 1.0 );
251                void _convertProjectionMatrix(const Matrix4& matrix,
252            Matrix4& dest, bool forGpuProgram = false);
253                void _makeProjectionMatrix(const Radian& fovy, Real aspect, Real nearPlane, Real farPlane,
254            Matrix4& dest, bool forGpuProgram = false);
255                void _makeProjectionMatrix(Real left, Real right, Real bottom, Real top, Real nearPlane,
256            Real farPlane, Matrix4& dest, bool forGpuProgram = false);
257                void _makeOrthoMatrix(const Radian& fovy, Real aspect, Real nearPlane, Real farPlane,
258            Matrix4& dest, bool forGpuProgram = false);
259        void _applyObliqueDepthProjection(Matrix4& matrix, const Plane& plane,
260            bool forGpuProgram);
261                void _setPolygonMode(PolygonMode level);
262        void _setTextureUnitFiltering(size_t unit, FilterType ftype, FilterOptions filter);
263                void _setTextureLayerAnisotropy(size_t unit, unsigned int maxAnisotropy);
264                void setVertexDeclaration(VertexDeclaration* decl);
265                void setVertexBufferBinding(VertexBufferBinding* binding);
266        void _render(const RenderOperation& op);
267        /** See
268          RenderSystem
269         */
270        void bindGpuProgram(GpuProgram* prg);
271        /** See
272          RenderSystem
273         */
274        void unbindGpuProgram(GpuProgramType gptype);
275        /** See
276          RenderSystem
277         */
278        void bindGpuProgramParameters(GpuProgramType gptype, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params);
279        /** See
280          RenderSystem
281         */
282        void bindGpuProgramPassIterationParameters(GpuProgramType gptype);
283        /** See
284          RenderSystem
285         */
286        void setClipPlanes(const PlaneList& clipPlanes);
288        void setScissorTest(bool enabled, size_t left = 0, size_t top = 0, size_t right = 800, size_t bottom = 600);
289        void clearFrameBuffer(unsigned int buffers,
290            const ColourValue& colour = ColourValue::Black,
291            Real depth = 1.0f, unsigned short stencil = 0);
292                void setClipPlane (ushort index, Real A, Real B, Real C, Real D);
293                void enableClipPlane (ushort index, bool enable);
294        HardwareOcclusionQuery* createHardwareOcclusionQuery(void);
295        Real getHorizontalTexelOffset(void);
296        Real getVerticalTexelOffset(void);
297        Real getMinimumDepthInputValue(void);
298        Real getMaximumDepthInputValue(void);
300                /** D3D specific method to restore a lost device. */
301                void restoreLostDevice(void);
302                /** D3D specific method to return whether the device has been lost. */
303                bool isDeviceLost(void);
304                /** Notify that a device has been lost */
305                void _notifyDeviceLost(void);
307                /** Check which depthStencil formats can be used with a certain pixel format,
308                        and return the best suited.
309                */
310                D3DFORMAT _getDepthStencilFormatFor(D3DFORMAT fmt);
312                /** Get a depth stencil surface that is compatible with an internal pixel format and
313                        multisample type.
314                        @returns A directx surface, or 0 if there is no compatible depthstencil possible.
315                */
316                IDirect3DSurface9* _getDepthStencilFor(D3DFORMAT fmt, D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE multisample, size_t width, size_t height);
318                /** Clear all cached depth stencil surfaces
319                */
320                void _cleanupDepthStencils();
321        };
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